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Latest revision as of 06:26, 19 May 2018

I Am.... Minoke
Date of Scene: 24 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Beryl, Groot

Beryl has posed:
Minoke returns to the Marketplace. She has all the parts she needs to fix her ship. She is exploring the Marketplace, trying to get a feel for the place. Not as afraid as last time, the apparent Coluan woman is simply exploring, looking around at everything with a look of abject curiosity. What will catch her attention?

Groot has posed:
As the evening winds down, the marketplace vendors begin either to convert their booths for evening and overnight business or they shut down for the evening. The drinks vendors, almost as a rule, keep running into the night. It's not so much that their business peaks, or if it does, Groot wouldn't necessarily be concerned. They do, however, represent a steady supply of his favorite fluids, and tonight he's perusing.

He hums quietly as he regards the selection of artificially colored nectars, and he puts an absorptive digit into a small sample cup of blue liquid.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke sees a... tree. The first tree she ahs ever seen. A walking tree - a pointing tree. Beeping curiously to herself, she heads towards the tall tree, studying the fluids. She blinkblinks as she stands by the tree-person, peeking up at the gentle giant. She just wonders what he is - and what's in the cups of the fluids.

Groot has posed:
The sample isn't from a great batch, apparently -- too much base, and not enough sugar to cover it. Groot makes a disgusted noise and pulls out his hand, flicking the fluid off his porous bark onto the booth counter and anyone nearby. He dips his hand into a small, continuously running water fountain to get rid of the last of the residue and tries his luck again with a sample of red nectar.

Ahh, this is much better. A little bit of acid and enough sugar to be worth the try. He rumbles appreciatively.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke then asks, "What is that stuff?" She glances up at Groot. "And... what exactly are you?" She is curious about this tree-man. "It's colored fluid..." She then blinks as she senses something that does draw her eye. The far end of the same booth that Groot is perusing has a vial of silverly fluid. "That's... METAL..." she whispers.

Groot has posed:
Groot's attention diverts from the drink sample to the questions now coming his way. He blinks and looks down the counter at the bottle of metallic fluid, then back at the woman asking about him and the wares. His eyes narrow slightly, and he takes a step back from the counter to give her access to the vial, should she be interested.

He rumbles in his chest for a moment while he considers the questions, or rather, their answers. The first one's easiest, he supposes, so he extends his arms as vines out to the countertop to pick up another red sample. He opens his mouth and knocks back the small shot, then cocks his head to give the woman a pointed look.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks as she picks up the small sample of mercury, raising an eyebrow, then sips it. "Wow - smooth and delicious." She swishes it around her mouth and swallows. Generally that would be an inredibly stupid thing to do - for mercury is the most vile poison and even the shopkeeper is aghast at it.

Groot has posed:
It's not necessarily a surprise, Groot supposes. He crumples up the sample cup and hands it to the shopkeeper for disposal while taking a step in the opposite direction from the mercury and the individual drinking it. All types, he thinks to himself with a shrug. He extends a payment chip to the shopkeeper and asks for a carboy of the red fluid.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke ponders as she sets the rest of the vial down as she watches the tree-man interact. She thanks the shopkeep for the sample as she watches, deciding to stay by Groot. He seems familiar somehow, or she has heard of him. Maybe. Her memory is a muddled mess.

Groot has posed:
Groot nods in thanks as he receives the two large containers of fluid, and he hefts them onto his shoulders before he extends tendrils and twigs from his chest and back to support them in place while he walks. He receives the returned payment chip and secrets it away into his forearm. Satisfied that his shopping is now done, he looks at the woman with the appetite for mercury, nods his head, and turns to begin walking away.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke just studies. "So did you just buy a tasty drink?" she asks curiously. "I don't really need mercury - it is an interesting agent but not really something I want in large doses..." She then blinks. "I'veh eard of a tree-man. I think maybe Mr. Warlock might've mentioned you..."

Groot has posed:
Now, it's not unusual for Groot to get questions from observers in the Marketplace, because it's not as though many of his species are out and about for anyone to meet. Still... He stops and turns around, looking at the woman with a confused look. "I am Groot?" he asks.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks. "Groot... yes... Mr. Warlock told me a little. Or did he? My memory isn't that good." She then sighs softly. "I am far from home... don't even know where my home is. I awoke here a week ago and... am simply trying to find a place to belong. I heard of a group called the Guardians of the Galaxy?"

Groot has posed:
Groot looks at the woman for a few long moments, a low rumble shaking out from the wood as he considers. He looks around the Marketplace for anything with the Guardians' blaze on it, and finding none, he frowns. He looks at the woman again and points to the small patch he's biologically welded into his arm. "I am Groot," he says. He points to her. "I am Groot?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke tilts her head. "I take it that you cannot say anything else..." she muses softly. She squints. "Yes - I saw that logo on Mr. Warlock's clothing. So you are the one I was told about. I am... not part of your group." She sighs. "I want to be. I want to belong... somewhere. But I've only been... alive... and awake... for a week. This is a complex place - I do not know where to find... somewhere to belong."

Groot has posed:
"I am Groot," the tree says at some length. He holds out his arms and gives them some added bulk around the vines and extends his fingers a few inches longer than they generally are. From where he stands, the carboys of nutrient blend put an eerie red glow of transmitted lamp light onto the ground below. "I am Groot," he says, flicking his fingertips around. The arms come back to his sides and he points upward with one arm, swinging his forearm in a small circle. "I am Groot?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke just stares blankly at Groot. "I'm sorry, I don't get what you're getting at..." She then states, "I've been told I'm Coluan. I don't know where that is. I don't know where I belong." She sighs, looking frustrated.

Groot has posed:
Coluan... Coluan... Groot makes a small grunt in his torso. "I am Groot," he says, pointing out to the shipyard. The other hand gestures to the booths around him. He looks around to either side as much as he can, practically pivoting back and forth on his feet to look without the carboys impeding his view. "I am Groot? I am Groot," he says, shrugging... very carefully.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "I have a small ship. It's... very small. I've been trying to fix it. Mr. Warlock helped me get some parts." She starts to head in that direction. "I wish I had a way of understanding what you were saying - I'm just having to guess by your gestures..." She starts heading towards the shipyard.

Groot has posed:
Groot gives another shrug, this one lifting his forearms for emphasis. His expression softens, and he pops open a small flower from one wrist while he waves to the woman as she starts back for the shipyard. He turns to walk between two of the booths into a much less well lit space. The shadows on the tent walls look angry and blood-red with the twigs and branches angling upward into the red masses.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Groot. I'm going to see if that mercury I sipped might be usable to fix a few problems on the main curciut. Probably should've paid but... no moneys. If I could just get a chunk of gold or silver I can mold it into something beuatiful to sell but... none of that just laying around." She sighs.

Groot has posed:
Groot hears this, cocks his head, and frowns. He rumbles as he wanders his way back to the Milano, preferring the long route that goes in between buildings and booths. He pops the top on a carboy and slips in a tendril for a sip, then re-seals the container and continues on his way.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke walks into the Burnout Pub, just exploring the station a bit more. Food and drink have no interest to her... but the hulking form of Crusader does draw her eye and she makes a beeline for his position. "Hello again, Crusader! I think my ship's ready to fly! Just... no idea where to go. I... couldn't save any of the navigation informatoin." She then blinks at the brightly-dressed female sitting with him. "Hello there! I'm Minoke!" She extends her green-skinned hand.