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A Breakup and a Reunion
Date of Scene: 22 April 2018
Location: Space
Synopsis: Breakups are hard. Reunions are even harder.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Supergirl

Mon-El has posed:
    Yes, Lar knows he promised Kara they'd talk over pizza...in a much more relaxing environment...but for whatever reason, that just isn't working for him. Instead, he's miles and miles above the surface of the Earth, floating in silence out in the cold, dark void of space. Maybe it just fits the mood better, or maybe it's just more private. Either way, this moment is definitely not one he has been looking forward to...

Supergirl has posed:
This had been a moment that Kara had been dreading. The pizza didn't work out. Life seemed to be interfering with everything, running from one situation to another. So when they finally managed to arrange for a meeting, it wasn't the most ideal of situations. She would've preferred something less cold, less empty. The only positive was it was a heckuva view at least with the Earth spinning below. At the exact time, she came streaking out of the atmosphere and into the vast nothing of space. Seeing him, she made a beeline then came to a hover a little before him. She was tempted to hug him yet at the same time felt that might not help the situation at all. "I'm sorry things have been so crazy. I know we've been needing to talk for a bit now," she says apologetically.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar looks up to see Kara approaching, and sighs, rubbing his face. Ugh, he couldn't put this off any longer. He...doesn't hug her, but he takes both of her hands. "Kara--I--" he pauses, as if still searching for the words. "I wanted to tell you...that I love you, with all my heart, and I've never loved anyone like I love you now. But..." Another sigh. "Look, I know you said you were afraid things would change after I regained my memories. And in a way they haven't, but at the same time..." he shakes his head. "I've realized, after everything I've seen, everything I've been through, and everything I now know...I--we...can't do this any more."

Supergirl has posed:
She watches his face as he talks. Reading his expressions. Seeing the sincerity in his eyes. Kara doesn't interrupt. She lets him get it all out without saying a word, knowing that after this it will be her turn. She can feel her heart beating in her chest in trepidation. But when he says those words, literally her first thought is to blurt out 'why not'. The confusion shows in her face as she squeezes his hands gently, trying to reassure him even as she struggles to understand. "Okay..." She struggles for the right words. "I'm guessing it has to do with our people? I mean, I love you. But I...well, I've been wondering things too. If this is right." She steels herself and has to ask. "What did you learn that has changed things?"

Mon-El has posed:
    There is... a measure of relief in Lar's expression when Kara doesn't actually flip out and start yelling, or worse, start sobbing or something and actually seems to be asking reasonable questions that can be answered. "It wasn't anything specific, it's just...I noticed a pattern through my life. Doing wreckless things because of how -I- feel or what -I- want without regard to people around me who -aren't- tougher than steel always led to those people getting hurt, or killed, or worse...and I know--"

    But then she starts to spill the beans a bit herself, and it's his turn to start wondering what exactly -she- means. Wondering about whether this was right...? He frowns at that last part. "...wait, what do you mean, if this is right?" Her parents and family are dead, right? Except for Kal, who was raised on Earth...

Supergirl has posed:
Dammit, she opened her big mouth. Kara clings to that need to be truthful with him. "Not because of what we are. I don't care about all that," Kara says as she gives a shrug. That part never made sense to her. Worrying about bloodlines and species. Who cared? "You are one of my best friends. When ..." Just say it. There was no easy way. "I am now having some concerns that Power Boy somehow manipulated me. Not intentionally." She hoped. "But then you were there for me, and helped me get through all that, and I wonder now if we rushed things a little. Kind of like you are saying, acting on impulse instead of thinking things through fully." Then something he is saying sunk in and she tilted her head to the side a little. "You feel like we rushed too? Or...?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "So...this has been all wrong? You--it was just because I happened to be there at the right time?" Lar questions, his eyes falling. "I--I guess, I should have known better. It was...stupid, for me to think that you'd..." He shakes his head, letting go of her and pulling away slightly, his gaze wandering off to the side, staring out into the star-filled void. "Never mind, it doesn't matter anyway. This was never going to work. My family...it just can't."

Supergirl has posed:
"I don't know," Kara admits, sticking with telling him the truth. "I know I care about you but I know that rebound is a thing and I just don't know if this is all right or wrong or what." She feels him pulling away, emotionally as well as physically. She can't really blame him. Yet, what was him breaking up with her has now turned into something else entirely. Not what she wanted either. She runs her hand back through her hair, frustrated that she is messing everything up. Completely and utterly. "I know this is coming across wrong and I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

Mon-El has posed:
    "No, no you're being honest, and that's what you -should- do. It's the right...thing to do." Lar insists, returning to her side. "Everyone gets confused sometimes, it's--it's not your fault. All you can do is try to sort it out as best you can before doing anything--brash." He pauses, gazing into her eyes. "S-so...maybe this is too much to ask, but maybe...we can still--help each other out? Whenever it's needed."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara catches her bottom lip between her teeth as she considers it, looking up at him hopefully. "I would like that. I don't want to lose our friendship but I understand if you really don't want to spend time with me after." Yeah. Just after. "I'll always be there for you. To help with anything I can. I just...I dunno. A step back and look at things from a fresh perspective?" she asks hopefully, reaching out a hand toward his, just wanting to give reassurance that way as well by a simple squeeze of a hand.

Mon-El has posed:
    At Kara's request, Lar looks visibly relieved, even more so perhaps than at first. He'd been dreading this as much as she had been, convinced that she was certainly going to shut him out forever. But it seems that things are not going to turn out quite as horribly as he'd thought.

    Smiling broadly, he takes the hand eagerly. "You have no idea how much I was hoping you'd say that." He squeezes her hand, gazing longingly at her again. "Kara..." he whispers, pulling her in closer. "One last kiss?"

Supergirl has posed:
A faint pink colors her cheeks at the request. Not that it's bad. It's not even really odd. Kara knows it's a goodbye of sorts. A closing of one chapter while opening another. The friendship will remain, hopefully. It might be strange at first bit she hopes it will work out.

She floats the distance between them, closing it and sliding her arms around his shoulders. "Thank you for understanding, Lar." Then she lightly presses her lips to his in a final kiss.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Thank you..." Lar says softly as the two of them come together again and lip lock one last time, putting his hand through the hair behind her head.

    It's not long though, before a bright light and a sight all too familiar to Mon-El approaches. And then, there's that dreaded voice.
    "So," A woman, along with a man and a few guards are suddenly floating nearby. They're all wearing environment suits, although their faces are visible. "It's true, isn't it? I didn't want to believe it, but--" she shakes her hand in disbelief. "You were always a bit...impulsive, Lar. But falling for a -Kryptonian- girl?"

    Lar's face is filled with dread and regret, now. He'd expected this day would come, but he hadn't expected it this soon. "Mother--please, I can explain..."

Supergirl has posed:
At the bright light, Kara turns to see what is going on. Only to find herself confronted by multiple bodies. She should've been more aware of her surroundings but she was busy worrying about the situation with Lar instead of thinking about someone sneaking up on them while they were in space. Her attention is on the small group, eyes narrowing slightly at the comment about her race. She bristles immediately, about to open her mouth--and likely put her foot in it--when Lar speaks up.
    Mother? She looks sharply back at the other woman as she curls her hands into fists at her sides while trying not to let her temper get the better of her. Nevermind that she and Lar just broke up. She really doesn't like that tone at all. "Jumping to conclusions is just rude," she says. Yup, way to help things out there, Kara.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Quiet!" The woman snaps, her face stern. "I never should have let you out of my sight. I thought you were ready...thought you'd learned not to 'fall in love' at the first pretty face you saw, but it seems I was wrong."
    Then she turns to Kara, scoffing. "-You-, a Kryptonian, trying to talk to -us- about -rude-. Ha! The audacity, the hypocrisy. It makes me sick."

    Lar's face hardens, a frown setting in his features. "Look, if I've learned anything in the time I've been away from home, it's that you -can't- condemn an -entire- race based on the actions of a few. I always used to believe everything you said, but I never actually got to -know- any of them. And I mean -really- know them! Kara...she--she's -different-. She's honest, caring, and...she's just beautiful, and--and not just physically!"

Supergirl has posed:
As Lar stands up to his mother on her behalf, Kara glances over at him and gives him a soft smile of thanks. Then she floats so she is shoulder to shoulder with him, squaring off with his family. "If I were to judge all Daxamites by Lar alone, I would have believed you all to be caring and good people who are willing to give everything for those you care about. Even if it means giving up his own happiness, he would to do what he feels is right. I'd really like to think we are just starting off on the wrong foot here so let's try to start over from the beginning."

She actually offers a smile to the group. "I'm Kara Zor-El. It is a pleasure to be able to meet you."

Mon-El has posed:
    Queen Rhea Gand just stares incredulously at Kara as she tries to 'start over', along with her husband and those with her. Lar sighs, just knowing that they are definitely not going to appreciate it at all. Finally, after a moment of tense silence, Rhea just throws her head back and laughs mirthlessly. "Ha ha ha! -Well-, Kara Zor-El. I'm Rhea Gand, and this is my husband, Del the First. I can't tell if you're intentionally taunting us, or if you're -really- that naive. In either case, you'll have to excuse us, because we have an -internal- matter to deal with now--thanks to you, my son needs to be -disciplined-."
    She motions to the guards, who immediately move to grab and restrain Lar. He struggles against them, but they are almost as strong as he is, and as much as he doesn't agree with them...he also doesn't want to hurt them or accidentally kill them. "H-hey! Let go of me!" he protests.

Supergirl has posed:
That did not go nearly as well as she'd hoped. So much for the nice way. Kara is going to have to take the other road. "He is not a child for you to discipline. Lar is a man who makes his own choices." And with that, she makes her own demand for the first time. "Let go of him. Or else."

The line drawn in the proverbial sand, Kara moves toward the guards who are holding Lar against his will. He might not want to hurt them. She doesn't feel the same way and she is intent on getting him free. Even if she has to punch someone to do it.

Yeah, she's not going to be invited to any future family holidays.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Kara--n-no....don't--" Lar starts to say, but the guards pull him back and Rhea moves in front him, coming between him and Kara.

     Suddenly, there's that's dreaded glowing green. The queen smirks knowingly, holding the kryptonite blade near to her neck. "Oh, you really are that naive, aren't you?" she coos. "How -sweet-. Did you -honestly- think that I wouldn't have come -prepared- for this? We made these weapons out of the remnants of your world that smashed into ours and reduced it to the primordial wasteland that is now. Ironic, isn't it? So why don't you run along, for now...but don't worry. You -will- answer for your crimes against Daxam. You and every Kryptonian still left alive." She pulls the blade away and shoves Kara back as the guards zoom off toward the ship with Lar. However, she and Del remain, both of them with the dreaded weapon drawn threateningly.

Supergirl has posed:
As soon as the blade is drawn clear of wherever it had been covered, Kara feels that wave of weekness. It hits like a freight train as it always does, sapping away her strength rapidly. She floats back in the air as she is shoved away, dismissed by the Daxamites like she's nothing. Despite it all, she's still defiant as she watches Lar being dragged off toward the ship. Her blue eyes say it all. This isn't over yet. She will be coming back for him.

For now though, she is forced to retreat, floating back slowly as she tries to put some distance between her and that blade.

Mon-El has posed:
    As they watch Kara retreat, Rhea smiles and re-sheathes the weapon. "Now, that's more like it. There's a smart girl." She and her husband turn then and return to their ship.
    "You didn't kill her." Del comments.
    "Oh, don't worry. She'll be back. I guarantee it."

    The two of them disappear into the darkness, and moments later, the vessel's engines fire up. But it doesn't leave. Instead, it begins to head down planetside, descending through the atmosphere...