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Latest revision as of 05:41, 6 June 2018

I Will Always Love You
Date of Scene: 06 June 2018
Location: In the tropics somewhere.
Synopsis: Lar receives some much-needed encouragement from Kara.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Mon-El

Supergirl has posed:
It has been about a week since the Daxamites had been convinced to leave the planet, and more importantly the Krytonians, alone. At least for now. Who knew if they would change their mind and return eventually. It was something that would be kept in mind by all her kind and their allies.

For Kara, she was on the road to recovery. The Kryptonite poisoning had been severe. Normally a day or two and she'd be fine but the prolonged exposure has the affects lingering. Thus she has asked her cousin to help her out with the flying this time. She could fly. It just was taxing and she needed her strength.

At the moment, she was laying on a beach wearing a blue two-piece bathing suit. It was a private beach on a tiny island that wasn't even inhabited, somewhere near the equator. She had a nice lounger, a book and her telephone although there was no service to be had out here. At least she could play her music though. A pair of earbuds were in place and her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the yellow rays of the sun beating down on her.

Mon-El has posed:
    No phone service and in the middle of nowhere is the perfect place to lie low, where most people are less likely to find her. Of course, not everyone needs a phone or a populated area to do that. Ever since the incident, Lar has been worried sick about Kara, fearing that she might run into trouble while she was still weak or heaven forbid she might become ill with something else while under the effects of the kryptonite and die.

    It shouldn't come as a surprise, then, when he shows up out of the blue (literally, out of the blue sky), touching down on the white sand near her chair. He looks relieved that she's all right, though he fixes her with a remorseful gaze.

Supergirl has posed:
Her head is bouncing in time to the music that he probably can hear if he is wanting to. Some top ten pop song that is entirely too perky for its own good. Which means it is perfect for her. She has eclectic tastes but this suits her for some reason.

As he settles onto the sand, she picks up on his arrival with her other senses. One eye is cracked open, blue eye examining him a moment, then she opens both of them. "Why are you looking like a sad puppy dog?" she asks as she tugs the buds out of her ears.

Mon-El has posed:
    Any proper person would have expected her to say something, but for some reason Lar seems taken off guard by her question. "Oh--I...uhm...ugh, I'm such an idiot..." he mutters. His eyes dart away toward the water for a moment, then toward the sandy ground, then back at her. Then he takes a breath and finally gets himself back on track. "Kara. I wanted to say that I'm sorry. What I did--it was stupid, and you--you almost died. It was--selfish of me to think that..." he shakes his head, turning away. "I...will understand if you hate me."

Supergirl has posed:
That takes her aback and it shows on her face. "Hate you?" Kara echoes like a parrot. "Why would I hate you? You got grabbed by your folks and their goon squad. I should be apologizing cause I tried to get you back and failed completely." After all, that's how she managed to get herself caught. "Now, if you want to get your folks to apologize for being total...you know whats. I'd be willing to accept their apology. You didn't do anything, Lar." She sets her phone aside on a towel for now, rising to her feet. Her bare feet sink slightly into the sand with each step as she closes the distance between them. "I'm alright. Getting sun. Feeling better. I should be up to my usual levels within this week I think. What about you though? How're you doing?" she asks in concern.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Because I almost got you killed, and I -knew-..." Lar makes a frustrated noise. "I -knew- they'd react that way, but I just couldn't -control- myself. My...I couldn't control my own feelings. I kept thinking that I--that we could--" He shakes his head again. "The point is that I knew what I was doing would put you in danger but I couldn't let go of my own selfish desires." As she gets up from the chair, his gaze falls toward the sand again. "The same thing happened with Drake, it was the same thing. I knew it was dangerous, but I just wanted to forget that I was ever--" Another sigh and he sits down heavily on the side of the lounger. "You'd think I'd learn."

Supergirl has posed:
"Lar," she says softly in a tone that says he's being a little silly. "Having hope is never bad. And you should never give up either. Maybe someday they will realize hating an entire species because of the actions, or inactions, of a few is stupid. Hopefully Laurel will be able to make them realize that we aren't all bad."

Kara drops back into her lounger and settles in, enjoying the wamrth of the sun blazing down on them. She keeps her eyes on Lar. "We are not going to stop being friends just because they are poopheads. And I know they are your parents but they really are poopheads."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar peers up at Kara as her voice takes on just a little bit of a scolding tone. Then she reminds him that Laurel had gone with them. Oh, that's right--she had done that. And maybe that was why. He smiles, with a little bit of a chuckle, even. "Well...I guess if anyone is going to make them open their eyes, then Laurel would be the one most likely to succeed at that."

    "...and you're right. You're always right, aren't you?" he laughs lightly. "I just--I've been having a hard time letting it go." he admits. "Every time I see someone I care about, I can't shake the feeling that if I try to get any closer, I'll end up getting them killed somehow."

Supergirl has posed:
"Of course I'm always right. Good you learned that so quickly," Kara says with a smile as she leans back in the lounger, a bit more relaxed now that he's laughing. "Well you need to Elsa that stuff right here and now. Let it go. There is no use dwelling. I mean, I am worried that anyone I let close can be in danger should someone learn my secret. And let's be honest, our secrets always get learned by someone eventually. It's just a matter of today or ten years from now. But I can't live with everyone held at arm's length cause that's not _living_. It's just existing."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar quirks a brow at Kara's comment. "'Elsa'?" He may have regained his memories, but he was still raised on another planet and also spent a good portion of his life in the far future. "I'm working on it. I guess I'm just not quite there yet. Maybe the whole time travel and the memory loss and everything just threw me off.""

    He gazes at her, happy that she understands what he's going through. "Thank you...for understanding. I--honestly don't know if I've ever even met anyone before who understood me like that. Not even my family." he shakes his head. "And yet, from a different planet. Who would've guessed."

Supergirl has posed:
"Elsa. Frozen? We have got to work on your movie education. The few years I've been here, I try to watch as many movies as possible when I'm not doing what we do." Kara waves a hand off into the air implying the whole saving the world thing.

"Thank you for coming to talk to me instead of just disappearing and trying to keep me away for my own safety. I don't think family understands people as much as friends do. Maybe in some ways but not others."

Mon-El has posed:
    "'Frozen'. Huh, well I will have to see if I can find that one." Lar says thoughtfully.

    "Well maybe some families do." he shrugs. "But not mine. They always seemed partial to me over my siblings, but I never understood why. And I was always afraid to speak my mind around them, even though I knew they'd never -really- hurt me....like they did to commoners who did the same."

Supergirl has posed:
That gets her attention as Kara glances back to him. These glimpses into his history are not pleasant. "How'd you end up so nice with that sort of influence growing up?" she asks, mouth running before she thinks it through fully. Not a nice question to ask. She bites her bottom lip and gives an apologetic shrug. "Sorry. Just you seem so different from them. You are more like me and my family." Those she lost and her cousin who remains here on Earth. "They didn't hurt you while they had you this time, did they?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shakes his head. "No, they just...detained me and yelled at me." he replies, sighing. "Honestly, I don't know. The way they ran the planet always bothered me. Especially when after they elected me to be heir to the throne, they forced girls who they thought had 'desirable traits' to um..." he looks away momentarily. "You know. And if they protested or fought back, they'd be punished and never allowed to return home again."

    "But, I was too scared to do anything about it. Or even say anything about it. I guess I thought there was nothing I could do about it until the day I ascended to the throne."

Supergirl has posed:
That revelation was more than expected. Kara raises both her eyebrows, the surprise evident in her features. "They...They...." The ability for speech is gone. She's suddenly tense, her limbs almost trembling with the rush of adrenaline with her annoyance. She almost asks where the girls were sent if they couldn't go home but changes her mind. She doesn't want to know. She has the feeling she already dones.

She bites her bottom lip again, drawing air into her lungs then letting it out very slowly. Three times. Then she feels she might be able to speak without screaming. And as usual, she says the only thing that comes to mind.

"You have got to be adopted."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar watches that emotional response with a measure of shame. Right, how could he have let that go on? He runs a hand through his hair. "I wish I had at least said something. But all I did was tell my parents I didn't fancy them so that at least the ones who did behave could go home and go back to their lives. And those whose families were sold or imprisoned for their 'misbehavior', I just told myself that one day when I was in charge I'd free them." He sighs and stares at the ground. "But...that day never came. Most of them died in the Krypton disaster."

    Then he looks back up at her at the adoption comment. "Yeah? Heh, well you know anyone who wants to adopt someone who could punch them to the moon?" he teases, though the smile fades quickly. "I'm--sorry. I shouldn't be dumping all my baggage on you."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara reachs out a hand to touch his arm. "Lar, you aren't dumping anything on me. I am wanting to understand. Now that you have your memories back, I would like to know more about you. That's what friends to. They are there for each other, no matter what. Even through the ugly stuff."

She draws her arm back to her lounger, settling it on the seat beside her. "You could be my brother. My parents took me in knowing what I was and that I could punch them to the moon. Even as young as I was. So don't see why that would be a problem. Course you'd have to be adopted since you hadn't been there before."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I...thank you." Lar puts his hand over hers when she touches his arm, but lets it slide away when she withdraws. He stands up. "Maybe. But I wasn't raised here, Kara. I know your human parents must be very kind, but I wouldn't want to--make them uncomfortable."

    He puts a hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad you're on your way to a full recovery. Just...stay low until you're back to 100% okay?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Of course I will," Kara says with a wink. Her tone shows she means that she will as long as nothing happens. If a disaster happens? She'll be out there even thoug hshe shouldn't be. The fact he had admonished her? Seems he knows her well.

"I'm serious though. I wasn't raised her all my life either. Just the last few years. They got me as a teenager but they'd already been exposed to Krytponians. Seriously, think about it. Might be good for you to experience a human family."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Good." Lar smiles. "All right, all right. I'll think about it." He turns to leave, but pauses. "Thank you Kara. For listening. And being there for me--no matter what. I love you. Even if we can't--you know. I'll always love you." And he leaves it at that, taking off into the sky once more.