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Latest revision as of 04:32, 11 May 2018

Something Adventurous
Date of Scene: 10 May 2018
Location: Garnet (Knowhere, Sector 17)
Synopsis: Gamora makes a new friend.
Cast of Characters: Lobo, Gamora, Blurr

Lobo has posed:
    It was through dangerous red eyes that the last Czarnian observed the world. Red meant violence, it meant aggression, and for some species, it meant blood. Blood, like what the Main Man was currently out for even as he stalked through the lawless streets, streets that were modeled after a dead god's neural pathways. Pathways currently overcrowded with peddlers, gamblers, with every creep running away from their own system's version of the law, which meant that for a bounty hunter, a place like this was a source of almost neverending work, and neverending credits.

    One such bounty hunter was currently stalking through those busy streets, a massive towering frame covered in heavy dense musculature underneath almost bone-white(or ash-grey) skin, black leather covering that albino frame even as a pair of dreads were swept back in a ponytail. This hulking giant of a man was currently walking past teems of people, holding a blinking ball with a holographic face in front of him, seemingly scanning everyone he walked by. It appeared that he seemed to be looking for something.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora is on the second level of a store front near the corridor that leads to the Marketplace. Its not far away from where Lobo is stalking, though she wouldn't know who he was even if her eyes landed on him.

Right now? Gamora is on a balcony over top of the open-face storefront. She's got a black leather jacket on and a hood that is laying back against her shoulders, her purple/pink hair is down and laying about her face as she's speaking to someone up on said balcony.

After a moment, the two exchange items... possibly a sale of some kind?

The green skinned Gamora turns and starts to head down a set of metal spiral stairs leading her toward the 'street' that Lobo is stalking through, her eyes are down on whatever she just purchased held in her hands.

Blurr has posed:
    As Gamora gets down to the street, she just happens to step off the stairs just as Lobo is passing by. There are a lot of people milling about, so it's not all that unusual that the two of them would happen to be walking near each other.

    It is then that an old cyborg with some pretty expensive-looking parts suddenly approaches them, grinning ear to ear. "Hey you two." he points at them. "Yeah, you with the green and you with the dreads. You look like you need somethin'...adventurous to do." He looks fairly typical for a place like this. Rugged, dirty, lousy attitude. Probably has deep pockets full of money gained through various criminal activities that no properly civilized race would have any respect for. He holds up two discs of some extremely rare mineral, rubbing them together between his fingers.

Lobo has posed:
    The barrel-chested, albino-skinned death machine was in the midst of searching for a possible bounty, -any- possible bounty when the blackclad daughter of Thanos walked by him, and immediately the sleaziest man in the galaxy was looking her up and down, giving a wolfish grin that showed off his handsome yellow teeth, adjusting his black vest to let his bare, tattooed muscular chest show a bit more. Wheeling around on a dime, he was speaking into her ear with that deep, gravelly voice that was just chalk-full of machismo and bravado.

"Well hey there, green bean. I gots a little somethin' I could show y-"

    Perhaps mercifully, the Main Man's attempt at a pick-up is interrupted by someone who is more machine than man, twisted and evil. Well maybe not, but the man already hit strike one by interrupting a little bit of Czarnian Magic in action, though the promise of payment does trigger the man's curiosity.

    "Well lookie there, that's a lotta money. Yer mama give that to you, or you earn that on the side by bein' a fridge? HAW!"

    It's questionable whether that joke was funny, but it certainly was amusing Lobo!

Gamora has posed:
It just so happens that the item that Gamora was paying for was a new type of electro-stun gun and she's holding it in her palms inspecting it when she hears the voice from the Cyborg that causes her eyes to raise up and look at it/him. She stares at the thing curious for a moment.

Gamora pulls the trigger on the stun weapon (that is aimed RIGHT at Lobo) and it fires off a burst of numbing power set to 25% its max-strength!

"What kind of adventure?" Gamora asks then, of the strange Cyborg she'd never seen around here before. She otherwise doesn't afford Lobo a response to his Hasslehoffian-come-on attempt toward her. She was used to that kind of thing around here after all.

Blurr has posed:
    "One worth half million creds. Maybe more, dependin'. Th' name's Clanker." The cyborg replies to Gamora's question, still grinning and ignoring Lobo's insults. "Where I got this money dun matter, all thet matters is a big hunk of it's yours if ya can go check out this asteroid I heard 'bout."

    He opens a palm and a holographic image comes out of a small projector, displaying an image and coordinates of a large asteroid near the giant dead Celestial Garnet. "Word on the street's somethin' dun come around these parts often crashed there a few hours ago. Thinkin' it's Cybertronian. All them governments say we're not allowed ta touch Cybertron tech but I say t' hell with that, eh? We take it, and no one else does? No one kin touch us. I'll pay ya, letcha take some of the tech even. How 'bout it, huh?"

Lobo has posed:
    He was tall enough that he was looking down at Gamora, standing entirely too close to the girl even as he took a big whiff of whatever she smelled like...just a shame that he couldn't smell electricity. But he could feel it coursing through his veins and body, metal prongs against his chest causing his muscles to stiffen and his teeth to grit even as the ends of his hair stood on edge for a fraction of a moment. When Gamora pulled it away to regard the shady 'propositioner', the Main Man was still twitching here and there, his left eye twitching. Even now though, he seemed to be recovering at an almost miraculous pace, and Lobo looked to be almost normal...before he opened his mouth to speak, and a plume of smoke left his mouth and nose to drift up into the air above all three of them.

    "Cute toy, babe. Next time you pro'bly wanna use somethin' with a bit more...juice. As fer you, creepy, that all sounds too good ta be true. Lotsa money, we get ta keep what we find, an' all we gotta do is send some bot to the scrapheap? What are ya holdin' out on us, huh?"

Gamora has posed:
Gamora's eyes travel to the displayed imagery of their 'mission briefing' here on the street of scumville. She takes in a breath and glances from one of the people she's speaking with, to the other... She listens to Lobo's rundown and response and then her eyes go back to Clanker.

"I have to agree with him, as much as I dislike doing it." She says, the last part is a few pitches lower and more of a mutter than anything else.

She motions to the displayed image with her stun gun then. "Cybertronian tech? That stuff alone is valuable beyond the worth of most banks, is it not? I'm... afraid I'm going to need some more details here... something feels off."

And Gamora smells like spring flowers, and guns.

Blurr has posed:
    "Weeell..." Clanker starts. "I -said- -some- a' it, not alla it. I git first pickins'." he says, nodding. "So th' more ya bring back, the better yer loots, ya?" he smirks. "And ya, I see yer smart enough to know it's worth more n' the bank."

    The cyborg shrugs at their skepticism. "I wish I could tell ya more, but all I know is where it crashed. No one's been st--I mean...brave 'nough. To get anywhere near it yet. But the two a' ya," he says, pointing at them with both mechanical arms. "are the first? We all go home filthy rich n' powerful. Hell you'll probably richer n' me with what I'm payin'." The two discs are flipped over to them. "Here, take these fer now. Get the spoils, find me at th' Burnout. Wanna forget it? Fine. Choice is yours." Then he walks away, disappearing into the unruly crowds.

Lobo has posed:
    The ivory-skinned terror watched the skeevy little man walk away, and idly the last Czarnian snorted loudly, spitting a mess of spittle and gristle across the ground in front of the green-skinned warrior standing next to him. It appeared the big man was considering things, even as he gave the green-skinned woman a sneer.

    "Ya know in my line of work, usually I work alone. Buncha cut-throats in this business, an' I don't much like sharin' either. So, tell ya what."

    He interrupted his own diatribe to give a shrill, high-pitched whistle that caused everyone around them to suddenly gasp out and cover their ears. Moments later there was a panic as a mass of people all leapt and dove out of the way of a large, dangerous looking hoverbike, decorated with skulls and stickers and big intimidating machine guns near the front of the device, with two brown leather 'saddlebags' on either side of the blanket-covered seat. No prizes for guessing who this monstrosity belonged to, even as Lobo walked to it and began grabbing things out of those bags, 'gearing up' as it were right there in that busy street in front of everyone. As he peeled off his shirt and vest he turned around, giving the warrior a wink.

    "If you go down ta this job, I'll make sure ta be on my best behavior. But I can't be held responsible if ya break a nail, or y'know, get yer face peeled off by whatever we find there. Catch ya later, Lettuce!"

    And with that the man, who smelled like a mix between smoked wood and Jaegermeister, was speeding through the streets toward the site of this 'job', which let's be honest, was probably some sort of ambush. But since when did that ever matter to the Main Man?

Gamora has posed:
Gamora just stands there as she listens to both of them give their speeches and then in turn both of them turn and leave her precisely where she was when she first stepped off those spiral stairs that were still right behind her. She'd watched as Clanker had gone off on his own and then she'd watched and listened to Lobo doing the same thing.

Gamora's right cheek can be seen pointing out a bit as the woman's tongue pushes against the inside of it while she considers her options and then drops her eyes back down to the stun gun in her hands. She messes with a few settings on the weapon...

Until she feels a hand on her backside, and looks over to see a 3-foot tall hairy Foomian grinning up at her with his giant fangs. She smiles back at him.

And then stuns him, at full power. The Foomian screams and is sent flying backward across the street and into an open fronted clothing store.

Gamora starts back toward the space station hangar area, to where the Milano is.

Blurr has posed:
    The asteroid in question is not too far off from Knowhere if the two of them were to follow the coordinates Clanker provided them with. It's fairly large, as in large enough to actually land on and stand on. Might even be large enough to be considered a planetoid, although as far as either of them can tell it's pretty well isolated and uninhabited, save for maybe a few automated mining probes.

    But, thus far it seems Clanker had been honest enough--following the coordinates will lead them close enough to hone in on a massive crash site at the center of an even more massive crater. It's still smoking, so the wreck could well have occurred only a few hours ago just as Clanker had said. The ship, though it certainly doesn't look flight-worthy, actually isn't completely destroyed. Emblazoned on the side is the infamous First Face insignia,  known to most of the rest of the galaxy as belonging to a group of Cybertronian militants. Well. That might explain why their 'benefactor' would rather part with half a million credits than get anywhere near the thing himself...

Lobo has posed:
    The ride was a relatively quiet one, as the Main Man sped through the black of space at speeds that were probably terrifying on a 'ship' as small as what he rode, but he didn't seem to show any sign of fear or worry. Instead he seemed to enjoy a fine cigar and a couple of cans of brew on the way over, those empty cans now littering the infinite vacuum. But if he was drunk or even buzzed right now, it didn't seem to show, now on the surface of that great rock. Interestingly he didn't leave the bike when he landed, instead he seemed to flip a few switches and now was hovering along the surface, at speeds that were no longer quite so breakneck. Now dressed in biker leathers and covered in weapons, the Main Man looked along the wreckage while his face was illuminated by the orange glow of that cigar he was currently chomping on, even as he slowly pulled out his scatterblaster, and made sure it was loaded.

    It seemed that for all of his bravado, he was taking his seriously.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora didn't take the Milano to get here. She took her own ship, which was a two person 'fighter sized' craft, its hull color was a sleek black with purple trim around its wings and the tip of its tapered nose cone. The ship zips toward the asteroid/planetoid and dips down toward the surface where it glides above as she scans both with her ship's equipment and her eyes.

Within a moment, the fighter is settling down onto the ground and the canopy is pulling back. Gamora has a black bodysuit on and a mask to cover her face, she can survive fairly well in harsh climates, but why push it when she has the tech to make it easier?

Once outside of her ship, she starts toward the ship with that insignia. She reaches down to her hip where she unholsters one of her blaster pistols, and lifts it up to point up toward space.

Blurr has posed:
    The visual inspection doesn't reveal much--the crash looks mostly isolated, but if Gamora's ship has any tech capable of detecting life signs, it would indicate that there is one blip coming from within the wreck. The outer hull isn't terribly compromised, but cracked enough that someone her size could easily get through one of them to slip inside. As she gets closer, it becomes even more apparent that this craft was designed to accommodate someone much larger than her--yet further confirmation that this is indeed a Cybertronian vessel.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora had picked up the lifesign inside the vessel and this is why she's ready for trouble... or at least she hopes she's ready. She'd checked in with her crew at the Milano, but half of them were drunk and the other half weren't even there... so here she is, on her own. As she draws near to the damaged ship, Gamora's eyes scan around the hull wreck and she finds the way inside. She releases a soft sigh and mumbles. "I have a bad feeling about this."

But a moment later and the green woman in black is slipping herself through the damanged hull and into the ship that is way larger than she is. She scans around, staring at all. It was impressive, there could be a metric tonne of loot here to scavenge... Rocket would be salivating if he were here.

The 'Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy' proceeds forward, her space boots quietly clopping on the hull as she walks, gun held up still.

Blurr has posed:
    The inside is indeed quite massive, at least from her standpoint. The walls are charred, covered with damaged wiring and circuitry, and a few showers of sparks burst out of them every once and a while. Indeed, Rocket would be in heaven if he were here, there are power cells half the size of her lying on the floor. Not full by a long shot, but they were designed for giants after all. Surely even -one- of those things is worth a fortune on the black market.

    If Gamora already had a bad feeling about this, it's probably about to be exacerbated by something immediately to her right. It looks like the frame of some kind of containment cell, but it's terribly bent out of shape and broken in several places. As a matter of fact, it looks -chewed-. Like something -ate- part of it. It's then that she hears a scuffling sound somewhere nearby, and maybe catches sight of a hint of a shadow...

    If she is to approach the disturbance, she'll find what looks like some kind of twisted insectoid mechanoid, its body covered in spines. Its jaws are dripping some kind of greenish liquid, and it's chewing on a piece of debris from the wreckage.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora's helmet also comes with a Heads Up Display that provides her with information and recording to capture what she's seeing for later use. She watches the shower of sparks from the wrecked ship's bulkheads rain down from above, and passes through them, the sparks bouncing off of her bodysuit.

Careful footsteps, made light and soft as she was a master of stealth... She finds that open pod that appears to have been a containment cell and it doesn't take her long to see the telltale sign of what could be a hungry predator on the loose, perhaps the life sign she picked up?

Then the sound.

Gamora spins around and levels her gun, she flips on a green laser sight that pierces the darkness and lands right onto the also-green ooze pouring out of the 'creatures' jaws!

Blurr has posed:
    As soon as Gamora approaches, the creature's yellow eight-eyed gaze suddenly turns in her direction. But she fires upon it before it can even make its first attempt at devouring her! The blast strikes it in the neck, sending it flailing backward a few feet.

    The thing has to be about the size of a minivan, but the shot appears to have caused it pain. Hissing and howling, it lunges at her and attempts to grab her with its bladed claws then clamp down upon her body with those massive metal mandibles. If any of the venom lands on her armor, it will start to corrode a bit, revealing that it must be acidic.

Gamora has posed:
Having a mini-van attack you wasn't exactly something 'new' for Gamora, but it was something she surely didn't enjoy... well, she might enjoy it a bit. Big space creatures were pretty common in this galaxy and they always wanted to devour you, or so it seemed.

The shot landed, it showed signs of pain... so that was a positive!

When it lunges at it her, it grabs hold of her and drags her down, but the acidic splashes land on the deck beside her head, she can 'hear' it sizzling and knows precisely what that means!

Gamora's blaster goes off again, but not once, three times... quick and strong blasts aimed up at the creature above her!

Blurr has posed:
    For all its size and claws, and acid saliva, the creature isn't all that smart. Clearly. Even though it got hit by that shot that hurt, it still tries to get right up in her face--where she can shoot it at close range right in the face. It was about to chomp down on her head when she blasted it right in the mouth, blowing off part of its jaw. Screeching in pain, more of that corrosive venom goes flying. It's a good thing her face is protected.

    Still, it doesn't seem to be down for the count quite yet. Rearing back, it raises a long, sharp, bladed leg, preparing to impale her. But before it can come back down, something hits it in the back. Electricity arcs over its body as it convulses, shrieking in pain before it falls over sideways onto the floor where it remains motionless.

    If Gamora is to try to figure out just where that shot came from, she'll probably notice something she hadn't before over near where she'd first seen the monstrosity. Or someONE. Now even if she has never seen a Cybertronian in person before, this one isn't difficult to recognize as such. Giant mechanoid? Check. He'd been buried under a pile of debris and wiring, which might have been why her scanners didn't pick him up before. At the moment he's lying prone on the floor, still partly under all that wreckage, but with a weapon held up, presumably the one that just took down the thing that just tried to eat her.

Gamora has posed:
Some of the acid does land on Gamora's armor and it sizzles and burns at it... but there's little she can do at this point other than let it burn itself out, hopefully before it reaches her skin and if it does? She has faith in her ability to heal rapidly to avoid overly detriemental damage right now... if she'd been dumped in a tub of its blood? She might be more worried.

Nimbly, the green skinned woman rolls backward and lunges upward onto her feet, she levels her blaster in the direction of that 'thing' that was pinned or injured in the dark.

She doesn't fire at it. She just aims, levels her gaze down her weapon's sights.

Gamora approaches it, slowly, smoke still rising off her armor where the acid was sizzling yet-still.

"Who are you?" Gamora speaks into the dark at the figure she sees.

Blurr has posed:
    If the creature isn't dead, it's -very- stunned and won't be getting back up again for a while at least, its joints sparking and smoking.

    But now her attention is directed back at Blurr, who is now struggling to climb out of the pile of junk. He isn't in very good shape--anyone could tell that, and there's some kind of pinkish-lavender colored fluid leaking onto the floor around him. Once he's managed to drag himself mostly clear of the debris, he just kind of sits there and stares at her for a few seconds, shocked that an organic like her would even venture anywhere -near- him. "I-I..." he stammers. "Blurr.MynameisBlurr." he finally answers, his words running together. "Whoareyouandwhywouldyoucomeinhere??"

Gamora has posed:
Gamora's gun is lowered when she can easily tell that this individual is injured based on its speech... among other things. The gun is slipped back into her holster and she approaches it/him. "Blurr?" She asks, muttering then. "That somehow fits." Based on its messed up speech.

Gamora reaches it and starts to try to help free it from any debris that may be blocking it or impeding it. "Let me help you. I owe you that much now." He had saved her from that creature, which is something she certainly held respect for. Gamora pays her debts.

"Is this your ship?" She asks him then. "I think its seen better days... Perhaps I can get you out of here in mine."

Blurr has posed:
    "..." Blurr continues to goggle at Gamora as she actually starts to act casual around him, and not only that, offers to...-help- him? Even starting to clear the debris away as much as she can. "H-help?Youwould--" Then he stops himself, gathering his thoughts and concentrates on speaking at a normal pace. "I mean, you would help me?" he asks, sounding more clear this time, yet still incredulous. "I--yes, it is my ship. But--I can't just leave. S-someone stole a group of those Insecticons and t-took them...t-to that big head thing." He says, nodding toward the motionless creature on the floor. "Th-they don't know what they're up against, if they get loose, they'll--th-they'll eat everyone! A-and everything!" Optics are widening at this, he does look truly filled with trepidation.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora smirks at the shocked sounding response. "If you wanted me dead, you would've let that 'thing' do the job for you." She responds while tossing debris aside and then standing back when she can get to a point where she feels he's been freed.

Gamora reaches up to remove her mask and let her pink/purple hair fall free of it. She takes a second to look at Blurr with her exposed face now.

"You can't stay here." She told him. "You can come back, perhaps with my crew, and we can see about... helping your ship. My people are resources... if a bit irritating." That last part is muttered.

"If the location you speak of us in trouble, then there is little time to gag lollies." (She may have gotten Quill's expression wrong there at the end).

"We must go." She urges Blurr then.

Blurr has posed:
    "WellwellreallyIshould--I mean, I really should be thanking you, that thing would have eaten me if you hadn't distracted it." Blurr admits. He watches as she removes her mask, leaning down toward her to get a closer look. The speedster hasn't really seen a fleshling this close up before...

    Then he sighs. "It's just, most of you fleshies don't want anything to do with us. And likely for good reason. Right, you probably already know, and you came here anyway. I'll stop--" Then that gagging lollies part comes up, and he tilts his head sideways curiously. "...what is a lolly?"

    "Anyway--if you really are willing to help, maybe you can send some of your crew to search for the Swarm, and the rest to help with repairs."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora watches him examine her and though she had vague ideas of who his people were she wasn't exactly savvy on any of it. "None of that matters to me." Gamora responds to him. "I value people based on their individual actions, not the rumors and hear-say that I gather from others. What you do is what reflects how I treat you." She tells him.

With a glance backward, she shakes her haed. "I can return here with my crew. Now that I have scouted this place out, I can see that there is a lot to be done here...."

She places her eyes back onto his face. "I will leave then, and return with aide. Protect yourself from raiders, should they come. They will find your injured vessel enticing."

And with that Gamora turns and starts to walk off. "And Lolly's are annoying people, that you want to shut up. So you gag them. But there's no time for that!" She calls back over her shoulder toward him while putting her mask on. And she's definitely wrong about that description.