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Latest revision as of 06:46, 4 June 2018

Drake gets a visitor at home
Date of Scene: 23 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, June Connor

Slipstream has posed:
Having spent the last few nights at the med bay being poked and prodded again, Drake was finally released home to his apartment where he has been laying low, even from his stream. He is dressed in a pair of lounge pants and a simple white top that clings to his upper body having just taken a shower and redressed. Sitting down in his large green and black gaming chair, he gives himself a few spins as he stares up at the ceiling, at times glancing over towards his computer anixously. With word having got out through the media, his chat and social media outlets have blown up with questions, donations and subs.

With a sigh, he hauls himself out of the chair and flops down into the bed instead, rolling on to his stomach to snag his current Gameboy and begins to fiddle with a classic game of Tetris. He has all the classics of the old 80's and 90's ports, seeming to find those more enjoyable than all the current titles with the bells and whistles.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    One of the comments, perhaps lost in the mix, was from June. "Sorry." It was one word, and nothing more.
    Doors aren't a thing for ninjas, though, and so when she finally gets the courage to check in on him, there is a wrap at the window instead of the door, just like last time. She's not wearing her ninja gear, but her hair is a little different, buzzed close on the sides. She's wearing a torn pair of jeans and a Pink Floyd shirt, and converse sneakers on her feet.

Slipstream has posed:
With over fifty thousand people in chat, it's easy to miss a single word as the screen blurs by. Drake was barely registering most of the conversation as it flew by, having cut the stream ten minutes in. As his fingers toggle along the buttons of the device, he glances upwards at the rapping upon his window. Rolling to his feet, he plods over to look at her, then curiously looks past her before he opens it up. "Hey." He says in a soft voice as he steps back to let her in.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    June crouches through the window, gently dropping down into the room. She looks a little down. "You okay?" she asks quietly. "I heard the news." She may or may not have heard it actually from the news. She walks to the center of the room, shoving her hands in her pockets, her gaze set a little low.

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm sure you heard it from more than the news. Your boss knew my name and then tried to kill me. Knew what my weakness was." Drake says with a frown, though his tone doesn't come off as too accusatory. Just frustrated. "I almost died, probably should have if Tony and Crusader didn't think quickly to stabalize me. I was close though.. seconds away." He shifts his jaw as he flops down on the bed. "Were you there?" He asks curiously.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    June shakes her head. "No," she says. "I'm...not trusted enough right now for something like that. They think I may have divided alliances." She taps one toe on the ground. "I...I warned you not to mess with them. The Shredder, she doesn't play games. She isn't one for flash like some of the folks you fight. She probably didn't really even care if she killed you or not. If you are in her way, she will do whatever it takes to get you out of her way as fast as she can." No comment on how she knew Drake's name or his weaknesses.

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, well, when the coms went out that the place was being robbed, I came because I was the one who heard the call. I didn't know who it was, and I didn't care. I was there to help. Your 'friends' almost got a bunch of civilians killed by utilizing those mutated zoo animals to trash the block. A ton of people got hurt. Why are you even stil doing this?" Drake says with a frown on his face. "You could be doing so much more, and /now/ you guys are all over the Avenger's radar. Like, you just jumped a couple spots on the shit list. And Power Girl was there! She's in the Justice League. You want to deal with Superman now? Or Batman?" He runs a hand back through his hair. "June, just get out. I'll help you get a new identity, I'll buy you a plane ticket or something, anywhere you wanna go. You're gonna get caught or worse if you stick with them."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "Drake," June holds up her hand, for him to stop. "The Justice League? Two of their strongest were there, did they prevail? No. They lost that fight." Seems an odd thing to say, since several of the bad guys were caught or injured. People like June were caught and injured. "Who won in the end of the day? The Shredder did. At Star Labs, a Green Lantern showed up to help you. Who won? The Shredder did. The Turtles thought they won, but they didn't, things are still going the way they always have. Don't you see? She isn't afraid of the Avengers, she isn't afraid of the Justice League? It's not because she doesn't know their strength or their capability. It's because she /does/. You really want me to set myself against that? Right now, I can stay in the shadows. I can stay at the edges. If I desert? If I betray them? That won't go well for me. The Shredder always wins."

Slipstream has posed:
"First of all, you sound delusional. We captured a shit ton of your pajama warriors and I'm sure we can make them squeal, or at least telepathically yank what we want out of their head. The League didn't even get involved until halfway through the fight. Do you want a /coordniated/ effort of the League or the Avengers to come after you guys? You haven't seen them hit you guys back." Drake points out to her. "We also didn't lose that fight. We got your mutated animals behind bars and they're going to stay there, maybe end up at the Raft. They are also dumb as shit and told me all about Kurai and even you when I met them. They run their mouth to a kid, what do you think they're gonna do in front of someone like Emma Frost who is like a super telepath? You don't get it. You guys are now literaly on the super hero shit list and you're going to get canned now. Also I don't think coming to my place is staying in the shadows, when the Foot already sent people here to try and hurt me. They already know that you and I meet. They made that very clear that the message sent was to stay away from you. You that dense?"

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "You didn't even know what was happening there. It wasn't about the fight. It's never about the fight," June says. "Those Foot don't know anything to be pulled out of their head. And the mutanimals aren't even part of the Foot, you think ninjas are going to make creatures like that part of their stealth operations? I don't know what they were doing. All I know is that she was pretty happy when she got back. And you're right, maybe I am dense. I'm dense for a lot of things. Coming to see you. I'll probably get us both killed." She runs her hand through her hair. "I wanted to just come see if you were okay. Can we just leave it there? After I heard the news, I didn't know."

Slipstream has posed:
"I think that you're stuck between brain washed and scared and you don't know what to do. I can get you out if you trust me, if it's what you really want. If you work with the Avengers, with us, we can take these guys down. We can protect you." Drake sighs as he settles on the edge of the bed. "And I'm fine, but I'm not fine. I died yesterday. I was pretty sure I was dead until Crusader sucked me into himself to keep my body in one place and the bracelet was put back on to stabalize me. I need to figure out a different way of making sure it can't get damaged, or just ... get cured and lose my powers and go back to being a normie I guess. Unless they can figure out a way to keep my powers." He taps his fingers together a few times in thought.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "Drake, who do you think I am?" June asks, holding her hands out to the sides. "I'm not some mastermind. I don't have the answers. I've seen the news, the Avengers mow people like me down without a second thought, and then say they won't kill the mastermind for the sake of 'justice'. How stupid is that? All your hero teams do that. Grunts are not people, the people who organize the evil, they might get brought in alive, they don't give two shits about me." She laughs, "You say /I'm/ dense. You might want to check the mirror. I'm just a mook, a drone, a grunt."
    She shakes her head. "All I do is get you killed. You say you died yesterday? That's my big contribution, okay? She knows who you are because of me, okay? In case you haven't figured it out yet. In case you think I'm some victimized innocent, I'm not," she jabs a finger at her chest. "Me. I'm the bad guy. She points at the device on your wrist. "You ask me? I'd toss the powers and get the hell out of the game. It's not worth it. It's not worth your life. With people like Iron Man and Superman and Batman, the Hulk, why should you stick your neck out? What can you do that they can't?" The accusation is for conern regarding him, but it also comes out in what could be considered a belittling tone.

Slipstream has posed:
"Okay, first of all, that is not true. The Avengers do not kill anyone. We always try to subdue first. We know our powers can kill people and it's why we have strats in place to minimize that sorta thing. We haven't whacked any of your pajama people yet, right? Not even me. You haven't seen me kill anyone." Drake says with a fronw on his face. "And just because you're a grunt doesn't mean you can't help out. You got 'some' things in your head and /anything/ that can help us out is important. "Right now they are stealing things of importance, right? Which means it will become a bigger issue down the road. That means more innocent people getting hurt. Do /you/ want that on your conscious?" He runs a hand back through his hair as he stares at her. "And you're right. I'm not like Batman or Iron Man or the Hulk. Wanna know why that's a good thing? Because they can't be here on the streets helping the little people, which is what I like to do. Maybe busting car jackers or drug dealers isn't fancy or news worthy but someone has to look out for them. I'm the guy that saves your grandma from falling buildings or dumbasses like Rocksteady when Power Girl is cleaning his clock. Everyone needs a flanker or a rogue to sneak about and to distract or divert attention. So, yeah, I can't punch the moon but I can assure you my actions are valued."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    June huffs, putting her hands on her hips, then looks up at Drake. "Okay, fine. I am trying to tell you that you will die doing it. Apparently that's not all that important, right? You only just died, no big deal, right?" She shrugs. "My conscience is already pretty heavy, Drake. You didn't grow up like I did. You got your fancy..." she looks around at the mess. "Well, expensive apartment. The Foot isn't just a group of people I work for. They are my family. You don't betray family. They may not be the best family, but they are the one I've got."

Slipstream has posed:
"I didn't grow up like you?" Drake barks out a laugh and peels off his shirt to turn around to reveal his back which has a few scars along the top of his shoulders and lower on his back. "This is what /my/ father did to me when he was done with my mother. He beat the shit out of me on the daily because he was a fucking drunk. My mom left because of him and I never saw her again. I ran away and lived on the streets for three years, dropped out of school. I lived in garages and warehouses and the only reason why I got lucky is because I knew a guy who ran a cyber cafe and he let me play games all day during the winter and I got discovered for being good at them. Someone took a chance on me and helped me out." He turns to face her, giving a bit of a flex of his chest and shoulders as he loosens them up. "Everyone has a sad story, but it's what they do afterwards that defines who they are in the long run. You want to put on pajamas and beat the shit out of normal people while living in fear? How is that a family? I'm sure Nazi's thought they were apart of a family also, or terrorists. You speak about how they will kill you without a thought, is that a family? No, they are just /convienent/ because they need you to do grunt shit work. How many of your goons has they freed from prison since we captured them? I'm gonna bet zero. Your family turn their back on your people that easily? It's not a family, it's a gang. Just walk away, June. Please. Work with us, let us help you get your life back on track. I'll do /whatever/ it takes to save you." He says in a pleading tone as he clasps his hands together.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    June rubs her nose a little when you mention her claim that they would kill her. "Yeah..." she admits, "About that, I may have just made it up to get you to agree with me, they never threatened to kill me. That only happens to people who betray them, not people who fail them." She seems to consider the statement. "Usually." She's a liar, probably not a big surprise. "And actually, we bust our people out of prison all the time. A Foot does not stay in jail. I don't know of a Foot ever being contained long enough to get to trial. But Drake, what am I going to do? You ever try to get an honest job with a criminal report? You think I can go walk into an office and apply for a job. They pull that background report, they say thanks for your time." She laughs. "I'd be lucky to get a job cleaning toilets. You know why criminals stay criminals? It's because the world doesn't have anything else for us."

Slipstream has posed:
"You work with Tony Stark and you /really/ think you're gonna walk out with a criminal background? The guy would hook you up if you were able to help out in any way." Drake points out with a frown. "And you so suck at lying. You know they would kill you. These people have already tried to kill innocent people just standing in the way. I think you hanging out here is failing them, unless you're playing me. Am I your mission? Is that how they knew to go for my bracelet, or my last name? Have you been giving me up the entire time to get intel on the Avengers?" He asks with a squint of his eyes.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    June freezes. "It's...it's not like that," June defends herself. "Yes, they know your last name because of me. You actually told Bebop and Rocksteady about your powers, that one is on you. It's also why they know that you are friends with Tony Stark." She tucks her lips inside her mouth, "I'm not ordered to get intel on the Avengers. Not specifically. I'm just to report information I find out. And I don't think they are monitoring anymore. They don't think I talk to you. And, like I said. I'm a mook, they aren't going to spend that much attention on me."

Slipstream has posed:
"Good, then if you're a mook, then you can get out and they probably won't notice, or at least they won't think you're a threat if you just quit showing up. Hell, I can even make it out like we captured you or something and tucked you away where they can't find you. There are ways of getting you help, a new family, a new life. You're my friend, June. I care about you, a lot." Drake says honestly to her as he reaches out to squeeze her hand. "Let me prove to you that we're the good guys here and we can get you help and put these whackos behind bars so they won't keep hurting people. I don't care about the goons, I just want the big dogs if possible. Even if all we do is slow them down, it's better than nothing."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    June bites her lower lip, and bites it hard. "Why?" she asks. She lets her hand hang there for a few seconds before managing to get the will to pull her hand away. "I'm only going to hurt you, Drake. All you say sounds really good, but I put myself where I am. My choices made me. You want to play knight and shining armor and save the damsel from the dragon, but this damsel /is/ the dragon." Her tough girl attitude seems to crack, and there are tears threatening her eyes. "You don't get that. I have tried to change. I just...I just can't."

Slipstream has posed:
"You know that dragons are not the bad guys, right? What do dragons do? They protect their den. They sleep for very long periods of time. They hoard treasure. It's the knights that roll in with their swords and kill them an disrupt their way of life." Drake says with an amused grin. "Dragons just defend themselves. There is nothing wrong with you. You're a girl who was desperate and you needed a way out of your situation, and you found it, but now you need a way out of this one. I care because I can tell that you aren't /really/ happy. Beneath this tough girl mask you wear, you're just like me. A dork that likes video games and wants to have fun. So, let's have fun beating up bank robbers and car jackers. I need someone to teach me how to fight better and you can use someone to help you succeed. Be a good guy. Use your skills for the community. We can work together. I'll talk to Tony and see about maknig you a tiny Avenger like me. Get training and help. You always have a choice. Your path is not set in stone just because you made /one/ decision."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    June rolls her eyes at the argument against her metaphor, and wipes the tears away before they can fall. "You are going to argue about what dragons do?" She forces a laugh. "I'm pretty sure the Avengers won't want me. People who save their own skin first don't usually make the hero cut. Besides, if I'm getting out of this, why would I just want to go back in on the other side? It's the same garbage, just changing jerseys."

Slipstream has posed:
"A jersey that doesn't land you in jail and you can go home feeling good about yourself at the end of the day. I don't even know if the Avengers want /me/. I'm more of a project while they fix me up. But, they care about me though. You could also teach martial arts, maybe open up a studio. There are a ton of people out there that would benefit from self defense. I'm just saying, there are options out there that is'nt steal from people or beat them up while wearing pajamas." Drake gives her an encouraging grin. "You aren't too scared to try being a good guy, are you? Come out with me once on patrol. We'll go to a rough neighborhood and see if we can help someone. Then let me know how you feel afterwards."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "Yeah," June says with a quick shrug of her eyebrows. "Because that would go over well. I'm sure a gang war wouldn't be incited at all. Drake, what do you want? You want me to be your hot ninja girlfriend, go be a dynamic duo cleaning up the streets? I'm great because I play video games, so I must be a good person? I like GTA, I can't be that good." She frowns. "I'm not good enough to be a sensei, and they'd know if I was teaching their techniques. Word would get around, especially if I was teaching people who might use those techniques against them."

Slipstream has posed:
There is a sputter at the mention of hot ninja girlfriend. "What? No!" Drake says with a loud huff. "Why are you so down on yourself for? You're a badass and you should be confident as one. Don't be so negative. I like GTA also, does that make me a bad guy too? Video games are just things to play. I like 80's rock music too and people always said it was devils music." He gives her a quick grin. "Just teach basic self defense. Karate. Something like that. You don't gotta put Cobra Kai out on the front door or posters on how to be a Foot soldier. Are you too scared to even /try/ and hang with me for a night? Afraid you may actually like it?"

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "Fine!" June says, more out of frustration than agreement. "I will hang out with you one night, jeez." She shakes her head, "You are one persistent son of a bitch, you know that?" she asks. "And no, just because I can kick your ass doesn't mean that I am kickass."

Slipstream has posed:
There is an amused grin on Drake's face. "Didn't I kick your ass last time we fought?" He says cheekily, even though he knows he used his powers. He rocks on the bed a bit back and forth, looking triumphant. "Cool, let's go out tonight then. Just bring a hoodie or something. I don't put a costume on, even though I probably should. I just don't have anything original to come up with and I don't think I'd be very asthetically pleasing in spandex." He gives his stomach a few taps. "I'm just now starting to put muscle on, but I'm not /there/ yet."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    June gives a snobby appraising look at your body as if she was an art critic at a gallery. "Hmm," she responds, giving neither approval nor disapproval. "Ok, but you better not get yourself shot," she comments. "Didn't you just get out of the hospital or something?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Avengers hospital is different. Besides, I'm fine, and if I get shot, I expect you to 'Avenge' me." Drake jokes to her as he gives a grin. He glances down at his body, then reaches over to drag his shirt back to slide it on.

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    June smirks a little, her usual demeanor returning as she heads back to the window. "Yeah, I'll 'avenge' you," she agrees with a deadpan voice. She lifts a leg and puts it on the sill, then pulls herself into the opening. "You are really weird, you know that?"

Slipstream has posed:
"You're climbing out a window in broad daylight on the fourth floor of an apartment rise without a fire escape." Drake points out about her own weirdness. "And I'm not weird, I'm perfectly balanced. Just like Tracer."

Shredder (1233) has posed:
    "Okay, see you later, Tracer," she responds. She lets a smile escape with a last look at Drake before she pulls herself outside, then reaches up, climbing out of view on the window. She makes it look easy.