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(Andrea, Erika, Tyler and Josh discover how Andrea was injured, and who did it.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 04:45, 9 July 2018

After the Journey
Date of Scene: 08 July 2018
Location: Wellness Center
Synopsis: Andrea, Erika, Tyler and Josh discover how Andrea was injured, and who did it.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Storm, Professor X, Elixir, Twitch, Souvenir

Rage has posed:
There is a chuckle from the wolf as she pauses to look over her shoulder at Siryn. << You will scream with my teeth around your throat, for I will be the /last/ thing you ever see. Whelp. >> Andrea may have a ton of issues rolling about in her head in regards to her great protector that backseat drives half of her life. As the wolf disappears into the woods, there is a rush of darkness, followed by the girl's eyes reopening on the floor of the Wellness Center. She gives a few blinks, her voice calling out, "Please, you know I don't want to get in your pants, I love you!" She pauses, then starts to look around in confusion. "... Um..."

Storm has posed:
"Who do you love, Andrea?" Ororo asks, smiling.

She stood nearby back in the real world. "Welcome back."

Professor X has posed:
Xavier is back, and he wheels up to Andrea's bed. "Hello young one. Are you alright?" he didn't seem to mind her comment. "You had quite the dream. You suffered a wound, and you were brought here. Tell me, how are you feeling?" He asks her curiously. "Your friends were very worried about you."

Clearly he gesturers to Josh, Theresa, and Storm

Elixir has posed:
Josh walks over into Andrea's field of view, looking at her face searchingly. "Hey, scared us there," he says with a tired smile.

Rage has posed:
".. Mason." Andrea says as her voice trails off. Is it an answer to Storm's question? "He was just here. What happened?" glancing down at herself, then the room, she looks panicky. "There's so much blood." She looks at her clothing. ".. I'm covered in blood. Oh, God. Did I kill someone? What happened? Did I kill Mason??" She asks as she looks over to Josh pleadingly.

Storm has posed:
"You didn't kill anyone," Ororo corrects. "You just had an accident. Turns out, you're a heavy bleeder." She holds back a smile and gives the student a firm hug, disregarding the blood. There is warmth in the embrace. Pulling back, Ororo looks Andrea in the eyes and then gives her a pat on the head.

Twitch has posed:
Having gotten word that Andrea'd been taken to the school's Wellness Center, Tyler made his way there quickly to see what's going on. He's dressed in a blue jiu jitsu gi and flip flops and has a gym bag slung over his shoulder. The blood on the floor outside of the room, the sheer amount of it, catches him off guard and he follows it to arrive at the entrance so he can stick his head inside, seeing a variety of people surrounding his friend. The expression of concern on his face is immediately evident to anyone who looks at him, but he doesn't speak yet, not wanting to interrupt anything that's happening.

Professor X has posed:
Xavier smiles softly to Andrea. "Good, you remember. Though you didn't kill anyone, so you may rest easy there, young lady. Though, in the future, you may wish not to cut it so close, hm?" He says in that classic way that a grandfather would. Was Xavier mad? Of course not. Kids will be kids. But...he still needs to know the full story.

"Now that everyone is alright and relatively unharmed..." he looks to everyone. "Please, tell me what happened as best as you remember."

Elixir has posed:
"He's okay, he's not hurt. I think Julie sedated him," Josh says and gives her hand a squeeze.

"Mason just came running in and was a mess. He kept saying he didn't mean to hurt you, some kind of accident," Josh says gently to Andrea, but in reply to the Professor. "He kept saying he was sorry... You, you had hole in your head, Andrea. You almost died."

Rage has posed:
"I ... had a hole in my head?" Andrea says as she raises a trembling hand upward to touch the side of her skull. "I .. I just .. we were talking about him coming to Xavier's and he started yelling at me about how he's mad that I think he's a wimp or something. Next thing I know I'm waking up here and there is so much blood." She looks over to Tyler as he enters, chewing her bottom lip once the hug with Storm ends.

Storm has posed:
When Josh mentions the ole-hay in the ead-hay, Ororo whips her head at him. "Really, Joshua," she says, saying his actual first name like a mother would their misbehaving child. Even though he spoke the truth, did we really need to tell her the pools of blood scattering around the mansion is Andrea's?

"All is fine now though," Ororo begins. "Do you need anything? Water?"

Twitch has posed:
Slowly, Tyler eases his way inside and kind of stares at Andrea, especially after hearing what Josh had to say to her about having a hole in her head. When Andrea looks at him Tyler lifts a hand to wave at her and approaches. "How are you doing? Is there anything you want me to do for you?" The blood soaking the young woman's clothing is given a frown before Tyler returns to trying to make eye contact. "Any of you guys need anything?" he asks the others around them.

Professor X has posed:
Charles smiles softly to Andrea. "You did, yes. But...from what I've been told, I believe young Mason's mother has been feeding him lies and forcing him to believe them. None of it is your fault, young lady." he makes it a point that Andrea is perfectly fine. Nevertheless, his eyes fall upon Ororo as she offers water or something to drink. His eyes fall upon Tyler. "Ah, Mr. Grant. Welcome. I apologize for the mess but...it appears that young Andrea is doing better. The world will live on to hear her wonderful music." he winks softly. Though he doesn't speak, so It's safe to say he doesn't need anything.

Elixir has posed:
Josh gives Storm a slight unknowing shrug, and puts his hands in his pockets.

Rage has posed:
The mention of Mason's mother causes Andrea to frown. "Yeah, she's been feeding him crap all our lives, but, what does she have to do with this?" She asks as she continues to paw at her hair, staring at the crusted blood in her brown locks. "I don't remember what happened. I just remember him yelling at me because he was upset. He thought I insulted him or something .. but I didn't. I was just concerned about him. That's all." She peels her shirt up and over her head, clutching it to her chest once she turns her body about, then fishes a towel out of one of the drawers to wrap it about her. "I think maybe I need a shower. Is Mason okay though? He wasn't hurt was he?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir took a little longer in the shower, and went wandering back through in some sweats and... Uh... That's an awful lot of blood being mopped up... She pokes her head in in alarm.

She umms, "What HAPPENED? Because this kind of looks messed up." She bites her lip and wanders in, listening.

Storm has posed:
"Mason is..." A wimp. A loser. A fake. "He's fine," Ororo replies.

She makes a mental note to accompany Charles if and when he meets Mason's mother. Ororo wants to be there to stare such a vile creature in the face.

He thoughts shift when Tyle walks in, his concern evident by his tone. And then, Erika makes an appearance. It makes sense for the student body to be interested in the latest mansion drama. It is hard not to be in this day and age, she guesses, but the stress of it all is starting to weigh on the mind.

Raising up to her full height, Ororo manuevers to the side. <<I'm going to get some fresh air, Professor. This has been a lot tonight,>> she speaks mentally, knowing he will hear her through their psychic connection. Without a word, Ororo bee-lines for the exit. They might not need a refreshment, but she does.

Twitch has posed:
"I'll grab a mop and bucket in a second, Professor," Tyler tells Xavier. "I just needed to see that Andrea's alright." He doesn't take his eyes off of her for very long at all, watching her move in a concerned manner. Erika's entrance gets his attention, though. Tyler looks at her and shrugs his shoulders. He also doesn't know what's going on, exactly.

"I'm glad you seem to be okay, Andrea. I was worried when I heard you'd gotten hurt again." He looks towards Josh and says, "I can't tell you how glad I am that you're around, man. You're the man."

Elixir has posed:
Seeing Andrea starting to take care of herself and with the adults hovering, Josh moves away from the table with a sigh of relief. She's moving, she's taking care of herself, and thanks to the Professor, she /is/ herself.

He fist bumps Tyler on the way to the chairs against the wall. "Thanks, man, just glad to help," he says. He sounds and looks exhausted. Josh nods to Erika and then drops down into one of the chairs, leans his back against the wall and closes his eyes for a moment.

Professor X has posed:
Charles takes a breath. Though he does smile to Erika as she walks in. "Oh! soryy about the mess young Erika..but one of our students was injured during a dispute but...She's doing far better now, thankfully." He smiles softly, though when Ororo uses their psychic connection to tell him what she'll do, he makes no visual motion, but he understands. <<Very well. Take as long as you need Ororo. I know it's been hard on you..but be safe.>>

He looks to Tyler with a small smile. "Thank you, Mr. Grant." he nods very lightly. "Josh is truly the one to thank. Without him, I fear we would have lost young Andrea."

To which he looks at the young lady. "Very well. For now, rest yourself, alright? Mason is alright. Don't worry."

Rage has posed:
"Thank you for .. whatever it is you guys did... I just.. don't know what happened." Andrea says as she tucks the towel a bit tighter around herself so not to flash anyone by accident. "I'm ... gonna get in a shower and maybe I can talk to someone and figure out exactly what happened." She heads over to Tyler and Josh, leaning in to give both of them a firm hug, brushing her cheek along theirs with the clean side of hers for a light nuzzle. "Hey, Erika. Uh .. sorry for .. all the blood..." She trails off as she plucks up her shirt.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir frowns. "Well, okay. I'll just go back to my room and be horrified for a while." She hrms. "I might? Be able to help with that? I'm not totally sure, I'm just trying to think of things that might work. Just give me a sock or something. I'll see what I can do."

Twitch has posed:
"I've got a lot of thanks to go around. If anything happened to her it'd mess me up," Tyler tells the Professor. Andrea is hugged back gently, the boy not wanting to risk damaging her further, "Let me know if you need anything."

Having been in trouble recently Tyler knows where the cleaning supplies are kept. After tossing his gym bag on a chair he retrieves a mop and bucket from a nearby closet and gets to work on filling the bucket up in the closet's sink, pouring cleaner in. Once he's got it full he heads back out to the room and gets to work cleaning up the blood.

Looking at Erika he says, "That's a good idea. See if you can figure out what happened so at least we'll know. Or at least Andrea will know, it's not really my business."

Elixir has posed:
"For all the good it would've done without you, Professor," he says in reply to the Professor, without opening his eyes. "Good thing you were here."

Josh opens his eyes a little startled when Andrea hugs him, but then puts his arms around her and returns the embrace. "Glad you're back," he says quietly then lets her go.

Professor X has posed:
The Professor sits back then in his wheelchair, smiling that everyone seems to be doing well, albeit extremely shaken. "I thank you all for your help in this matter. If any of you see young Mason on the grounds, please inform him that I would like to speak with him? You would have my thanks." and with that, he starts to wheel himself out, nodding lightly to Josh on his way and to everyone else. "But for now...keep an eye on Andrea, and inform me of her condition. I'm going to make sure some other students arn't causing trouble here at the school. Farewell children!"

and just like that, he wheels himself out of the room...while also giving the kids the privacy they might need to talk about more sensitive matters.

Rage has posed:
Reaching down to pluck up her bloody shirt, Andrea tucks it into her back pocket. "I should be fine." She says with a quick, assuring smile. "I don't really know what happened during my talk with Mason though. I'm not sure what anyone can do to help. I guess I just got to talk to him and figure things out." As she does, a bloody rock falls out of her shirt and on to the ground with a clatter. It looks smooth and polished. She leans down to pick it up, studying it for a moment before she holds it out to them.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms and takes the pebble, pondering it. She takes it and shrugs a little, then peels off one of her gloves and drops it into her hand, suddenly jerking, gasping with her mouth open and fluttering her eyes. After a couple of seconds, she swallows, makes a small face, and shakes her head clear. "Oof. Okay. How to do this. So far I know someone threw this." She mimes an overhand throw.

Twitch has posed:
Tyler mops efficiently until he stops to look at Andrea's rock when it's held out towards him. He presses his lips tightly together as he studies it, then looks to the girl holding it, "What's that thing?" More mopping gets blood off of the floor as Tyler looks between Erika holding the rock and the work he's doing. When Erika announces that someone threw the rock Tyler frowns, looking concerned. The room is already looking a lot less bloody.

Elixir has posed:
Josh leans forward in his seat when Erika speaks. "But there were only two of you there.... Weren't there?" he asks Andrea. "It was just you. And Mason."

Rage has posed:
Andrea gives a shake of her head. "No, it was just Mason and I. There was no one else around." She says as she stubs her foot against the ground a few times in thought. "I don't remember Mason throwing a rock though."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir frowns a moment. "Wait, no, not like that. Like.." She raises her left hand, then mimes flicking a pebble at Tyler's head with her left hand. It's with her empty hand.

She frowns. "You know Mason is left-handed, right? One throw, left handed, like that."

Twitch has posed:
"So Mason chucked that rock at Andrea's head?" Tyler asks Erika as he finishes up the mopping in the room. Someone else has already gotten to the blood outside, it looks like. He picks up the bucket and returns it to the sink to empty and rinse it out. "How the hell could that have done anything other than piss her off?" Then Tyler makes a realization and freezes where he's at. "Oh no."

Elixir has posed:
Josh exhales when Erika confirms what happened. He rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands. "He was apologizing, kept saying he didn't know...What is it, Ty?"

Rage has posed:
"But.. he wouldn't... I.." Andrea stammers out in shock as she looks between all three of them. "But all this blood, and ... you said there was a hole in my head? How? With that pebble?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir uhs, "Well, first guess is that he didn't think that could happen either..?" She sighs. Awkward. "I don't know, maybe I can find out more, just.. Maybe not, and I only get one shot."

Twitch has posed:
The bucket it now clean, so Tyler quietly rinses the mop in the sink before wringing it out and putting it up. Then he washes his hands. It's clearly taking him some time to put his thoughts together and his face is turning pale. "Do you remember what Mason did during the coffee shop attack?" Tyler wasn't there, but he knows what happened. "He lifted a really heavy rock counter like it was styrofoam."

Elixir has posed:
"Yeah, he pulled a stone counter top off and sent three cyborgs flying with it," Josh recalls. "Went right over my head, must've weighed 800 lbs....Oh...I think I see what you're saying."

Rage has posed:
Giving another deep frown, Andrea glances off to the side as she rubs the back of her neck while holding the towel in place with her free hand. "I see." She says as she gives a shake of her head, then starts to trudge off. "I'm going to take a shower guys. Um.. Thank you for everything. Love you guys."

Twitch has posed:
"Take care, Andrea," Tyler says to his friend as he looks at her sadly and starts to move to towards her before he catches himself and stops in place. "Do you want me to check in on you later?" He turns his head towards his other buddies as if looking for something from them, but it's unclear what that might be.

Elixir has posed:
Josh shrugs unknowingly to Tyler.

"Night, Andrea."

Josh waits until Andrea has left.

"That was pretty handy with the rock," Josh says to Erika. "I just can't believe..." he shakes his head. "He's gonna have some questions to answer when he wakes up."

He gives Tyler a look that speaks volume about how confused and angry all this has made him. "I wish you weren't right, man, but I'm pretty sure you are."

Josh pushes himself up from his chair. "I'm gonna clean up and turn in, I'm wrecked."

Rage has posed:
"Sure, you can check in on me later, Ty." Andrea says softly over her shoulder to them. She seems to be in shocked with her voice bordering on sad. Obviously the popstar is confused. As she heads down the hallway, she trudges quickly for the stairs so that she can get to the bathroom to bypass as many scares as possible.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs. "Shit, I don't know. Guy must be a total mess. I dunno, I think I am holding onto this for now. Maybe I can get more out of it later." She frowns and slowly puts her glove back on.

Twitch has posed:
Sighing, Tyler looks at Josh and says, "Seeya later. Hit me up when you wake up."

His attention goes back to Andrea, "Okay. I'll be up in a while to make sure you're alright." Tyler looks quite sad himself as he watches her go, standing in place in the Wellness Center.

His attention is then given to Erika. Tyler presses his lips together tightly into a frown, "I don't even know what to think of Mason right now. Mostly, I think I'm just sad that Andrea's hurt."