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Latest revision as of 02:33, 4 June 2018

Random Space Encounter
Date of Scene: 08 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Silver Surfer, Gigas, Adam Warlock

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer has recently arrived in this random part of space. He is sitting on his board crossed legged, and is in deep thought. In the distance a start burns away brightly and the ocassional comet shoots by past the horizon. The silence of space is all consuming at the moment and the Silver Surfer appears to be revelling in it.

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer has recently arrived in this random part of space. He is sitting on his board crossed legged, and is in deep thought. In the distance a start burns away brightly and the ocassional comet shoots by past the horizon. The silence of space is all consuming at the moment and the Silver Surfer appears to be revelling in it.

Gigas has posed:
    It's a peace and silence that is..sadly meant to be disturbed.

There is a sudden flash of light, a warping of sub-space, and then a discharge of multihued rays of light resulting in a fairly moderate sized freighter-ship fo some make an style..popping into existence barely a proverbial stones throw away from where the legendary Surfer ponders the nature of existence.

One of the engines on the massive cargo ship sparks, crackles, and flares in and out of life before dying out all together and with its rumbling demise a puttering rumbling occurs that ultimately brings the entire vessel to a stop and sets it adrift. It's a rugged, roughneck of a ship as well. Gaudy with its paintings of scantily clad Kree and Shiar women and it could use a good cleaning as well. Considering its now listless status it might as well be compared to some sort of space semi-truck, if one was familiar enough with Earth imagery to ake the connection.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Near the Silver Surfer, a distortion in space time clearly appears before him. It's a clear magic portal, and out of it? Floats one Adam Warlock. Dressed in his black and red mage robes, the golden Avatar of Life smiles softly to the Silver Surfer. "Oh? Hello there. I was not expecting to meet a herald of Galactus this day. Though you are alone, and in deep contemplation. No need to answer...but I can see this truly. Have you been released from the Eater of World's service?" he asks him curiously.

Then? With his staff in hand, he turns his head finally to Gigas as that ship arrives, and he tilts his head.

"I apologize to you. It appears as though I am not the only one who will disturb your time of rest this day. I am Adam."

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer sensed the energy preceeding their arrivals before the two entered his vicinity. But he does not turn around until after Adam addresses him. After all they could have easily been mere passers by. The Silver Surfer replies to Adam, "I.. hmm.. it is not surprising that you recognize me. Yes I was once the Herald of Galactus, however he decieved me, and so I rebelled. It is perhaps an act of fate that I still live." He does not seem to mind the ship that has arrived at the same moment, his attention solely on Adam.

Gigas has posed:
     From the cargo hold of the ship emerges a figure that..well under any stretch of the word would be considered 'titanic' - though experienced space farers such as these there have no doubt seen many things of enormous size, not the least being the likes of Galactus or monsters native to certain worlds. Still there's no denying hte outrageous mountain range physique on the blue skinned goliath as he pulls himself up out into space..unprotected no less, and climbs atop his ship to look to the damage in one of his engines.

"Hmmm...must have been..last blaster impact!" he rumbles with a voice that grinds with the type of rumble associated with beings of monstrous power. The bottom of his boots flash and he pushes off of the ship to float, arms crossed, towards his busted engines.

It is then that the titan takes note of the strangers nearby. "Hmm? Oh..HELLO!" he bellows, "Strange coincidence no? Space is big!"

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam Warlock looks to the Silver Surfer and he simply sits down cross-legged...which is really just him floating. Regardless, he keeps his full attention on the Silver Surfer, since it's only polite to do such when it is what's given, no? he does smile softly though before his eyes return to Gigas as the gargantuan man arrives.

"Oh, hello there friend. Is your ship damaged?" Adam simply guesses from how the guy literally exited his vehicle -in space- and casually checked it out.

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer at last turns his attention to the newly arrived ship. He watches as a Kree emerges, but when the Kree does not wear a protective suit, the Silver Surfer becomes intrigued, "You are Kree and yet.. you are protected in the vaccum of space without a suit. Who might you be?"

Gigas has posed:
    "Ah. Yes. Just a little scratch."

The engine sparks to life and then the side of it promptly explodes, sending debris spiraling off into the distance and a fire burning within the exposed innards of the thruster. Gigas grins, full toothed, eyes a glow, as if everything was right as rain. His aura, a faint purple hued glow, crackles about his form briefly and he swivels his head to face The Surfer and his eyes widen and then he looks back to Adam again, "Ooh..you two are amazing! It is not often I find those who can are unbothered by The Void!"

He then turns fully towards Surfer, "Kree? Ahaha.. I suppose it is fair to make the asumption..but..I am no Kree. Have you ever met a Kree this large before?" He seems curious at that. He is over 11' tall after all. "I am called Gigas."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam looks at Gigas as he introduces himself, and he smiles softly. "Strangely enough, I have not. Though I have known the occasional irregularity." a small chuckle then. "I am Adam. Adam Warlock. It's nice to meet you, Gigas."

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer looks at Gigas, "I understand.. but.. what are you then? Are you a clone? An artificial being? You are much larger than any Kree I have seen, yet you are Kree in appearance nevertheless."

Gigas has posed:
    "I am..." Gigas pauses, as if fumbling for the words and then he rumbles, "I am myself. It is possible that the ones who fashioned this body and then called me into it are distant relations to the Kree? The thought had never crossd my mind. The Thran are long gone. Their civiliation is dust and I was sleep for a very long time. Maybe..there is some connection somewhere in some archive but the Kree have never seen me as one of their own. The resemblance begins and ends with our skin shade." He considers Adams words and then acknowledges, "Yes..I am an irregularity of a different sort."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam tilts his head softly then to Gigas as he speaks. Ahhh...so he -is- artificial. Something that he and Adam will have in common, it would seem. "Never fear my friend. There is nothing wrong with being different. I myself am an artificial creation."

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer responds, "I was not originally a creation of another being's whim, however I was reborn. I was once a Zenn Lavian named Norrin Radd. I am Norrin Radd no longer, I am the Silver Surfer. Gigas perhaps you will discover the reason for your creation. I was reborn so that I could serve my former master. But I was not free to go where I chose. I was bound to find planets for him to consume. My memory was altered so that I could not remmeber my past. However a chance encounter restored my memories and here I am now. I am free and so are you.. or so it seems. It is strange indeed that any civilization would allow a sophisticated artificial life form to roam so freely as you seem to. Is it possible that your creators are gone?"

Gigas has posed:
    The blue behemoth inclines his head as he listens to Adam and Surfer both. His expression remains neutral as he ponders such things. It would seem that matters of philosphy and self reflection are not his normal mdoe of htinking. in this he's well out of his league.. but then:

"As I said, yes, the Thran are dust. Long gone." Gigas grins, "I was summoned to fight their wars and champion their cause against an enemy that was out to consume them. The war was won but it was very long ago. It seems that their true enemy was time. This body ..as long as it remains the host for the power that gives me sentience and animates and empowers me..will not decay. I suppose I out lived them but my instinct for battle and new sensations and feats to perform has not decayed. The universe offers much!"

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam simply remains sitting cross-legged, apparently more than content enough to remain silent for a moment. That is, until the talk of the creators arrives on topic. "My pursuers threaten me no longer, for I am out of their reach. A comfort, surely."

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer replies, "I see.. yes it seems that both of you acquired your freedom at a great cost. I cannot imagine it.. my own people are lost to me, however I do not know if they live, or if they have been destroyed somehow. I am searching for my home planet. It is possible that I may never find it, however I will never stop searching until I know the fate of Zenn-La."

Gigas has posed:
    Hmm..no good no good, to have your world taken from you or lost." muses Gigas as he hears Surfer and seems to have some empathy with his situation. "How can one lose a planet? The one who has done this must be very powerful.. Perhaps you should raise a force against them and recover your world?"

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam looks to Silver Surfer and he nods softly. "It was not so hard a sacrifice that it would break my being. While they were my creators, I was sought to be used for more vile purposes. But...I am a believer of doing good for the sake of doing what was right. Thus did I cast off those who made me." he shrugs then.

"Your home planet? Perhaps I can help with that endeavor. Unless it's been destroyed, it can be found."

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer shakes his head, "The being who flung my planet aloft was Galactus himself. Even he does not know where it is as he threw Zenn-La into the abyss of space whimsically in his wrath at my rebellion. I can sense worlds from lighyears away, few things escape my notice in the vastness of space as I travel. However even I cannot detect my home. It may be that it was cast into a star or worse. However I will not lose hope until I know for certain. I will not deny your aid, however I must warn you that this search could take centuries. The universe is.. vast."

Gigas has posed:
     "Hmm..I am sorry to hear this. Such power used at such a whim..." His voice trails off and then he blinks as a thought strikes him, "I must go soon but..tell me.."

He holds his arm up and one of the metallic bracers beeps and a holographic imag of Mon-El shows up, "Have you seen this boy? The Crown Prince of Daxam?"

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam looks at Silver Surfer and he seems to be saddened by this news. "I see....I wish you luck then, my friend." he reaches over to touch the Silver Surfer's arm, muttering something and suddenly, a magic circle appears over the Surfer's arm for but a moment before it fades. "This should help you with your journey. Think of it as a magic compass. Simply make aware what you want most, and it will point the way. It will aid your senses, I imagine.'

Then he looks to Gigas as he shows a picture of Mon-El. "I have seen him before...though I know not where he is. My apologies."

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer appears astonished by Adam's gift, "I.. I see. I can only thank you for this gift friend. If I can assist you in any way please let me know. This will aid me in my journey a great deal." He also looks at the picture Gigas produced, "I do not recall seeing this being. I am sorry.. however if I can assist you in locating him I will."

Gigas has posed:
    The huge brute clucks his tongue in disappointment but nods his head as he drifts back towards his drifting ship. "He buried me deep under ground as I was busy rethinking my strategy in trying to convince him to reveal some information to me for a contract job I am on...and then flew away! Not to worry, do not trouble yourselves on my account." Gigas grins and the image dissipates. "I wish you luck on your journeys but I must call for help to fix my ship. Do not be said, shiney one. When I am sad, sometimes i find things to beat up and kick ass. It always makes me feel better. Perhaps you should do the same?"

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam bows his head softly then to the Surfer. "Of course, friend. I am always happy to help. I require nothing in return." he smiles then before he looks to Gigas as the massive man leaves. "I see. thank you for ocming, and safe travels, Friend Gigas." a small bow of his head as he holds his staff.

"I must be away as well. I have many things left to explore. Until next we meet, you both." and with a subtle hand gesture, a portal appears behind Adam and he walks through, offering a friendly wave to the two.

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer nods, "It was a pleasure to meet you both and I appreciate your aid and sympathy. I wish you both good luck in your ventures. My search shall continue immediately." He turns his board and a hyperspace portal begins to form.