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Deal with the Devil
Date of Scene: 15 March 2018
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Mystique arrives at the Triskelion and turns herself in, claming innocence and wanting to make a deal. Director Fury takes the gamble.
Cast of Characters: Mystique, Hawkeye (Barton), Deadpool, Quake, Nick Fury

Mystique has posed:
Outside the Triskelion, a woman is sitting on a bench on the opposite side of the street from the entry bridge that leads inside. She's dressed in a black business suit with an actual fedora upon her head that is tilted at a jaunty angle. A briefcase sits on the ground by her feet. She's really rather non descript with dark hair and eyes. Her build is slim, almost dainty with a fragileness to it. She sighs softly and picks up the briefcase, rising to her feet and starting the long trek over the bridge to enter the lobby of SHIELD headquarters.

Once within, she passes through the metal detectors with no problems. The interior of the briefcase shows only paperwork and file folders. A couple of pens. Not even a laptop is stowed within. The click of her heels can be heard as she walks past the large SHIELD emblem in the center of the room, heading to the glassed in reception desk. She doesn't smile as she looks to the person inside, simply reaching into the pocket of her jacket and starting to pull out the identification she is sure will be asked for.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The troublemakers are back in the office, at least for the moment anyhow, something to do with a mission in China. Clint heads inside the Trisk, holding the door open for Skye as he does, dressed in his street clothes. "So when we head back, who did we still need to pick things up for?" he asks her. "I mean other than tracking down Fung for those lessons."

Deadpool has posed:
In many ways, working for S.H.I.E.L.D. was like working for any other company. In Agent Jack White's case, he got up every day, and went to work, where he'd sit at a desk, checking identification, waving them through, or sending them for further screenings. A trained monkey could do his job, or so he often joked with his wife Susan. In fact, it had become a running joke for them. Every year on their anniversary, she would get him something else related to the monkey theme. He had a pen from the movie Congo. He had a barrel of monkey's hanging, just off to the side inside his booth. There was a watch he work with a monkey face, with its arms and tail being the hands. Even his screen saver was monkey's playing poker.

He was pretty tired, as a job like this could absolutely drain the life out of a person. They were just names and numbers, barcodes and accounts. He accepted the woman's identification, without even really thinking about it, and had run it through the machine, which was quick, but still took a moment as this one was flagged. Opening his slightly bloodshot eyes a little wider as he peered at what it said on screen. A moment's hesitation. It was the kind that happened to everyone going through a moment they will remember for the rest of their days. The seconds on that monkey watch seemed to tick slower than it had before. He could feel every heartbeat. And then he calmly pressed the button underneath for additional security.

Quake has posed:
"Mmmm, Everyone but May? Fury. Nat. Lara. Darcy. Suppose we could get Wade something. You know he's likely to pick through our luggage anyway if we don't. Or give us garden gnomes dressed like our friends.. or undressed like our friends." Skye shakes her head at the thought.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Currently in his office, Director Nick Fury was running over the latest intel in the southeastern part of Asia that always gave him concerns. Dropping a few key notes into a folder, Fury then moves on to the next bit of intel from agents in the field. Before he could move on that though, the silent signal of an alarm at the front of the complex pops up on his screen.

    Taking a brief moment to check the cameras and security footage, Fury says, "Hmmmm..." And gets up out of his chair. Moving to the back of his office he enters a room that wasn't supposed to be there, and disappears. A few seconds later, he steps out of the back of the large entry area of the Trisk, and watches from the shadows, waiting to see what would happen next. Interesting ID..

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Shh," Clint says letting the door swing closed behind them as he catches up to Skye. "We don't want to give him ideas," he says about Wade, even as he shudders at the thought. They had a theory Wade could just hear whatever speculation they made about what'd he do. "People would totally steal the naked Thor gnome," he adds as an afterthought, rifling through his pockets to try and find his badge and ID.

Mystique has posed:
When she speaks, her voice is nothing unusual and won't match any voice prints on file. "I wish to speak to Director Fury." Nothing more as she turns away, letting the man within do his thing.

The identification had a name that was on the top of the wanted list. Raven Darkholme. It was strange since at one time she actually had worked for the government. Now, she was number one on their list, right above genodical maniacs and baby killers. Overachiever that she was. As she waited for the man to type in the information the screen, she turned away. Her back to the booth, she walked toward that large symbol in the fountain. About five feet away from it, she stopped and set down her briefcase. Then she removed her jacket, revealing the perfect white button up shirt beneath. The jacket was carefully folded and laid over the briefcase. The fedora was removed and set atop the jacket.

As she waited for the alarms to start sounding, she simply stood there staring at the emblem. No doubt the silent one had been triggered already. She kept her hands at her sides.

Quake has posed:
Skye joins in the pocket rifling. "Oh, come on. Surely he's settled some since he got the job. And besides, naked Thor wouldn't get stolen, because he'd be on our bedside table." She says it utterly innocently, because while she has zero intention of ever putting a naked Thor on their bedside table - let alone anything Wade had left at their place, for fear of it being bugged - it was always worth it to tease Clint. "Bet Wade would get weeks of entertainment out of those finger prison things."

Of course she and Clint come up short behind the security holdup.

Nick Fury has posed:
    With a loud sigh, and quick walk out of the shadows, Fury moves forward, visible to everyone present now. Sometimes the shadows were effective, sometimes it was better to be in the light. Holding his hand up to the security agents that were even now entering the area with automatic weapons, and other special weapons that were SHIELD only, Fury forstalls the oncoming storm - for now.

    "Ms. Darkholme. I figured you had a reason to be here, and to get my attention. From all I've heard, you don't make mistakes like entering an ID into our system with your own name on it. I'm here. We're all waiting. What do you want?"

Deadpool has posed:
The man in the booth, Agent Jack White pulls out his gun in preparation, just in case he needs it, though his role rarely needs such a response. This was going to be talked about over dinner for years with his wife Susan. He actually had a reason to pull out his gun. Naturally, other agents were alerted and there would be an appropriate response. Fortunately, some more senior agents were already on the scene...

And at that very moment, in the Village, a certain Merc with the Mouth, was carefully tending to the soil of a beautiful lawn. "Feel a feeling light, headed out to see the sights, ain't life a many splendored thing?" He had fertilised the lawn, weeded, and was adding more soil to help it grow. Around the grass, there were flowers, several imported, some from as far as Europe, Japan, and Australia. He continued to sing the male parts, even if no one sang the female parts. "Just when you think, tou're a chain with just one link, something comes to tip you off your stool."

For you see, the garden was full of gnomes. It was all laid out, with some sitting down for a meal in one area, a few sleeping or enjoying the sun in another. There was the red light district of the garden. And then there was the celebrity wing, with a gnome version of himself, a gnome version of Black Widow, and they were joined by a William T. Riker gnome, whose caption said 'set beards to stunning.' Another one seemed to be wearing incredibly short, confining shorts, and it was captioned 'I'm sexy and I gnome it'.

Deadpool continued to sing, "Hello, hello. Hello, hello. My, my, my, what have we here? What a surprise. What a surprise!" Even as poor Agent Jack White had the crisis of one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most saught after targets approaching on his day. Worst of all, Jack wasn't even supposed to work today. He was covering for Fred Jacbonson.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Ouch, colour me all intimidated," Clint grins of the idea of the Thor-gnome being in the bedroom. He finds his ID and pulls it out. "Oh those finger trap things, yeah, I could see that, probably just keep himself trapped just for the lulz," he says before adding. "Yeah I said lulz, shut up."

Then the proverbial shit hits the fan. "Wonderful we're here for all the fun stuff," he grouses to Skye as he starts walking towards the boss. As the tactical guys appear, Clint borrows a sidearm from one of them, handing it back to Skye, before beckoning for a second guy to hand his overs, both had heavier weapons in hand so it wasn't like they'd miss them.

Quake has posed:
Clint gets a swat. "Fine. Ruin the joke. See if you get sidetable ramen in the near future." Skye is laughing, though, which is always a good sign. "I'd say find him something better, but honestly, I can see him enjoying that. Totally touristy and probably made in Taiwan to boot, but yeah."

Brown Stuff. Whirly thing. The sidearm is taken from Clint with a grumbled, "We're on vacation, you know." Even though that hadn't stopped them from engaging n the impromptu mission that was why they were here to talk to Fury in the first place. She makes sure the thing is ready to engage. "What's up, do you think?" It was a lot of firepower for..

Well, she guessed it was the woman with the briefcase. Who seemed innocuous enough? Which was enough to tell Skye that she probably really, REALLY wasn't.

Mystique has posed:
At the sound of the Director's voice, the woman turns her head that direction There is no expression on her face really. Her eyes are devoid of anything, Flat, emotionless. She brings her arms up slowly to behind her head, not making any sudden moves with all the tactical types showing up with weapons drawn. "I think it's obvious. I'm here to turn myself in for crimes I did not commit," Her voice has changed now, a strange echoing quality to it.

An instant later, there is a shimmer type effect starting at her feet and rippling upwards along her form. From the toes up, her true blue form is revealed, letting everyone in on the secret that they might not have realized. Fury knew. So did Mr. White in the booth since it was flashing images of her on his screen, red banners all around showing her wanted status. In a moment, the blue skinned woman is standing there instead of the one that had been before. The things she brought with her are still sitting on the floor. Apparently the jacket and hat had been real, just not the rest of her attire. "I want to make a deal." She smiles, an almost wicked hint to it. "I brought presents." That must be what the briefcase was for.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Turn yourself in..." Fury's one good eye squints at slight surprise. "For the crimes you did not..." Another pause. "You had to know we wouldn't let you walk out of here, now that we have you in our sights, Ms. Darkholme. Hmmm." Fury looks at what she referred to. "So. That begs the question, what is in the suitcase? I hardly believe what you say is the real reason you are here." Why reveal yourself? And what is to prevent me from having my Agents open up on you to end this whole situation right now?"

    A slight pause. "I know what you are capable of. Right now, you are all alone. So...why would you think we believe what you are saying?" Fury places his hands on his hips, near his guns at his belt, and waits for her move. "Do I need a bomb squad for your "gifts"?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint rolls his eyes when he's swatted but like Skye he's laughing. "Definitely works," he says about the finger-traps.

"I know, but our last stop on our trip was a Hydra base, so..." he lets that hang his eyes now on the target. He keeps his gun lowered though, not until Fury gives them some sort of word.

He clues into the same thing as Skye, this woman has to have po- oh shit. The woman changes and then the response makes so much sense. "Mystique," he says the name like a curse. "This just got interesting," he says as he moves up near Fury. "Boss, you need us to do anything?"

Deadpool has posed:
With Director Fury instructing Mystique to turn herself in, the situation tense. So of course it was a bit jarring when Jack White's phone chirped the 1UP sound from the classic Mario Brothers video game. He apologised, "sorry sir." Yeah, he was so going to get fired over this. Maybe Wal-Mart was hiring?

Mystique has posed:
"You do know what I'm capable of. And thus, you know me being alone wouldn't matter. I could have remained hidden. You never would have found me." That ripple slides over her skin and suddenly Jack White is standing in front of him. "I could be right here in your building and you'd never know." She shifts into Clint Barton just as quickly, only not holding a weapon. Then Skye Johnson. Then she is back to being Mystique, her natural form with her red hair and blue skin. "Instead, I give you my true name and reveal himself." She keeps those hands up behind her head. "With all of these witnesses, you wouldn't have them just open fire. You would wait until I am somewhere private to eliminate me." She keeps her gaze locked to his. "No tricks. No bombs. Your security people should be fired if there were, since they cleared the briefcase. Inside is documentation on two individuals that you would like to take down. I have handed them to you on a silver platter. There is more where that came from but it's all in my head. Kill me, you lose your chance." She gives another of this smiles. "Tell me, Director, are you a gambling man?"

Nick Fury has posed:
    As Clint joins him, Fury doesn't respond except with a quick negative shake of his head. A tap on his right sidearm with his right finger let Clint know to be ready for anything, and keep his "hawkeyes" on Mystique. Same goes for Agent Johnson. Be ready, but let's hear her out.

    "That is true." Fury replies, as she speaks of remaining hidden. They hadn't had any luck in locating her, and he had the best bloodhounds on the planet. "On that, you are correct. I would never have you shot out here. That would be messy...or inside for that matter. The only way you get shot, is if you do something else stupid today." Fury was keeping his voice steady, calm, and cold. His eye patch coulnd't make out what was in the case, and that bugged him.

    "Agent Johnson. Get that case." Fury says, quietly. "Agent Barton, watch her. Both of them" He knew Barton would be watching his partner, and the shape shifter. "Okay Ms. Darkholme. I'll bite. I like to gamble. Right now, I'm gambling you are telling the truth, and no one gets hurt that way. Surrendur to my team, right now, and I promise you I will give you a fair shake. Deal?"

Quake has posed:
Mystique had flown across a few 'wanted' lists Skye had seen, but given she'd been a desk jockey or a noob till recently, she'd paid less attention than she should have (sorry boss). "Neat trick," she mutters of the shape changing, noting the nod to be prepared. Sent for the briefcase, Skye nods. "Gotcha, boss."

Of course that means approaching the woman. Not that she's likely to try anything with this much firepower standing around, but still..

Mystique has posed:
The briefcase is not a trap. No bombs, nothing poisonous. It is just a briefcase. Once they look inside later they will find just what Mystique had stated. Two files filled with information about two people they would be very interested in finding.

"Of course, Director." Mystique does move but it isn't aggressive. Instead, she drops down to her knees, crossing her legs at the ankles as she does so. Her arms remain up behind her head, fingers intertwined to allow for easy cuffing. When she is approached by personnel to do just that, she does not resist and allows the handcuff to be locked around one wrist, arm moved to behind her back, the the other brought down to join it and linked.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Arrest her, Agents." Fury says after she agrees to come with them. "If you have told us the truth, we'll have no reason to keep you." Moving towards them, as the Agents pick her up to her feet after restraining her. "I'd like to believe you." Fury says, as she is taken away. Shaking his head, Fury adds, "It's never easy..."