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4 Cokes, 1 Receipt.
Date of Scene: 24 May 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Emma and the boys share a coke by the lake, and she's only vaguely threatening with promises of talks later.
Cast of Characters: Speed, Erddrache, Hellion, Emma Frost

Speed has posed:
Xavier's was a nice place year-round, but right now, in May, it was something else. The evening was warm enough for short sleeves without being scorching, and the sun hanging low in the sky painted the Breakstone lake a bright yellow. Tommy had finished his three helpings of dinner and was now out back taking in his surroundings through the lenses of his yellow tinted shades. Though Tommy doesn't do standing still well. Idly he fiddles with a palm sized rock, vibrating it close to exploding then bringing it back again. It was something to do while he thought and Tommy had lots to think about.

Erddrache has posed:
Late days and warm weather was a great time! Boris has been settling better into school. And while his tremors have become much more manageable, they have yet to cease. As such, as the ground rumbles, it easy to know who it is, far before he is seen. Like a shark fin, bone spikes turn the soil before Boris is seen climbing out of the ground. He shakes stray dirt off himself, satchel at his side. "Hello!" he exclaims in his deep voice "How et be goink?" he asks Tommy, eyeing the rock in particular. He was always a bit hungry, but he none the less scans the ground, especially the setting sun "...mioghty purdy eh?"

Hellion has posed:
     Julian had engaged himself to a very healthy helping of dinner. Time for flight! Much like Speed, Hellion is around Breakstone Lake, not flying super fast, but enjoying the air.

  He had seen Speed and Boris down below, so why not say hello. He comes down, leaning back as he rested mid-air like in an invisible hammock. "Yo! What's shakin'?"

Emma Frost has posed:
For her own part, Emma skipped the evening meal, choosing, instead, to sit in the back gardens and read a book. Tucked away as she is, she can see the boys long before they see her, looking up from her page and noting that two of them, at least, are of particular interest to her.. And the small dwarf with his penchant for rocks she remembers from her early days at the school.

For the moment, she bides her time watching the trio, assessing how they interact, letting them be before interfering.

Speed has posed:
The spikes tell Tommy who's coming well before Boris emerges, "Hey Boris," he says with a faintly distracted smile. "Alright, been a strange week," he says glancing back out at the lake and catching sight of an flying Julian. "Showoff," he greets shading his eyes as he looks up at the telekinetic. "As for what's shaking," he glances over to Boris. "You want to field that one, he sort of lobbed that line in for you."

A glance is thrown Ms. Frost's way, checking to see if she's watching. Hey, what's the point of being good for a change if people aren't there to take note.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris turns slightly red and the ground amps up in power...but far less than normal. he still got a bit embaressed by it. But he laugh it off saying "Ermmm....sorry. Still workin on vat!" he looks up to Julian "Bit doink fine! Still lookin fer somethin OTHER den granite ta eat vough" he admits.

Boris eyeing the flyer grins. He has had a better week (compared to being kidnapped and fear gassed, it was heaven) "Und aye been practicin! take a looke here" the ground rumbles, but on purpose. A sizeable chunk of earth from the ground begins to rise. floating a few inches into the air....with Boris ontop. Though it was wobbly as if he had trouble maintaining it.

Hellion has posed:
     Julian gives a small salute to Tommy once he calls him a show off. "Why not show off? Discretion is for chumps. We were given these powers, I'm gonna use them!" He says with a big smile.

  The floating bit of earth made his eyes go a bit wide. "That's pretty good!" Emma didn't go noticed, but he had been working on what she told him.

Emma Frost has posed:
Of course Emma is watching. She doesn't even try to pretend she isn't when Tommy looks her way. Instead, her lips purse as she observes the boys, letting them believe they're free from adult supervision (other than Tommy, who knows differently - and him, she's seeing what he does with that knowledge).

Her book is closed and set neatly in her lap, an announcement of sorts that whatever they may think, they are now on her radar. Again, a test of Tommy, perhaps?

A slight curl of her lips meets Julian's commentary on their 'gifts'. Boris' words tucked away for future use.

Speed has posed:
Tommy grins, at Julian's words and Boris' display of power. He rolls his neck. "So, that's how it's going to be huh," he says still grinning. Then, in a flash, he's gone, a blur of white and green. He's gone one moment, two moments, three, in all it drags just a bit then suddenly the blur reappears and becomes Tommy again as he comes to a sudden stop. He has four coke bottles in his arms, "From that corner store in town, would have been quicker but had to pay," he says, holding up a receipt for Ms. Frost's benefit.

He hands a bottle to Boris, if he'll have one and tosses another up for Julian, then he's left with two more. "Ms. Frost? Would you like a Coke?" he calls to the teacher.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris take the bottle as the rock leviates back down "Ah would have prefer if a truck didnea 'give meh' dese powahs by hittin meh" he says...slightly bitterly. He still had trouble accepting he was a mutant sometimes...but he was getting better.

"Ermm...vanks Tom" he says and opens the bottle. He sniffs it testingly before checking the ingrediants. Nothing seemed out of place....and he downs it "Mmmmmm" the ground rumbles in a rythmic way as if happy. "Thar be good tastin!"

His attention brought to Ms.Frost he blinks, and happy shaking goes back to nervous shaking. where they even allowed to use their powers unsurprivsed? What if this get him kicked out? He already broke a student ribs by accident (thank lord for healers) all this runs through his mind. But the ground stayed relatively stable as he raises a hand "Hello Ms. Proffesor Frost!"

Hellion has posed:
     The telekinetic looks at his watch, the holo-display showing a counting timer shortly after Speed takes off. Once the speedster is back, the stopwatch is halted. "Nice." He comments, raising his hand and stopping the coke bottle in the air. A flick of the wrist and the cap is twisted off, floating to Julian's hand.

     A drag sipped from the cool coke and a refreshing "Ahh." leaves his lips. "Yup, no doubt, life is better." He means with powers, of course. Though he does raise his bottle to Emma. "Don't you agree?"

Emma Frost has posed:
There's the barest hint of a nod given Tommy's way, though whether that is because of the recepit shown, or because of his move in inviting her is totally up for interpretation. Still, she rises from her seat and makes her way over to join the boys.

"I don't suppose one coke will kill me, seeing as you went to all the bother of playing for it legitimately."

Each is now greeted. "Tommy. Boris..." A pause, "Julian."

"If by better do you mean am I enjoying my stay here at Xavier's, then, yes, Julian, I agree. I have few complaints." And those she does have she's biding her time with. "And it is a particularly lovely evening. Your entrance was interesting, Julian. I might ask how long you've been working on that."

Speed has posed:
Spotting the glow of the holo-watch he calls up to Julian, "How'd I do?" he asks. In all he was gone about three minutes. He might have butted in line to get the paying part done and the receipt.

"And no problem," Tommy says to Boris absently about the Coke.

Ms Frost gets a smile. "I'd have grabbed diet, but that's a crime against both Mutant and human kind," he says as he offers the bottle.

"And yes," Tommy says glancing up at Julian with a grin, "Definitely better." He caught the other mutant's meaning, but carries on with Emma's version. "It's great here, really. Glad we've got college courses, or I'd be sad to be getting the boot next month."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris downs the rest of his soda "Whit complaints do sie have Ms.proffesor frost?" he asks curiousely now. it didn't seem like he was in trouble, so he was a bit calmer. He eyes the soda bottle wishing it was aluminium. But none the less he stores it away in his satchel.

Hellion has posed:
     Julian smirks at Emma. He had a certain charm about him, and he knew it. "Not much more than a week. It's all about manipulating the object, you don't just pick it up like trash." His finer skills with telekinesis had been improving this semester, luckily with Jean's help.

  "Two fiddy, seventy-six." He responds to Tommy's inquiry. "I have no clue how that measures up, but I know I couldn't fly that fast." Well, as far as he knew.

Emma Frost has posed:
"You may consider it an affront to all of humanity, young Tommy, but I'm afraid I have my reasons." All of them beginning and ending with vanity, not that Emma would admit it. Nor does she truly need it given she can make others believe she's the epitome of whatever she wishes... Still, there are observances, and she is a vain woman. "However, as I say, just this once won't be too much of a danger. And it's a measure of my trust in you, young man, that I'm not demanding to see that receipt outright. Hrm?"

He almost gets a smile. *Almost*. It begins to blossom on her lips then fades into nothing more than a stern line. A line that softens some in appraisal of her own protege, as she considers him. What he's said. His arrival by flight. "We will talk later, Julian."

It isn't a request.

As for Boris.. now he? He gets an actual smile, even if it is a cool mannered thing. "Oh, nothing you need worry yourself about. Merely trappings of past decisions come to haunt. Quite boring, and rather not suitable for mixed company."

And by mixed, she means students and teachers, carefully, and firmly delineating the boundaries between them with that simple statement.

Speed has posed:
"Not bad," Tommy says of his time. "Most of that was the receipt," he says of the time. "And of course not, because I'm awesome," he adds with a cocky grin.

Ms. Frost is his attention next, "Understood," he says of her having reasons. Not like he was going to question her, but he does show her the receipt all the same. "Still, here it is," he says and it does list four cokes bought and paid for.

He finally cracks open his bottle, and holds up the cap, he went with the old school bottles that Coke had out as a throwback gimmick. "Want the cap?" he asks the dwarf. He knew he ate rocks, maybe the metal cap was like an after-dinner mint.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris takes the cap "Sure! Vank sie!" wasn't a can, but he ain't complaining! He munches that sucker right down. Though his stomech does still rumble. Boris rubs his belly looking worried a moment, but says nothing of it.
    "Yer learned ta d thar in a week! Sie are fast learner! Took me weeks ta jist git rock aff ground. nit like et very much vough...ah prefer ta stay grounded if yer will" though few outside of 'gym' class has seen his geokinitic abilities in action.

But than he is looking at Emma. Perhaps he didn't understand the boundry, perhaps it lost in translation considering english isn't his first language. Whatever the case he says in earnest "Well...best way ta release a trap ta talk yer know. und we got purdy good ears..." and than comes the shade "Cept for Tommy in class. Swear he sleeps all da time" it was said jokingly though.

Hellion has posed:
     Julian gave a nod to Boris as he hovered down and set himself down. "Thanks, you aren't bad either." He comments, which seemed great until he revived that tone from Emma. "Yes, Ms. Frost." He says, sounding only slightly demure, which was a far cry from how he was with the other professors. He could only guess what the topic would be about. Hopefully she didn't hear about just who caused the artworks in the main hall to all turn upside down last week.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma tsks lightly, her attention resting upon Boris, even though it's patently clear her words are for all, "Your ears are fine, I have no doubt, however, it would be innappropriate for a teacher to weigh her concerns upon student's ears. Delightful they may be." Appearances and all.

And, yes, she's heard. Though that wasn't the thrust of the talk she intends.

"Perhaps it would be best if we moved along to safer topics. Such as what you have been learning of late? Hrm? Did I hear mention of using your abilities?"

Of course she did. The underlying message to Julian, of course, is that she heard what he said as well. That she knew full well it was not the weather, nor the scenery of the school that was 'better'. "Do tell. What progreess have you all been making."

Speed has posed:
"No problem," Tommy says to Boris with a smile. A look is thrown Julian's way when he is called to speak with Ms. Frost, that classic, 'someone's in trouble' look.

As for his progress. "Mostly been pushing my speed and we're working on a way for me to test the limits of my molecular destabilization powers without needing to rebuild the school." He flashes a smile at that.

Erddrache has posed:
"Oh...OOOOH" understanding dawns on Boris face when Emma re-iterates herself in a slightly different way. He rubs the back of his head "rioght, rioght. mah apologies Ms. Proffesor Frost" he says

He glances to Julian wondering if he was in trouble...but that was a bit of buisness he didn't intend getting into. But he does answer Frost. "Ah been werkin on controlling meh tremors...und emotions. Vough mah mentor does nit believe vee tremors will ever go away fully...dey are manageable" he says "Otheriwse ah been werkin on controllin meh geokinitic abilities better! Hauf gotten purdy good at buildin on vee go" as opposed to actual levitation.

Hellion has posed:
     "I worked on fine control of my telekinesis. Manipulating objects and such." He still looked like he was caught and now in trouble. "And getting to know people here." She would know what he meant.

Emma Frost has posed:
Julian earns himself a nod and a ghost of a smile. She'll talk with him later. What the boy works himself up to imagining will be the topic of discussion between then and now should prove very interesting and enlightening. As well as a measure of his progress here at Xavier's - learning what is and isn't relevant, and what will and won't cause her to give him looks of disappointment, or words of displeasure. It's almost enough to soften her features at the very thought of it.

Boris gets an indulgent look. It's a measure of her non-regard for the boy that she can allow such things. He's most manipulatable with pleasantries, so that's what he receives - to a degree. "No harm, Boris. You're settling in, though? I had noticed the ground is much more stable where we are this visit." Unlike the past.

Tommy, she regards carefully, and thoughtfully. "We should talk, young man, you and I. Perhaps later this evening."

Speed has posed:
Tommy watches Ms. Frost deal with the other students before he gaze falls on him and he's being given an 'offer', to talk later. He nods, "I'd be glad to he," he says without irony, even though he is suddenly running through possible things he might have done. "If it's about the powers training, I promise, not blowing up the school. One was enough."

Erddrache has posed:
Well Emma is not wrong. Boris is a bit like a mirror. If he percieves you as nice, you get treated nice. But if you -think- him a push over or someone to bully...well they get a volcanic eruption that is dwarven anger "Aye, it been going well! Ah still visit Pa on the weekends though. But cannea say ah be unhappy here!"

Hellion has posed:
     "Woah! You blew up a school? That's sick!" Julian catches himself a moment, looking back to Speed. "I mean, to cause that kind of thing. Not that it was a school. I...Yeah, there's no way to make that sound better."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma looks pained. "I would hope we aren't blowing up schools as a matter of course. Though it does sound, Tommy, like you and Boris here might have some reasons to spend time together, what with your skills with vibrations and all."