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Latest revision as of 14:03, 20 July 2018

Date of Scene: 19 July 2018
Location: Avenger's Mansion - Med Bay
Synopsis: June is out of the Avenger's holding cell, but reunion with Drake on the outside isn't quite peaceful.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Slipstream

June Connor has posed:
    Out of the cell. June was asked to report to the med bay, which is a bit unique to her eyes. She was told she needed a few tests run, she didn't care enough to argue. What she was eager for was a shower. She found the strange cleaning unit, and managed to figure out how to get the clothes put into it, then went for her shower as they cleaned, and so that's where she is now, Leaning against the wall in the stall, letting the hot water run over her face.

Slipstream has posed:
Having heard she got released, Drake was curious enough to finally head to the med bay. He also needs his last found of inspections for his shoulder, which is healing quickly due to his rapid accelerated powers and the high end technology they have at their disposal. He is wearing a black Overwatch hoodie and a pair of broken in jeans. With his arm still in a sling, he gives a glance about as he looks for either her or the nurse.

June Connor has posed:
    June finally finishes her shower, and grabs the towel, drying herself off and wrapping up in it before stepping out, walking over to the laundry. She catches sight of Drake out of the corner of her eye, and glances in his direction. "Hey," she says, opening the dryer and bending over to pull the now clean clothes.

Slipstream has posed:
Coming to a halt as he spies her, Drake's face brightens a bit, then falls in concern. "Hey, you're out! So, everything is okay?" He asks as he clears his throat and shifts himself about so not to stare at her in the towel.

June Connor has posed:
    Of course, towels only go down so far, and as she digs her clothes out, her voice is heard from within. "Don't look at my ass," she says bluntly. She puts the clothes on top of the dryer in a mass.
    "I mean, it's as good as it can be. They aren't turning me over to the cops, so that's good. Your boy scout leader seems to think like you, so...that's a thing. She grabs the panties out of the pile, and then looks back over to him, rotating her finger to indicate for him to turn around.

Slipstream has posed:
"I wasn't gonna look at it!" Drake says with a loud huff as he keeps his eyes and head turned away. "And if you're talking about Captain America, that just means he has a good feeling about you. Also, don't call him names. He's /Captain America/. He's like .. the only guy in the world you should respect besides maybe Jesus, Bill Gates and Tony Stark." He has all of his priorities in place. "So, what are you going to do now that you aren't going to the cops?" He asks curiously. "Are you going back out there? They'll kill you, right?"

June Connor has posed:
    June steps into her underwear, followed by her shorts, then turns to face away from him just in case he decides to look before she covers her top. She pulls off the towel, and pulls the sports bra on as she answers. "You realize I don't respect any of those," she says. "Well, Jesus wasn't so bad I guess. He got screwed by the system, too. But I dunno, they said I could get a room, whatever that means. I can't stay in this place forever. Gotta leave sooner or later, and gotta warn my boyfriend. If they didn't kill him already."
    She grabs her shredded shirt, pulling it over her head before turning around.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. You got a boyfriend?" Drake says, scuffing his foot on the ground a few times. "I didn't know that. Well, I guess you'll probably take off and be out of my hair then, huh? Probably won't get attacked by mutant rhinos or people in pajamas anymore. I'l be bored." Is that disappointment in his voice? Perhaps. "I'm sure Cap will get you a place in Paris or something with your /boyfriend/ and you two can eat baguettes or whatever."

June Connor has posed:
    June runs her fingers through her bangs to arrange them to the right side of her head, and gives an unsympathetic arch of one eyebrow. "Oh come on, Drake," she says. "You got your hot Lantern girlfriend. I doubt we are gonna go to Paris. Donnie is dumber than me, it'll be pullin' teeth to get him to leave the city. He doesn't know anything about this shit. Kinda wish I had told him now." She grabs her socks, picking up one foot at a time to put them on.

Slipstream has posed:
"Uh.. she sorta took off into outer space and left Earth. Decided to make a new life in the cosmos." Drake trails off as he gives another scuff of his foot against the ground. "So, that's ... a KKona Clap." He gives a frown. "How can you be in that life and have a boyfriend? They can easily use him as collateral."

June Connor has posed:
    "Damn," June says, an apologetic look on her face. "Just up and like that, huh? Sucks." She shrugs, "I mean, you had a girlfriend playin' superhero, not much different, right? I mean, yours had superpowers, but still. He doesn't know anything about it, and as long as I wasn't in trouble, everything was square, nothing to worry about. He thinks I work night shift a convenience store."

Slipstream has posed:
"My girlfriend was one of the most powerful heroes out there. But, she had a calling. We talked about it. I coulda asked her to stay but I don't think it woulda been fair for her." Drake says as he gives her an incredulous look. "What about when you come home injured?"

June Connor has posed:
    June laughs. "When I come back hurt? He knows I train," she says. "Believe me, he knows that much. He hit me once, I kicked the shit out of him. He didn't try it again." She grins smugly. "Not everybody has that standard Disney romance, y'know?"

Slipstream has posed:
Drake gives a visible frown. "He hit you once? Why? Guys shouldn't hit a girl .. in a romantic relationship." He looks quite sour at that. "No matter what. You never hit a girl. That's some cowardly bullshit."

June Connor has posed:
    "Come on," She waves him away. "Drake, you know how I live. You think he's the worst I've had? You wanna know how old I was and how old he was my first time?" Implied answer is probably not. "People I hang out with, they aren't all the clean cut cream of the crop. It just is what it is."

Slipstream has posed:
There's another deeper frown upon Drake's face, his teeth grinding on his molars. "You don't need to hang out with those people anymore. You can have us now. The Avengers. I'm sure if you proved you can not be an untrustworthy brat, maybe you can join us. My team the Young Avengers is like an internship for the big team."

June Connor has posed:
    "Internship," June laughs. "Drake, this is all new to me. I dropped out of school my freshman year." She looks around. "This is rich kid stuff, smart kid stuff. I think you know I'm untrustworthy, or at least you should by now. You and Steve, what do you think you see in me?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I see someone who isn't a bad person. All of this." Drake waves a hand in front of her face. "This is a mask. A shell. It's your defense mechanism and it's how you survive. The streets don't breed pussies, it breeds warriors. Dogs gotta eat, otherwise they get eaten. I have a feeling that under all the acting, you're longing to roll in my shoes. I'm not saying you gotta join the girlscouts. Just give us a chance. Put down the wall for a bit."

June Connor has posed:
    "You just wanna fuck me," June answers, then seems to pause. "Wait, is that what Steve wants, too?" she asks, pointing a finger. "Hell, if he wants a ride, that's a real man right there. He's just gotta ask." She arches a brow. "Is he single?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Are you.. are you fucking serious?" Drake says as he blinks a few times incredulously. "Why would you even say that for? Geezus, June. Whatever." He says with frustration coming out heavily. "Maybe you were just playing me the entire time and this is the real you. Guess I am an idiot after all." He turns and starts for the door. "You do you, June. Good luck out there."

June Connor has posed:
    June laughs, "Drake," she says, "I'm sorry. Tell me I'm wrong though, there's not much other reason for you to put up with my crap. What's the real reason if that's not it? I mean, we met when I was pulling a heist. I kicked you in the nads, give you a sob story. You decide to go all white knight, but you got a girl, then what happens, oh yeah, you find me at the grocery store, hit me up to follow your twitch, then you tell me about how I should become a superhero because I'm so awesome-hadn't done anything to earn that- and then get roughed up by Bebop and Rockstead.Then you track me down while I am boxin' some thugs ears and lecture me." She tightens her other shoe. "Still don't know how you found me that night. Then you help me save my ninja buddies that were in trouble even though we were the ones that attacked, followed by me setting you up to be murdered." She holds her hands out to the side. "Stop me if I'm missing something. Why have you bothered with me in the first place?"

Slipstream has posed:
Turning back to her, Drake says, "No offense, but have you /seen/ Jess? She's smoking /hot/. You're a freaking street rat with too many holes in her face because you think Hot Topic is a trendsetting style choice. Why would I wanna trade down for?" He snaps at her. "Why can't you just accept the fact that there are guys out there that just want to help people without any strings attached? So I was wrong about you! I'm gonna be wrong a thousand times but it's that one time I get it right, where it makes it all worth it, because that person I save will go on to save others. They'll pay it forward. Hero or not. It doesn't matter. That's why I do this. Mister Stark took a chance on me. He did when not many others in my life have! My dad? He beat me. My mom? She left me. I had the shit beat out of me in school on the daily. No one even cared. But someone took a chance on me and look at me now? I'm not a fuckup. I have a chance to be someone better than a homeless kid good at video games. I just wanted to share that with someone." He stares at her for a long moment, then heads out the door, letting it swish behind him.

June Connor has posed:
    June's expression when Drake lashes out is that of a girl who is stunned. He genuinely insulted her. She doesn't say anything to interrupt, or even to respond as he marches out the door.

    She stands silently for several seconds, then walks over to a counter of medical supplies, and grips the edge for several seconds, staring at them as if to challenge a fight.

    She lashes out in a sudden burst of rage, her arm sweeping out and destroying the organized order, scattering tongue depressors, cotton balls, and boxes of tissues violently across the med bay, then folds her arms on the counter, puts her forehead on them, and sighs.
