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(Another Legion member appears, and it's Phantom Girl! The Legion reunites, and stops a gang fight. And then, PIZZA!)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 23:54, 31 July 2017

Metropolis Mayhem
Date of Scene: 25 June 2017
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: Another Legion member appears, and it's Phantom Girl! The Legion reunites, and stops a gang fight. And then, PIZZA!
Cast of Characters: 1082, Brainiac 5, Triplicate Girl, Starfire, Invisible Kid

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Night has fallen in Metropolis. It would be a wonderful night. A very lovely one. If not for the raging fires. Two gangs on the south side of New Troy have been rubbing shoulders for too long. With a pair of gunshots, An already hot situation is boiling over. All hell has started to break loose. For the past hour, This quiet neighborhood has turned into a complete and total warzone.

What was two people exchanging bullets has turned into a hellish brawl. Numerous people on each side. Some with firearms, others with bats, chains, knucks and anything else they can get their hands on to fight. There are some powered individuals in there and they are definitely using their powers. One is using force fields. Another is a low level speedster. The problem is, things are so nasty right now that it is almost impossible to tell which side is winning, or losing.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
The slipgate opens, and Brainiac 5 and Starfire step out onto a rooftop, before Querl says, "I appear to have teleported us into a combat zone. My apologies, Princess." A holographic computer screen appears in front of him. "Running a sweep of the area to identify hostiles," He says, as he adjusts items on the shimmering console, "Legionnaires, report, what's the status on the ground. I have arrived... with backup."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno had been flying overhead the city to get a better understanding of the way Earth culture worked in this timeframe, when she'd observed the battle. And, while she understood they needed to act minimalistically with the timeframe they were in for now ... she was also a Legion member, and she couldn't let such violence go unanswered.
    She had split off of herself, one dressed in grey, another in black, and the third in white. "We do this like always," says the one in black. "I'll take first position. You both know your roles. Let's do this."
    Grey and White dressed Lurono's each nod, and split off, slightly, landing just outside the fight before moving in.
    As the first person they encounter seems to turn a hail of gunfire towards them, one Lu runs around the side, while the second moves for a pincher move. He's caught trying to swing the gun back around towards the ones approaching, which gives the one in black center stage to do a donkey-kick on him, while the two others follow suit from either angle. Point being, the guy is instant-KO'd.
    "Trifecta," calls the black, and the other fan out, each taking another gang member with a gun, and in a few moments, there are four knocked out gang members - possibly some from either side. It -is- hard to tell.
    "This is just senseless violence," she calls, over the communicator. It's the one in black speaking. "There are no good guys. Or, bad guys. But we need to disarm them, before more people die."

Starfire has posed:
"You can call me Starfire if you wish," says Kori - stepping out of the portal itself - "But I appreciate the Princess very much," she says, smoothing out a bit of her longish hair that managed to frizz up - no doubt because of the crazy energy that the 'porter used. Eyes flicker over the computer screen, holographic as it was, and Star ~gasps~ a moment.

It was a pretty dramatic one.

"Look!" she cries. "Those humans are fighting each other," she points, no doubt as Querl was being updated. What Starfire did not like, however, as her eyes flicker over the scene, was the collateral damage of the brawl. "Do you think we..." Star interrupts herself with another ~gasp~, and in another moment, she takes off.

There was a teenager - kinda drawn to the action by a sense of invulnerability and curiousity. And it was in that moment that one of the gangers was opening up with a rapid-fire weapon. The teen ducks behind a car...

And Starfire was there in the next moment, twisting him around to shield him with her body, as a pair of stray bullets 'ping' off of her back. She glances aside to Luorno - mirroring her statement in saying. "You should stop this /right now/! People could get hurt! Or killed!" she cries. She agreed with Luornu's plan, very much, but one step at a time.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Really, if Lyle ever gets his hands on the Trapper for what he did to the flight rings... it won't be pretty. It *reeeallly* won't be pretty. So all he could do from the cruiser was calculate the most likely location and slip-gate down
    As it turns out, the location he chose is a rooftop across the road from Brainy and someone he doesn't recognize. Even though the gate opens and closes without anyone apparently stepping out, someone did. "Tracking another flight ring, chief. Seems to be in this area, but as usual, can't get a precise fix. I see you on the rooftop opposite; I'd wave, but it wouldn't do any good." Still unseen, he takes a cautious peek over the edge of the roof to the melee below. "*sigh* Why can't they ever turn up in a petting zoo or formal garden or something? And do we have any idea which side is the good guys... if any?"

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
A Thousand years in the future, Phantom Girl is fighting a familiar battle. The one that every other Legionaire had been fighting. As she flew to get into position to take a shot at Time Trapper, it happened. A temporal rift was opened and she flew right through it.


The rip in time deposits the rather gothic looking girl right in the middle of a shoot out. If not for her phasing, it would be the shortest arrival in history. The girl in white blinks a few times, "What in the world? Where Am I!?"

Her senses snap, The Legionaire in her takes over as she looks at the attackers, "You boys really need to stop already!" Then she drops into the ground. A moment later she pops up, decking two of the guys and disarming them.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Allow me." Querl says, to Starfire, before he gestures, with one hand, raising the car that the teenager had hidden behind up into the air and then onto its side, forming a barrier. He then gestures again, and with a groan of protest, the the gas tank is ripped out of the vehicle. "Combustibles make for terrible barricades," He says, holding it up in the air with that shimmering field of energy. He gingerly sets it aside, out of harm's way. He calls his console back up. "The logical answer is to disable all combatants and let the police sort them out, Invisible Kid."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The three Lurono's converge on the gang members, each flowing in almost an eerie, yet gorgeous combat flow as if they were doing a choreographed routine. In near perfect synchronization each Luorno disarms one combatant, slams a knee into a chest, then an open palm into the forehead to follow up with a backleg sweep to disable them and put them out of the fight, completely.
    This path takes each of them straight into where Phantom Girl apparated, "Tinya!" The Lurono in White calls, "Good to see you. Behind you!" Because it would appear the low-level speedster just saw her apparate, and sees her as a threat to his gangs activities, moreso than he thinks Luorno is.
    "Converge," calls the one in black, and they move into the Speedster, one slipping behind him, one to the side, while another is in the front. However, knowing he's a speedster, they don't quite attack. They're just boxing him in, ... for now. Maybe setting him up for a perfect tag-team?

Starfire has posed:
Starfire pauses a moment as the car becomes more barrier-like - giving a little grin down to the teen in her arms. Bringing up a hand, she pats the top of the teen's head fondly, before saying, "Wait here, please. This will not take long," she informs the kid.

Little did Star know how right she would be - what with the Legion converging on this space. You know. Time Trapper aside.

Stepping out from behind the car, Star reaches out a hand to grasp the shoulder of the nearest gang person, bringing up her other hand to grasp his gun and crush it... when she suddenly releases him, taking a step back in spite of herself, her eyes looking as surprised as her face.

Remember the speedster? He apparently just punched her.

And it /surprised/ her more than it hurt, but it did hurt. "Ow!" she calls out. This was moments, of course, before Luornu manages to box him in. But Star was mostly just looking baffled - taking off into the air a bit and glancing around - scanning the ground for the source of her ills.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "I like it. It's a simple plan. So I'm not convinced it's actually yours, Brainy." Lyle dives off the roof and into the fray, coming up behind one of the automatic weapon wielders and simply yanking it out of his hands, taking it invisible with him. It gets deposited behind Brainy's makeshift barricade. "I'll be back with more!"
    The next target has a better grip, but an invisible elbow to the solar plexus convinces him to let go, and by the time he recovers enough to process what's just happened, Lyle's already depositing that firearm well out of harm's way. "Can you disable these things, Brainy? What am I saying. *Would* you disable these things, Brainy? Just for safety's sake."

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Phantom Girl smirks, "Told ya!" She snickers a little as she turns and quickly phases just in time for the Trio of Lu to go flying through her. "Oh hey Triplicate Girl!" She quickly turns around, remaining phased out. The Speedster comes charging towards her and tries to attack her. No luck of course.

Phantom girl quickly uses her ring to communicate with the team, "Umm, Someones going to need to fill me in about where we are and such. But umm, I think this party needs to come to an end. So Brainy, any ideas for taking down a speedster?" She asks as she takes a few swings at the guy.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Hmmmm. Crude propellant-based weaponry. Primitive." Querl says. "Let me think..." He calls up his computer again. He steps out into the line of fire, and bullets hit the shimmering energy field that appears around him and drop out of the air around him, all their momentum gone.

He reaches into his belt pouch, and takes out a device, which he programs using a small holographic terminal, and tosses it up in the air. "The molecular stabilizer is going to render the propellant in their bullets inert. Please do not look directly at the stabilizer."

It flares gold, and makes a *fweeeee!* noise.

"Well." Brainy says, "We can try--" He flings his arm out, extending his force-field out from his hand for the Speedster to run into -- "This! What do humans call this maneuver again, Invisible Kid? A Laundry Rack?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    As the speedster attempts to dodge Phantom Girl's attack with his speed, three Luorno feet stick out to further block his mobility, before the one in black responds, "Let's do it," to the others, and the feet come back in only to swivel and kick backwards, and while two of the Lu's miss, the one in grey hits, solid, "I found him," she calls as the speedster staggers back.
    "We're in Earth, 21st Century," the White Lu tells Phantom Girl, as she follows up with a hard, impactful hit to the speedster's side, aiming for his kidney's and the Luorno in black goes low, to do a leg sweep, following it up with a leg snap to his head, into the pavement.
    Team B is out one speedster.
    "We'll explain more after we finish cleaning up."

Starfire has posed:
Kori, for her part, was cleaning up as best she could. What her focus was was on taking away weapons - most of what she was facing, beyond the mysterious speedster the Legion were promptly handling - were humans. And bullets and things - she wasn't /bulletproof/, so to speak, but...

She was really really tough. And those couple of hits she had been shot with were already turning into a darker orange bruise.

"And /you/," she says, picking up one gang member bodily to toss him with the others. "Should learn to talk before shooting!" she says. "And /you/!" she says, voice sharper. "You can hurt someone innocent with a stray bullet! Did you think of that!" she says.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Something like that, chief." Lyle spots one of the hostiles trying to sneak around the side of the barricade, kicks back into the air, and invisibly shoulder-checks him into a wall, hard -- bet he didn't see *that* coming!
    And then he registers the new voice over the comms. "Phantom Girl? Is that you?"

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
"Yes it's me!" Phantom Girl states as she sink into the Earth. A few minutes later, she pops up and does some more damage to one of the teams. She smiles a little as she notes the end of the speedster for the time being. "Hey brainy, Looks like Triplet got the speedster."

The enemy numbers are thinning rapidly. There have been no fatalities due to the heroic involvement. Those still standing are starting to waiver. Some are laying down arms, The others are are starting to feel the weight of being unable to win this fight.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno, Lurono, and Lurono all look around, seeing everyone that's left and that they're starting to lose the will to fight. They all move together, to stand in a triangle formation, and the one in black tells them, "Stand down, now. Or, we take the rest of you out, too. Pick up your friends. Go home. And be glad that none of you are dead." There's a pause, "Leave the weapons. You don't need them. And you don't want to make my friends upset."
    Lu in Black crosses her arms, while White Lu taps her foot. Grey Lu, on the other hand, looks hopefuly between the still-standing members, as if to plead with them to listen to the Lu in Black.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
When police sirens start to draw near, Querl nods, once. "Right." He says, before he adds, "Unfortunately we lack a good way to restrain them before the police arrive. Hmmmm." He is silent for a moment, and then he says, "We will have to trust local law enforcement's ability to round up these criminals. We should Slip-Gate back to the Cruiser." He looks to Starfire, "Princess, I believe under the United Planets charter you qualify as what we would call a "Person of Importance" in the same category as a diplomat or other non-citizen dignitary, and as such, it would be rude to leave you in the middle of the street. While we're unable to give you the reception merited by your rank, we can at the very least provide you with something to drink and something for those bruises."

Starfire has posed:
It was a bit strange. Sure, she remembered being treated like a princess - but the events of the last few years have kinda blotted that from her brain, a bit. And the Titans didn't really treat her like royalty - and she was okay with that. With one last flip of a ganger over her shoulder, as the poor guy then flees for the hills, Kori turns, looking back to the triplets in particular... before her eyes turn to Querl.

"May I bring the pizza? It is a treat of the Earth from around this area, and I have eaten many of these wonderful treats during my time here," she says, beaming a smile.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle flicks back into visibility, already speaking into his communicator. "K.O.K.O., we need a slip-gate on my location, five coming up, get medical online for apparent minor external injuries to... uhm." He looks Kori up and down. "...to a female humanoid, unknown biology. Hold forming the gate until instructed."
    And even though he addresses Brainy with, "You weren't kidding when you said you had backup!", he jogs over to Tinya to make sure all's well. "You're a welcome sight, Phantom Girl -- you okay? I know the time journey's a little disconcerting."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"This is Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran. The Princess Koriand'r." Querl says, implying he may know something he's not telling. Secret FUTURE knowledge. Ahem. Then he says, "That would be just fine. Pizza, I mean. It's still very popular in our era."

Then he scans Tinya, and murmurs, "That adds an additional complication to things. Legionnaires *are still arriving* from the 31st century."

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
As the last of the enemies lay down arms, Things start quieting down. The police finally get in and start rounding up thugs, and so on. The Heroes are free to help or withdraw as they see fit.

Phantom Girl smiles as she's approached by Lyle, "Yeah, For a few minutes, I didn't know if this was the same battle or something I think I'm alright. Did you all get here the same way?" She asks with a frown." Her attention goes to Brainy and to Kory, "Oh a Tamaranean?" She gives a polite bow that looks about as regal as possible. "A pleasure to meet you Princess Princess Koriand'r. Ummm, What is Pizza?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno, Luorno, and Luorno all now surround Phantom Girl, to give her a hug, before stepping back and reassembling back into a single copy of herself, telling her, "It's good to see you. Did they send you back also?" She, of course, had been sent back on purpose, with supplies, to try and help the team get back, and Phantom Girl may have been aware of that.
    "Princess," she turns to greet the rather pretty orange-skinned young woman, "Excellent to meet you."
    She sheepishly smiles some towards Tinya back, shrugging her shoulders and looking back to Tinya, "No idea what Pizza is. But I think we're about to find out."
    She nods, "Good job," she tells Kyle. "Let's get out of here." She gestures to him, and to Brainiac to the slip-gate. "Come on. Let's go back. And, try the Pizza."

Starfire has posed:
Oh, how regal everyone was being!

"You can call me Starfire if you would like, too - it is what all of the humans have been calling..." Star lets her voice trail off, as she observes Triplicate Girl becoming one again. "It is excellent to meet you all as well," she says, clasping her hands in front of herself, and returning the bow - with every ounce of the aggressive poise of Tamaranean etiquette.

But she straightens again, and smiles bright, eyes turning to Phantom Girl and the other both. "You are in for a treat! It has vegetable spread on a crispy bread disc. On top of this vegetable spread, they add grease for flavor, and meats of /all/ kinds. It is a wonderful Earth treat, and while you are here..."

Kori can talk about the subject of food for /hours/. But she was trying not to dominate the conversation too much. "Are you... all from the future as well?" she asks, her eyes turning to Lyle last. He mentioned the 31st century.

She was trying not to think about the time aspect too much.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle bows slightly at the introduction. "Princess, you do excellent work, thank you." Briefly, he turns his attention back to his communicator: "Ready for the slip-gate." He steps back just in case K.O.K.O. takes 'on my location' a little *too* literally.
    "Yeah, still filtering in, Brainy... and the misalignment of each flight ring is still unique. I can't figure out any pattern to it." He gives Querl a hopeful look, on the assumption that he *can* figure it out. "That reminds me, Phantom Girl, when we get upstairs, I'll want to readjust your ring."

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Tinya Wazzo frowns and nods to Lu, Lu, and Lu who become one Lu. "Yes, I was closing in on Time Trapper and next thing I know, I'm here. I am really confused to be honest. What were they attacking with. I couldn't see the projectiles but I could feel them pass through me." She looks at Brainy and frowns, "So can I make a guess? We got stuck a thousand years in the past and are stuck here now."

She smiles to Kory, "Thank you, I am looking forward to it. You can call me Phantom Girl." she thinks a little, "I wonder how things are different on Bgztl in this time."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    As the slip-gate appears, Luorno gestures, "Come on, everyone. Let's get Phantom Girl back. Get her settled in. And try the Pizza. The less we linger here, probably the better." Influencing the timeline too much, perhaps a concern of hers.
    She passes into the slip gate, ready to try the greasy goodness of Pizza.