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Latest revision as of 16:10, 4 June 2018

Visiting Heros!
Date of Scene: 24 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Slipstream

Crusader has posed:
It has been about a day or two since the team-up between Shredder and Grodd. And Crusader was no closer to figureing out what was going down. But that was not the only thing on his mind - SlipStream was. It seemed like the young hero was really hurting. And so in one decisive move....he decides to visit the hero
    After his identity as Crusader, an alley of the Justice League is confirmed, he is allowed to come down and visit Slipstream. He is careful about not touching anything as his cape ruffles behind him as he walks towards where Slipstream was "Hello Slipstream" comes his deep baratone.

Slipstream has posed:
It seems that Drake should just start paying rent to the medical bay at this rate. Between the tests and the injuries, he is starting to make this particular bed a second home. He stares up at the ceiling with a bored expression on his face as he spins his phone about in his fingers idly, having probably seen the /entire/ Internet and grew bored of it. When the doors open, he pushes himself up to a sitting position, offering up a grin. "Hey dude. What's up? You can call me Drake if you want. I'm still not sure if I'm going to land on Slipstream or not."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader crosses his arms over his armored chest "Very well, Drake. Heh, about as open with your identity as one Tony Stark. One came here to check up on you. You were fairly banged up when One had to stabalize you" a pause "...One apologizes if that was of the arkward feeling. Humans are an odd lot' he says and even gives a bit of a chuckle. He glances around at the seating...and he for some reason doubt s a Hulked out Hulk comes here often, Better to stand. "Though frankly....you look as board as a fish watching grass grow from a bowl"

Slipstream has posed:
"I don't see a reason to hide my identity. If people want to know who I am, they can take a picture and figure it out easily enough. I don't have a cool costume or anything." Drake says as he rubs the back of his neck. "And it's okay, I'm fine with being ... ah .. sucked into your body... that was an experience.." His lips give a bit of a twitch. "But you saved my life so that's something. I guess I can't complain when I'm still breathing. So what happened anyways? I heard we got the two zoo animals under wraps and a few of the ninjas. Did you guys figure out what that lady was stealing? Her name is Kurai I believe... she runs the whole thing. They call her the Shredder."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader crosses his arms "Hmmm. Three actually. The telepath was also a 'zoo animal' know as Gorilla Grodd, who is infact a Gorilla and not a human mutant" he smirks "And trust one, you did nt get the full experince. That is a trip..." he laughs. "But fair enough, some have reason to hide, some do not...." he pauses "Hmmm, you may not have a fancy custome....but perhaps you could. Oh!" he produces Drake old and damage bracelet back to him...well it was repair now, but now he had a back up! "With the right suit, perhaps you might do more with your abilities."
    Though at the question about Kurai he sighs "No, not yet. But if this Shredder is teaming up with Grodd...one can not imagine it is anything good. One was hoping you perhaps had more infomation, if one is honest"

Slipstream has posed:
"I wish I had more information. I know I fought them once when they broke into STAR Labs and stole some stuff, but I don't know what it is. They seem to target large technology industries. I would contact STAR to see if you can get an inventory of what they stole, as well as the other places so we can see if we can piece together a potential project they may be working on." Drake rubs his nose to work out an itch. "Telepathic gorillas and ninjas. How does that even work." He grunts out to himself.

Crusader has posed:
"Well if you wish to average possibilities. Have 2 or so sapiant species on one planet is actually not all that uncommon. While subspecies is more common when splitting, completly different species are also possible. Occuring from natural selection or genetic engineering. Likewise the development of 'powers' as species developed though not common is not unknown. As for Ninjas...well you humans are the ones who came up with ninjitsu and what not" yes, the big brute actually had an answer for said question.
    "Hmmm STAR labs eh? One will make sure to do that. And One would appreciate any infomation you happen to come across as well. Who knows, we may end up fighting telepathic ninja gorillas next" he grins beneath his tendrilled beard at the half serious joke.

Slipstream has posed:
"That would be weird and would look amazing on the news." Drake grins at him. "If I find anything else out I'll let you know. I did hear some rumros that these foot people are trying to recruit homeless or runaway kids. Train them to be ninjas or something, use them as canon fodder for their projects. Could be a chance to send someone in undercover."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader hmms "Never been much gold at undercover work. But it may be a good idea. Perhaps even you can go undercover" he says to Drake "A proper hologram projector can even act as a disguise. And from what one has seen...you at least know about them...as well as know who your looking for. Seems they even took care of secruity down there...so one did not even see what transpired"

Slipstream has posed:
"I would but I've already been compromised. I'm on their radar. I kinda got on their shit list when I beat up some of their people the first time. They sent the mutant animals over to my apartment to shake me down and beat me up. Someone else would have to go that they've never seen before. That and if they are collecting tech, they may have a way of figuring out if people are spies or using those types of devices. I don't know what their security is like, but I can ask around I guess." Drake wrinkles his nose in thought. "Maybe the League can get involved and take these guy sout. I was told they've been around for thousands of years. Hiding in the shadows and controlling the world or something. Like every other bad guy organization."

Crusader has posed:
"Point taken. But being compromised is not the end all be all." he crosses his arms "One is not sure if the League is in the buissness of taking out people. One is an alley...not a full fledged member admittedly. Regardless, if they are still high tech things and been around thousands of years - than One doubts they can even be fully taken down. But still if their plans can be halted, it is preferable"
    A pause is taken. "one would go undercover...but one has his own sets of problems that could compromise such a thing. If they are as sophisticated as they seem anyways"

Slipstream has posed:
"Well you could give it a shot and see what happens. Maybe a shape shifter is what we need to poke about." Drake says as he tucks his arms behind his head. "Maybe a telepath also to poke about the heads of those two mutated animals to see if we can get any new information like names or faces or locations. But, far as I know those could be rumors of how far their powers stretch. I hear things on the streets and you never know how legit they are."

Crusader has posed:
"If they have ways of figureing out if people are using Tech...well One is all Tech technically speaking" he informs him. "Shapeshifter might be something one can do...but at the end of the day it is not much different than you going in" a pause "Except that perhaps one can take a hit -slightly- better than you. Just slightly" he put two finger togeather real close

Slipstream has posed:
"Ha. I'm sure anyone can take a hit better than me. I'm just fast and can move in and out to get a strike in. Maybe I could use some some cool gauntlets or something to help create a kinetic impact. Boom." Drake says as he gives a few strikes with his fists in a one two manner. "But, I see my role as a flanker and a distraction so that you big dogs can move in and kick ass and take names. I just know the ninjas themselves aren't techy. They are normal people using swords and throwing stars. Maybe they have been working with Grodd the entire time to steal for him and they aren't techy at all."

Crusader has posed:
"It is a possibility" he pauses "Kinetic impact....gauntlets..." his tendrills twist and squirm as he rubs them "How about doing one better. Gauntlets that that take in, store and amplify kinitic energy. Think of it like a gun...but instead of bullets, your shooting out burst of concussive energy. Can be charge with your own ability...or by hitting things should you begin going over your limit dureing a battle. It not much...but it can add some variety to your...'flanker' style of fighting"

Slipstream has posed:
"So you are talking like that blonde chick from RWBY or something?" Drake asks curiously with a laugh. "I can't remember her name for the life of me but I can see her in my head. I watched some episodes on an old anime flash back website and they did a bender of them." Drake looks amused for a moment. "But I guess those could work. As long as I don't kill anyone with them. I'd just want to knock them down or out of a fight

Crusader has posed:
Crusader chuckles "One has NO idea what that is. Sorry. But we could be a 'leveler' or limiter on it to avoid accidentaly killing someone. Perhaps an emergency over-ride for a particular bad situation. Heck, throw in some boots and you can start jumping instead of just running" a pause "But failing all of that...one does believe simply making it so your powers do not hurt you as much dureing use is a proper first priority. Judging by your body reaction...you are not really equiped to go all out. when you do...you get hurt"

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, the big brains here are working on my power situation. My body kinda floats between two different timelines and realities. Here, and a timeline that Glorith built. My body wants to naturally tear itself over to the other timeline. The bracelet stops it from happening, but the more I use my powers, the worse it gets when my body gets tired and the bracelet overloads. So I gotta limit how many times I can jump about." Drake explains. "I don't know if I end up over there or not though when it happens. I think honestly I just die if my physical body shreds apart."

Crusader has posed:
"Hmmm....well they know more about that than One does. But the infomation presented is helpful. Might be able to use that in making the gauntlets" he notes. Time traveling crazy can be quite the...brain teaser. he never really winces at the thought of being torn apart, but he does offer a small smile "Regardless One does hope your situation gets under control. One will begin drafting these guantlets. But for now one must go" he informs him