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Latest revision as of 06:50, 19 July 2018

Dealing with Arms Dealers: The NY connection
Date of Scene: 29 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Twitch, Black Canary, Yin

Green Arrow has posed:
Some automatic weapons are easier to get then others. When Green Arrow gets word of a potential sale of machine guns that might be coming to Starling after the first deal is shut down there... Green Arrow isn't content to allow the smuggling operation to bring the new gear to his city. Instead, he decides to cut them off at the source. This group is only subtle on paper, too. Any pro-active vigilantes who patrol for this sort of thing have some to blunder onto or interrogate their way into this deal. The legality of it keeping the real authorities away.

The river port where the deal is going down have dozens of enforcers out for this one; a mark of recognition to the need for this deal to go through, after the Starling one failed. Green Arrow himself is prone, far far away, on a shipping container as he watches proceedings through electro-binoculars. Laborers unload wooden 'medical supplies' crates off a cargo ship, while two enforcers patrol with it. Those close enough to see into the warehouse through the roof that they're going into see heavy artillery inside out in the open. Rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers.

Looks like the Ruby Reef gang is hired muscle for this group of smugglers. Whoever they are.

Over his earpiece transceiver, Green Arrow can be heard by Black Canary, "This is far more response then I was expecting. Someone has an investment here."

Twitch has posed:
It's only been a little while since Twitch started his patrol but after his older brother, the police dispatcher, mentioned that the cops were being steered away from this particular part of the port the young mutant decided to check it out. After getting close on his motorcycle he dismounts to move in more quietly, trying to see what might be going down.

As he closes in on the scene of the crime Twitch ducks low, moving as stealthily as possible to try to avoid notice. He's clad in dark gray and black with a bandana over the lower half of his face to conceal his identity.

Scrambling up the side of a shipping container he moves at a crouch, finally moving into position to where he can get a glimpse of the warehouse in question. When he spots the muscle assembled outside he frowns and mutters at a whisper as he sizes up the opposition, "Oh man."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary is on her bike, looking over the proceedings at the dock. "I still feel all gooky after that damned Zetaport," she mutters over her headset as she watches. "This is going to be tricky - it'd take a small army to get through all those defenses... and I'm not sure how we're going to stop the sale... or how to keep all this crap out of our city..." She sighs. "I hope you brought a spare quiver or three..." She doesn't seem to be aware of the third person present. Canary looks a bit different this time - she got out her old Team 7 armor for added protection. She also brought a staff... and even a few daggers.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Without backup, a direct assault isn't going to work in our favor... and we don't have time to wait." Green Arrow agrees with Black Canary. "They're going to have to transport those crates somewhere though, either by truck or by ship. Catching them in an ambush when they move out seems like it'd be the best way to handle this."

As he speaks, more crates are being offloaded the cargo ship. They're up to a dozen, now. Four people escorting the crates and laborers, and two dozen people with large guns inside... with no indication of how many more crates are being offloaded.

Or even if any of these crates are legitimate. Bury your illegal goods in a legal transaction.

After a moment, the binoculars are put away into his quiver, and he brings up his bow, activating the mechanical quiver neurally to build a grappling arrow, before launching it at a tall building on the other side of the street. "I have an idea, but it'll require some setup. Keep an eye on them for me."

Tyler may or may not notice the arrow shot off in the background.

Twitch has posed:
In way over his head, Twitch merely watches things for now. Unaware of the other vigilantes in the area he seems frozen by indecision at the sight of the criminals in front of him. That's when his head suddenly twitches to the side at an unfamiliar noise behind him and he stares into the night to try to spot what exactly happened. Is that a cord?

The young man quickly flattens himself out on his shipping container, letting out a surprised noise and then quickly shuts his mouth, hoping he wasn't overheard. Twitch then turns to look back towards the criminals, then shakes his head.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods slowly as she is watching the scenaroi, binoculars on the scene. "No movement... yet..." She trails off as she thought she heard something, swinging the binocs towards a few shipping containers, squinting a bit, but then returns to studying the crowd down below. "Arrow - we might have company - beside the party down below. I thought I heard something when you fired the grappling line," she murmurs softly. "Not confirmed yet."

Yin has posed:
Yin mmms. "It throws the chi off a little sometimes. You should have told me so I could fix it." She meditates a bit, hidden as close as she feels she can get, and tilts her head quietly. "We have a new player hidden near me. Male, teenage, healthy. Hiding. Sparkly?" She shrugs faintly and breathes slowly, studying where everyone moves.

Green Arrow has posed:
Eventually, the crate offloading seems to stop, and six crates are loaded into two separate trucks, three a piece. Four people get into the back of each truck as the group waits.

Somewhere in New York, Green Arrow is doing his own thing when Yin speaks, "if he's hidden, he's probably here for the same reason as us. Let me know if he seems hostile." Green Arrow casually orders over the radio as the trucks start up... and start to pull away, into the New York streets.

"You two will need to keep up with them for a block or two, enough to get them out of visual range of the rest." As he speaks, the others are casually heading for jeeps inside the warehouse. "We'll have a few seconds to get these people disoriented inside the vehicles. It's all we'll get."

Twitch has posed:
He's not the stealthiest, but Twitch is trying. He moves slowly, trying to keep an eye on the line that appeared behind him while also monitoring the crooks in front of him. He is not in the best position if he's already maybe getting flanked. This first superhero action of his is not going super well so far. And now there are trucks taking off to who knows where and he's too far behind already to do anything about them. Still, it means that there will be fewer bad guys to deal with in a little while. Twitch rolls to his side and fills his hands with his weapons of choice, lead ingots, and starts to slide forward on his belly until he reaches the edge of the shipping container. Turning a little bit he slips off of it to the ground and works to get closer to the gang of crooks without getting spotted.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods. "Roger. I can take out one of the vans. It's one of my specialties." She smiles. "Once I'm separate, I'll get close and disable it." She smiles faintly. "Of course, such actions are hardly subtle but it's the best I can come up with." She revs her bike to prepare it for takeoff. "I'll take the truck on the left," she states as she prepares to get on the road behind. "Yin, perhaps you can keep an eye on the party so we know if anything weird is going on? Also, remind Arrow to buy you a bike so you can keep up with us?" She starts to slowly follow the truck she designated.

Yin has posed:
Yin watches the movement with her eyes closed. "Roger that." She slips a rock into a sling and palms it, since it occurred to her to carry one after an encounter the other day.

As Twitch approaches her position, she puts a finger to where her lips are behind her face mask and gives a soft "shhh", waggling a finger beckoningly. Over the comm, "Our X is moving my way. Looks like he throws things. Contacting him before he makes a mess."

Green Arrow has posed:
It takes about twenty seconds for visual range to be broken, and when it does, the sounds of glass breaking can be heard, followed by shouts. Anyone paying attention will see a gas starting to build up in the escort cars... followed by the steering veering off as both drivers get a full dose of tear gas to the face, "I don't have a good angle for the truck drivers from here, they went faster then expected."

Back in the warehouse area, those remaining behind seem to be packing up for the night, a crate being opened and their obvious firearms being put away into it. Are they standing down?

Twitch has posed:
There's suddenly a noise in front of him and Twitch's reactions start to take over, his head rapidly turning towards the sound of the 'shhh' even as his body turns away in a runner's stance. It's just about all he can do to calm himself down enough to notice the finger beckoning him. Slowly, quietly as he can, he moves towards Yin's location, readying the potential projectiles in his hands just in case he ends up needing them.

Yin has posed:
Yin slips an earbud and throat mic out of her pocket and passes them over. "Logging X-ray on the mic Canary almost slagged. Cargo visible, they're packing up." She hmmms, having less experience at this stuff than the others. She has enough paranoia not to relax, not enough experience to know what to think of it.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary starts to chase the truck, staying a respectful distance. And... once away from the docks, and seemingly on a more isolated section of road, Canary accelerates her hog, and once alongside, raises the visor to her helmet... and with a loud SKKKKKRRRREEEEEEEEE the big-rid jack-knifes, both back tires blown. Canary dismounts her bike, holding a staff in both hands, kneeling behind it as she prepares for incoming gunfire.

Green Arrow has posed:
The doors in both cars with the escorting enforcers open, and coughing men spill out of seats haphazardly, spilling over one another in their haste to get out of range of the awful air inside. The disorientation gives Black Canary a respite from gunfire for now, but who knows how long that'll last?

The Canary Cry has the truck spilling over onto it's side from the sheer amount of momentum being cut short, glass and tires being ruined under the effect, and the driver being bounced around. The sudden tip over seems to have disoriented those in with the crates too, as they don't spill out of the back just yet.

The truck that hasn't been stopped nearly drives right into the back of the front one though, and it starts to try and drive around the sudden 'accident'. Black Canary can see the drivers eyes going wide at the sudden turn of events in the seat as he reacts.

Back at the warehouse, the sudden commotion has people running out of the warehouse, starting to filter out into the New York street. They're heading right for the ambush.

Or they were, when a sudden scream is followed by others as an arrow with a flash bomb is launched directly through someones hand, stunning the half dozen people there.

"That's around a dozen of them disoriented outside. I'll handle the reinforcements. Keep those crates there." Green Arrow notes as more arrows start to rain down from... somewhere. A somewhere the newcomers can't find from their blindness. A few new enforcers are hit with blunt arrows, knocking out two already.

Yin has posed:
Yin raises a finger then points forward, go, go. She pulls a big CS grenade and casually rolls it into the crowd of flashed rubberneck thugs as she casually walks - quickly, but still, her whole thing is relax - toward the door of the warehouse. Wreak enough havok with layers of sensory chaos and they might as well be out cold, right? Her other hand drops down with the rock and whips it into the air at the closed window on the other side of the warehouse - she hasn't quite come into view yet.

Crashing window like someone making a dramatic entrance, far away, to draw everyone's eyes. Quick step to take one out with a quick strike. *Fwoomp* of capsicum aerosol behind her in the door a couple seconds later. A couple more steps to get in too close for them to shoot without hitting each other

It's ON.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary considers the first truck out of commission so she runs towards the second, slashing the front tire with a blade as she climbs up, and attacks the driver, quickly dislodging him and throwing him out. Then she turns to face the back of the truck from inside the cockpit and emits a lower-power Cry, enough to create sonic havoc inside the back of the truck without hopefully destroying it all. When it comes to arms deals, she won't hold back.

Green Arrow has posed:
The people rushing out were not expecting Flash Arrows from nowhere when they were running along, let alone anyone coming in from behind them at the warehouse. The half dozen men are stunned briefly from the flash, disoriented and senseless. Two of them had gone for the concealed pistols in their coats... but those are left useless in their hands as Yin launches her grenade where they /were/ in the warehouse.

Meanwhile, Black Canary has managed to get two of the men who were inside with her Cry. The back had been opened already, with two already on the street... but the scream as her victims are dealt with can be heard after she's done.

Meanwhile, the people in the cars are starting to go for their own weapons, and in response Green Arrow launches arrows through hands as they try it. The direction he's shooting from is finally noted though through the confusion... and machine pistols start to fire wildly at a nearby rooftop, "I think I got their attention." Green Arrow quips as he ducks out of sight for the moment. Three of the thugs have their shooting hands crippled already... but the rest start to head for Black Canary, her antics in the truck noticed. Easily a half dozen enforcers remain standing, and they'll be on her in a few seconds.

Yin has posed:
Yin moves into position to deal with the security and the enforcers preparing to deal with the ambush, and... nothing? What the..?

"Not even a mouse in here. Do they not believe in guards?" She does a quick scan and look around. "Warehouse clear. Cargo secure..!" She moves back to an ambush point near the entrance, since that's the closest thing to a choke point she has.

Twitch has posed:
Keeping up with Yin and her gadgets isn't too big a deal for Twitch. His hands still have his projectiles in them as he scans for threats, keeping his head on a swivel. A very twitchy sort of swivel. "They're shooting outside!" he tells the person he'd been following as he turns on the speed to try to get out there to see what he might be able to do to remedy things.

As he gets outside and takes in his surroundings Twitch almost freezes for a second, but a nearby gunshot causes him to twitch in that direction and snaps him back to reality. There are still bad guys standing, though, and it's best that they not get away. He starts launching his metal ingots at them, targeting heads, even as he sprints towards cover. While he might not make much noise throwing things he figures it's best not to leave himself an easy target for retaliation.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary just nods slowly, cracking her knucles, as she gets out of the second truck, and prepares to deal with any combatant. Unless someone has guns, she'll do good ol' martial arts on them - her goal is simply to disable any hostile and keep the trucks from departing. A task from which she is more than capable of handling. "Ah - we some visit here more often!" she calls over the comms. "The thugs here have a refreshingly different combat style." She keeps going after anyone she encounters.

Green Arrow has posed:
There are indeed thugs with guns outside as Black Canary steps outside. About four from each direction, in fact.

Or there were, before two arrows come once more from the rooftops to disarm the two coming from the front end car. The two coming from the back are about to aim their Uzis in Black Canaries direction, though.

Back further, Twitch starts to throw ingots... causing screams of pain as 'fire' starts to come from the opposite direction; the warehouse they came from. Two of the thugs shout, "We got more comin' from behind!" The other shouldertaps a couple around him, "We got this." And three of the enforcers turn around to start aiming 9mms at twitch, firing.

Meanwhile, the other three thugs still standing (two are downed from the sudden ingots-from-nowhere) have taken to firing both in Canaries direction, and up to the rooftops, where Green Arrow can be seen popping in and out of cover, trying to get a clear shot.

Yin has posed:
Yin ughs! "Get IN here before they hit you! Make them come to us. Kite and cover." Running through fire zones is definitely not her strong point. Trading shots from twenty yards is straight out.

She looks around, frustratedly plotting how to deal with being pinned down, and examines the walls. "I'll see what I can do." Silently she rushes the door and slips through it to see if she can't sneak around behind them herself.

Twitch has posed:
As gunfire starts in his direction Twitch's body twists to avoid the incoming rounds. Lightning quick reflexes take over and he darts from one side to the other in an effort to make himself impossible to target before diving into a roll to start a run back in the direction he just came from, "On my way." As he pumps his legs his hands reach into his vest for more ingots, launching them behind him as quickly as he can draw them. The little pieces of metal sail towards the weapons the gunmen are aiming his direction. Twitch's eyes are wide with fear and surprise but he doesn't let that stop him. "Holy crap, this is intense!"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary oooofs as she takes a gunshot to the chest - good thing she borught her body armor. She shrieks as the gunmen pointing at her, blowing them away, as she retreats back to the truck and gets back into the cab, locking the doors. "Owwww... thank goodness for body armor..." she mutters as she sees if she can get the truck started up.

Green Arrow has posed:
The side door exits out into a semi-alleyway. There's a fence blocking the way to the street with barbed wire atop it to the west, and a path to the piers themselves to the east. The fence looks easy enough to parkour over from here.

Twitch, on the other hand, has a number of close calls from those bullets. He managed to knock two weapons out of hands, little yelps given from the thugs as he does so. As he starts back inside the warehouse with a rush, Twitch can hear all three still coming his way.

Meanwhile, another flash arrow is launched at the three thugs running towards the convoy and aiming at Green Arrow. Over the transceivers, Green Arrow can be heard grunting as he traverses his way across rooftops, "That was my last flash grenade shaft. You're on your own, Black Canary." Green Arrow notes for her, "Moving into position to cover Yin."

Yin has posed:
Yin wants to deal with the people with the guns, and that means dealing with the fence. And quietly! Not easy with fences. She rushes that way and takes a bounce off of a piece of wall to the fencepost, trying to avoid the links itself.. Then she gets to the barbed part and sighs in annoyance. Easy enough to jump if she doesn't mind the jangling of chain links, but she doesn't want to get shot at doing this, so she waits for some gunfire to cover the sound and slings herself over the barbed wire, coming down with some blood.

She centers herself a bit. Holding the blood in. relax things. Rearrange blood flow. Pighten some capillaries. Okay. Good to go.

She slips up behind the people shooting at Twitch and quietly takes one down with a blood choke, then shoving him off to the side. When he hits the ground with a clatter, they look over to see Yin lunging in with a combo at the two of them..

Twitch has posed:
Once he's back inside of the warehouse Twitch slides down behind a crate for cover and fills his hands with ingots again, waiting for the three thugs pursuing him to come his way. Leaning over his cover he checks to see their position and notes that the one he hadn't managed to disarm is being choked out. Stepping out of cover he bounces lightly and sprints towards the remaining two only to see Yin engaging them in hand to hand combat after finishing with the first. That doesn't stop Twitch from trying to help out, however. As he closes the distance he calls out at them in an attempt at distraction, "Here I am, jerks!" Not wanting to harm his new ally he refrains from tossing any projectiles and prepares to kick ass the old fashioned way if they're not down by the time he arrives, as unlikely as that may be.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary grins widely as she turns the engine on. "Well, hey guys, I'm going to commandeer a whole bunch of weapons!" She then starts to pull the truck away, and if anyone gets in her way... they'll be splatted. She starts to head away from everyone, grinning widely. "It's been TOO long since I drove a big rig!"

Green Arrow has posed:
There's something like a sigh over the transceiver as Green Arrow watches Black Canary start to drive. Turning to the other side of the street to get around the front truck and the down car is easy enough.

Yin and Twitch back make short work of the three that were about to rain on Twitches parade... but there's still the matter of the three that were flash arrowed a few dozen feet southward from them still. With all the serious threats dealt with, three blunt tipped arrows are fired at the trio, sending them to the ground knocked out.

Arrows and spent round casings litter the street, but the thugs are all down... and the arms crates have been intercepted. "Looks like everyone is dealt with. We can leave these for the police, or blow them sky high, your choice." Green Arrow offers over the transceiver. He can be seen parkouring down the side of the building on the west side of the street, now.

Twitch has posed:
"Hello?" Twitch says into the radio, sounding very unsure of himself. "I'm sorry, but I think we should leave the stuff for the cops. There might be evidence they can use." The young man looks over the scene of the battle and gently nudges one of the unconscious crooks with the toe of his boot. A distant sound causes his head to snap up so he can peer in that direction for a second before returning his attention to his immediate surroundings, "Umm... What are you guys going to do now? You going to stick around for the cops or what?" He doesn't give anyone a chance to answer before he says, "That was pretty cool, by the way. Perfect rear naked choke! And awesome shooting, I've never seen anything like it!"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary stops the truck a few blocks away, gets out, and heads to the back. She opens it up, knowing that anyone inside would've been rattled silly by the canary cry in a tin can. She takes a breath, opens the back of the truck to see..........

Yin has posed:
Yin nods. "Is everybody okay? Any hits taken? This is your op, Arrow. You know the case better." She looks around a bit. "We are going to need the earpiece back, by the way. Obviously." She lopes over to check Twitch out.

Green Arrow has posed:
Once down to the street, Green Arrow starts to grab his arrows off the street, replacing them into the mechanical quiver as he goes. It visibly disassembles them back into storage as he goes, "Black Canary, where are you going with the truck? I need to check the crates."

Eventually, Green Arrow is in front of the warehouse main entry, his green hood and white lensed domino mask concealing his identity as much as his voice masker is, "I don't remember reading about you." His free left hand is offered to Twitch, the right still holding his custom compound bow, "I'm Green Arrow. That's Yin." a headtilting nod is given to Yins direction, "The one in the truck is Black Canary." There's a momentary pause, "she likes to joyride." Green Arrow quips. "What's your name?"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary smiles. "I was just making sure that no hostiles were around. Turning around." Soon enough the truck returns and stops near Arrow. "All yours... I didn't open the crates - there's some in the truck but figured that some might be booby-trapped."

Twitch has posed:
When he's approached by the young woman he'd just been fighting alongside Twitch nods his head and says, "I figured. Thanks for letting me borrow it." Reaching up to his face and neck he starts to remove the equipment he'd been handed. Then he's face to face with the Green Arrow, nodding his head at the masked man with the bow as he reaches to grip the offered hand, "Nice to meet you, guys. I'm Twitch. I'm pretty new to the crime fighting thing." There's a momentary pause before he speaks again, "I didn't mean to interrupt your bust, but I got word that something weird was going down. If you guys hadn't been here I probably would have just taken pictures of everybody moving the hardware, put it on the NYPD's social media. The stuff might have gotten away, though, so I'm glad that didn't happen."

Green Arrow has posed:
The hand is firmly gripped, then released. "This was an interception. There's a chain going into Starling that came through here. Someones on the take enough to keep the police away from this area for the schedule, so we dealt with it instead." The bow is collapsed inward, and placed on a holster on his quiver, "Welcome to the life, Twitch. You seem like you've got good aim." Green Arrow gives Twitch a look up and down, sizing him up, "you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. Just remember, this isn't a game. I got lucky that I had a good position to support this takedown."

He starts to walk over to the trucks, "With a bit of work, I'd say you'd be pretty decent at this. Are you interested in training?" Green Arrow asks of Twitch as he heads south, to the trucks.