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Latest revision as of 02:50, 22 July 2018

Metal Command
Date of Scene: 01 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lobo, Beryl

Lobo has posed:
    Another measure of time, another bundle of credits. To say that recent weeks had been less than exciting for the Main Man currently drinking it up in the Knowhere bar was an understatement. It was true that not every job could be high profile exploits of danger and carnage, but if Lobo was approached to hunt down -another- deadbeat dad he figured he was gonna ralf. Whether that happened before or after he killed the messenger and everyone else in a star-mile radius was up for debate, but there would definitely be ralfing involved.

Currently the bounty hunter was sat in a dusky, smoky dark corner of the bar in question, his shirt off as he was sat hunched over a table, flexing his massive, powerful left arm for the benefit of the smoking, many-tentacled creature currently taking a tattoo gun to the last Czarnian. Every so often he'd give a slight sneer, but over all it didn't seem to bother him too much. Littered across the table were various half-empty bottles and glasses, and various weapons of Lobo's all strewn about rather haphazardly. He never did seem to have good discipline in that regards.

Beryl has posed:
A green-skinned woman walks into the Pub. She walks over to the barkeep and murmurs softly, handing him a small credit chip. The barkeep, bemused, hands her a small bag of something that is clanking. She nods as she bows, as she moves over, watching some guy have someone else carve his arm. She watches cuirously, popping something in her mouth and chewing on it with a loud crunching noise.

Lobo has posed:
the hulking albino form remained where he was, but Lobo's blood-red eyes instantly glanced over to notice the red-headed green girl, especially taking note of the contraption in her forehead. Out here, cybernetic enhancements and other 'extreme' modifications weren't all that uncommon, especially among people in his line of work who wanted that extra edge, or wanted to stay alive just a little longer. But there was something about the girl in front of him that was particularly striking. Instantly he looked up and flashed her a sly wolfish grin even as he snapped his fingers. At that signal the bar keep came back around with another round, the first of many shots that the Main Man slammed down like they were candy. A brief belch later and he called out with a deep gravelly voice that was oozing with testosterone.

"Eyy, babygirl. Whaddaya got there, why don't ya come over here and lemme see? Ol' Lobo don't bite none unless it's requested."

And although green skin wasn't the most uncommon shade in the world, it was something he still took note of. There was another girl around here with similar skin, a girl with the Guardians. Idly, Lobo wondered if this could be a connection to her, something he could exploit, if he played his cards right? He'd just have to see.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks. "Oh, hi?" she asks as she heads towards Lobo. "It's... not something that is useful to anything else..." She pulls one item out and it's... a... flattened beer can. She smiles faintly. "I haven't seen you before..." She tilts her head. "I'm still pretty new around here... my ship was disabled and was adrift - a few people saved me and now I'm trying to decide where to go."

Lobo has posed:
When Minoke got closer, she'd probably be able to see the sheer size of the man, the broadness of his shoulders as well as the parade of ink across his shoulders and arms. Faces, women, letters and various alien words, it appears this wasn't his first time in the chair.

As Minoke got closer and showed off the can, Lobo slowly started to sit upstraight, only to then keep going and start leaning backward in that chair. Interesting that as he moved, the many-tendriled bestial creature seemed to have no trouble continuing their work as if the Czarnian were still as a statue.

"Into recycling, huh? Well ain't none of my business. Ya say yer ship got disabled? Ya mean it got smashed up worse than the scrap in the scrap heap around here?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke shrugs. "Well, yes. I can get some useful food for a pittance for it saves the bartender having to get rid of it." She smiles faintly. "I'm not quite a normal person but... it doesn't really matter. I can also do sculpture with the metal. All sorts of stuff. Here." She reaches into the bag as a green glow occurs in the bag. She waits a moment as she pulls something out of the bag. It's a tiny scale model of you. Made out of aluminum. "It's a talent I've been practicing. Do you like it?" she asks.

Lobo has posed:
the expression on Lobo's changed to one of bemusement, even as he reached out with his right hand to gingerly and gently take the lightweight metal sculpture in hand, tossing it up and down a few times before putting it on the edge of the table facing outward, like a little gargoyle. When he was looking up a fresh cigar was in his mouth and being lit with a blowtorch he had lying on the table, before it was tossed aside with a loud crash and kerthunk. As he looked up at her, billowing plumes of smoke were already filling the area.

"Always been a big patron of the arts, ya got one hell of a gift, there."

The wheels were turning in his head.

"So, uhh...whaddaya do fer credits, then? And how much is it gonna cost ya ta get yer ship up and runnin'?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke smiles. "I found some scrap gold and silver - and made jewelry out of it and sold it." She pops another piece of aluminum in her mouth and starts chewing softly. "It's just a skill that I have. And... I think my ship's running - but there's no database left so I don't have any way to plot a course..."

Lobo has posed:
"Running ship without a course database? I gotta say, that sounds about as useful as milk glands on a Thanagarian Snarebeast. You know...I gots an idea, if yer up fer it."

Lobo shifted in his seat, idly scratching his stomach before grabbing one of the combat knives off the table. As he spoke he was twirling it in his fingers, the edge gleaming and threatening even as he did nothing threatening with it.

"In my line of work, I often gotta knock on doors, an' sometimes the people I visit don't want me to knock twice. Hard bein' a good guy in such a dangerous part of the cosmos, y'know what I'm sayin'? I figure if I had someone like you with me on jobs, yer particular line of talents could come in very useful. An' I'd have no trouble splitting the credits. Equal part fer equal pay, right?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods slowly. "Yeah... I just don't want to hurt anyone. I'm a curious creature... but I'd rather not hurt anyone. Just... have very good talents with metal..." She smiles faintly. "I suppose that works for me for now. I don't need much - just some electricity."