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Latest revision as of 17:25, 6 May 2018

Training in the Watchtower
Date of Scene: 19 April 2018
Location: Watchtower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Power Girl

Crusader has posed:
Somedays a person is out and abou saving the city, or trying to live normal lives. And otherdays are spent training or getting to know other heros when you have the time. This is one of those days, relatively speaking.
    The training room, equipped to handle many of the rigids of powered-hero training, alongside more mundane ones, is a place where the allies and members of the Justice League can go when they do find some time. And one such person was readily making use of it - Crusader
    Or more accurately a giant metalic looking 'stingray' with large tendril like whiskers. Though it none the less bared Crusader insignia on it back - a Golden tribal sun. At the moment he was lazedly weaving in and out of acrobatic hopes, seeming to be timing himself

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is nothing if not confident. Arguably one of the strongest beings in the universe, just BEING a Kryptonian is some sort of miracle in and of itself. It's also totally and utterly unfair. Though she boasts a stronger physique than most, she doesn't actually have to -work- to maintain it, and as long as she absorbs some yellow sunlight, she's capable of shifting planetary bodies out of orbit and flinging herself across the cosmos on a whim.

    It's no surprise, then, that she doesn't spend a lot of time in the training room- just like Clark, she spends most of her time out in the field, doing what she can across the globe. To someone like her, such a place on the watchtower seems almost superfluous- after all, it's not as if they ever really get much of a break.

    "Trying to beat your own record? You'll need to pick up the pace."

Crusader has posed:
"Trying to beat Ones own record AND dexterity" Crusader Ray seems to hum out instead of really talking. "As well as optimizeOnes flying form to achieve a balanced Maximum" he explains. "Though one doubt he will beat his 'offical' time with such a form"
    Deciding to demonstrait this, his form changes somewhat. His body become more arrow shaped, with fins appear ontop of his 'wings'. He glides quickly through the hopes, and though fast it clear it wasn't nearly as dexterous as he crashes and stumbles through a few hopes. "Course...does not help that One is technically still learning" he glides lazedly as his dents fix themselves "One is surprised to see you here though. What has brought you around?"

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl offers this small nod at that. "I've never really understood the complexity of you shifters." she states, leaning against the doorway. "I could never be anything, you know, else. Don't really have the patience for it. I can fly, shoot lasers and throw cars like they're soda cans. I wouldn't be able to do the... Shifting to get the right balance of speed or power for the situation."

    She says this through the whole of his last run, and offers a nod. "Tried going through the hoops once, the result wasn't pretty and the computer can't track your time at Mach VII, so it wasn't really worth the effort for me."

Crusader has posed:
    "In fairness...most shifters are simpler than One. And that is not knocking them" Crusader says. His form changes into his usual caped heroic form. He rubs the tendrills of his beard "Most see something and can than simply take on their form. Others such as spellcasters choose a form and it is 'premade' for them. So for most there is no shifting to get something right, rather for most it is choosing the right shift for the job. At least that what it seem like from Ones experince. In this way, One is....in need of upgrading"
    He gives pause "Heh, than it sounds like the systems computer is in need of an upgrade. Could give it one...but One is sure the League would not want an unoffical member messing with their systems" he notes.

Power Girl has posed:
    Nodding along, Power Girl at least seems to understand. She's a sharp one, at the very least. Shaking her head after a moment, she speaks. "Actually, they don't. The cameras could be upgraded to move faster and catch things at the speed we perceive, but the thing is, if anything is moving faster than Mach VII it's probably tearing the station apart."

    "As for why I'm here though, I was just passing by and noticed someone was using the facilities. I was curious."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader raises an eyebrow "They do not? With all due respect, One finds that hard to believe. And if it is true, than By Juthuum that is irresponsble and dangerous" he notes simply. "But One can a th very least uderstand what you mean - things at that speed are tough to stop....and even tougher to fix" he says

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl offers this little chuckle at that. She shrugs a bit, pushing off of the breach of the doorway. "The technology is there, at least. But we have to operate here based on what we need, not what we -can- have." she notes, placing both of her hands on her hips. "Doubly so if they're capable of walking through an oncoming train without noticing. It's just unnecessary."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader raises an eyebrow, feeling as perhaps there was miscomunication in what was being said, as it wasn't the use of tech he calling irresponsible. "Perhaps so, for the purposes of this training facility. But One hopes such logic is not applied to security applications" he notes
    "...How long have you been recognized as a Hero anyways?" he asks in wonder of Power Girl

Power Girl has posed:
    Raising a brow, Power Girl takes a moment to stare off into space, as if in thought. After a while, her response is simple and swift. "Uh... I've been doing this since I was about sixteen. Using my powers well before that. It's been... A long while." she states, offering a nod or two to finish off the statement.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader hmmms "Since you were Sixteen? That is an impressive amount of time" he says "One cannot imagine how many people you have helped" he says seeming quite genuine about the fact. Many young heros might die a few years in, sure being kryptnoianly likely helps, but even so its an impressive amount of time to be heroing

Power Girl has posed:
    Folding her arms, Power Girl takes this serious pose for a few moments, looking rather nonplussed. "Well," she begins, "I'll let that particular comment slide. But, yeah. A lot of the younger ones end up getting dealt bad cards and not making it out. It's not particularly pleasant to think about."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader crosses his head "What was wrong with the comment?" he wonders now. Crusader....actually most of his forms tend to have some social norms go over their heads. He than says "But still, while it may not be pleasant to think about, it is important too. It is the reason One is glad they are other groups, at least the cubs have a chance to learn more than the first heros" He looks to the Sparring arena "Care to Spar?" he asks as he looks back to Power Girl. "Hmmm....and as for One - it is...difficult for One to truely know how long One has been at it. Only thing One can say for sure is that in Ones current state, have been at it almost a year now" which may be surprising considering how well he conducts himself.

Power Girl has posed:
    A single raised brow follows his question, but her response is to shake her head. "That's an offer I'll have to pass on. Doesn't do well for me to spar with anyone- it's either woefully unfair, or we'll tear apart the station. Even then, it -still- might be woefully unfair." she notes, looking around a moment. "Your first year is important. It's when you do, I think, the most learning. Regardless, though, I should probably head out. Plenty to do."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader nods "Very well. Have a good day Power Girl" he says to her. After all...with her experince and her kryptoniance strength, he has no doubt she is being genuine with her statement. As for him he goes back to flying.