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Latest revision as of 06:42, 19 July 2018

Unlikely Visitors
Date of Scene: 28 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Gorilla Grodd

Crusader has posed:
For many cops and heros, once the villian is caught and sent away...that is it. They hope they never have to see them again or if they do, that they do so on better terms. Rarely if ever do they come to visit those they put away, except as a last taunt for the cruel...or a sense of closure for those with a less maliciouse bent to the soul.

Which one was Crusader...or more accurately Vorn is hard to say. Unless your psychic, or know Crusader well, few if any would realize that Vorn and Crusader where one and the same. Vorn did not appear as a armored caped juggernaut...but as simply an orc-like individual who didn't seem to like wearing shirts.

Hiss he was brought to the visitation room for a face to face meeting, he can't help but wonder if the facility was smart enough to have power dampners installed. Whatever the case, a large secruity guard comes to Grodds cell and speaks gruffly "Hey Monkey brains, you got some weirdo comming to visit yea." cuffs and the likes were already prepard as his partner waited to open the door.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd doesn't seem to be wearing nullification cuffs. The people present seem to laugh at the idea of a Gorilla in a human jail but Grodd who has been silent the whole time, moves out and complies docile like with his jailers and then stands to go to the designated area not immeidately reocgnizing Crusader.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn eyes notice the lack of nullification cuffs, but he mentioned nothing as the Gorilla is sat down at his table. He flashes a tusked grin as he rubs his beard, as if Grodd was some old friend "Heh, yer seen better days Grodd? Up for a game of cards? Long as yer nit some cheater" his voice may be beastial, but it was familiar, even as he seems to pull a deck out from thin air, shuffling them as he never takes is eyes off Grodd.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd signs assuming that Vorn is capable of reading it which given his access to translation software probably is, "Sure, I am good to play." What is his game here? How can anyone possibly believe he is just a dumb gorilla? He watches the cards.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods flicking the cards to one hand and than the other "Yer a clever one Grodd." he speaks lowly, privately. Vorn was no idiot and knew Grodd "Yer kin talk...but yer signing instead. And it seems they have not taken any....outward precautions when it came to yer capabilities. A bit insulting actually. Eh, humans can be slow learners" he deals Grodd five cards, but instead of normal cards, each one seem to feature a tribal style drawing of a plant, animal, etc. Some might even look like complex molecues. "Do you know....me?" he says me with a near distate in his mouth, it can be seen in his face. The idea of 'me' being an alien word to him.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd smiles a bit at that. He cocks his head and shakes his head. HE isn't using his telepathy to keep a low profile and hyper intelligence or no the voice is different enough that he hasn't gotten it yet, but he will soon. He plays the cards at about 100 IQ skill level.

Crusader has posed:
Below average playing. Meaning many bad moves. It seems this wasn't exactly an earthly card game. It...almost seemed to look like they were supposed to build a world, an ecosystem of sorts. "Well you are easy to remember. You were quite peeved. This may ring a bell - Crusader" as he places down a card gaining another few points

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd's eyes flash red a moment and his telekinis flares causing some detectors in the jail to activate but not center on him yet. "What do you want?" He signs. He briefly makes a move at 200 IQ, obliterating his suite.

Crusader has posed:
"Temper, temper. It is almost as bad as Vorn here" his eyes lock with Grodd. The heros own intellect was nothing to scoff at as he was considered at least genius in his own respect...often more. And even than, what he lacked in intelligence, he made up for in experince. He drops a single predatory plant card that begins to bring his suit back up and would need to be delt with swiftly. "To understand of course. Hero? Criminal?" he chuckles "At the end of the day, they are one and the same. It people who decide which end someone is on" he plays another card that begin eating into Grodds suite now.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd returns to being 'dumb' and loses again and again. "I don't understand what you are asking." In this case he acually doesn't though is coming close to frying Crusader.

Crusader has posed:
"Find, will be more specific. Why did you go into all those books? What was the point? And the more recent robbery that got you in here. What was all that about? Surely someone as smart as you has goals, and am curiouse to what those are." he puts his cards down and admires the fighting ecosystem the cards made. He says "Do you not ever want to understand such things?"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "I have an agenda. Long term. I am going to make apes the equal of humanity here. as for the robbery," he smiles, "No comment. Not my secret to share." He looks at the cards, "Oh, I understand."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn nods "That is a fair goal. Certainly wish you luck in that, even if from the current perspective gained by yours truely from our limited interactions, do not think your doing the best job yet" he was measured...and genuine. It wouldn't take a psychic to know he actually thought the idea of apes and humans being equal was a good idea. "Secrets are never a person to share. It is merely a matter if they choose too. And for the record, playing that hemogoblin card was an excellent choice"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "I am playing the long game. For example did you notice the way your deck is structured? Count your cards." He grins. "If you care, I might take you up on that 'Vorn'" it is a made up sign similar to Ork. "Tell me, what do you think that resource at the lab that got me here will be used for"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn eyes his deck, half empty "Heh, this forms 'mind' never has been the patient sort. The other one would be more of a challenge for you more likely. Much more of a stratgist" he comments drly. Grodd may have been losing, but hs long game plan was likely to work. "to be honest, hard to say. Most likely it would be wasted on further weapon research, instead of more benifical uses" he says dryly "most planet seem to go for weapons first, sustainability second"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "There are games and then there are games, for example, even by losing this game I can win multiple things. Even hazardous research can yield long term peaceful resuls but yes, humans are far too militant so we have to be"

Crusader has posed:
"That is a fallacy" he comments "Your playing the 'mirror' game. One can compare it to building towers. Two teams build their towers...always trying to outdo the other one. Both become high and look impressive. But in the end...both fall." he plays a new card, a revolution card "unless...of course one was smart enough to build down as well. You mentioned a 'we'. care to elaborate? Your docet has little infomation on you"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "If you always escalate yes, but that isn't my strategy." He smiles and stretches "Nope." His eyes twinkle as he signals the guard."

Crusader has posed:
The gaurd comes. "Will come again Grodd, it was nice chatting with you" he stands knowing the visit was over. he scoops up all the cards with a single swipe. "Will be keepin an eye on you" Vorn grins and turns and gives a simple wave as he walks away. The gaurds peacefully taking grodd