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Latest revision as of 02:25, 4 June 2018

LF Roommates
Date of Scene: 07 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wiccan, Shredder

Wiccan has posed:
Billy got a response to his roommate ad! How exciting! There was probably a little back and forth before a spot was agreed upon to meet. For safety's sake, Billy recommended a familiar, hipster coffee shop on the Upper West Side looking out on Central Park. He gave a description of himself and even described a distinctive waxed cotton jacket that he'd be wearing to make him more easily found as he waited, expensive coffee drink in hand, at one of the outdoor tables.

Shredder has posed:
    "This guy knows how to pick a nice part of town," the bipedal rhino comments, glancing around at the neighborhood as they walk down the street.
    "Yeah, I could get used to a joint like this," agrees his equally massive humanoid warthog counterpart.
    The two eight foot abominations are dressed as classically thug as it comes. The Rhino wears a large black wifebeater and camo BTU pants, while the warthog wears a pair of blue jeans and a shark tooth necklace. Turtle shells are used as shoulder pads and an open red vest reveal his muscular, yet not well toned chest and abs. He holds up the slip of paper with the name of the coffee shop as they approach. "I think this is the place," he says, looking around. They had described themselves as "big guys" along with the clothes they would wear. They failed to mention that they are mutant animals.

Wiccan has posed:
Billy probably should have put 'Mutant-Friendly' in his ad, but he also didn't really want to deal with Internet trolls...he dealt with them enough at times. He just tried to mention the things that were important to him...friendly, younger, accepting, and somewhat neat. He's just lifted the coffee back to his lips when he glances up...and up...to see the very large mutants making their way towards the coffee shop. They're wearing what they described...and his eyes widen before he mutters an "Oh, boy." But...maybe they're very nice? A breath is let out before he grins and offers a wave to the two, gesturing to the seats at the table...if they'll support their weight. Oh, dear.

Shredder has posed:
    "Oh yeah," Rocksteady says. "I am gonna get a cappercino," he says, opening the door and stepping inside. The look on the clerk's face is rather alarmed at the monstrous Rhino's entrance.
    Bebop calls after him. "Hey, get me all their scones," he asks, then turns to spot Wiccan. His face lights up behind cheesy eighties sunglasses that shade his eyes. "Hey," he says gruffly, walking up to the table. "You Billy?" he asks. He smells...well, he smells like a warthog. "I'm Bebop," he continues before giving opportunity for a response. "Good to meet ya."

Wiccan has posed:
"This is fine..." Billy mutters to himself before he gets to his feet to greet Bebop. "That's me! Hi! Wow, you said that you two were big..." he wasn't quite expecting that! "Uh." He looks around at the tables, "Do you guys want to go into the park and talk or something?" Because standing around here might not be the most comfortable, although he does seem to want to stay outside. Maybe it's the nice day? Maybe it will help the warthog musk dissipate easier.

Shredder has posed:
    "Oh, sure," Bebop agrees. "That's fine, Rocksteady is just inside getting a snack," he observes. "Pretty good day for a walk, you know?" he says with an absolutely terrifying tusky grin beneath his snout. He probably can't smile without looking terrifying. "Yeah, thanks for not just running away," he says. "Most people just scream when they see us."
    Rocksteady comes out the door, carrying a bag of the pastries. "Here you go," he says, a large gray hand transferring a bag the size of a shopping cart bag as if it were a lunch bag.
    Bebop checks the bag. "Oh, they have cranberry," he says with delight, pulling a scone out and popping in his mouth as a bite sized treat. Some of the crumbs still manage to escape, rolling down his chin and mouth. "This is Billy," he introduces, "This is Rocksteady. Billy was just saying let's go walk by the park cuz it's a nice day and all."

Wiccan has posed:
He can't help but tilt his head and give a brief little frown as he's thanked for not running away. "Seriously? I mean, sure, if I saw you guys...or anyone, really, running towards me, I might run away, but you seem perfectly decent." So far. As Rocksteady emerges with the scones he gives the other a wave, "Hey, so yeah. Let's go to the park, I think." Worse comes to worse they can camp out under a tree.

Grabbing his fancy coffee, he slings a messenger bag over one shoulder and moves towards the exit of the dining patio. "So, uh...what caught your attention to the roommate ad that I posted?" Might as well start the interview!

Shredder has posed:
    "Well," Rocksteady says with a shrug as they start walking. "We had a problem at work, they said we couldn't squat at the warehouse any more on account of the cops." He pops the top off his latte, and lets the plastic lid fall on the sidewalk. He drinks it down in a single swallow, seemingly unbothered by piping hot liquid. As they reach the grass, he crushes the paper cup and drops it in the grass carelessly, even though a trash can is just as easily in reach.
    "Yeah, so we got lookin', you know," Bebop adds. "We could just find our own place, but the boss says we need to learn to work with people better." He takes another scone and eats it whole, crumbling away. "We saw your ad first, and...well, we were bored lookin' already, so we called ya's."

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan first picks up the lid and then the crushed cup and pointedly moves to toss them both in the nearby trash bin. "So you work at a warehouse? Both of you? Is it full time?" Not that he knows to run a credit check, but hey...landlords might want to do that! "What sort of place are the two of you looking for and what are you looking for in a roommate?" Maybe he found a list of 'roommate questions to ask'.

Shredder has posed:
    The warthog and rhino look at each other, and exchange a chuckle, clearly showing that there is something unknown that makes Billy's statement funny.
    "Oh, yeah, sure it's full time," Bebop says. They don't seem to notice that he was making a statement by picking up Rocksteady's trash.
    "Well, you gotta like music. You like music?" Rocksteady adds. Of course, they are going by names which are both styles of music, so that might be predictable.
    "Oh, and there's gotta be a lot of space." Bebop chimes. "And you can't be a wimp. We don't like wimps," Rocksteady concludes the list.

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan can't help but arch an eyebrow at the answer before he offers, seemingly nonchalantly, "I only ask because a landlord will most likely have to do a check. Because they don't like it when the rent doesn't get paid, you know?" He smiles again, obviously catching that something is up. "I'm fine with music as long as it's not being played loudly past 11pm...since I'm pretty sure that most places have Noise ordinances." There's another incline of his head as he takes a sip of the coffee, "What do you mean by 'wimp'? And as for space, well...what's your budget?"

Shredder has posed:
    "Oh, we don't have any problem with money. We get most things for free," he pauses, looks at Rocksteady, "Through our job." They exchange another chuckle.
    "Hey," Rocksteady says, "You know a wimp. Someone that lets people walk all over them. Can't handle themselves in a fight. Youse ain't one of those, right? I bet you like that emo music, we could call you Emo! Everybody should have a good music nickname."
    "Oh I like it," Bebop agrees. "People don't usually complain when we play our music loud." He pauses, "I don't know if they like it," he eats another scone, "But they don't say anything," he finishes his statement around the food in his mouth.

Wiccan has posed:
"Ok, but rent isn't a 'thing'...and needs to be paid with money..." Billy may be a bit naive at times, but he's not stupid. His eyebrow arches at the question of him being a 'wimp', "I'm not a 'wimp', as you say. But I don't go out and pick fights...and no thank you, 'Billy' is just fine." No answer as to whether or not he likes 'emo' music.

He takes a moment to finish his coffee before tossing it into the nearby trash bin...again, rather pointedly, before turning back to the two with a smile, "So! Do you have any questions for me?"

Shredder has posed:
    "Well," Rocksteady looks up, scratching his chin. "What is your favorite music? I mean, you can tell a lot about a guy by what his acumen in musical taste." 'Acumen' seems a bit out of normal vocabulary for this rhino the statement is almost cultured sounding, if not for the thick and rough voice.
    "We don't pick fights," Bebop defends himself. "I mean, well, maybe we do sometimes. But usually it's for a good reason. Like if someone looks at us funny, or laughs at us, or has something we want. You know, normal stuff. Anyway. Money is no problem, we can get whatever money we need. You don't snitch to cops, do you?"

Wiccan has posed:
There's a brief moment of thought before Billy smiles brightly at the two large guys, "You know I like oldies...like 80's music, showtunes, classic rock...stuff like that. And all that other stuff is great to know...about the money and stuff. So," he gives an apologetic little grimace, "I do have to get back and study for a final later this week, but I will definitely let you guys know what's going on! I mean, I haven't even had a chance to really look with school and stuff, but I've got a few more folks who responded and then we'll see what happens." He reaches out a hand to both, pauses, and then offers a fist to dap. "Really great meeting both of you."

Shredder has posed:
    "Yeah," Rocksteady says, "We can call you 'C Rock', then," he offers a new nickname. "Man, I wish I went to school. You should stick in there, you can do all kinds of stuff if you finish high school, you know."
    "Yeah, C Rock," Bebop agrees. "I guess we'll see you later, I promise you nobody else you're gonna meet is as interesting as us. You be careful, you never know what kind of person you are gonna meet off these ads." He pats a grenade hanging from his vest that may have looked decorative given his general look. "That's why I keep these. Somebody gives me crap, I just blow'em up. So you be careful, see? C Rock?" Rocksteady gives a laugh. "See see Rock, that's a good one."