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|FullName=Monet St. Croix
|FullName=Monet St. Croix
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|Residence=New York City
|Residence=New York
|Education=Private school graduate
|Education=Private school graduate
|Groups=[[Hellfire Club]]
|Groups=[[Mutant-OOC]], [[Hellfire Club]], [[Xavier's School]]
|Quote="I'm perfect."
|DOB=8 December 2007
|DOB=08 December 2007
|Height=178 cm (5'10")
|Height=178 cm (5'10")
|Weight=61 kg (135 lbs.)
|Weight=61 kg (134 lb)
|Hair=Brown / Black
|Actor=Claudia Lynx
|Actor=Ashley Moore
|Song="Flawless" by Beyonce ft. Nicki Minaj
|Song="you should see me in a crown" by Billie Eilish
|Profile=Monet St. Croix is a mutant of immense abilities that make her a formidable opponent to most individuals she comes up against. She's rich, super intelligent, and 'better' in almost every way possible. In her own words, her power is: I'm perfect.
|Profile=Monet St. Croix is a mutant of immense abilities that make her a formidable opponent to most individuals she comes up against. She's rich, super intelligent, and 'better' in almost every way possible. In her own words, her power is: I'm perfect.
|Description=Monet is an aesthetic dream, a canvas come to life. Anyone searching for flaws would find none. Her features speak of personal strength and impeccable breeding; a heart-shaped face, aristocratic nose, and full, pouty lips. Immaculately arched eyebrows frame intense eyes, 'dragon-hued' with a progression of hazel to green to blue. No makeup adorns her full lips or round, prominent cheekbones, though smouldering dark eyeliner and mascara features her eyes even more vividly. Raven colored hair, a true black-- not merely deep brown-- frames her features, hanging to her shoulders. <br><br>She is tall, a little shy of six feet, with knockout curves atop the sort of athletic physique that requires a lifetime of dedication to physical training. She exists at a perfect intersection of lushly curvaceous and ideal physical fitness.
===Current Player Approved: Available for Application===
|History=Monet was the second child of four, born to Cartier and Jamila St. Croix. Her brother Marius was the eldest, and heir to the family fortunes, while her twin siblings Louis and Lenore were two years younger than Monet. But she was her father's favorite by far, spoiled with his love and attention moreso than the others. <br><br>All four children were brought up with the ideal Monagasque education; summers in Switzerland, winters in Bosnia. Their lives were nothing but wealth, privilege, and international travel. <br><br>It all came apart when Marius manifested his mutant powers for the first time. In his mindless hunger for energy, he killed their mother. Cartier, in a rage, banished Marius from the household, only for the vampiric St. Croix son to return and attack Monet and the twins. He kidnapped Monet, using her as a source of endless, regenerating health for several years, while the twins took over the role of 'Monet' for the benefit of the outside world. <br><br>After finally breaking free of Marius' influence, Monet found her siblings and successfully reconciled with them. Though she was by then of the age of majority, Monet had lost some years to Marius' control as a mindless attack dog, and travelled to the Xavier academy to both harness and develop her mutant powers as well as reassemble the shattered shards of her psyche.
|Personality=Monet is the epitome of haughty, bourgeioise elitism. She doesn't just think she's better than everyone else; she knows she is. It stems from her blue blood lineage, which she can proudly trace back to royalty on both sides of her family lineage. Her family's immense wealth opens doors that are closed to most 'commoners'. Moreover, Monet knows she is literally perfect; every part of her that is human-like is just plain better than everyone else. She's prettier, smarter, faster, more intuitive, and more talented than anyone she's ever met. Her social position is just the natural order of things. <br><br>This outward pretension is not an act, but it does conceal a great and abiding personal torment. She was the victim of cruel and ongoing abuse from her brother for four years, as Marius kept her trapped in a mindless state and consumed her bone marrow for sustenance. Being freed from his influence was like waking from an endless nightmare. Monet still suffers traumatic stress disorder from the prolonged nightmare, and is frequently covering up depression or suicidal ideations. <br><br>Her best guard against people seeing that core of vulnerability is a quick and ascerbic wit. She keeps her metaphorical claws out at all times, and can turn on someone in a moment if they start to get too emotionally close to her vulnerable core. Few people discern a difference between Monet being an aristocratic brat and Monet guarding her vulnerability, which is a status quo Monet vastly prefers to maintain.
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
|Abilities=FLIGHT<br>Monet is capable of superhuman flight, possibly as a form of telekinesis. Her top speed is around Mach 3 and she has sustained flight long enough to cross the Atlantic Ocean successfully.<br><br>INTELLECT<br>Monet's mind has enhanced processing and storage capabilities, enabling her to think faster and remember more than others. She has an eidetic memory and can perform complex calculations at a moment's thought. She possesses a strong intuitive genius and a gift for puzzles and conundrums.<br><br>INVULNERABILITY<br>Monet's body is hyper-resilient, enabling her to resist large amounts of physical damage. She is bulletproof, capable of withstanding large impacts such as being hit by a car or hit by a superhuman brick. She could stand at the center of an explosion of several sticks of dynamite and walk away unscathed. She's fire-resistant and capable of withstanding extreme cold or electrical shock.<br><br>MERGING<br>Monet can merge and combine with other members of her bloodline, most specifically her siblings. The resulting entities combine their powers and sometimes even generate new ones. Merging can be done willingly or unwillingly, but will always result in a psychic battle for supremacy and control over their gestalt form.<br><br>PHYSIOLOGY<br>Monet has enhanced reflexes, endurance, and senses. She's capable of sustaining great physical effort for hours at a time without tiring. She can react fast enough to snatch an arrow out of the air. She can identify others by smell, even track them, and her hearing can detect conversation from up to a mile away or listen closely enough to a heartbeat to detect a lie. She has immense dexterity and physical control, enabling her to be highly precise and coordinated.<br><br>REGENERATION<br>While she's extremely resistant to being physically hurt, Monet nevertheless heals from any injuries she might sustain at an accelerated rate. Cuts or minor wounds will heal in a matter of minutes, while more serious injuries might take only a few hours. She's also resistant to conventional disease and would be extremely difficult to harm by poison or toxin.<br><br>STRENGTH<br>Monet has great superhuman strength, enabling her to lift/press up to 25 tons..<br><br>TELEKINESIS<br>Monet has a growing talent for telekinesis, which she usually manifests in the form of telekinetic force waves or bolts. She can also lift and move objects with her mind, manipulating them to a degree, although she likes extremely fine control as of yet. Her telekinetic force attacks have a strength in around the twenty ton range at her maximum capability.<br><br>TELEPATHY<br>Monet is a skilled and capable telepath. She can read surface thoughts, probe memories and create psychic illusions. She can broadcast her thoughts to other minds at a range of up to fifty miles and can create psychic links between her and up to a half-dozen other people. She's capable of mild mind control, although not full possession, just impulse and momentary command. She can enter the astral plane and interact with other psychics there. She has strong psychic shields and protections from intrusion by others.
|Skills=ETIQUETTE<br>Monet grew up as part of the international elite. She has impeccable manners, knows how to be diplomatic, and can fit in at the most exclusive of high society functions. She can be rude and sarcastic, but she does so pointedly and knowingly, not out of ignorance.<br><br>FASHION<br>Monet is always up on the latest trends, has an excellent eye for design, and is something of a clothes horse. She can often be found in the front row at New York Fashion Week and wearing custom pieces from a variety of designers.<br><br>MARTIAL ARTS<br>Monet has been trained in self-defense and martial arts since her youth. Her father feared his children being kidnapped for ransom and wanted them to be able to defend themselves (never imagining he'd have a litter of superhumans). She's skilled in Krav Maga, jujitsu and kickboxing.<br><br>MULTILINGUAL<br>Monet speaks French, Spanish, Hebrew, Dutch, Italian, German. and, of course, English.
Monet an aesthetic dream, a canvas come to life. She has a café au lait skintone, creamy but dark, accented by the dark curls that spill around her face. She has thick, full lips and dark brown eyes with long lashes. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but she is truly something to behold. Flawless cheekbones lead down to a strong jaw, giving her a defiant, fierce aspect to her loveliness.<br> She's always dressed in the peak of fashion, whether it's a costume for combat or a simple dress for a night on the town. She favors black or red clothing, usually tight to show off her body. She has obvious muscle tone, making her intimidating to some by mere physicality -- those who get to know her better tend to find her intimidating for entirely other reasons. She likes wearing heels and always has high end shoes.
|Resources=SUPER WEALTHY<br>Monet comes from a background of extensive privilege and familial wealth. Her family as a whole is worth nearly two billions dollars. Her personal trust fund is approximately forty million and she has extensive credit well beyond that.
|Weaknesses=FAMILY<br>Monet has a complex relationship with her brother. They have often plotted against one another, abused each other, even tried, on occasion, to kill each other. That love/hate relationship can be volatile and means she must be careful whenever dealing with him.<br><br>HUBRIS<br>Monet's extremely full of herself. She can easily underestimate the capabilities of others and see herself as untouchable. As such, she may be taken off guard by others whom she sees as beneath her notice.<br><br>SENSITIVE<br>Monet's enhanced senses mean she can be overwhelmed by powerful sounds or overwhelming scents. She can grow nauseated from extremely bad smells much more quickly than an ordinary person. High decibel or sonic attacks are extremely painful and effective against her.<br><br>TEMPER<br>Monet can have quite a temper. Her self-possession and dignity, combined with a sheltered upbringing, mean that she can lash out and hold a grudge with the best of them. She doesn't necessarily think clearly when she's in such a rash state and is more prone to make mistakes.<br><br>THE B WORD<br>Monet tends to judge harshly, quickly, and based on appearances. She often won't give people a chance and doesn't get to know them unless they interest her in some way. She can be caustic, cruel, and downright nasty and, given her quick wits, her barbs usually cut deep. She can be a bully. It impairs her ability to make friends and often endangers the friendships she already has.<br><br>VULNERABILITIES<br>Monet needs to breathe and eat in order to survive. While she has extensive stamina, more than an ordinary human, she must at times rest. While she may be invulnerable to most harm, there are harms that go beyond the limits of her invulnerability - high end superhuman strength, massive explosions, adamantium weaponry, etc. While she may heal quickly, damage sustained to her brain or nervous system could be sufficient to kill her before such healing could take place.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
Monet St. Croix was born, the second of four children, to Cartier and Jamila St. Croix. Her brother Marius was the eldest, and heir to the family fortunes, while her twin siblings -- Louis and Lenore -- were two years younger than Monet. But, she was her father's favorite by far, spoiled with his love and attention, more so than the others.<br><br>The St. Croix children grew up in Monaco, the playground of the wealthy and privileged in Europe. Her father, Cartier St. Croix, was an Algerian oil magnate and had moved his family to Monaco to make sure they had the best of everything. And, Monet certainly did. All four children were brought up with the ideal Monégasque education; summers in Switzerland, winters in Bosnia. Their lives were nothing but wealth, privilege, and international travel. Education, fashion, luxury, leisure -- Monet had it all. Unfortunately, she always had to share it.<br><br>Monet and her siblings often suffered the rigors of rivalry, most notably between she and her older brother. All of them began to manifest mutant abilities upon reaching their teens. It all came apart when Marius manifested his mutant powers for the first time, becoming monstrous, a vampiric creature. In his mindless hunger for energy, he killed their mother. Cartier, in a rage, banished Marius from the household, only for the vampiric St. Croix son to return and attack Monet and the twins. He kidnapped Monet, and ruthlessly used her as a source of endless, regenerating health for several years. Meanwhile, the twins took over the role of 'Monet' for the benefit of the outside world while she was captive.<br><br>Eventually, Monet defeated him and managed to escape, but decided she could no longer stay with the rest, as the memories of his abuse were too strong. Now, she's come to America to find a new life, and some kind of peace of mind. She's living the life of one of the idle wealthy and perhaps considering using her powers for the greater good. Maybe. If she has time after the next fashion show.<br><br>
<span style="color:#009999">'''History2:'''</span>
Sometime in 2028, Monet disappeared. Her father, of course, was frantic. When local and federal agencies failed to turn anything up, he paid mercenaries to scour the world for his daughter. This, of course, also failed. <br><br>Emplate, the elder St. Croix, had crawled his way back to his native dimension and taken Monet before returning to the dimension that had become a new home to him. There she served simply to feed his need for mutant marrow: tortured endlessly not only by the beings of the dimension, but her brother as well. <br><br>Escape, unfortunately, was not up to her: she lacked the necessary powers to travel between dimensions as her brother did. Thus, 3 years of torture: of being bled dry whenever her brother sought to feed. Salvation came only when a stranger (to her) pulled her from that dark place and deposited her with the people most likely to help: Xavier's.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
Monet is the epitome of haughty, bourgeioise elitism. She doesn't just think she's better than everyone else; she knows she is. It stems from her blue blood lineage, which she can proudly trace back to royalty on both sides of her family lineage. Her family's immense wealth opens doors that are closed to most 'commoners'. Moreover, Monet knows she is literally perfect; every part of her that is human-like is just plain better than everyone else. She's prettier, smarter, faster, more intuitive, and more talented than anyone she's ever met. Her social position is just the natural order of things. <br><br>This outward pretension is not an act, but it does conceal a great and abiding personal torment. She was the victim of cruel and ongoing abuse from her brother for four years, as Marius kept her trapped in a mindless state and consumed her bone marrow for sustenance. Being freed from his influence was like waking from an endless nightmare. Monet still suffers traumatic stress disorder from the prolonged nightmare, and is frequently covering up depression or suicidal ideations. <br><br>Her best guard against people seeing that core of vulnerability is a quick and ascerbic wit. She keeps her metaphorical claws out at all times, and can turn on someone in a moment if they start to get too emotionally close to her vulnerable core. Few people discern a difference between Monet being an aristocratic brat and Monet guarding her vulnerability, which is a status quo Monet vastly prefers to maintain.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Flight:'''</span>
Monet is capable of superhuman flight, possibly as a form of telekinesis. Her top speed is around Mach 3 and she has sustained flight long enough to cross the Atlantic Ocean successfully.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Intellect:'''</span>
Monet's mind has enhanced processing and storage capabilities, enabling her to think faster and remember more than others. She has an eidetic memory and can perform complex calculations at a moment's thought. She possesses a strong intuitive genius and a gift for puzzles and conundrums.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Invulnerability:'''</span>
Monet's body is hyper-resilient, enabling her to resist large amounts of physical damage. She is bulletproof, capable of withstanding large impacts such as being hit by a car or hit by a superhuman brick. She could stand at the center of an explosion of several sticks of dynamite and walk away unscathed. She's fire-resistant and capable of withstanding extreme cold or electrical shock.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Merging:'''</span>
Monet can merge and combine with other members of her bloodline, most specifically her siblings. The resulting entities combine their powers and sometimes even generate new ones. Merging can be done willingly or unwillingly, but will always result in a psychic battle for supremacy and control over their gestalt form.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Physiology:'''</span>
Monet has enhanced reflexes, endurance, and senses. She's capable of sustaining great physical effort for hours at a time without tiring. She can react fast enough to snatch an arrow out of the air. She can identify others by smell, even track them, and her hearing can detect conversation from up to a mile away or listen closely enough to a heartbeat to detect a lie. She has immense dexterity and physical control, enabling her to be highly precise and coordinated.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Regeneration:'''</span>
While she's extremely resistant to being physically hurt, Monet nevertheless heals from any injuries she might sustain at an accelerated rate. Cuts or minor wounds will heal in a matter of minutes, while more serious injuries might take only a few hours. She's also resistant to conventional disease and would be extremely difficult to harm by poison or toxin.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Strength:'''</span>
Monet has great superhuman strength, enabling her to lift/press nearly 25 tons.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telekinesis:'''</span>
Monet has a growing talent for telekinesis, which she usually manifests in the form of telekinetic force waves or bolts. She can also lift and move objects with her mind, manipulating them to a degree, although she likes extremely fine control as of yet. Her telekinetic force attacks have a strength in around the twenty ton range at her maximum capability.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telepathy:'''</span>
Monet is a skilled and capable telepath. She can read surface thoughts, probe memories and create psychic illusions. She can broadcast her thoughts to other minds at a range of up to fifty miles and can create psychic links between her and up to a half-dozen other people. She's capable of mild mind control, although not full possession, just impulse and momentary command. She can enter the astral plane and interact with other psychics there. She has strong psychic shields and protections from intrusion by others.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Etiquette:'''</span>
Monet grew up as part of the international elite. She has impeccable manners, knows how to be diplomatic, and can fit in at the most exclusive of high society functions. She can be rude and sarcastic, but she does so pointedly and knowingly, not out of ignorance.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Fashion:'''</span>
Monet is always up on the latest trends, has an excellent eye for design, and is something of a clothes horse. She can often be found in the front row at New York Fashion Week and wearing custom pieces from a variety of designers.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Martial Arts:'''</span>
Monet has been trained in self-defense and martial arts since her youth. Her father feared his children being kidnapped for ransom and wanted them to be able to defend themselves (never imagining he'd have a litter of superhumans). She's skilled in Krav Maga, jujitsu and kickboxing.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Multilingual:'''</span>
Monet speaks French, Spanish, Hebrew, Dutch, Italian, German. and, of course, English.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Super Wealthy:'''</span>
Monet comes from a background of extensive privilege and familial wealth. Her family as a whole is worth nearly two billions dollars. Her personal trust fund is approximately forty million and she has extensive credit well beyond that.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Emplate:'''</span>
Monet's long, complicated history with her brother Marius (Emplate) came to a head when he kidnapped her and trapped her in the Penance form, keeping her in the between dimension he lived in to feed upon. While she has escaped, she knows there is always the risk he will come after her again. He's done terrible things to her, but he's also family and that makes things difficult.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Hubris:'''</span>
Monet's extremely full of herself. She can easily underestimate the capabilities of others and see herself as untouchable. As such, she may be taken off guard by others whom she sees as beneath her notice.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Sensitive:'''</span>
Monet's enhanced senses mean she can be overwhelmed by powerful sounds or overwhelming scents. She can grow nauseated from extremely bad smells much more quickly than an ordinary person. High decibel or sonic attacks are extremely painful and effective against her.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Temper:'''</span>
Monet can have quite a temper. Her self-possession and dignity, combined with a sheltered upbringing, mean that she can lash out and hold a grudge with the best of them. She doesn't necessarily think clearly when she's in such a rash state and is more prone to make mistakes.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''The B Word:'''</span>
Monet tends to judge harshly, quickly, and based on appearances. She often won't give people a chance and doesn't get to know them unless they interest her in some way. She can be caustic, cruel, and downright nasty and, given her quick wits, her barbs usually cut deep. She can be a bully. It impairs her ability to make friends and often endangers the friendships she already has.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Vulnerabilities:'''</span>
Monet needs to breathe and eat in order to survive. While she has extensive stamina, more than an ordinary human, she must at times rest. While she may be invulnerable to most harm, there are harms that go beyond the limits of her invulnerability - high end superhuman strength, massive explosions, adamantium weaponry, etc. While she may heal quickly, damage sustained to her brain or nervous system could be sufficient to kill her before such healing could take place.
[[Category:Hellfire Club]]
[[Category:Mutant-OOC]] [[Category:Hellfire Club]] [[Category:Xavier's School]]

Latest revision as of 08:54, 1 July 2023

Penance (Scenesys ID: 1102)
"I'm perfect."
Full Name: Monet St. Croix
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: One-percenter
Citizenship: Monégasque
Residence: New York
Education: Private school graduate
Status: Dropped
Groups: Mutant-OOC, Hellfire Club, Xavier's School
Other Information
Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: 23
Date of Birth 08 December 2007 Actor: Ashley Moore
Height: 178 cm (5'10") Weight: 61 kg (134 lb)
Hair Color: Brown/Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "you should see me in a crown" by Billie Eilish


Monet St. Croix is a mutant of immense abilities that make her a formidable opponent to most individuals she comes up against. She's rich, super intelligent, and 'better' in almost every way possible. In her own words, her power is: I'm perfect.

Current Player Approved: Available for Application



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Monet an aesthetic dream, a canvas come to life. She has a café au lait skintone, creamy but dark, accented by the dark curls that spill around her face. She has thick, full lips and dark brown eyes with long lashes. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but she is truly something to behold. Flawless cheekbones lead down to a strong jaw, giving her a defiant, fierce aspect to her loveliness.
She's always dressed in the peak of fashion, whether it's a costume for combat or a simple dress for a night on the town. She favors black or red clothing, usually tight to show off her body. She has obvious muscle tone, making her intimidating to some by mere physicality -- those who get to know her better tend to find her intimidating for entirely other reasons. She likes wearing heels and always has high end shoes.


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Monet St. Croix was born, the second of four children, to Cartier and Jamila St. Croix. Her brother Marius was the eldest, and heir to the family fortunes, while her twin siblings -- Louis and Lenore -- were two years younger than Monet. But, she was her father's favorite by far, spoiled with his love and attention, more so than the others.

The St. Croix children grew up in Monaco, the playground of the wealthy and privileged in Europe. Her father, Cartier St. Croix, was an Algerian oil magnate and had moved his family to Monaco to make sure they had the best of everything. And, Monet certainly did. All four children were brought up with the ideal Monégasque education; summers in Switzerland, winters in Bosnia. Their lives were nothing but wealth, privilege, and international travel. Education, fashion, luxury, leisure -- Monet had it all. Unfortunately, she always had to share it.

Monet and her siblings often suffered the rigors of rivalry, most notably between she and her older brother. All of them began to manifest mutant abilities upon reaching their teens. It all came apart when Marius manifested his mutant powers for the first time, becoming monstrous, a vampiric creature. In his mindless hunger for energy, he killed their mother. Cartier, in a rage, banished Marius from the household, only for the vampiric St. Croix son to return and attack Monet and the twins. He kidnapped Monet, and ruthlessly used her as a source of endless, regenerating health for several years. Meanwhile, the twins took over the role of 'Monet' for the benefit of the outside world while she was captive.

Eventually, Monet defeated him and managed to escape, but decided she could no longer stay with the rest, as the memories of his abuse were too strong. Now, she's come to America to find a new life, and some kind of peace of mind. She's living the life of one of the idle wealthy and perhaps considering using her powers for the greater good. Maybe. If she has time after the next fashion show.


Sometime in 2028, Monet disappeared. Her father, of course, was frantic. When local and federal agencies failed to turn anything up, he paid mercenaries to scour the world for his daughter. This, of course, also failed.

Emplate, the elder St. Croix, had crawled his way back to his native dimension and taken Monet before returning to the dimension that had become a new home to him. There she served simply to feed his need for mutant marrow: tortured endlessly not only by the beings of the dimension, but her brother as well.

Escape, unfortunately, was not up to her: she lacked the necessary powers to travel between dimensions as her brother did. Thus, 3 years of torture: of being bled dry whenever her brother sought to feed. Salvation came only when a stranger (to her) pulled her from that dark place and deposited her with the people most likely to help: Xavier's.


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Monet is the epitome of haughty, bourgeioise elitism. She doesn't just think she's better than everyone else; she knows she is. It stems from her blue blood lineage, which she can proudly trace back to royalty on both sides of her family lineage. Her family's immense wealth opens doors that are closed to most 'commoners'. Moreover, Monet knows she is literally perfect; every part of her that is human-like is just plain better than everyone else. She's prettier, smarter, faster, more intuitive, and more talented than anyone she's ever met. Her social position is just the natural order of things.

This outward pretension is not an act, but it does conceal a great and abiding personal torment. She was the victim of cruel and ongoing abuse from her brother for four years, as Marius kept her trapped in a mindless state and consumed her bone marrow for sustenance. Being freed from his influence was like waking from an endless nightmare. Monet still suffers traumatic stress disorder from the prolonged nightmare, and is frequently covering up depression or suicidal ideations.

Her best guard against people seeing that core of vulnerability is a quick and ascerbic wit. She keeps her metaphorical claws out at all times, and can turn on someone in a moment if they start to get too emotionally close to her vulnerable core. Few people discern a difference between Monet being an aristocratic brat and Monet guarding her vulnerability, which is a status quo Monet vastly prefers to maintain.


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Monet is capable of superhuman flight, possibly as a form of telekinesis. Her top speed is around Mach 3 and she has sustained flight long enough to cross the Atlantic Ocean successfully.

Monet's mind has enhanced processing and storage capabilities, enabling her to think faster and remember more than others. She has an eidetic memory and can perform complex calculations at a moment's thought. She possesses a strong intuitive genius and a gift for puzzles and conundrums.

Monet's body is hyper-resilient, enabling her to resist large amounts of physical damage. She is bulletproof, capable of withstanding large impacts such as being hit by a car or hit by a superhuman brick. She could stand at the center of an explosion of several sticks of dynamite and walk away unscathed. She's fire-resistant and capable of withstanding extreme cold or electrical shock.

Monet can merge and combine with other members of her bloodline, most specifically her siblings. The resulting entities combine their powers and sometimes even generate new ones. Merging can be done willingly or unwillingly, but will always result in a psychic battle for supremacy and control over their gestalt form.

Monet has enhanced reflexes, endurance, and senses. She's capable of sustaining great physical effort for hours at a time without tiring. She can react fast enough to snatch an arrow out of the air. She can identify others by smell, even track them, and her hearing can detect conversation from up to a mile away or listen closely enough to a heartbeat to detect a lie. She has immense dexterity and physical control, enabling her to be highly precise and coordinated.

While she's extremely resistant to being physically hurt, Monet nevertheless heals from any injuries she might sustain at an accelerated rate. Cuts or minor wounds will heal in a matter of minutes, while more serious injuries might take only a few hours. She's also resistant to conventional disease and would be extremely difficult to harm by poison or toxin.

Monet has great superhuman strength, enabling her to lift/press nearly 25 tons.

Monet has a growing talent for telekinesis, which she usually manifests in the form of telekinetic force waves or bolts. She can also lift and move objects with her mind, manipulating them to a degree, although she likes extremely fine control as of yet. Her telekinetic force attacks have a strength in around the twenty ton range at her maximum capability.


Monet is a skilled and capable telepath. She can read surface thoughts, probe memories and create psychic illusions. She can broadcast her thoughts to other minds at a range of up to fifty miles and can create psychic links between her and up to a half-dozen other people. She's capable of mild mind control, although not full possession, just impulse and momentary command. She can enter the astral plane and interact with other psychics there. She has strong psychic shields and protections from intrusion by others.


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Monet grew up as part of the international elite. She has impeccable manners, knows how to be diplomatic, and can fit in at the most exclusive of high society functions. She can be rude and sarcastic, but she does so pointedly and knowingly, not out of ignorance.

Monet is always up on the latest trends, has an excellent eye for design, and is something of a clothes horse. She can often be found in the front row at New York Fashion Week and wearing custom pieces from a variety of designers.

Martial Arts:
Monet has been trained in self-defense and martial arts since her youth. Her father feared his children being kidnapped for ransom and wanted them to be able to defend themselves (never imagining he'd have a litter of superhumans). She's skilled in Krav Maga, jujitsu and kickboxing.


Monet speaks French, Spanish, Hebrew, Dutch, Italian, German. and, of course, English.


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Super Wealthy:

Monet comes from a background of extensive privilege and familial wealth. Her family as a whole is worth nearly two billions dollars. Her personal trust fund is approximately forty million and she has extensive credit well beyond that.


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Monet's long, complicated history with her brother Marius (Emplate) came to a head when he kidnapped her and trapped her in the Penance form, keeping her in the between dimension he lived in to feed upon. While she has escaped, she knows there is always the risk he will come after her again. He's done terrible things to her, but he's also family and that makes things difficult.

Monet's extremely full of herself. She can easily underestimate the capabilities of others and see herself as untouchable. As such, she may be taken off guard by others whom she sees as beneath her notice.

Monet's enhanced senses mean she can be overwhelmed by powerful sounds or overwhelming scents. She can grow nauseated from extremely bad smells much more quickly than an ordinary person. High decibel or sonic attacks are extremely painful and effective against her.

Monet can have quite a temper. Her self-possession and dignity, combined with a sheltered upbringing, mean that she can lash out and hold a grudge with the best of them. She doesn't necessarily think clearly when she's in such a rash state and is more prone to make mistakes.

The B Word:
Monet tends to judge harshly, quickly, and based on appearances. She often won't give people a chance and doesn't get to know them unless they interest her in some way. She can be caustic, cruel, and downright nasty and, given her quick wits, her barbs usually cut deep. She can be a bully. It impairs her ability to make friends and often endangers the friendships she already has.


Monet needs to breathe and eat in order to survive. While she has extensive stamina, more than an ordinary human, she must at times rest. While she may be invulnerable to most harm, there are harms that go beyond the limits of her invulnerability - high end superhuman strength, massive explosions, adamantium weaponry, etc. While she may heal quickly, damage sustained to her brain or nervous system could be sufficient to kill her before such healing could take place.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Summer Days at the Lake June 7th, 2023 Summary needed
Trying to find the answers. May 13th, 2023 Angelica introduced Copycat to Penance in hopes to help the latter.
A little sunshine never hurt anyone May 7th, 2023 Firestar finds Penance in the school gardens - they find a way, rudimentary as it is, to talk.
A Wreck of a Rec Room May 7th, 2023 Tabitha and Penance share Twinkies in the rec room
Sheltering a Refugee May 6th, 2023 Jean meets with Penance to discuss issues
The Bummer about Biometrics May 5th, 2023 Tabby gets caught trying to sneak down into the sub levels by Lorna. Domino comes and goes probably avoiding possible collateral damage. Lucky that. And Penance is investigating while trying to find more help that isn't the weird blonde.
One's Penance April 23rd, 2023 A wild Penance falls from the sky! And Tabitha is there to see and offer assistance to the mute creature.
Little Miss Perfect meets the Incubus. October 24th, 2019 Summary needed
La beauté et la bête October 15th, 2019 Daken and Monet meet. To say they hit it off is an understatement.
Unnatural History October 14th, 2019 Jamie Madrox and Monet St. Croix meet up in the Natural History Museum. Jamie gets some unexpected assistance.
Scenes from a Mall October 14th, 2019 Monet and Colossus kick Rhino's butt in a mall
A trip to Four Freedoms Plaza October 13th, 2019 Reed takes a break and meets some mutants
Love, Spandex Style February 13th, 2019 Summary needed
Meet The Creeper January 14th, 2019 Summary needed
To Tase or Not To Tase... December 28th, 2018 Summary needed
Falling Down December 14th, 2018 Summary needed
Central Park Snowfest 2026 December 1st, 2018 The festival of snow and nice and kids screaming as super powered people push them down snowy hills on sleds!
Old World, Old Money July 21st, 2018 Summary needed
Rook and Queen June 25th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination - The Graveyard June 21st, 2018 A mushroom stalk in a graveyard causes havok, but some heroes are there to make it snow.
Madam Secretary September 18th, 2017 Monet St. Croix, the Black Rook, approaches the silent secretary of the Hellfire Club-- Tessa.
Finding the Pieces September 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Log Titles Are Gauche September 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Guest Rites September 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2403 September 10th, 2017 Summary needed
What Do You Do On A Saturday September 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Popcorn and Candy September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Leave It Like you Found It September 9th, 2017 Tabitha and Lexi meet the newly arrived Miss Monet St. Croix, and are unimpressed.
Two Girls, One Lux August 5th, 2017 Molly's trying to finish up some kinda deal with two dudes in suits and a microSD card, and Monet makes her life miserable 'cause that's what she does.
Meetcute with Monet and Booster July 14th, 2017 Summary needed
The Curious Mr. Aaron July 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Moonlighting Work for Monet July 3rd, 2017 Summary needed


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