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<span style="color:#EE204D">'''SPARK OF THE PHOENIX'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''SPARK OF THE PHOENIX'''</span>
<br>While Madelyne possesses only a spark of the greater Phoenix Force, she is still affected by its urgings for power and absolute freedom to do as she wishes. Unlike the current holder of the Phoenix, she is already more likely to give in to temptation due to the dark magic corrupting her, which encourages her to act selfishly in pursing her own desires and goals. The two pieces of the Phoenix also are connected at a deep level, and likewise connect Madelyne Pryor to Jean Grey on a level neither of them can completely control.
>While Madelyne possesses only a spark of the greater Phoenix Force, she is still affected by its urgings for power and absolute freedom to do as she wishes. Unlike the current holder of the Phoenix, she is already more likely to give in to temptation due to the dark magic corrupting her, which encourages her to act selfishly in pursing her own desires and goals. The two pieces of the Phoenix also are connected at a deep level, and likewise connect Madelyne Pryor to Jean Grey on a level neither of them can completely control.
[[Category:Legion of Doom]]
[[Category:Legion of Doom]]

Revision as of 20:59, 5 January 2019

Madelyne Pryor (Scenesys ID: 1295)
"Surprise. It appears your devices have limits. And I don't."
Full Name: Madelyne Pryor
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (VFC)
Occupation: None
Citizenship: United States / Latveria
Residence: Latveria
Education: Private Mentor/ Tutor (Advanced College Equivalent)
Status: Approved
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 1
Date of Birth 15 August 2025 Actor:
Height: 172 cm Weight: 69 kg
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


A clone of Jean Grey, Madelyne Pryor was created by the combined skills and knowledge of the master mutant geneticist Mr. Sinister and the sorcerous knowledge of Dr. Doom. Raised in the twisted dimension of Limbo, Madelyne grew to become a mutant unhindered by the empathy and restraint of her progenitor, trained and honed to become a useful tool for her father and mentor, but growing into a power in her own right. Where she lacks emotional control, she makes up for it in raw power and sorcerous knowledge, her body tainted by her long years in Limbo, where she became a queen in her own right...the Goblyn Queen. Now free on Earth, she can at last see the world that birthed her...unaware of the reality that she is just a clone of a woman she's never met...yet to which she has a deep connection regardless, for good or ill.



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This woman is beautiful, but with a wild edge to her; sensual, with an animal grace to her movements. Hair the color of coppery fire falls in curvy waves over her shoulders, hanging down to the middle of her back in a loose waterfall. Stunning emerald green eyes filled with a faintly wicked light gaze out past the crimson veil framing her face, measuring, as if waiting for the person being watched to impress her. Her features are aristocratic, with well defined cheekbones, a pert nose, and burgundy lipstick on her senusous lips. Her clothing is often chosen to show off her form, with a wild edge to it. She tends to wear mostly dark colors but sometimes with a highlight of silver or red.


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Madelyne Pryor was born of a collaboration between two of the greatest villainous minds on the planet: Dr. Doom and Mr. Sinister. Sinister provided his genetic mastery, expertly turning a stolen sample of Jean Grey's genetic material into a new being decanted from his cloning lab. Dr. Doom provided the sorcerous knowledge to merge the new being with a piece of Jean Grey's soul and a fragment of the Phoenix Force within, as well as the mentoring and instruction to train Madelyne as she grew, instilling a ruthless discipline and control in the young mutant. Thus, the girl was born to two fathers, both with their own intended uses for the child. One hoped to use her to continue his attempts to perfect his genetic experiments with the DNA of the Summers family...the other hoped to use her as a weapon to assist him in retrieving his mother from the depths of Hell.

The girl grew up knowing none of this, taught only through the education her fathers provided, unaware of her existence as a clone of Jean Grey. To increase the speed of her growth, almost all of this training took place in the hellish, chaotic dimension known as Limbo. Not only did this allow her to age faster by staying there (with years passing in Limbo where perhaps days or weeks passed on Earth), but as per Doom's plans, she began to absorb the dark magics of the realm, transforming her physically, mentally, and magically, as she gained the ability to manipulate those eldritch forces. She absorbed the lessons like a sponge, learning sorcery and technology from Doom first, then, as her natural psionic talents began to develop, telepathy and telekinesis from Mr. Sinister.

At age fifteen, Doom gave her a final test, taking her across the broken landscape of Limbo as far as he could from the small portal leading back to Earth, then abandoning her to make her own way back, to succeed or fail with her rapidly developing talents and the foundation her fathers had given her, before portalling back to Latveria, leaving the young teen at the mercy of the denizens of Limbo.

Trapped, the terrified girl spent the next nine years growing into a ruthless, experienced psionic warrior and sorceress, her abilities honed by battles both physical and mental as she journeyed across the broken lands. On the way, she learned to dominate and control the lesser creatures of Limbo, the twisted, almost bestial goblins flocking to her banner, as she marched upcountry towards her goal. By the time she strode through the portal to return to Latveria, she was more than their commander...she was their Goblyn Queen, commanding their absolute loyalty. And at last, returned home, she was met with the approval of her creators...she was, at last, ready for the purposes for which she had been made.


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Madelyne had a different life from her clone 'mother' Jean Grey, growing up in a much harsher environment, where she was under the influence of not only the chaotic freedom of the Phoenix Force, but also the corruptive dark magics of Limbo. While some core elements of her personality are similar, and the two even have shared elements caused by Madelyne's soul being grown from a tiny piece of Jean's soul, environment and training have shaped a woman who is, in many ways, Jean's dark mirror: ruthless in her use of power, not cautious; selfish, instead of empathic; tempestuous rather than steady. Regardless - she is her own woman, very different than the woman she as cloned from. She has developed great confidence in her abilities, and in her looks; and if she is prideful about both, it's not undeserved.

The dark and chaotic influences on her mind and soul have resulted in a very mercurial personality, which can quickly shift, going from pouty and playful to temperamental and wicked in a matter of minutes as the mood takes her. She often sees no point to hiding what she's feeling, perhaps because she can so easily sense what someone else feels. And she feels intensely, thanks to the whispers of the Phoenix spark in her, urging her to do as she wants, to be free to feel as she wants. She can easily become fascinated or even obsessed with something that catches her attention. When her temper is lost, it can become a white-hot rage. When she's spurned, her heart is broken.

What has tempered this is the influence of her mentor, Dr. Doom. From Doom's demanding and sometimes ruthless training, Madelyne has learned, slowly and painfully, how to restrain her worst urges. This doesn't mean those emotions magically disappear, but Madelyne has learned to concentrate to push them down when she needs to focus - a sorcerer who cannot doesn't last long, and given the raw power of her abilities, nor would she. Instead, she's learned to channel those wild emotional swings into her psionic attacks and sorcerous power, adding raw power to both.

Beyond that, her mentor has countered her lack of time for socialization with other humans with instilling in her the manners of a Latverian lady, as well as the inherent noblesse oblige of a better for her lessers, much in the mold of Doom himself. She still sometimes misses or ignores social cues a more polite person might remember, but she can fit into human society without standing out too much. She remains at her core a savage queen, and expects to be respected for who she is, however, as people who successfully annoy or insult her learn quickly.

It hasn't completely tamed the savagery in her...she still has a tendency to be ruthlessly brutal, and to have a cold, efficient practicality to her plans, nor does she shy away from killing to further her goals. These are the hard lessons she learned in Limbo; to be soft is to be conquered or killed. But she is a queen by her own hand; wild, but noble in her way. If her subjects are sometimes monstrous, she cares for them nonetheless as -hers-. She shows loyalty to those who show loyalty to her, and has absorbed the lessons of what it means to rule from Doom himself, that there is a responsibility from ruler to those they rule, even if they are ultimately lesser and there to support the ruler first and foremost.

While she does care for her fathers, Mr. Sinister and Doctor Doom, she also has been kept somewhat at arm's length. This means that she is somewhat starved for affection and acceptance. In some ways, it has her trying to get their approval. But after so many years in Limbo alone, fighting for her own life with no support, she is also starting to question. She knows what it is to use someone for her own means and she has become aware that is what they are doing. This is likely to come to a head very soon.

A weakness (or she'd see it as such at times) is a longing for connection with other humans. Since coming back to Earth, she's sought out gathering of people, mildly fascinated by the sheer number of humans like her, the sensation of minds so much less twisted than those of the goblins and demons she's known. While her father and her mentor tend to be more solitary, Madelyne finds herself seeking out parties, celebrations, festivals, clubs, big parks - anywhere people tend to congregate, and (for want of a better word) mentally 'people watching'. It's a strange, confusing thing for her, as this need for social contact is at war with the instincts she's learned in Limbo, which only contributes to her mercurial moods when dealing with others.

Finally, and perhaps most important of her weaknesses: though she didn't know it for most of her life, she is a clone...a copy. And that causes a surge of complex and powerful emotions in her. She is a proud woman, even arrogant perhaps, confident in her abilities and power. And thus, she hates this idea that she's not her own completely unique person; that there's another woman just like her who's so different, but has enough similarities for Madelyne to find it eerie and unnerving.

Sometimes, Jean is different in ways she finds disgustingly weak, especially the refusal to give full reign to her powers, the cautiousness and concern for others beneath her to whom she should own no loyalty. Why be willing to fight to protect people who all too often hate and fear her? If they want to hate, let them...Madelyne would give them a -reason- to fear her. Power is meant to be -used-, not hidden away or feared by the wielder. It irritates her, on a deep level, to see 'herself' (in a way) acting so contrary to how she herself behaves.

Sometimes, Jean is different in ways that cause Madelyne to wish she could have what Jean does, especially in terms of Jean's many friends and family; that unconscious wish to fill the void of loneliness for a young girl who was exiled to a terrible world for most of her life, with no one her own age, and no real friends. She hates this more than anything, this feeling that just knowing Jean exists lays bare this deep-seated vulnerability in herself.

Either way, since she learned of her existence, Madelyne has been both infuriated and fascinated by Jean Grey's existence, and the people around Jean, on a deep level, in a way that makes it hard to get Jean completely off Madelyne's mind.


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With her powerful telepathy, Madelyne can separate her mind and body, either to enter the astral plane or to travel over vast distances quickly in the physical plane. While in her astral form, she is like a ghost in the physical world, unable to physically interact with solid objects, though she can still use her mental abilities to communicate, most easily by direct contact. In the astral plane, she is capable of forming pisonic energy into weapons and objects, and can manipulate aspects of the environment around her. She is particularly powerful in the astral plane due to the effects of carrying a spark of the Phoenix Force, which has powerfully strengthened her pisonic presence and form, to where she can conceivably continue to exist as an astral ghost even if her physical body were destroyed.

Such is the power of a Omega-level telepath that Madelyne can do more than simple astrally project; she can actually briefly shunt herself physically into the astral plane in order to travel large distances quickly via astral teleportation. She's limited in what she can take with her...one, or two other people or a moderately heavy object at most. This requires a great deal of psionic power to perform, and can leave Madelyne temporarily drained afterwards.

Madelyne's many years in the time-twisted infernal realm of Limbo has corrupted her with the dark magics of that dimension, sinking into her body and transforming it. In addition to boosting her already powerful psionic abilities, she can cast a variety of spells, both simple and complex. While she knows a variety of minor utility spells, she has specialized in the demonic magics of limbo, and spirtual magics, with a focus towards necromancy and demonology. This black magic also allows her to draw upon the power of the Phoenix spark within her to manifest aspects of her telepathy and telekinesis abilities that can bring out the physical and mental evils of others spiritually and mentally. (OOC Note: Consent based for any effects on PCs, of course.)

As part of her telepathic abilities, Madelyne is able to sense the emotional states of others, as well as to manipulate those emotions en masse, covering several blocks in a radius around her. She can project her own emotions as well to those around her, either selectively or in a group, as long as she can sense them empathically. She's honed this ability to be a minor sixth sense of sorts, to warn her to hostile bursts of emotion nearby and to give her a constant background awareness in a fair sized radius around her to avoid feeling constantly distracted, though she can push out her detection range for miles if needed.

By using her telekinetic abilities, Madelyne can levitate herself and others to fly at rapid speeds.

By touching their brow, Madelyne can use her abilities to stimulate the nervous system of a target to induce wracking, tortuous pain. There is no physical damage to the victim, though sufficiently powerful torment can make a person's heart stop. In the rare times she prefers to use this in a benevolent fashion, she can dull or even completely take away pain from the person she touches.

With her telepathy, Madelyne can detect other mutants at a fairly short radius by their unique mental emanations. She has a good chance to detect those attempting to conceal themselves with mental powers, and can also use her abilities to penetrate attempts by other pisonics to cloak or camouflage themselves.

Using her telepathy, Madelyne is able to alter the minds of other people or higher order animals, from manipulating or erasing memories, to completely alterating personalities. She can even induce complete amnesia in a target. While it's possibly for strong-willed individuals to recover from this amnesia, or even to recover long term memories that have been altered and erased, short term memories at the time Madelyne uses her abilities are gone permanently, stopped before they have time to enter long term memory. (OOC Note: Consent based for PCs.)

Through her telepathy, Madelyne has the power to control sentient minds and those of higher order animals. Because taking over full control of someone requires a more intensive focus on the individual minds, she has a longer control distance range with it, but can't control nearly as many targets at once. However, if she focuses on a single individual, she can actually possess a single target completely, supressing the target's mind and taking control of their body directly with a substantially increased range. A sufficiently powerful and/or skilled psionic can break the control or banish her from a body she's currently controlling. (OOC Note: Consent required for PCs.)

Madelyne is capable of erecting powerful psionic defenses against attack and intrusion of her mind and the minds of others, in addition to the natural defenses of her formidable willpower.

Madelyne has the power to siphon psionic energy out of other psionics and use it to enhance her own powers or to temporarily increase the power of other psychics. These effects fade over time as the energy is burned up through use. This is generally a cooperative use of power but it could be used offensively, though that would come down to a battle of wills between the two psions and thus, it would defeat the purpose of the power. Someone who has such powers but is unaware could be siphoned from without their knowledge. (OOC Note: Consent based power.)

Through more precise use of her telekinesis, Madelyne can vibrate molecules to heat them up via pyrokinesis, allowing her to set objects, or even the air, on fire, as well as creating short lived bursts of flame she can direct at nearby targets. Most often she uses her hand to direct these manifestations, but can wear the flames like a cloak of fire around her that extends up to ten feet around her. However, her pyrokinetic abilities become progressively less powerful the farther away from her she exerts them; beyond the radius of her flames, she can only heat objects rather than ignite them. Madelyne herself and whatever else she chooses are immune to her own flames. Alternately, she can slow down the molecules, allowing her to create a zone of cool air around her and those she chooses to include, allowing survival of temperatures of up to 500 degrees without harm.

Madelyne is capable of psychokinetically projecting force and manipulating matter, both in large masses and in minute detail, which has been further boosted by the sorcerous energies she absorbed in Limbo. She can manipulate up to 50 metric tons of mass and strike with telekinetic bolts up to an equivalent force without significant strain. She can also choose to shape these bolts to cause an explosion of concussive force at the point of impact.

So fine is her manipulation that she can literally cause devices to disassemble themselves down to their individual components, or even (if she understands how something is constructed or has someone to guide her) assemble complex devices with her mind alone.

Madelyne is capable of using her telekinesis to create nearly impenetrable force shields against physical attacks, though it does nothing to stop energy or mental attacks. The mightest of blows, however, can breach the shield and cause a certain amount of backlash to Madelyne's mind in the process.

She can also use her telekinetic abilities to amplify her own durability to superhuman levels by partially deflecting physical strikes or to augment her physical strength and agility to superhuman levels.

However, most of this is raw power; past 25 tons, she progressively loses her ability to more delicately control what she's manipulating. She can even combine her telekinesis with her telepathy to give illusions she projects a tangible form. She often uses this to create powerful illusionary monsters she can 'summon' to add the element of shock and awe to her attacks, to attack an opponent's morale.

In general, using her telekinesis physically and mentally draining the more she lifts, and can be disrupted if her concentration can be similarly disrupted, either directly or via the environment she's in. Normally, her telekinetic manifestations come with a bright green power signature, though this can be hidden if she focuses on doing so.

Through her telepathy, Madelyne can cloak herself from the senses of those around her. This extends to changing her appearance in the minds of those who see her to look like someone else, completely with a transformation of clothing, accessories, and even gender. She can extend this power to in a fair radius around her, though the more complex the disguises, the less people she can disguise at once.

A sufficiently powerful or skilled psionic may be able to pierce her disguise, though when she is maintaining a disguise for herself alone, it is much more difficult to do. She commonly maintains a constant minor illusion that covers her demonic horns and tail from view when in public.

Madelyne is able to use her telepathy to cloak her presence from detection by the psionic senses of those around her. She can extend this to others around her in a wide radius, perhaps a block, such as to cover a large armed force from detection. Unlike telepathic camouflage, the cloak doesn't just make people see what she wants them to see, but completely blocks herself and those she extends the cloak over from detection. A sufficiently powerful and/or skilled psionic opponent may be able to pierce her cloak and detect her, however.

Madelyne possesses Omega-level telepathy, honed through years of training at the hands of Mr. Sinister, and further enhanced by the corruptive magics of Limbo, the dimension in which she spent years fighting for her life. This allows her to communicate with and manipulate multiple sentient minds, or even those of higher order animals, within a vast, potentially limitless radius, though her powers are still growing. She can project powerful blasts of psionic force that can cause pain, unconsciousness, or even destroy an opponent's mind, requiring the assistance of a powerful and skilled pisonic to have even a chance of reassembling it. A sufficiently powerful psionic shield can blunt or block the attack. Her abilities are further enhanced by the psionic power of the Phoenix spark she carries in her soul.

However, while Madelyne possesses incredible raw power, her control is not the best, mostly due to her mercurial personality and the intensity of her emotions. She can be distracted or even incited into a loss of temper or other emotional surges that causes her control to waver. It may even be that this was deliberate on the part of her father and her mentor; a way to keep her under control.


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Madelyne is an average mutant woman who engages in regular exercise and training, and can perform the same athletic tasks as the average athlete in terms of swimming, climbing, running, jumping, or other similar activities. While she can cheat somewhat by augmenting her physical abilities with her powers, her natural athletic ability is above average.

Madelyne has been educated via private tutors (or Doom himself) in a wide variety of subjects, and possesses the equivalent of an advanced college degree, but without a specific specialization - rather, the education was intended to provide her a foundation and to expand her horizons.

Madelyne often operates covertly where she cannot always make use of her powers. To balance this, she has been trained in the use of a variety of firearms, to where she can be considered a sharpshooter. She tends to prefer pistols or smaller automatic weapons like submachine guns over larger weapons, but is perfectly capable of accurately using other small arms when the situation calls for it.

Madelyne has learned to pretend to be other people, for infiltration, for surveillance, or even for seduction, when the the need arises. Her abilities to cloak herself in an illusion and to shield her mind can make it difficult for even many psionics to realize she's not what she seems. For more extreme infiltrations, Mr. Sinister has even supressed or walled off areas of her mind for deep infiltrations, creating a believable persona where even Madelyne herself doesn't remember who she really is, until a particular command phrase is used to disolve the barriers.

While it very much is not her preference, Madelyne has been trained in the covert infiltration of secure locations in hostile territory, though she tends to prefer using her abilities to simply cloud the minds of those who might stop or remember her over relying on athletic prowess and patience.

Madelyne is a natural leader, and has been taught the finer points of leadership, tactics, and strategy by her mentor. Those skills have been further honed in her campaign to make it back to Earth across Limbo. Her goblins follow her without question, but she's learned how to sway alliances and command those who are more independent to follow her plans.

Using her empathic and telepathic abilities, Madelyne often knows what people really think, and what they really want most, or fear most. She uses that knowledge to know just what to say, and how to say it, even down to adopting just the right body language and stance to achieve the goal she wants, whether it be convincing, threatening, or even seducing. It's very difficult for any but the most disciplined minds to resist her ability to read a person or group.

Madelyne has been taught by a variety of tutors, both demonic and human, on how to fight both hand-to-hand and with a variety of weapons. Her time alone surviving the wilds of Limbo have only honed these skills through battle after battle, to where she is a very dangerous combatant, especially when she uses her psionic ability to boost her physical power and speed. In particular, she is an accomplished swordswoman and fencer.

As part of her instruction, Madelyne has learned a variety of languages: English, Latverian, Russian, French, Portuguese,and Spanish. In addition, her telepathy makes it easier for her to pick up new languages, as she can literally pull the information out of a native speaker's head, enough to be able to translate.

As a student of Dr. Doom, Madelyne has been introduced to a wide range of esoteric and mystical subjects, in addition to her own first-hand knowledge of the demonic picked up during her life in Limbo. She is a master of demonology and necromancy in particular, and has a wide range of knowledge concerning demons, spirits, mystic artifacts, and occult realms and orders. She's fully capable of making use of spells and magical artifacts she may encounter, or how to unweave said spells or artifacts.

Madelyne is a highly skilled and experienced pilot, capable of flying a variety of aircraft, from civilian and commercial designs, to state of the art technologically advanced vehicles. Flying is one of the indulgences Madelyne allows herself, and something she truly enjoys doing when possible.

Madelyne has learned a variety of sorcerous spells and rituals from both her mentor Dr. Doom and on her own from other sources. She is an accomplished sorceress, if not supremely powerful with magic alone.


Thanks to the mentoring of Dr. Doom, Madelyne has a strong affinity for computers and high technology, including familiarity with advanced scientific technology. She may not be a scientist herself, but she's perfectly capable of using constructed equipment for the purpose it was created.


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Over her years in Limbo, Madelyne has collected a variety of puissant magical items and tomes of sorcery, demonology, and necromancy, as well as a variety of purely utilitarian magical tools.

One that she frequently makes use of is her rainment of the Goblyn Queen, a leather garment and cloak that is as durable as it is revealing, with imbued magic that keeps it clinging perfectly to its wearer no matter the wildness of their movements.

(OOC Note: Staff approval needed for artifacts not specifically listed.)

Madelyne commands the loyalty of a large number of the minor denizens of Limbo, and can summon them to herself from their home in Limbo to obey her commands on Earth or elsewhere. Individually, a goblin is more powerful than a human, and may even have minor magical abilities, but tend to be less intelligent and more bestial. They are absolutely loyal to their Queen. It should be noted that she is not the ruler of Limbo, as that role belongs to Illyana Rasputin. Limbo is a big place though, and Madelyne has her own little corner where she rules over her own demon army who are loyal to her instead of Magik.

Madelyne's 'father' is the infamous and briliant mutant geneticist, Mr. Sinister, who may be willing to assist her, or simply to use her as a tool in his own schemes to gather perfect DNA samples.

A powerful demon from the Otherplace. S'ym possesses great occultic knowledge, superhuman strength and is nearly invulnerable. Sometime during his existence he was infected with the techno-organic virus and survived, due to his higher demonic resilience. As a techno-organic being he can repair himself and reform from a single molecule should he be destroyed. Due to his state he can also infect others and make them techno-organic beings. Responsible for teaching Madelyn all that she knew of Limbo, dark magic and the occult. He is the reason she is imbued with the Goblyn Force in the first place but he does continue to offer his guidance where he can.

Madelyne Pryor contains a spark of the awesome Phoenix Force, the majority of which is contained in Jean Grey as its host. While she cannot call upon the full power of the Phoenix as Jean can, even this small portion has empowered her to become a living mass of psionic energy bound within a physical form. In her astral form, she is much more powerful that even a telepath of her power would normally be, and could even sustain herself indefinitely in astral form should something happen to her body to cut her off from returning.


While she isn't as rich as Midas (or Doom), Madelyne has amassed a fair amount of wealth through conquest, clever investments, and outright theft. Her accounts are large enough to keep her very comfortable in the higher tax bracket should she choose, even setting aside the outright (if tainted) treasure she possesses on Limbo as the Goblyn Queen.


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Madelyne has been corrupted by the eldritch magic of the dimension of Limbo due to her long years there. The dark magic has sunk into her body, altering it in obvious ways, such as the curling horns that have sprouted from her temples, or the long devil's tail that's sprouted from her backside. While she normally conceals these through a constant low level psionic illusion, when drawing on her full powers they always manifest.

In addition to the physical transformation, the darkness of Limbo has enhanced her natural psionic abilities, but also has made it that much easier for her dark side to emerge, making her less patient, more likely to indulge in fits of temper, and to be very ruthless against her opponents, with little empathy or mercy for most who oppose her. While she is not completely evil, it makes it much harder for her to control her worst impulses.

However, she yet retains her human soul, giving her many of the strengths of the demonic, but thus far, without many of the worst weaknesses. Powerful anti-demon magics or artifact can cause her discomfort, even pain, but she cannot be banished to Limbo or bound via a pentagram with her soul yet intact.

While Madelyne's psionic abilities are very powerful, they're reliant on her being able to concentrate to use them most effectively. The more distracted or disrupted her concentration is, the less she can use her abilities. While she is powerful and trained enough to not make this easy to do, her focus can be disrupted to where she can't use her powers at all, save for her sorcerous spells.

Madelyne's pisonic manifestations are formed of a bright green energy, and when using her powers to their fullest, Madelyne's eyes turn completely green, glowing without pupil or white around it. While this aspect of her powers can be suppressed, it requires additonal concentration and restricts her below her normal limits while she is focusing. Thus, it's impossible for her to supress the visual effect when using her powers at full strength, by definition.

While she wasn't aware of it initially, Madelyne Pryor is a clone created of Jean Grey, though her memories and personality are noticeably different given the divergent ways the two grew up. She even possesses a small piece of Jean Grey's soul that grew into her own, providng a spiritual link between the two, which is why a fragment of the Phoenix Force has taken up residence inside her. But she'll always be faced with the truth: that she is a copy, made for the purposes of her father, Mr. Sinister and her mentor, Dr. Doom. And she hates it, this idea that she's not her own completely unique person; that there's another woman just like her who's so different, but has enough similarities to find it eerie and unnerving. Madelyne has been both infuriated and fascinated by Jean Grey's existence on a deep level, in a way that makes it hard to get Jean completely off Madelyne's mind.

Madelyne is a mutant, and thus hated and feared by those among the population who consider mutants aberrations and monsters, or who want to use them as an exploitable resource. This makes her a target, if a dangerous one to go after.


While Madelyne possesses only a spark of the greater Phoenix Force, she is still affected by its urgings for power and absolute freedom to do as she wishes. Unlike the current holder of the Phoenix, she is already more likely to give in to temptation due to the dark magic corrupting her, which encourages her to act selfishly in pursing her own desires and goals. The two pieces of the Phoenix also are connected at a deep level, and likewise connect Madelyne Pryor to Jean Grey on a level neither of them can completely control.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Who knew Starbucks could be so relaxing January 7th, 2019 Random meeting of Sue and Madelyne Pryor
The Legion of Doom October 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Queen and Princess October 4th, 2017 Summary needed
You Are Cordially Invited October 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Kalibak The Conqueror September 23rd, 2017 Kalibak and parademons appear to wrest Metropolis from the heroes control.
Predormitum September 22nd, 2017 Predormitum
Heralds of Doom September 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Vacationing in Latveria September 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Okibi 2: the Maddening September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Fall to Earth September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Enchantment Under the Sea September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
My Two Dads September 5th, 2017 Summary needed


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Title Date Scene Summary
My Two Dads September 6th, 2017 Summary needed
The Sorceror's Apprentice September 6th, 2017 Summary needed


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