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Dealing with arms dealers
Date of Scene: 14 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Green Arrow and company foil and arms deal, leaving it for police to handle after.
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Black Canary, Yin

Green Arrow has posed:
Green Arrows been in the city on and off since Oliver went overseas, but nowhere near as much as he did while he was touring subsidaries.

There have been rumors of major arms shipments in and around Starling for weeks, now. It's taken a while to pin down anything solid, but Green Arrow has resources others do not... so he's managed to get a few scheduled arms deals from a rival dealer.

Time to go to work.

The street is spacious with a few dumpsters for cover, and the rooftops high. It's a perfect battleground for the trio to keep assault rifles from being sold to city mobsters. A grappling hook arrow has Green Arrow above, on the rooftops, as two van convoys come in from both sides of the street. Binoculars with a directional mic are settled onto Green Arrows eyes as he speaks into his earpiece, "Here they come." He intones to the other two, that distorter working over the radio.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary is on the ground level. She thought about getting out her Team 7 armor, but decided that her usual outfit will do. She parked her bike a mile back and hoofed it to be stealthy. She brought a bo-staff with her this time, in half on her belt. "Roger. I'll stop the vans if they try to flee." She is hiding behind a dumpster which is near the deal. An ideal source of gunfire protection - and an improvised missile if she screams at it. She waits for Yin to report.

Yin has posed:
Yin has heard a little bit about this from her own contacts, and made sure to get involved with that little bit. She opens her senses out, slipping in closer and tracking the people moving nearest her - since she doesn't have to look at them to know where they are. She murmurs, using her work Chinese accent, "I'm in position. The redheaded guy is impaired, if it helps."

Green Arrow has posed:
"One less arrow I have to waste." Green Arrow offers in reply to Yin.

The black vans pull up near each other, their opposites both turning to the side a bit to allow doors to slide open and show off the two and three thugs brought as security for this deal. Pistols are openly worn in this abandoned section of town, and those up front in the vans start to get out as well. "Wait for them to show the guns first. Let's be sure this is actually a threat, and not just bait." Green Arrow notes from above as he goes into a crouch to keep his visual profile down.

The two are much close then Green Arrow is, so they can handle the idle chatter; hookers and blow, the topics of choice. The two passengers who start to walk toward one another are silently scoping each other. The nervousness is thick in the air, as they approach.

"You got the goods?" The one on the left, in a black trenchcoat, asks. The one in a green hoodie gives a shark smile, "Of course my man... some of what you asked for is coming in a week, but most of your merchandise is in the back." One hand snaps it's fingers, and a thug goes for the back of the green hooded mans van.

"These people sound like a bad cop show." Green Arrow notes under his breath.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods slowly. "Yes. I have a surprise planned to draw their attention," she cooos as she slips to a closer dumpster, smiling softly. "I listened to a recording of some of the police officers that work this area - I'll emulate their voices when I see the guns to draw their attention. They'll think the cops are coming." She smiles. "But... we haven't seen the goods yet."

Yin has posed:
Yin just relaxes and closes her eyes, keeping track of numbers, locations. She starts being able to pick out more details, looking for clues that she can use in the eventual trouble ahead. "Very." She's close and behind cover, and considers how to best drop in on them. "What you see is what you get. Nobody hidden close in."

Green Arrow has posed:
The van back opens... and crates upon crates are easily seen from both Black Canary and Yins angle. Green Arrow doesn't say a word yet, being above.

One crate is opened though... and molded cases with M4s broken down are seen. They look real enough, anyway.

"This is a sample." One of the thugs pulls the case out, and starts to assemble the carbine as the other man comes around to watch.

"Good enough?" Green Arrow of the two, an arrow already on his compound bow. The arrowhead is bulbous. Probably a chemical arrow.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods as she stands behind the Dumpster. She then yells out, in the perfect imitation of one of Starling's finest officers, a male one at that: "Drop your weapons, you are under arrest!" She runs a few feet to the left and then in the voice of another officer, "You are surrounded! There is no escape!" She grins widely as she waits for everyone to be looking her way - the perfect chance for Arrow to do some work as she is preparing herself for combat, putting together her bo-staff.

Yin has posed:
Yin nods silently and slips around quietly to the side Canary isn't on, taking care to stay out of the line of fire of Canary and the dumpster. One of the guards is kind of a straggler; she steps up behind him and quietly puts him in a blood choke, holding his mouth closed and quietly knocking him out as she pulls him off to the side. Might as well get one down while she has the chance, and she saw that twitch toward the gun.

Green Arrow has posed:
The arrow is launched, and a spike protrudes that embeds the arrow into the street. A soft whine can be heard as a gas grenade built into the shaft explodes it's contents; tear gas. The thugs have to scatter, or be completely useless for a few minutes.

"Have fun." Green Arrow intones, amused, as he starts to launch more arrows, keeping overwatch as anyone who goes for a gun, gets one through the gun... or their hand, if they're about to shoot.

One down from Yin, a dozen to go as a few more thugs start to come out of the back of each van. Looks like four or so mobsters for each party. "Tear gas. Don't go in it." Green Arrow adds, helpfully.

Black Canary has posed:
Some of the thugs charge towards where the 'officers' shouted. Canary smirks and suddenly a deafening screech comes from there - as the dumpster is flung and smashes into some of the thugs. She then jumps over it with her bo-staff and starts to attack some of the thugs up close and personal. She is flinging some of htem into the teargas to disorient them while staying out of it herself.

Yin has posed:
One of the thugs runs back away from the police.. He goes for his gun and Yin steps behind him, going into a deep stance, then rises and launches him through the air, into another thug! Arms and legs are tangled, as one groans and tries to get out from other the other, who is gasping for breath after having his lungs slammed so hard. Of course, the air there is tinged in tear gas, so that doesn't turn out well for him...

Yin immediately moves to the side to cover the most likely way to bolt, dropping into a martial arts stance.

Green Arrow has posed:
With the tear gas in play, this went from moderate exercise, to a cakewalk, especially with perfectly accurate arrows knocking weapons to the street. Anyone who tries to pick them up gets a net arrow. Between Green Arrows fire support and Black Canary and Yin mopping up up close and personal, the thugs and their employers are handily knocked out or simply disabled.

"Good work." Green Arrow compliments the two, "I say we leave the crates for the police, but I do have an HE arrow, if either of you think the police in town have gotten worse about side deals." Green Arrow offers.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary ponders. "I don't think the police are that corrupt," she notes. "The thugs didn't - see how they reacted when they thought Starling's finest were after them." She glances at Yin. "Good work tonight." She smiles at her. "Perhaps you'll be a fine addition to our little crusade." She glances at Arrow. "What do you say?" she asks.

Yin has posed:
Yin nods. "I think there's *a* corrupt cop. But I can't tell where yet. Usually they don't like the police, but SOMEONE was using an evidence gun a few weeks ago." She looks around the area. "I assume we need to move before they show up..." She slips over to a higher vantage point and scans around, properly wary.

Green Arrow has posed:
Green Arrow looks down to Yin, the eyes behind the domino mask giving her an appraising look, before he puts his bow onto his back and begins to parkour down the side of the building he's on. Windowsills pipes, and protruding bits of wall are used as he drops to the street.

Eventually, he walks over to the two, "We can discuss it at the Quiver." Green Arrow states as he looks to Yin, "I want to spar with you, see what you can do. If you're interested yourself, that is." Green Arrow offers the last as a question, giving Yin the chance to back out.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods. "Good, good, we're all making friends." She then cocks her head. "I hear sirens in the distance. I would recommend we disband. Perhaps Yin can accompany you to the Quiver for your tests... meanwhile, I'm expecting a delivery at my business." She bows to both of you then walks away, tapping the bo-staff against anytihng that makes a noise.

Yin has posed:
Yin nods. "Of course. I'm curious what you know about me so far, too. I'm sure you've done some digging." She shrugs a bit, facial expression unreadable behind her mask. "I assume you have the ride back? Or do I get to walk in this get up?" Well, she actually has some civvies stashed somewhere in the neighborhood, but you know. Guilt trips get rides.

Green Arrow has posed:
"I do some digging on everyone." Green Arrow confirms.

Then, he presses something on his ear, and the sound of a motorcycle can be heard silently coming to life in the distance can be heard. "Guilt trips don't work on me, but asking for rides do." Green Arrow quips as his Skybike comes around the corner, and Green Arrow starts to walk over to it... grabbing his arrows for recycling and hopping on casually after. "Hop on," Green Arrow taps the back seat.

Yin has posed:
Yin climbs aboard, holding onto the bike and leaning against you. "Okay, let's ride." She settles in for the trip, looking around.

"So what have you found? A girl likes to know what kind of reputation she has to live up to, you know." Yin smirks a bit, studying you subtly. Learning how you feel. Studying your chi.

Green Arrow has posed:
Intense. Green Arrow has pushed himself to near his physical limit, if his parkouring climb down the building didn't give the impression already. He's extensively trained and has a solid presence of chi to Yins senses.

"We can discuss it back at the Quiver. Where do you need to go?" Green Arrow asks as they ride off into Starling.