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(The members of the Legion of Superheroes discover they have a 'tiny' problem, Micro Lad.)
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Reconstruction of the Fables
Date of Scene: 23 June 2017
Location: Legion Cruiser, Outer Space
Synopsis: The members of the Legion of Superheroes discover they have a 'tiny' problem, Micro Lad.
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Triplicate Girl, Andromeda, Mon-El

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"All right. Beginning test of the sub-light engines We'll take the cruiser for a spin around Mars and back to Earth orbit. Provided they don't explode." Querl says. "Commencing ignition in three, two, one..."

He touches a holographic dial in front of him on the Captain's chair, and the Cruiser's engines glow to life with a blue-white glow... then fade.

"...Total power failure." Querl says, his expression darkening into a scowl. "Blast these antequated materials! Something must've burnt out."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno had been re-familarizing herself with the Cruiser, and the changes done, catching up with people, resting, eating, and learning about this century in case they needed to go back down to the ground again. But, now she comes out as the tests are going on, frowning as she overhears the results of the initial testing. "Have you integrated the parts I brought along?" She asks, curiously, as she tucks the datapad she was carrying in her arm and presses it to her side.

Andromeda has posed:
It hasn't been long since I-Kid went out to track down the source of a distress signal, and returned an hour or so later with Laurel in tow -- just enough time for her to find a bunk and wash up; she hasn't been on board long enough to even know who else is here! But, as is not entirely unpredictable, she'd staked out a spot on the bridge while Querl was hard at work, and -- probably unconsciously -- held her breath when he ignited the engines. And now ... well, it's still a lot better than an explosion. "I'll see if I can locate the source of the failure," she volunteers, turning round to look in the direction of the engines. Of course, even telescopic X-Ray vision is only of so much help when you're not entirely sure what you're looking for.

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El is standing in the background, his hands across his chest, and ready to step in to help whenever needed. His eyes scan the displays while he remains silent, letting Brainy do all the "heavy lifting". He smiles, as he sees the adjustments on the fly.

    When the total power failure warning comes up, Mon-El frowns, and says, "That's not right." Looking over at Laurel, Mon nods, and lets her do the searching while he checks the engineering monitor for the culprit.

    "I don't think it's the antiquated systems or materials Brainy. It must be something else..."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl rubs the back of his neck, and maybe his cheeks color a little bit - but he dismisses that quickly enough and says "Luornu, I integrated the power cells, but the hypermatter core, I just can't find the materials I'd need to build a proper containment chamber on Earth in this era. Maybe if I could get my hands on some vibranium..." He sits back, and rests his chin in his hand.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Wish we'd thought of that," Luorno says, darkly, but she brightens when she sees Laurel. "I didn't know you were here." She walks over to her, and squeezes the girls arm, warmly. "Glad to see you here."
    Then she looks back towards Mon-El and Querl, thoughtfully. "When we're together, anything is feasible," she reminds the small group of Legion members. "I'm sure there is some Vibranium around. We just have to find it. And, figure out what we can do to get some." She, at least, seems optimistic.

Andromeda has posed:
It takes longer than it ought to for Laurel to find what she's looking for ... "There's something that looks melted. Like a spherical thing with three pyramids arranged around it at equal distances? And the spherical thing is melted and smoking and --" She snaps back to her immediate surroundings, a little surprised but also pleased: "Lu! Hey, I didn't know you were here, either. You look fantastic. I like the new outfit." As for the problem of the moment, all she can really offer is: "Do they even mine that on Earth in this era?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Vibranium..." Mon-El frowns and shakes his head. "Now that is a tall order Luornu. I've heard of it, but it is rare. Maybe we can talk to the Avengers or Justice League here? Or Superman?" Mon-El hits an emergency release button on the console to vent any excess emissions from the engine.

    Looking over at Laurel, Mon-El nods and says, "Um. Girls. Stay on track...sphere with three pyramids? Brainy, is that the stabilizer?" Mon was a scientist as well. Not all muscles, as most people thought,

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl looks up at Laurel, and then says, "Thank you, Laurel. Without the stabilizer, there must've been a spike in the power to the engines and the falesafe cut in. But why did it MELT?" He says. "It should've just shorted..." He gets up. "I'm going to need to rip the whole thing out and replace it."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Thanks!" Luorno twirls so Laurel can fully check it out, but, as Mon-El suggests they focus, she quiets. While she was pretty adapt at some of the more basic technological stuff, she certainly was nowhere near on the level of the far more scientific types like Kyle, Brainac, or even Mon-El. She frowns at Brainy, "It's that bad? You don't think we can salvage any of it?" It's not good news, afterall. She'd certainly been hoping that her supplies would help more than they apparently have.
    "We'll catch up later," she promises Laurel, quietly, and then watches Mon and Querl, thoughtfully as she raises the datapad up. She begins to type a few things into it.
    "So. We need Vibranium. We need to figure out why the stabilizer failed. We need to figure out what -caused- the stabilizer to melt, so that when it -is- rebuilt, the new one doesn't -also- melt. What else do we need?"
    Luorno, apparently, has switched to her more practical nature.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel's slightly embarrassed -- because Mon-El is right, of course, and this isn't the ideal time for distractions. She can only shrug in reply to Qurl's question, saying: "It /is/ melted, but I can't see any sign of /why/. There must have been a blown-out power regulator somewhere?" Which is a total guess, since she's about the furthest thing from a spacecraft mechanic.

"Do you need an extra pair of hands to remove it? Or -- you'd probably rather have a pair that know what they're doing," she decides, and nods, with a smile, to her "cousin." "I know Lyle had a list about a mile long of either needs or wants, but I didn't get a look at it."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Whoa, whoa Brainy. Just a sec. Rip the whole thing out...that is a bit extreme isn't it? We could bypass it with the inverse flux capacitor...maybe push the energy flow to the backup?" Mon-El taps another button on the console. He holds his hand up and says, "I think Lu is right though. We need something that can handle that flow." Mon points to the readings.

    "Yeah Lu, it might be tough but perhaps we can." Mon-El winks at her and returns to the task at hand. "Hmmm...it doesn't look like a natural failure...that reading can't be right...Laurel...look at the sub systems for me...is that a small explosive device?" The reading stold him one story, but he couldn't believe someone would sabotauge their ship.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl pauses, and he raises an eyebrow. He knows better than to doubt Daxamite senses, and he says, quietly, "Luornu, please put the ship on lockdown. There's been someone on this ship who's not supposed to be here." He looks down, and narrows his eyes, and then back up at the others, and he says, "I know none of the Legionnaires on board would have done this. So someone had to come in here... someone who knew specifically what piece of technology to sabotage to short-circuit the engines, which indicates advanced engineering skills."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    There's a sharp nod to Querl, and suddenly there are three Lu's. They all look at each other, briefly, the one dressed in black, the one dressed in white, and the other dressed in grey. They seem to come to a silent consensus, and the one in grey moves off to begin the lockdown, starting at the control panel.
    White Luorno moves off to the side, and then moves down the corridor to do a physical inspection and ensure that the lockdown is secure.
    That leaves only White Lourno, still holding the datapad.
    "Then, we need to start with a list of any encounters, or associations you've had with the locals prior to now. Also we need to consider the question of if that was placed by our enemies who sent all of you here in the first place as insurance you couldn't make it back, easily."

Andromeda has posed:
It only takes a moment for Laurel to zero in on the subsystem in question, and when she does her eyes go a little bit wide. "That definitely looks like an explosive to me!" she says. "I can't hit it from here without burning through some things you've probably only just gotten fixed; but that's probably just as well; heat vision might just make it explode anyway."

"I haven't spoken to anyone other than some children in Metropolis. There're plenty of us here; someone from our time wouldn't be /that/ much of a surprise. And someone from this time couldn't know enough about our cruisers to place something that precisely." Her face hardens into a frown. "However it got there, we'd better get it out before it goes off on its own."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Come on Brainy...shouldn't that be impossible?" Mon-El frowns and says, "Could it be someone from the future? Or this time?" Mon shakes his head, "It makes no sense. We haven't really revealed ourselves here. Unless it was someone from our recent adventures."

    Mon-El taps the display, and nods again. "It looks suspicious though. Luornu is right. Maybe it is one of our arch-enemies from the future, or someone from here..." Mon-El looks over at her, and smiles. She(s) was always good at espionage and counter-espionage, while he trusted almost everyone. "Glad you are along Lu. You were always good at this stuff."

    Nodding to Laurel, Mon-El frowns and says, "Laurel's exactly right. Time for some of your magic Brainy." Mon looks over at him waiting for the wizard to come up with something. Anything.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy rubs the back of his neck. "It wasn't Wonder Woman, or Superman, or Supergirl. And I doubt Roulette has the resources to locate our ship and sabotage it." He puts his fingers over his mouth, and then says, "And it couldn't have been that brute Wildfire mixed it up with... the uh, Juggernaut."

He paces on the bridge, before he levitates in the air, and floats back and forth instead. "K.O.K.O., please run a scan of the ship for any life forms NOT wearing a Legion Flight Ring at this moment."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Have you been keeping a log of energy scans?" Is Lurono's next question, even as the Lu in White smiles, affectionately, towards Mon-El for his kind words. She says, "I'm glad I'm here too," she tells him quietly. "You guys are family." Then, she looks down at the datapad and begins to tap at it a few more times, while her other selves continue to lockdown the Cruiser, and check for any additional potential breaches, and that all failsafes are working.
    She returns to her prior train of thought. "I'd suggest, if you've been actively scanning, to also compare and contrast against any unexplained phenomena. And," furthers the white-dressed Luornu, "I'd also suggest checking the ships logs. And making sure there are no anomolies."
    The fact that there is an explosive, so neatly placed, doesn't sit any better with her than it does anyone else.

Andromeda has posed:
"There's just too much we don't know about how we all got here and why," the blonde Daxamite worries. "Until we know a little more -- there's no limit to the number of ways someone could have gotten on board to sabotage us." Anxiety shows in her expression, but, for the moment, all she does is tap gently, and silently, on the deck of the cruiser with one booted foot. Relatively gently, at least; it takes a few taps for a dent to start.

"Wouldn't we have an easier time once we have the bomb?" she says suddenly. "Whoever made it might have left some sort of evidence -- and even if they were careful to clean it, /how/ they made it could be a clue to who they are."

Mon-El has posed:
    Nodding at Brainy's words, Mon-El says, "I have to agree Brainy. It makes no sense." Turning to Lu Mon nods, and adds. "We are family." His warm smile was reserved for few of the Legionnaires, and Luornu was one of them. "Perhaps it was placed there by the persons you acquired these items from in this century?"

    As Brainy and K.O.K.O. run their scans, Mon has a sneaking suspicion that it may have been a shape shifter. Perhaps a villain disguised as one of them...a shape shifter, or worse...actually one of them? No, it couldn't be...

    Looking at Laurel Mon-El nods. "Very true. Now would be a good time for Tinya to be here..."Mon-El grimaces, and shakes his head. "I think that raw force cannot work here...perhaps your shield Brainy?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl looks up, and then nods. "That's right. I'm going to go disarm that bomb." He says. "And we're going to take a genetic sample from everyone present in order to make sure we're all who we say we are." He puts his fingers together, before he says, "Hold the bridge." He levitates out, "I need to go get my tools."

Then he adds, "Luornu, Laurel--" He pauses, and says, "I'm very glad both of you are here. No one can think of everything."

"Not even me."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luorno turns to her other, grey-dressed self and tells her, "Go find her, and the both of you go make sure everyone knows to stay on the Cruiser. We should also maintain radio silence, until everyone -can- be tested. We don't want to scare anyone away."
    She begins to tap on the datapad again, an air of concentration about her. "No need to keep a secret, once everyone is here." She frowns. This is the part she hates about espionage. Ruffling feathers of friends, of family.
    "You name it, we'll get it done," she affirms to Brainy. She moves over to him briefly, to gently touch his arm in a reaffirming way. "We're a team," she reminds him, gently.
    Her eyes shift back to Mon-El and Laurel, each. "You both should also check the rest of the ship. It stands to reason if there's one trap, there's another. There's always one they -want- you to find. And there's at least one other, or more, they don't. Misdirection."

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel reaches down to her belt to retrieve a pair of earplugs from it. "You're sure you don't want any help?" she asks Brainy, and, anticipating a negative answer: "If you change your mind, think at us and someone'll be there in a flash." A slightly apologetic look across at Lu: "If it gets bad enough that he actually /wants/ help," she says in an undertone, "radio silence'll be the least of our worries." And then: "We'll get right on it!"

She offers to Mon-El: "I'll take port, and you take starboard? Oooh, what I wouldn't give to have Jeckie here now." Which might sound odd to some -- but it makes sense if you realize that in /her/ future, Projectra is still Sensor Girl.

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El pauses just long enough to look over at Brainy, acknowledge his comments about genetic samples, nodding in agreement, and blinking as Brainy gets emotional for a second. Mon-El smiles, shakes his head, and then pauses. That was a bit out of character. Using his X-ray vision, he takes a quick look at B5, but what he sees is, well, B5.

    "Good luck Brainy. I'll monitor your work from here. Be careful!" Mon-El nods respectfully at their resident genius.

    Watching as Luornu does her thing, Mon-El nods and adds, "Well, the three of you are a team within a team Lu." Mon grins. At Lu's insistence they check the rest of the ship, Mon-El says to Laurel. "Okay. You take port I'll take starboard. Good call." Mon nods to the left, meaning he'll take the right side of the ship. Scanning it with his X-Ray vision, he doesn't find anything. Which may be good, or may be bad.

    "It would be nice to have Jeckie I agree." Mon concentrates, but can't find anything. It was up to Brainy now.