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Drake and Power Girl talk about confidence.
Date of Scene: 10 May 2018
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: Power Girl and Drake run into each other again. Drake as usual sucks at being confident and gets some tough love from Power Girl. Also Valk, his teammate, has a crush.
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Power Girl

Slipstream has posed:
It is a beautiful day in Metropolis and the shopping district is popping off. With the weather being nice, it's easy to enjoy the fresh air warm sunny rays. Drake is currently here in the city of Supers on vacation, glancing down at his phone at times as he texts and updates some social media for his ever busy and growing stream. With him is a tall girl about his age with bright purple and pink hair, tattoos up and down her arms and a few piercings along her face. She is wearing a Team Static tank top and a pair of loose fitted black jeans with holes in them over combat boots.

"Dynamite, I'm fucking bored. You know how I hate shopping. How much longer we gotta wait for your friend?"

"Kara said she is running a bit late but when she frees up she'll text me. You'll really like her! She's Supergirl after all. Big time hero."

"So she's a real person and not a robot like that weird thing that follows you around?"

"Hey, Snowball has a lot of personality."

"Dude, I'm starting to think you're way too attached to that thing."

With a sigh, Drake rolls his eyes and heads to a Starbucks kiosk that is set up, fishing out some money. "Valk, why you gotta always gotta shit on me for?"

"Because you're our captain so I gotta keep you humble."

Power Girl has posed:
    Metropolis is the home of several notable individuals. One of them happens to be flying overhead, and though she does hear the whole sentence, the most important word is Kara. As soon as she hears it, she's no longer flying through the sky, but instead, descending on the pair of gamers at a more reasonable pace. It isn't long before she's just a few feet above them, and won't be much longer before she's on the ground.

    "I heard a familiar voice saying a familiar name. What brings you out to Metropolis?" she asks, a few inches taller than, well, basically everyone present. Were everything else more subdued, for that fact alone, Power Girl would still stand out like a sore thumb.

Slipstream has posed:
"... Wow, she is so hot." Valkerie says to Drake in a side whisper as she openly stares at the superhero. "You didn't tell me we were waiting on Power Girl."

"... Super Girl."

"What's the difference?"

"... um... " Drake pauses at the question, then gives a glance at his teammate, then back to Power Girl. "Your name is Kara? Huh. I didn't know that. I was waiting on my friend Kara. Um.. Super Girl. We're going to snag lunch and I was going to introduce her to my friend here. This is Janis."

"Valkerie. I don't go by Janis. That's my muggle name."

"Oh my God." Drake pinches the bridge of his nose, then lets out an 'ow!' as he is punched in the shoulder rather hard by the girl next to him.

"Hi Power Girl, Er.. Kara." Drake says with a grin to her. "Good to see you again. Want a coffee? Kara said she is going to show me around Metropolis as well since I don't come out here often. How you doing by the way? Is Kara like a popular name for really kick ass super women, or is there a story that I haven't heard yet?"

Power Girl has posed:
    "Okay first, I can hear you," she begins, pointing at the both of them. "Second, there's a -lot- of difference, and if you can't point out the differences then you're going to have a bad time." Placing that hand on her hip, she continues on. "Third, I said a familiar name, not -my- name, and I'm not referring to anyone as Valkerie." There is a pause, there, as she waits for Drake to catch up.

    "There isn't a story that you're missing." she lies, somewhat expertly. "But if Supergirl told you she'd show you around Metropolis, then she'll probably be here soon. Or she won't. Never really know what she's up to, or which solar system it's even in. Probably ought to keep tabs on that." More musing to herself than anything, she offers this resigned sigh, having talked herself into chaperoning.

    "We can visit a few places, I guess. Won't hurt, but if I hear gunshots, I'm gone. I'm not exactly ever off-duty."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, but Valkerie is my name. It's even on my license." The tall women with the pink hair says with a frown on her face. "Janis is dead. That bitch died a long time ago."

"Holy shit, Valk. We don't gotta hear your backstory. Ow!" Drake says as he gets punched in the shoulder again, giving it a rub. "Why do you always gotta do that?"

"I thought you were this big time superhero now or something. You're whining about a girl hitting you?"

"...I mean, if Power Girl hit me, it'd /really/ hurt. I don't think assuming the gener of one's punch is really cool."

"You are such a dork, Dynamite. You're lucky your hitscan is God like."

The young Avenger lets out an embarrassed sigh. "Anyways... uh... I know there is a difference, totally." He says in regards to the second point she makes. "But, you don't gotta hang out with us if you got really important stuff to do. Unless you want to see how many bruises Valk here can give me in one day. But .. what do you have in mind?"

"Can I get a selfie with you?" Valk asks Power Girl as she cuts Drake off.

Power Girl has posed:
    "That is... Pretty edgy. Had your name legally changed to..." Power Girl spends a moment, looking at Valkerie's license through whatever fabric probably covers it. "A misspelling of Valkyrie." It's important to note that while Power Girl looks to be in her mid-twenties, she's quite a bit older than that.

    Admittedly, she also doesn't halt any of the punching that's going on. "She's right, though. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not about the gender, it's about the fact that she probably doesn't lift or box. I also think she's pretty sure about the gender of the person punching you. No real... Assuming going on, unless she doesn't know her own arm very well. Pretty sure she does, though."

    Offering a shrug, Power Girl looks indifferent. "Listen, I have a lot of important stuff to do, but you were expecting a proper escort through the city, have a public identity, and basically have no actual way of not getting yourself into trouble. Until you're out of my city, you'd probably be my problem anyway, so we can visit a couple of places without it being an issue." A pause, then, and she responds to Valkerie. "Yeah, sure."

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh, I work out, plenty." Valk says as she gives a flex of her bicep, showing a bit of muscle that pops beneath her skin when she pulls back the sleeve of her hoodie. "I do kickboxing four days a week. My training partner wants me to slow it down but I want to ramp it up. I can bench press more than this noodle can."

Drake squints his eyes, then glances down at his own arm and shrugs. ".. I'm working out... with Captain America." He sputters out with a cough. "I mean, I'll get there at some point."

Valk smirks at him, raises her fist as if to punch him again, watching him flinch, then looks back to Power Girl. "Yeah, I spelled it like that on purpose. The way it was spelled right was already taken on Twitch so I went with this, and it built me up online as a brand and so I changed my name to it. It just fits me better." She slides her phone out of her back pocket and leans in to take a picture with herself and the super hero. "Sweet."

Drake gives a quick smile, then gives his shoulder another rub. "I promise we won't be a issue or get ourselves into some weird superhero adventures."

From the Apple Store across the street, a shouting can be heard as a pair of men can be seen bolting out of the glass doors, carrying a trio of laptop boxes with them. "Hey! Get back here!" A lanky young man with a beard and a blue apple shirt can be seen shouting at the doors.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Well, yeah. Most people who've heard of weights can bench more than Drake. It's not his fault, though, he's good at other things. Like getting into trouble, or hurting himself on purpose" she notes, alluding to the nature of Drake's powers. "He'll catch up, though. Rogers will put him through the paces. Make someone we can all be proud of one of these days."

    Power Girl doesn't do anything with the selfie, just letting Valkerie take it however she pleases. She isn't a smily person, so there isn't any of that. Instead, she lets it happen and turns her attention to Drake. "Yeah, because that's totally a promise you can keep. As if you aren't a magnet." she notes, turning around at that point. She'd heard the robbery happening, but nobody was crying and gunshots hadn't happened yet, so it was just a basic snatch and grab.

    Seeing that it was Apple, she gave a sigh. "I almost don't want to."

    Then, she's off, up above the crowd pushing one-twenty in order to effortlessly outpace the crooks, and get in their way. "Do you guys have no idea where you even are?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Aw, come on Pee-Gee, you're supposed to be on my side here." Drake complains as he tugs his sleeves down a bit farther on his hoodie.

Valk snickers at her captain. "Girl power, dude. Don't get in the way of it."

".. But I wasn't... and I don't always get in trouble, and I don't /always/ get hurt.. there was that one time last week..." He insists, though not too convincingly.

As the super hero rushes off to chase down the Apple thieves, Valk lets out a long sigh. "I'm in love. Do you think she's single and maybe bi curious? Because I'm bi-furious for her right now."

Drake visibly blanches at his friend, eyes widening. ".. Oh my God, Valk."

"What? You dated the Green Power Ranger." She quips back.

"Green Lantern." Drake corrects her.

"Whatever, look at her go. She's freaking fast. How does she keep her boobs in that top though? I'm super jealous."

Drake lets out a long sigh. ".. I'd help out but she's probably gonna handle it easily enough."

The two robbers slide to a stop as Power Girl drops down in front of them, giving each other a quick glance. "Shit, it's Wonder Chick." "No, that's Power Lady." ".. Power Lady? Isn't she the one with the whip?" "No dude, that's Wonder Woman. This one is Power Lady."

They go back and forth for a moment before they put the laptops down on the ground, holding their hands up in surrender. They seem smart enough to not pick a fight.

Power Girl has posed:
    "I'm not picking sides." she says, and as she's hurtling through the sky above the criminals, she calls back. "And I can STILL hear you." Not addressing the 'I don't always' statement for now, she instead does her work in handling the thieves. "Wrong." she starts, "Almost, you're getting there- no, she doesn't have a whip. That's not who you're thinking of. Don't worry, I'll wait. It's fine. I don't even think we have a 'Lady' anything. Where are you even getting these?"

    They surrender, and once some security guards arrive to hold them, she takes the laptop back to the man at the Apple store, so that he doesn't lose his half-caf no-caf double-caf iced mocha caramel frappe double-whipped-cream grass-fed vegan lo-calorie sweetener latte over it. Also possibly his job, but that's secondary. Though she'd just flown over to the two she apprehended, she walks back just fine.

    "Well, not to pretend that this all isn't really awkward, but as we were saying, seeing things in Metropolis. Do you have any idea where Kara was going to take you?"

Slipstream has posed:
The hipster in the blue Apple shirt looks grateful as Power Girl delivers the laptops back to him. "Thanks, man! You really saved the day." He says as he rubs a hand through his thick beard. "My boss woulda wigged out." As he heads back in to put them away, the security guards take the two thieves off as they continue to argue about exactly who just stopped their crime of terror.

"It's not awkward." Valk says cooly as she gives the hero a big smile on her face.

"It's awkward for me." Drake says as he rubs the back of his neck, then says, "We were going to hit up the zoo for a bit, then get dinner at this Italian place called Risattos, then drop by the Daily Planet to meet some friends of hers. I'm her Jimmy Olsen she says so she wanted me to meet the real deal. She thinks we'd get along, then I guess we were gonna take the train back. Easy peasy stuff. Oh, hey, are you on a team by the way, like the Justice League?"

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl sighs. "They'll uh... Figure it out eventually. One would think I'd be the only one that they -do- know, but they're probably focused on Superman." she states, her attention shifting back to the other two she's got to deal with today. "Yeah, yeah it is." she states, in mild, if comedic, agreement with Drake.

    "Oh, so this was more of like a... Like a date thing?" she asks, unsure of the relationship there. Last she knew, Kara was dating Power Boy, and that was another level of weird. "Because that's really not what I'd be doing. I mean, I can take you to the zoo, but for me it's more like a field trip than, you know, anything else." There's a pause as she acknowledges, "Though you'd probably get along with Olsen. He's awkward and pretty helpless, so if he were younger you'd have been separated at birth."

    Folding her arms- a gesture that isn't fair in any capacity- she continues. "Yeah. I'm on the roster for the League. Why do you ask?"

Slipstream has posed:
"A date thing? No, we're best friends. Pretty sure I'm not in her class of guys she'd date. She was dating Power Boy, then she started to date Mon El, you know.. Lar Gand. They recently broke up though because they'd rather just be friends. And Lar and I are really good friends, so I wouldn't make a move on a girl that he used to date, and anyways, like I said, dating Super Girl is kinda way beyond my resume. I'd have a better chance dating Valk and she doesn't even like guys."

"Maybe in Bizarro world but I'm sure Bizarro Valk wouldn't date you either." The pink hair girl says to Drake with a smirk.

"Right. I'm kinda like.. uh... the guy that no one wants to date, but they'll kick it with me when they got nothing else to do." Drake says as he glances down at the thick bracelet on his left wrist, tapping a few buttons on it to pull up a few LED readings of his health. "I'm a walking friend zone. But anyways, it was just a hang out day. Just trying to be normal for a few hours. But I was asking about the League because I just never knew if you were on a super team. I'm still figuring this whole thing out being the new rookie on the block. What's it like being in the League? Is it like being on the Avengers?"

Power Girl has posed:
    "Oh, okay, that makes a bit of sense, yeah. I uh... Try to keep out of her love life. Nobody needs me punching everyone they make doe-eyes at." she states, offering this friendly sort of nod. "Not to be overprotective here, but be glad you're not in her league. Trust me. There's kind of a... Self-important angsty edge to basically everoyne at that level. Except for Superman, and he's her cousin, so he's out on principal- and twice her age. Technically. Anyway..." She sort of glosses over the comment from Valk- and the comment about Valk, too. Don't need to get that flame burning any hotter.

    "Nobody is undateable. Trust me." It comes accross less comforting and more genuinely serious. After all, there are meth-heads missing half of their teeth that get dates- Power Girl probably just doesn't have time for melodrama. "As for what it's like in the League? Pretty relaxed. We have our resources, we use them to watch over the whole planet, instead of just one city. We work with who we can, give who we can't the space they need, but the offer is always there, and we do our best to keep everything safe. Sometimes, it means preventing. Sometimes it means punishing. Depends on what day it is."

Slipstream has posed:
"I hear you." Drake says with a nod of his head. "Sorta like the Avengers then. I wonder if I will ever get promoted to the big roster. Though with my current powers I am probably gonna be riding the bench for awhile. You are right though about getting hurt. I am just trying to figure it out. I'll get better with more training and practice."

Valk studies Drake for a moment and says, "It's still weird for us you know, back on the team that you are like this. You are so different now."

There is a shrug from Drake. "I know it's weird. I probably should quit the team so you guys can find a new player. I feel like my life is going in a new direction." He chews on his lip, then remembers he hasn't ordered anything from the kiosk yet. He gets himself a white mocha for himself and a Black for Valk.

Power Girl has posed:
    Is simply not going to tolerate it anymore. At first, Drake seemed fine. "Well yeah," she began, "I imagine the Avengers are pretty similar, but from what I know, they're more New York based. Doesn't mean they don't go everywhere, but I think they focus on the place. Seems like a bit of a hotbed for superhuman activity, both good and bad." she states, offering this small nod.

    For a little while, she just listens, but eventually she can't help but speak up. "Oh get off the cross, we need the wood. Saying that isn't going to help anything. It's certainly not going to make anyone else feel better about you being present. Either you do one, or you do both, but you have to put your whole heart into it. Nobody's saying you can't have it both ways, but you can't mope about it either. If you don't think you can devote the time, leave the team- don't sit in the middle and make everyone around you wonder if they can really rely on you."

Slipstream has posed:
"Woah, that's super harsh." Valk says to Power Girl with a frown upon her face.

"It's okay. She's right though. It's just that being on the team is a dream come true, and being on the Avengers as a buddy is also a dream come true I guess if someone is in my position. Being on the team though is eight hours a day of practice followed by four hours a day of scrims and vod review. Then I spend the rest of the time working out and trying to be a wannabe superhero on the streets. I'm burning myself out and I'm not taking care of myself or getting a lot of sleep. It's probably also why I get hurt a lot when I do use my powers."

"Yeah, but she don't gotta be a bitch about it." Valk huffs loudly.

"Don't be jealous, V, there's enough room on this planet for the two of you."

"Oh, you think you're witty all of a sudden?"

"I mean, I have my moments."

"You have like two moments, the rest is just you trying too hard to be likable." Valk snips back at him with a smirk.

"AAAAANYWAYS." Drake sighs at his teammate, eyes rolling as he looks back to Power Girl. "I get what you're saying. I suck at the whole self confidence thing. I've just had a rough few weeks and I'm still working my head around things I guess. I just don't want to abandon the team because they're the only family I have, even if some of them are meaner to me than others." That earns another sock in the shoulder.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Harsh, sure, but he needs to hear it from somebody. There's no room for that. Nobody's trying to be mean, but at the same time, we can't just... Give up like that. I don't know, and it's not my business to care, how you're taking care of yourself. I certainly do a lot every day, and not all of it is anywhere near the whole... Heroing thing. But that's me. Nobody else is me, and nobody else can do exactly what I do."

    Having said that, she offers this small shrug. "It was important, and I should probably show you around some more, but maybe instead of wandering around Metropolis, you ought to be spending some time just... Thinking things over. Which means I'm going to get back to it. I'll see you around."

    Then, unless stopped, she's going to be rising into the air- until she gets just high enough to safely break the sound barrier, at which point, she'll do just that.