5519/Lightning Rush!

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Lightning Rush!
Date of Scene: 09 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Astrid, Raijin

Astrid has posed:
    A Museum alarm goes off in the middle of the day. There were definitely people inside at this time of day, so there are hostages in there....and all of them are held at gunpoint. About thirty people in all. The hostage takers are all wearing masks, like japanese demon masks. Someone resists, and they get smacked on the side of the head for their trouble. There is ONE person that is flanked by a couple of gunmen though, and he seems to be the commander. Dressed in a white suit, with JET black skin, white hair....and occasionally having some darkness float off of him.....very few people know of this man, except when he was normal....Those who knew him normally would know him as Martin Li.

Others simply knew him as Mister Negative.

"You said there would be an artifact I'm looking for here." Mister Negative says before turning towards the crowd. "Find the curator and bring him here. We'll find it.....or we start killing people."

Raijin has posed:
Zooming down and into the Museum after getting the Alert from Titans Tower is one of their own! Raijin, the speedster who's been making a name for himself recently. His arms cross as he stares down Mister Negative. "Mister Negative. I see you're busy? Should...Should I come back later?" sarcasm and wit.

He'll probably end up paying for it.

"This goes down two ways. One, you surrender quickly. Or two, I beat you into a pulp and help these people get out of dodge. Whattya say Neg?" He smiles. "Pleeeaaaase choose the latter?"

Astrid has posed:
    The chinese man turns towards Raijin and chuckles rather darkly. "You're at a distinct disadvantage here, brat. I have 30 people on the business end of guns, and you come directly for me. You really really are stupid" he then takes a deep breath. "SHOOT THEM!"

But all they hear is one pistol getting cocked before even that gunman disappears with a 'pop'. The pair with Li suddenly each get an arrow in the shoulder, and THEY disappear with a pop. Li growls and swing his fist downwards to create a pulse of the blackest energy Raijin has ever seen in his life.

That's when an armored figure crashed in from the ceiling and lands right in front of Raijin. White wings, short black hair, and a shield. the latter made evident by the 'CLANG' heard when the energy hits the plate armor and the shield....and there's a feminine grunt from the person in front of Raijin. "Get the people out of here. I'll provide the distraction." And this person stands......to a full 6'6" tall....

Raijin has posed:
Raijin just smiled as he prepared to run. He could probably speed blitz all these men before they even come close to pulling the trigger. But then Astrid arrives! He looks annoyed. "Can you not give me orders? Mmmkay, thanks." Rayner then sees Li growl before suddenly, Raijin is just //not there// having moved away, but he notices the hot woman in front of him and he just nods. "Ah huh..." then he starts moving.

He leaves a lightning trail behind him, getting everyone outside the museum and to safety while Astrid plays distraction.

Wait until they are both fighting. This will end really fast.

Astrid has posed:
    Astrid doesn't even have a chance to answer before a vertical wave of that black energy is sent at Astrid. Behind her own shield she goes, and she's deflected it towards the ceiling. And with Li watching the energy go towards the ceiling....he just doesn't see what is coming.

the people are moved outside the building easily enough since they don't resist. But most of the distraction is on Astrid.

Astrid manages to turn, almost in slow motion, when the wave is deflected, but flames begin to whirl around her, and spin outwards towards Li, hitting his black energy and starting to draw him inwards into the spin of fiery death, whittling down his dark aura of energy. Then those fiery whips arc downwards, then turn and slash him from the side to draw him face to face with the larger woman, and those whips return to become swords, and she double chops him into the air. The swords then become one, and she SMASHES the darkened one into the ground. One huge and horribly fast combo that seems to have weakened Li rather immensely.

A suitable distraction indeed.....

Raijin has posed:
Rayner is still busy running people out of the museum!

...for about five seconds longer. Thne he's back in action, gliding to a stop next to Astrid. "Let's kick his ass. Everyone's safe and unharmed." his smile only grows in it's deviousness, like he's ready to fight and has been //aching// for one.

Thoug hhe does take a moment to check out the goddess next to him.

What?! can you blame him?!

Then he cracks his knuckles. "You picked a bad day to fight, Li!" and in an instant, he's running at Li, aiming a straight punch to his gut...one of many.

Astrid has posed:
    And Li is in no position to stop Raijin from delivering those punches, so he takes a good many of them, before he pushes out a black pulse of black energy to get Raijin away from him. then aims a horizontal arc of black energy at Raijin, in an attempt to hit the annoying speedster.

Right after he sends out the arc of black energy....he's hit in the chest with an arrow....and a few seconds later, it explodes with white, positive energy.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Li screams as the positive energy 'whites him out' and Paralyzes him.....

Raijin has posed:
As Mister Negative got 'whited out' by Astrid's shot, thus leaving him extremely vulnerable, Raijin runs literally in circles around him faster than the eye can see. "Lights out, Negative!" and he punches the terrorist right in the jaw! hard enough to send him straight into a wall and leaving him indented.

The fight was won.

"Well, that was easy." He looks to Astrid. "So...who are you?"

Astrid has posed:
     Astrid is sliding the arrow she had back into her quiver on her back. "I am Astrid Valdisdottr. Shieldmaiden from Asgard. What about yours, Mortal?" She says as the bow in her hand collapses to a simple rod, and she puts it back on her right armguard....

Raijin has posed:
Raijin looks at her. Ohhhh...Asgardian. "Name's Rayner. Superheros and civilians call me Raijin." he nods lightly to her. "So...arn't you guys supposed to be in Norway?"

Astrid has posed:
    "Temporarily. We shall find another place for us. Norway was the only country that would take us without question." She says before turning towards the doors. "I don't think this....Mister Negative will be going anywhere. And the rest simply were affected by the masks they were wearing. Once they were removed, they returned to normal." She then looks to Raijin. "Odinson doesn't always stay in Norway....so why should I?"

Raijin has posed:
"Ah huh. Well, good luck finding another place then. Asgardian business should be handled by Asgardians. His eyes do find hers and he gives her a small smile. "Makes sense. Though I dunno who Odinson is." Rayner shrugs.

Astrid has posed:
    "Most in Midgard know him by is first name, Thor." Astrid says as she reaches the doors. "Though I should depart to get what I came here for. I'm glad I could help you, Raijin." She says as the wings from her armor extend and she flies into the air. Whatever she was looking for, it's not where Mister Negative is.....