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Latest revision as of 01:56, 4 June 2018

Log 4368
Date of Scene: 30 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Adam Warlock, Power Girl

Adam Warlock has posed:
Earth. Sector 2814.

It was a curious thing really...how life could stretch almost infinitely across the cosmos. Each world, each ocean, each environment having completely new and unprecedented forms of life. Such curiousity and wonder of it all is what brings the Avatar of Life, Adam Warlock, to earth. He had met others belonging to the world otherwise having been known as Terra, such as Peter Quill and Jessica Cruz.


Central Park is filled with people, as you do, and suddenly...a portal of mystic energy opens there, but nothing is being brought in or out really...until Adam steps out. wearing robes of black and red, with grey handwraps over his knuckles and wrists. Red eyes look out at the vast green grass and the large concrete jungle around him. The noise was almost overwhelming.

Knowhere was quieter than this place...but it was all so fascinating. The Golden skinned one starts to walk then, Staff in hand as the portal closed behind him. In a foreign, alien tongue he speaks. 'so this is earth? I have often wondered....the air smells so pleasant here.'

Power Girl has posed:
    Faster than a speeding bullet by several times over, a purple streak makes its way from Metropolis to Manhattan at no less than eight times the speed of sound. Grazing barriers unseen and skirting just outside the range at which she'd be breaking windows and setting off car alarms. The idea that something can approach at that speed in midair, with pinpoint control, might be a little bit frightening to someone who isn't familiar with such a concept.

    She'd been tasked with greeting this particular arrival- though they have no idea who Adam is- by the person on the Watchtower who currently has monitor duty, its mystic sensors picking up the portal the instant it opens- and in perhaps the spare instant following, she's already almost there.

    When she arrives, there's a rush of air, as she hard-stops, going from Mach VII to 0 on a dime. Her arrival is not hard to miss in any way.

    "I take it you're not from around here. Welcome to Earth, but I'll have to ask you why you're here."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam had just knelt down to feel the grass as his ultra-senses pick up a Power Girl coming at him with speeds unlike any he's truthfully ever encountered before. Though he doesn't seem to feel in danger, especially when she stops immediately and -air- actually blows towards Adam...

Who didn't move a muscle.

No...he's smelling the grass. <So...that is what they mean when they say a new grass smell...it's quite pleasant> He clearly says in an alien language before he looks up at Power Girl. and she may notice that perhaps for the first time in meeting someone completely new, it's like he doesn't notice her....errm...chest.

He seems to be thinking a moment before he speaks. "I believe this is the right language yes? I think I've heard it called 'english'." he offers the warmest smile to Power Girl then. Curious creature that he was.

"I thank you for your warm welcome. Put simply, I am an explorer...a lover of life. I heard someone spin a lovely tale about this place...and I must say that I am happy to hear he was not lying." he looks around then as he closed his eyes, breathing in the smell. he humms a moment. "Might I ask you're name? You look human, but it is rather easy to see that you are perhaps a distant relative to humanity, but clearly genetically different." he smiles. "It is quite fascinating to see. My name is Adam. Adam Warlock."

Power Girl has posed:
    This is all, actually, stuff that Power Girl is pretty used to. People who aren't common criminals typically don't stare, and basically nobody ever flinches when she arrives. It's still not entirely mundane for a Gold Guy to just show up in Central Park, but it isn't entirely unheard of. After a moment of silence and listening, she offers a nod to Adam once he's finished speaking, while drifting towards the ground in order to get a footing.

    "Yes, that's the right language. Not sure what anyone else told you, but Earth is as dangerous as it is beautiful, you just have to watch your back a little bit here and there." she notes, folding her arms stoically and cocking a hip as she regards him again.

    "I go by Power Girl, and it's served me well so far."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam nods softly to Power Girl, his smile prevalent as he looks around then, kneeling to move a finger down deeper, digging into dirt and feeling the very ground in his hand and he takes a deep breath. "hmmm....I've found that anything in this world that is beautiful is quite often extremely dangerous in it's own way, but it is, I suppose, one of the great mysteries of life. Take you for example. You flew at great speeds, yet you are clearly a rather beautiful creature. Are all females much like you? The males? Or are earthlings more of a genderless society?" the curious alien definitely isn't trying to flirt or anything of the sort.

Truth be told, he's never felt even infatuation before. No, he's observing, asking questions about life on earth. His curiosity surpasses that of a scientist, but truly someone who seems infatuated with -life-. "There are many things I can learn here...are there many cities on earth?"

Power Girl has posed:
    Admittedly, Adam might not be intending to flirt, but he sure is coming close. Such is the matter of cultures interacting, to be sure, but Power Girl doesn't necessarily react the best way to the flirtation. "Down, Golden Boy." she states, one brow raising. "There are men and women, society isn't genderless, and I'm not really the kind of danger you should be worried about." Taking her hands and placing them on her hips as she turns and looks over the city skyline behind her, before turning back to Adam.

    "Yeah, there are quite a few. Probably several hundred, but I haven't counted. Not all of them are anywhere near as big as New York here, but there aren't too many that are larger, either."

    For a moment, she's silent. "There's a lot everyone can learn here, and that's all well and good, but I am mildly required to inform you that there is a level of process involved. More than half of the random people that arrive on Earth are of ill-intent, so we're just slightly suspicious. You'll have to forgive us."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam tilts his heads the words 'down golden boy' "Is that a reference to my skin tone? Should I change my appearance to fit in more?" So. Many.Questions.

"Several hundred? I would most like to see them all...and each has a different culture. What a wonderful world....though I sense even on a world like this darkness is prevalent at n the hearts of others." he is silent for a moment.

Though eventually he smiles again. "I believe I met a Green Lantern from this sector. is he here perchance? He had helped me save a friend not many moons ago."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl shrugs at that. "Darkness is prevalent on every world, at every corner of every galaxy. We mostly punch the darkness out of people here, and it's been working fine for us so far." There is, then, a roll of her eyes. "You don't have to change anything about the way you look, most of us if not all of us don't care."

    "That'll take a while," she adds, "But it's possible. I'm certainly not going to chaperone, but if you know a Lantern, I'm sure he'd be happy to lead you around the the wrist." There's a silence, then, as she lets that set in, before asking- "Which Lantern, by the way? From this sector it's probably either Hal or Kyle. Probably Hal."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam seems to him a moment before a frisbee flies at his head. it bounces right off his temple and his head doesn't even move. he doesn't even look like he felt anything. "oh? what is this?" and he kneels down to look at it. ?It looks like a more playful version of the ring blades used by an assassin I encountered on Knowhere." he looks at the young boy who threw it before he tossed it back lightly, a perfect throw, and the kids happily laugh now that their frisbee is back.

if PG is paying attention, A happy, loving smile is on his face as he watched children play. "Such beautiful creatures, young life is. it makes my heart at peace." then he looks back to Power Girl.

"oh, I have no wish to be led. truthfully, I enjoy moving about. I believe his name was Hal Jordan, but I could be mistaken. A kind fellow, if not a little too sure of himself." a kind smile as he walks around the park a bit, seeing early stages of the world.

But there is someone scowling at him. perhaps a Xenophobe?

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl had seen the frisbee coming- but this was a relatively good test. After all, until something weird or disrespectful happens, a lot of extraterrestrial visitors tend to be peaceable and kind. "That's one way to put it." she notes, as he tosses the frisbee back- luckily (for Adam, probably) not breaking out into a shout of 'insufferable cretin' before trying to clobber a child or two.

    She is paying attention, but Power Girl is a little more suspicious and aggressive than her cousin. This persists despite his smile. "Okay, yeah, that sounds a lot like Hal. I'll get in touch with him and he'll probably come give you a tour." After stating this, she notes the scowl. It has her attention, but it isn't going to mean much unless someone tries anything- on either side.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam is far too good-natured to yell at/try to clobber a child. he does turn his attention to Power Girl then, and his smile returns to his face with a small bow of his head. "I would appreciate that. He was a kind fellow, and his help was invaluable. I'd be honored to see how he's been."

Though then Adam sees the man who was scowling at him curiously, tilting his head at him.

It's very clear he's the stereotypical jerk who probably is an advocate for heavy racism. alas, he pulls out a handgun and points it at Adam. "get off our planet freak!"

Power Girl has posed:
    Despite that, it's still a worry for Power Girl whenever someone new finds their way to Earth. "Yeah, helpful is one of the words that I'm sure more than just you have said in description of Hal. It's not entirely wrong." Her attention then makes its way back over to the civilian who'd pulled a pistol. She doesn't need to do much. She just turns her head, and gives the pistol a stare.

    Metropolis heroes are not entirely impersonable and not heavily dismissive. She could have (literally) blown him away, punched him to the sun, or incinerated his entire being- but, instead, she settled on just staring intently at the pistol, and waited.

    The moment he pulls the trigger, she'll be between the pistol and its target.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam actually smiles then. "I take it you know him rather well. are they fond memories are are you two not allies?" he asks power girl curiously until his head turns to the man with the gun. he looks like he has that kind of unreasonable hatred in his eyes, the hatred of what is unknown, what he doesn't understand.

Then? the bullet fires! Assuming Power girl will end up blocking the blow completely, a small twitch of his finger turns the man's gun into sand.

"w-what the hell?!" and he runs away, shoving by at least five people.

a sigh from Adam. "Thank you." he says to Power Girl. "where there is love, there is hatred. pride, humility. sadness, joy. good, evil. such is the law of the universe." a sadness in his face before he looks to Power Girl. "how might I repay you for your selflessness?"

Power Girl has posed:
    Outrunning a bullet is, for a Kryptonian, such a moderately effortless feat that she almost doesn't seem to comprehend that it took place. Were it not for the fact that she also happened to be holding the round between her index and thumb, as she shapes it into a sphere with the pressure just in her two fingers. Idly, she looks over her shoulder, just as the guy starts running away.

    "That'll work itself out." she states, allowing him to run.

    Then, her attention is back onto Adam. "Don't need to do anything, you're good. Listen, I'm going to go get Hal. It'd probably be best if you, well, stayed here for a while. It'll take a moment for him to get here, he's not quite as fast as I am." It's left ambiguous as to whether she means physically or mentally.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam notices that Power Girl is fast. without magic bolstering him, he can see things in slow motion...but even then she was like a blurry visage. Kryptonians are incredibly fascinating creatures in that their genetic code is so...malleable. it's astonishing. either way, he nods to her as she announces her departure.

"I see. it was a pleasure to meet you Power Girl. until our paths cross again. and he bows lightly to her before he floats where he stands, being cross-legged in a meditative trance. his staff standing itself upright.

"safe travels."