1923/Danger Room Session

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Revision as of 03:19, 13 August 2017 by Jenova (talk | contribs) (Colossus helps run a program in the Gym (aka student Danger Room) for some new students, and some old.)
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Danger Room Session
Date of Scene: 12 August 2017
Location: School Gym, Xavier's Institute
Synopsis: Colossus helps run a program in the Gym (aka student Danger Room) for some new students, and some old.
Cast of Characters: Black Rose, Tendril, Boom-Boom, Moonstar, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Colossus

Black Rose has posed:
    It's a little early, before the Danger Room session is about to begin, and Yana Asarov, who had more or less poked and prodded a few staff members, like Jean Grey and Colossus to 'let her have a go at it', as well as meet some new students had at last gotten her wish.
    It's a little before the event is about to start, but Yana has already shown up, and is streching out in a simple pair of yoga pants and top, a lightweight jacket, unzipped, over her arms and shulders.
    In the background, she's got her LexPod playing the Dead Weather's 'I Cut Like A Buffalo', presently, while she limbers up. Apparently she's a little more than eager for the session.
    "So," she's telling Alexia, whom she dragged with her early to the event, "I was thinking, you know, with your ability, and things, just how good are you at manipulating things? You could be -really- well armed. Club in each one. Or something. It's really help your defenses. And your offensive power, too."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi is a bit more grudging to this...it took a bit of convincing by Yana to get her come down for something that sounded like combat training. Climbing training, or acrobatics, or even gymnastics, sure! She's a lot less sure of combat. Her combat practice has mostly been running AWAY from combat.

    "Well...I mean, I can grab things, like a snake or stuff, or I can make a kinda grabby thing at the end of a tendril. Big enough ta go around someone's waist maybe." the mauve girl offers. following Yana's example as she stretches with the sort of impossible, fluid grace that comes from having positively inhuman flexibility in her joints. "I mean...I...." She hesistates. "...I can harden them, more. LIke when I'm climbin' stuff, when I need like...a climbing pick or stuff. That sorta thing..."

Boom-Boom has posed:

That's a big bubble-gum bubble from a blonde girl who hasn't bothered to wear stretchy clothes. Rather she's in pink denim and a t-shirt. At least she's not wearing a stupid bow like she does sometimes... her hair is just pulled back with an elastic.
"So, what're you nerds doin'? I saw somethin' 'bout trainin'? I guess I could help, if you want another." Boom-Boom offers. "Hiya." a grin for Alexia. "Foxy."

Moonstar has posed:
Shortly after Tabby comes in, Danielle makes her arrival. The girl is actually dressed for a fight, as she's wearing actual Valkyrie battle armor over the field uniform for the students. Complete with a crested helm and a sword at her hip. She looks over at Yana and the others, "Afternoon... you guys haven't started yet, have you?" She grins at Lexi, "Hey, didn't think I'd see you here roomie! Feeling up for this?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Leave it to Ellie to be the one who hasn't even heard about the upcoming Danger Room session, but no biggie, she's the one who only found out from others that she's even been assigned to the New Mutants. Or that the team exists. Yeah, she cares that much. She does happen by the foyer, by sheer happenstance, on her way to the kitchen for a snack, her eyes set on the smartphone in her hands, as her thumbs type at record pace (nope, still not her superpower). Somehow, she doesn't walk into any walls.

Colossus has posed:
The huge metal man appropriately dubbed 'Colossus' is on hand for the session, as perhaps whatever request Yana made had been granted on the stipulation of just a smidgen of staff supervision. Of course, Piotr is all for making sure the various newer members of the school are well-prepared for the dangers of the world, so he is happy enough to be there and very good-natured about the whole thing. But then again, when is he anything but a positive, friendly guy?

Still, there's just a smidgen of professional or educational sternness to his demeanor as he stands by. Training is important! He's come both in full metalflesh and in 'uniform' (he prefers that word to costume!), X-logo prominent on his belt buckle, organic osmium-steel muscles glistening in the lights of the Danger Room. "Yes, you are here for training," he will answer some of the general querries. Friend Yana has asked to work with some of you, and has been approved. I will observe, or assist as necessary. Please to be taking care: Danger Room is training facility, but injury is possible. Treat as if this is real situation."

Black Rose has posed:
    "Your roomie came because I made her," Yana tells Dani, with a faint smile towards Alexia, looking rather cheerful. "And, you owe me a ride, I believe. I've decided to attend Xavier's afterall. But I asked for the Danger Room session as a good way to, you know, meet some of the others here, as well as get a solid feel for how my abilities will be tested here." She seems rather pleased her ideas were well recieved by staff, and not really turned down.
    Tabitha's arrival has her looking to the first new person she's not met yet. "You're welcome to come, though I suppose that means they'll just give us more stuff to do. When Ms. Grey showed this to me on my tour, she had dinosaur's going. It was pretty awesome. Can't wait to see what this thing will do." A pause, to Alexia, "Foxy?" Yana looks amused.
    She turns off her LexPod, and calls, "Hey, you here for the Danger Session, too? towards the oblivious Ellie, aka Negasonic."
    "Well, that's something you don't see everyday." When she'd seen Colossus, Piotr before, he was in his human form. She doesn't appear to recognize him.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi looks a bit sheepish, as she shoots a grin to TAbby. "Hey, Tabbykat, Dani!" She pouts a bit at Dani. "...Yana kinda kidnapped me, yeah..." she says with a sigh. "She keeps sayin' I need ta do more with what I can do an' stuff, for defense and....I dunno."

    She grins a bit at Yana, then reaches up to tap her pointed ears. "She said I look like a foxy." she says cheerfully, her eyes going over to Ellie as she sees her. "Oh, hey! Ellie!" She waves cheerfully. "Wow, everyone I know's here almost!" That seems to comfort the mauve-skinned girl a bit...at least she won't be making a fool of herself in front of -complete- strangers. Other than the teacher. Who she hasn't met, but he looks...a leeetle intimidating. And Russian. She keeps running into Russians lately!

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabby nods to Yana. "Nice to meetcha. I'm Tabitha, but noone calls me that. I'm usually 'Boom-Boom'. I guess you'll see why here in a bit." A scowl at Dani, but it turns into a grin. "Hey, War Chief." A twitch of her nose as she looks Ellie over. "You have potential, I think. Why're you hangin' with these lame-os?" but she's teasing. She looks uuuuup to Piotr. "Steel Bear. So big." A glance between Lexi and Dani, then. She's watching their interaction, a little knowing grin on her lips. "Hmm."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani grins at Lexi, "Well, good for Yana then. You need to know how to defend yourself, and there's no better place to learn than here." She then smiles to Tabitha, "Hey Boomer." Ellie gets a friendly nod, and then looks up at Colossus, "Joining us for the run, sir, or just supervising so we don't cause too much damage?" A sly look at that, because /that/ never happens.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I'm here for the wha...?" Ellie looks up from her phone when someone calls out her way, looking a bit confused when she notes the gathering all of a sudden, "is that mandatory?" She asks suspiciously, arching a brow when she spots Colossus there. No doubt Piotr would insist she partake in a group activity.

Ellie nods her head at Alexia, acknowledging her greeting, but she's still too focused on whether she'll be asked to do something school or team related for the time being to be peppy. Okay, so she's never peppy.

Then her attention shifts towards Tabitha, someone who is not afraid to be noticed. Quite the opposite. "Yeah, I'd stick with Boom-Boom too," she teases right back when teased, "you come up with it yourself? Or was it assigned?" Looking at the group around, she snorts, "didn't have much choice, you ever heard of child services? They suck."

Colossus has posed:
Colossus is still vaguely recognizable as Piotr, although vague is the appropriate word. He still has human-ish features, and they sorta look like him, but of course more in a 'what he'd look like if someone made a statue of him' sort of way. One that was a full foot taller and generally larger. He surveys the group of students as they continue to chitchat, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yes, supervise," he answers Dani. "And maybe to be offering some instruction or demonstration. We shall see." It seems as though he's not here to step on Yana's toes, so she can likely make use of him as she likes- so long as no one threatens to blow up the place, or each other.

Spotting Ellie, her instinct is quite correct that Piotr is excited to see her there to participate! Because of course she will. "Is good to see you here. Not just to be practicing skills, but making bonds of comaraderie with your fellows!" He probably thinks she could stand a bit more of that.

Black Rose has posed:
    "It's not mandatory, no," Yana is quick to answer Ellie, but she looks curiously towards the other girl. "I thought it might be fun, though. An exercise to see what we all can do. Show off," she explains, before she begins to head towards the Student's Danger Room. "Ms. Grey already set up the program for us, and told me it'd start out on 'easy' and get tougher the more skills we displayed. I honestly want to see what it's capable of."
    << Thank you for the borscht, >> she asides to Colossus in Russian, << Perhaps I will have to make some of my grandmother's recipes for you, soon. >>
    Once the group gets there, Yana steps into the room and pulls out, of all things, a box of playing cards from one pocket of her hoodie. "Let's do this."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi sticks her tongue out at Dani briefly at her taking Yana's side in this, but she seems pretty resigned to at least trying. After all, she doesn't want to let people down, and she admits she cooould maybe learn a bit more about being...well, offensive. In the combat sense, anyway.

    She then grins at Tabitha. "...War Chief? Really?" she says, sounding deeply amused, though maybe a little suprised Dani doesn't seem to mind it. Huh. "An' I still think Tabby is cool! But Boom Boom is good too. Boomer. McBoomstein. Boombaddaboom." she tries, experimentally. Right. She'll work on that.

    "Yeah, Ellie, ya need that comraderie stuff! All comrades!"

    There's a quick glance at Colossus and Yana. "...I mean, like in th' friendship teawork thing kinda way!" she hastens to add. "C'mon, we all get ta strut our stuff..."

    he starts following after Yana as the other girl leads on, with a last side glance at Colossus (cuz living steel is kinda awesome). As they reach the Danger Room she steps aside after the Russian girl, moving aside for the others as they enter, then eyeing the deck. "...what's that for?" she asks. Because someone has to.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"I blow stuff up." Boomski responds to Ellie's question. "And people who like to be blown up say I have a short fuse or somethin'. I'm perfectly calm all the time. Really." and she turns to stick her tongue out at Dani too. "Don't you say _anything_, woman." but she can't help but grin. She nods at what Colossus says. "Yeah. This school's no fun if you sit in your room all the time. Sometimes these dorks are even worth hangin' out with." Then Yana is headed into the room. "I'm down." and she follows.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani grins, "Not saying a thing, Tabbycat." She chuckles a bit, shaking her head as she looks over at Lexi, "And yeah, we've known each other a little while. Long enough that she knows she can get away with /some/ of that stuff, since she's not whitesplaining to me." She winks at Tabitha with that, then glances to Colossus and Ellie, giving the other girl a curious look as Colossus talks to her, "So what do you do? Since we're gonna be finding out pretty soon I guess."

Colossus has posed:
There was, in fact, a day somewhere earlier in the week where the students showing up in the dining hall were greeted by a rather colossal pot of borscht that Piotr apparently prepared, made with vegetables from the garden out back. 'Healthy food to make strong!' So he grins a bright, shiny, metal-faced smile back at Yana. << I am glad you enjoyed it. I would be very pleased to share more hearty traditional meals with the students. Too many grew up on American 'junk food' before coming here, that I think they do not know what a real meal is! >> Argh, the commies are plotting something! Or at least, the very innocent conversation almost surely sounds like something that wouldn't be out of place between your average Bond-movie villains.

He shall help herd the group along until they arrive, making sure Ellie doesn't find some opportunity to conveniently 'get lost' and ditch them or anything of the sort. "It is very important to be mastering our gifts. Not only to protect self, but friends and people in need. We must show world our powers are powers for good, and so we must learn to be using them safely, with skill and control." Alexia's question is given an answer extended to the group: "Is... English explanation is difficult. Danger Room can simulate many different scenarios, using... mm, light technology? Dangers are not real, and programming is non-lethal, but still, some injury is possible, especially from own actions. So is wise to be exercising caution."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie is all but ready to keep on her merry way when Yana mentions it's optional, she has a whole slew of better things to do, but then she notes Piotr's gaze, his pleased expression, why does he has to be so awesome with her that it got to the point she can't give him the finger and do whatever she wants? So unfair, "fine, I'm here for the session, sure," though one look at her goth-wear would suggest there's no way in hell she dressed up for any form of exercise. But one thing Piotr is right about, Ellie really could use cutting down on her loner act. Just don't tell her that if you're not Piotr.

So, yeah, when someone other than Piotr, like say Lexi says the same, it winds up with Lexi getting a rather cold stare from Ellie. "I'm sure I do."

When Boom-Boom explains her name, Ellie smirks, "hey, another explosive girl, we should start a club." She nods at the profession to calmness from Tabitha, "no doubt. You look calm."

When Dani asks what she does, she points at Tabitha, "probably similar to Boom-Boom, just more awesome."

Black Rose has posed:
    As Colossus move into place to observe and have override ability on anything previously set up and the computer accepts his presence as a staff member as well as the students getting into position, the simulation begins:

    The small group of students are now standing in the middle of large meadow. There are trees surrounding them, a warm sun, and blue skies. It really is quite nice. At least, until a small swarm of 'something' can be seen moving out of the forest. There are, perhaps, ten of them. Robotic insectoids, their wings humming loudly and they are pretty quick, zooming to the students as if their territory had been infringed upon and they were defending.
    The closest one's stinger ducks down, and a laser blast fires, hitting just shy of Alexia, dirt and grass spitting up in the misfire. Colossus, of course, would be able to tell the lasers would do little more than 'sting' like a rose's thorn into the skin, no true harm. But it would not be something pleasent to experience.
    "Okay," breathes Yana, "This is new. Can't say I've ever fought mutated insects before," she admits.
    Two more fire, one falling short of Dani, the other falling short of Yana herself. She backs up a little, looking around for cover, trying to analyze the situation.
    "Alright. You two are good with explosions? Controlled? Or, single target? If we can keep them all together, we could theoretically take them all out at once. Single target, I say we split up into two teams. Divert their attention."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi quails a bit at the the look from Ellie, gold eyes blinking uncertainly. "Um..." But then it moves on as the room suddenly changes, with the pinkish mutant rotating in place. "...whoa..." she says slowly, looking fascinated.

    Until the Fire nation...er, the insect, attack!

    There's a faint yelp as Alexia leaps backwards at the zap aimed her way and with all the reflexes of someone who's lived on streets where sudden gunfire requires quick reaction, she immediately tries to dive for cover...which there is none. Other than the trees. "Cover is good!" she says quickly to Yana, as she backs towards the woods in question. Splitting herself off from the group, in fact.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Pfft. Girl, I _own_ awesome." Is Tabitha's response to Warhead's boast. "Not really the club type, but maybe we can exchange pointers or some junk?" She looks around as the scene changes. "I'm not ever gonna get used to that." She doesn't go for cover, as not-smart as that is. She produces a good-sized time-bomb, a ball of sparkly plasma, in each hand and tosses them both at the insects. "One!" should go boom with plenty of concussive force. Shouldn't be any allies in the radius either.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani shouts, "Okay, explosion squad, take 'em out with area of effect. And get some cover!" She doesn't look too afraid, considering she's actually got armor on, covering the withdrawal of Lexi, "Don't separate /too/ far, we don't know what other surprises are in store." She doesn't want to exactly countermand Yana, but... well, she's seen too many times where things get out of control too quickly.

With that, she draws her psychic bow, the mental energy crackling out of nowhere as she takes aim at a drone, shooting with an arrow that has a very physical effect.

Colossus has posed:
"World is full of many strange things!" Piotr declares, with something of a booming laugh, as even Yana seems to have a surprised reaction at the scenario she's led them into. "Must always be prepared for something new. We, mutants, are adaptations of man to dangerous world. In battle, we must be adapting to the situation around us!" Though positive, encouraging, there is still a weight, a seriousness to his words, something the entire school is aimed toward impressing on the younger students.

And like that, he watches as they react, notes the tactics. Cover - good. Splitting up - it can depend on the scenario, and their coordination, which is still to be seen! But they do keep communicating, which earns a silent nod of approval from the watching giant. Of course, his eyes turn to follow Negasonic. No pressure!

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie has been in the Danger Room before, but she can easily relate to Tabitha, in never quite getting used to how the world changes into a fake world that's so very real. "Bring it," Ellie says before the scenario even begins, that is until the laser shooting bugs are after them, "ugh! Why insects!?" Ellie groans, looking at Yana when she offers a plan, "well, Tabitha goes boom, I go negasonic warhead, so....together works best," and with Tabitha already getting a head start, Ellie grins, "I think we'll make a fine team." Just like the blonde, she keeps in the open, only a crackling of energy starts to form around her, she waits to see the result of Tabitha's blast before charging in.

Black Rose has posed:
    "Oookay," Yana says, looking around. She exhales, remembering that this is a time to get to know everyone. And maybe teamwork isn't going to exactly be the way to go, this time.
    Now that the insects are closer, they begin to pelt the young possible-Xers-in-training with lasers, or try to. One of them explodes against Boom-Booms explosion bubbles, while Dani's arrow tears apart another. That leaves eight.
    It doesn't seem the insects are made of too stern a stuff, exploding fairly easily. Two of the insects target Dani, zapping her, while two others target both Yana, and Ellie with their stingers and yet the last two speed off to find Alexia.

    Alexia, who is running for the forest is suddenly not running on solid ground anymore, but rather an almost rolling, sinous motion of the earth beneath her feet, as if the grass and ground were water and there were something big, and monstorous beneath the ground that had been stirred into waking. Or, perhaps called. For the moment, however, nothing surfaces.

    Yana seems unphased, actually letting the lasers hit her and showing no signs of pain, or discomfort she instead pulls out a playing card. And, holding it between forefinger and thumb, throws it - Gambit style - at the offending flying wasp-like insect. No explosion. But there's a loud sound of impact, and suddenly the insect goes spiraling, smoking, crashing ino the earth. "One down," says Yana. "Take them out, and then help someone else." She tries a new tactic.

Tendril has posed:
    There's a startled yelp as the ground heaves under Alexia, sending her falling backwards....even as she twists impossibly on the way down to land on all fours instead of on her butt, blinking as she watches the swirl disappear. "...holy shit.." she breathes. "Girls!, there's something YUUUGE in the ground! I...ack!"

    She rolls as the two insects chasing her attempt to pelt her, one hitting her butt, drawing a sharp squeal as she swings a hand. "GET OFF ME!"

    There's a sharp CRACK as the tendril unwinds as she sweeps her arm, the tip slashing into the lead insect like a super powered bullwhip. Alexia crabwalks backwards, rolling on her side to try and scramble to her feet again.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Hey, watch out!" Boomer calls towards Yana, but she seems alright even after getting hit. "Oh. Nevermind, then." and she shrugs. She jumps up and down to get the bugs attention. "Hey! Bugglies!" but they all seem otherwise engaged. "Butts." and she chases after the two following the mauve girl. "Come back here!"

Moonstar has posed:
Dani curses under her breath as Lexi rabbits, then looks over at Yana, "Think it's time we regroup. Lexi found something big over there." She doesn't seem to mind the pings from the robo-insects, letting the armor take it as she fires another psychic arrow to shatter a drone, not moving right away so she can draw fire from the insects while the others shift around.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
The laser bounces of the energy that starts building around Negasonic as she breaks into a sprint into the bugs. The aura around her growing in size and intensity, before her namesake becomes self explanatory. She's a teenager, there's a warhead, and here's a negasonic explosion. Fine, so she didn't stick to webster's English. Either way, she detonates in a powerful explosion that should take care of the bugs, and with momentum forward, she hopes the shockwave won't hurt any of her teammates. Unless someone rushed to the fore before she picked them up. On the flip side, she's utterly oblivious in what been happening with Alexia.

Black Rose has posed:
    Between Yana, Dani, Alexia, and mostly Negasonic, the flying insects are now dead, broken, and battered. But, the simulation doesn't end, and Yana, at least, had heard Alexia's call of warning, as had two of the other girls. "That's pretty cool," agrees Yana, towards Negasonic, sounding impressed. She puts her deck of cards away, however, looking around for whatever it was Alexia thought she saw, or felt.

    And for a few moments, there's silence. Then, a massive robotic insect erupts out of the ground. It's at least three stories high, and probably a good teen feet wide, many-legged, and many-segemented. And, it'd appear, heavily armored if one were to look at it.
    It produces some kind of sonic scream from it's mandibles that's rather unpleasent, and almost painful to listen to. Luckily, it doesn't last long. The massive centipede-like robot turns huge eyes onto the girls below, shooting a vicscous grey substance towards the crab-walking Alexia who first discovered it. It's almost like a glue, in nature. Except it's also quite noxious, if it hits, and smells putrid.

    It would seem the goal of the teachers here is not to hurt the students. But, to give them 'penalties' for getting hit, or otherwise tagged. And incentive to not have to experience that again.

    Luckily for Alexia, Yana is suddenly at full speed -- and then faster than full speed, and faster still. She's nowhere near Pietro's speed, not even close, but in a near instant she's grabbed Alexia and pulled her out of the way of the vile filth, "Right. Climbing things," Yana says, when they're on the other side of the centipede, and momentarily safe. "So," she looks at Alexia, "You like to cliimb things, right?" She slaps Alexia on the back, "Get going."

Tendril has posed:
    For the other girls, the sonic scream is unpleasant, enough to set their ears to ringing.

    For Alexia, with her much more sensitive hearing, it's agony as she doubles over, holding her head.

    "AHHHH!" she shrieks, just dropping to the ground, rolling around...a very easy target for the centipede, even if it wasn't already focusing on her. But just as it comes spitting towards her, she oofs as Yana slams into her, lifting her out fo the way as the greyish goop splatters in a huge sticky puddle where she was laying, as she clings to the other girl.

    She blinks as she's set down, her ears ringing. "TH-THANKS!" she says, a bit loudly, then shakes her head as her body adjusts, starting to seal over the damage in her ears. "I...yes?"

    She looks waaaay up at the centipede. "...w-wait, what?" she starts to ask then she's slapped on the back as she stumbles forward towards the massive metal beast. She takes a deep breath, then more tendrils start to sprout from her back and her other forearm, the tips starting to stiffen, extending out into points rather then blunt tips as they solidify into slightly serrated blades. As she gets close, she flicks one up, catching hold of one of the creatures segments, then rapidly starting to scale, her climbing spikes slamming into the creature as she moves higher. "Okay...okay...I can do this..." she says to herself. "....wait, what do I DO UP HERE!??"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Foxy?! Foxy, are you okay?" Tabitha calls in concern, but then Yana has swooped in to help the other girl. The monster emerges and Boomer groans. "Geez. _Really_?" She raises her hands over her head and concentrates. A huge bomb quickly forms there, and she heaves it towards the belly of the thing. "Fire in the hole! It's gonna be a big one!" but she doesn't move. "Two... one..."

Colossus has posed:
"Hah. Boom," Piotr chuckles to himself as he watches the predictable result of the human warhead's charge, familiar enough with her powerset but hardly so jaded that he cannot be a little impressed by it, or simply enjoy the sight. And, not that anyone think he shows her *too* much favoritism (though a certain affection, he certainly does) he turns to observe the others: "Good teamwork," he calls, seeing Yana rush in to rescue her teamate, and then even prompt her with a potential tactic against the monster.

Of course, he may feel just slightly left out of all of this and decides he might demonstrate a little teamwork of his own, especially with the bigger monster showing itself. With long metallic strides, he moves to where Ellie has finished her prior charge, and holds out an open hand, readily large and sturdy enough to support the girl. "Want to be trying something? Climb on. I do this with comrade Logan, but think work good with you, also."

Moonstar has posed:
Well, Dani knows that Tabby and Ellie, between them, can explode the thing. So the goal becomes keeping the robotipede from firing at them before they take it out.

Or to put it simply, Dani is going to play the bait. Shouting up at the robot, "Hey, you overgrown bucket of bolts! What is this, did a Sentinel decided to sleep with a cockroach after a bender or something, you colossal clod!" Then she snaps off a psychic arrow up at the thing, ducking towards the side to try and avoid getting hit... and draw the attention away from the explosive experts of the group.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie is feeling mighty proud of herself for totally OBLITERATING the mighty...err...bugs? Well, it was a huge explosion, still counts as awesome. "Boom is right!" She seconds Piotr's summary of her performance. But then she's alerted to look behind her, when she realizes there's bigger fish to fry. "What in the HECK is that!?" Ellie demands, not happy with towering mechnical centipedes. No form of centipede is ever cool. She looks at the maneuvering of Lexi to climb atop of it, and Tabitha hurling a time bomb at it, she feels a little left behind until Piotr comes up with an AWESOME idea. "You kidding? I heard all about it from Kitty Pryde, let's go big guy!"

Starting to build up a charge, Ellie gets in position, bracing herself as she calls, "so how fast can you throw? Let's beat the record!"

Black Rose has posed:
    "Stab it in the eyes!" Yana's instructions come down from below, to Alexia waaaay up high, about twenty-five feet or so, as the centipedish creature still remains upright. Boom-Booms explosion cause the creature to sway back and forth, but the system either seems to be learning on how to adapt to the girls powers, or this one is just a lot beefier, scorch marks where Boom-Boom's explosion went off show where the impact hit, and the creatures mood -- between Boom-Boom's explosion and Alexia's stabbing up it's back with serrated tendrils does not have it in a good mood.
    "Boom-Boom, go for it's head. Alexia! Stab it in the eyes, and jump down! Trust me!"
    Dani seems to earn the creatures ire, in the meantime just as she'd intended, and the psychic-arrow slinging girl gets spat at with another wad of sickly grey-gluish, putrid substance.

    Yana pulls a handful of ball bears out of her pocket, and one-by-one, throws them at the creature, to get it off Dani's back now.
    Or are they ball bearings? Beacuse small holes erupt as the bearings go, quite literally, through the creatures metallic shell - in one side and out the other like a clean bullet shot. It's enough to have the creature twist to focus on Yana, and leave Negasonic, Boom-Boom, and Dani an opening. And the several holes peppered into it's shell might make it more susceptible to explosions from the Negasonic Teenage Warhead Fastball Special.

Tendril has posed:
    The monsterous metal bug sways back and forth, with Lexi shifting automaticaly, her body adjusting without her even thinking about it to maintain her balance. She lets her tendrils do the grunt work, using her hands and feet to push off from the edges of segments as she passes. "Okay...okay....eyes....right..." she says to herself. "Just like climbing th' cliff by the campsites....it's fine...."

    She erks as the creature is peppered by bombs and and psychic arrows, as she reaches the back of the creatures head, swaying, then huffing out a breath, before her back tendrils coil up like snakes. "Lights out, ugly!" she yells, as she slams the pointed ends into the creatures eyes, shattering through them, then jerking hard as she digs her feet into its shell, trying to angle its head up so if it roars again...

    "Boom Boom, three point shot! Toss it in th' mouth!

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boom-Boom doesn't need much more encouragement than Yana and Lexi calling for a head shot. "On it!" and she whips up a fist-sized bomb and tosses it towards the great beast's mouth. "Your turn, Dani!" She looks up at the mauve girl up there. "Get outta Dodge, Foxy!" She throws a second bomb, just in case. "...one!"

Colossus has posed:
Once his little explosive protege has climbed aboard, the hulking Colossus turns to eyeball the mechanical menace, watching carefully as the other students blast it, bomb it, distract it, and otherwise attack the creature from every angle. He wants the right moment, where it won't even see what hits it, let alone have a good warning to dodge. The fact that Ellie already seems to have the basic idea in mind also helps, so he doesn't have to explain too much! "I throw, you blast off, should be very fast combined. Computer give readout afterward," he answers on the theoretical speed they might manage. "Are ready? Not worry about hand, da?"

With that, the metal man again turns silvery, pupil-less eyes toward the monster, waiting until what he judges the proper moment, which may be exactly as Boom-Boom's bombs go, or maybe a split second before. "Now we..."

Winding up, it's obvious that he has carefully practiced his part of the maneuver, his hand craddling his passenger in a way that keeps things as... well, as balanced and stable as one could hope, even as he shifts through the motion of the throw, ready to propel her straight forward and without any distracting spin or twist. The throw's form itself looks like something between an olympic shot-putter and a baseball pitcher, and there's a lot of heat on this particular fastball.

"...go!" It's shouted at the final point in his arc, his arm coming forward and whipping the girl forward in a powerful release. He's aimed his pint-sized human WMD right at the thing's center mass. The rest is on her!

Moonstar has posed:
Dani rolls out of the way of that sticky gross-smelling noxious gunk, barely evading it as she concentrates, "On it Tabbycat..." She focuses, and instead of a psychic arrow, it's a spear. A nice big spear that fits perfectly into her hand as she stands up, then throws it right into the maw of the robotipede, shouting, "Dinnertime!"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Boy am I ready!" Ellie snaps with a surge of adrenaline, energy already starting to crackle around her, facing forward so she doesn't accidentally singe Colossus. Not that the big Russian couldn't take it. She heard of this maneuver, she's seen a video of it, but nothing could prepare her to just how strong Colossus is when he throws you. Because she goes off flying from his pitching hand, "WWWWWWOOOOOOO!!! TAKE IT DOUCHEBOT!" Negasonic lets out a shrill cry as she soon disappears behind the bright crackling energy that engulfs her, and as she heads on the trajectory for a perfect hit, she calls out, "CLEAR!!!" She has no clue what kind of crater she's about to leave there, but she knows it's best no student would get caught in the blast radius.

Black Rose has posed:
    Dani's spear pierces the roof of the open maw, ensuring by the audible, terrible scream it emits yet again that it's mouth will remain open for Boom-Boom's own timed blasts, each which rock, and stun it's head further than it already was with Alexia shredding the eye-sockets with her serrated tendrils. And, hopefully Alexia is taking Yana's advice to jump ship, because even as the head is rocking back, Negasonic is taking advantage of both Colossus' strength, the fact that her teammates are clear, and of the holes ripped into it's carpace to explode the thing at it's base.
    The explosion is pretty massive, and the creature begins to fall, and tumble, sparking, smoking, firey bits exposed as one end of it is seperated from the other, and the entire monstrosity starts to careen, and crash down towards the ground.
    Yana is quick enough to get away, herself, and for now, the smoking carcass of the robot lay dormant.
    The simulation, however, continues to play for the present.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi is now faced with the problems of cats in trees everywhere...how the hell does she get back down?! She freezes a bit as the others call up for her to jump off, then sees Colossus drawing back with a glowing Ellie in his hand. "....oh fu-" She reflexively throws herself off the thing, rolling over in the air as she plummets towards the ground, her tendrils pulling free of the flailing monster as she narrowly avoids the explosion as it starts to topple back.

    And at least she's not going to be UNDER it when she hits!"

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boomer is thrown off her feet as Warhead's explosion rocks the illusionary glade. She's immune to her own desctruction but not anyone else's. She's stunned for a moment and then tries to scramble to her feet, but her right leg gives out on her before she can rise to her feet. "Owww." She holds her head. "Geez. Oh, man." Still, she rolls over to make sure the creature isn't going to continue to attack through the smoke.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani blinks, then gets bowled over by the exploding robot. She's not hurt, thanks to her armor, but she was close enough for the shockwave to catch her and knock her down. She then picks herself up and shouts, "Lexi!" as she sees her roommate go flying. Sure, there's safety protocols, but still...

Colossus has posed:
And as fast as that might have felt, Colossus actually *didn't* go all-out, since it is training, and he'd rather not have the appropriately-titled Teenage Warhead nuke all her would-be friends and comrades by accident. But still, the whole thing is pretty darn impressive, and watching Ellie streak forward after he throws her, the big metal Russian gives a pleased whoop of victory at the sight of her impact and the explosion that follows. For that moment, it does seem a little as though he's forgotten to play stern instructor and getting a bit into the whole thing himself. He may be Russian and metal, but he's far from heartless!

After the blast, he folds his arms and surveys the the scene, looking over the sprawled students but satisfied that they're all mostly in one piece, and curious of the still continuing simulation.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
What Ellie doesn't know wouldn't hurt her, and far as she knows, that was a world record throw from Colossus, because frankly, she's never been thrown like that in her life. Not that too many tried. When the smoke clears after the super explosion, and the mecha-huge-sect takes a fall, Negasonic stands up from the crater that her landing created and turns to look back towards Piotr. Sure, she tries to look cool, but she can't help but smile brightly at the successful attempt and her first ever fastball special with Colossus, "that was AWESOME!!! Hell yeah!"

Black Rose has posed:
    Knowing that Alexia was going to land safely, Yana didn't even look to see if her friend was going to hit the earth without incident. She gives Ellie a very big grin, "That was pretty awesome," she agrees, honestly. "Everyone has a lot of pretty impressive abilities," she admits. Wait. What did she do again? "I think I definitely picked the right place to go."
    She flashes Dani a 'you were right, I admit it' sort of look/grin. She admits further to Piotr, and the rest of the group, "I mostly only trained on dummies, and other people. This is a whole different level."

    The inert, exploded, and shredded head slowly groans with a strain of metal, and rolls away from the body that hit the earth, hard.
    The segment of the body begins to flare to life, two red-lit eyes opening up in the darkness, and a whining sound of a powering up. A secondary head, and a secondary weapon, about to discharge, and aimed right for Negasonic's celebrating body. The last ditch attack by the simulation to reinforce to the students you don't celebrate until everyone is back home.

Tendril has posed:
    "TABBBYYYYYYYYYYY!" is the blonde demolition diva's only warning, as Alexia comes plummeting downwards, giving the other girl only time to get her arms up before the other girl piles into her with an WOOF, knocking her back off her feet. Though she is a LOT lighter than she'd be normally, Yana's power cushioning the fall.

    "....thank you, you broke my fall perfectly..." the silver-haired girl says dazedly, sprawling halfway across Tabitha's prone form. Yes...she'll just...lie her for a moment while giant bugs aren't trying to... *sound of second head and weapon system powering* ...kill...her?

    She sits up quickly. "Oh, COME ON! ELLIE! LOOK OUT!" Even as she grabs for Boomer's hand, trying to pull her up to her feet and away from the creature as it powers up again.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Ahh!" Tabitha goes down in a heap with the mauve-skinned mutant. "Ooof!" and the air is knocked out of her again. "Fancy meetin' you here." she says weakly to Lexi. "We gotta stop meetin' like this." so she has a little bit of good humor left. Still, she's been in fights before, so adrenaline takes over and she does scramble to her feet at Alexia's insistance. She blinks. "The hell...?" She instinctively tosses a bomb, this one meant to intersect (hopefully) with whatever blast heads for poor Ellie. The blast from the bomb shouldn't do much more than rustle Warhead's hair.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani, however, doesn't hesitate. Mainly because she knows the Danger Room pretty well from the past few years, and knows how the scenarios go. Drawing out that psychic bow again with her hands, she shouts, "GET DOWN!" as she lets loose with an arrow, aiming right for the secondary weapon that's about to discharge.

Colossus has posed:
Ellie's reaction to the whole thing proves mildly infectious, and Piotr grins back at it. "I think even friend Logan may even be jealous, if he takes look at footage from this." Negasonic is sort of... the perfect person for him to go around chucking at other people/things. As if that was a normal thing to say about someone! But of course, they can't even have that moment! No doubt this is why he continues to watch the simulation play out even after the explosion, uncertain what else may be in store.

But to the young team's credit, there's not even anything for him to do, not that he's close enough to do more than shout. But even the shouting others have covered, with Alexia calling out, while Dani moves to respond. That's some teamwork.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Look wha...?" Ellie starts to turn at Alexia, but before she can even complete that, Dani shouts to get down and lets loose an arrow, while Boomer adds a bomb. Ellie isn't even aware of the threat that appeared behind her, thinking they've already bested the scenario. But she does know to get down when she has to, because she's worried of friendly fire, and while she hits the deck with an angry groan, she soon realizes there was a real threat. "What the fuck!? Who designed this program? It's stupid! It coulda killed me!"

Black Rose has posed:
    Between Dani's arrow, and Boom-Boom's explosion, the secondary head-weapon is destroyed, and rendered inert before it can fire on Ellie, Yana clearly hadn't been prepared for it, too relaxed after their victory. Then again, it was her first mission like this. And that's what it's designed to do - test, teach, engage. Her eyes narrow, thoughtfully as briefly one who is looking at her might recognize a sort of 'playback' in her head of the scene, the moment, and what she could've done differently, even as the room powers down now, the mission 'complete', and all students on the grading board showing excellent marks in various areas dependant on the inviddual, such as power control, power output, teamwork, and however else the staff might judge.
    Yana breathes a heavy sigh of relief, telling Ellie, "Ms. Grey set it up for us," she answers Negasonic. "But, wow. That was really cool. Can't wait to do another." She walks over to Alexia, "Told you that you were awesome. You should listen to me more often."
    Then, to Piotr, << Thanks for helping. That was pretty cool of you. >>
    She gives a nod of respect towards Tabitha, and to Dani, too. "Really cool abilities," she praises, honestly.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi lets out a loud sigh of relief the combined firepower and Ellie hitting the dirt prevents her from getting blasted, and the scenario fades. "...my butt still hurts..." she grouses a bit at Yana, but smiles faintly, flushing. "I just climbed it, it's not like I was throwin' around explosions or arrows 'n stuff." She looks at the other girls. "...you're all really good at this..." she compliments. "I...I should have listened more at th' beginnin', I just...I'm used ta divin' for cover when someone shoots at me." She rubs the back of her neck, sighing a bit. "Sorry." She smiles a bit. "Thanks for th' saves though! I'l try ta do better next time..."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"You alright?" Tabby asks Lexi, who still has her hand. "Good job." She looks towards the war chief. "Moonstar? Still hangin' in there?" she calls. "Everyone else good?" Yana seemed extra interested in Alexia, though, so Tab motions with her head towards the former. "Oh, shut up." she says good-naturedly. "You were great. You blinded the thing. Here, your friend wants you." and she pats Lexi on the back before turning to go with a bit of a disappinted frown. But, she shrugs to herself a moment later. and she pops a bubblegum bubble. "Natch, we'd win."

Moonstar has posed:
    Danielle stands up, and grins at Yana, "Well, yeah, sorry if I stepped on your toes there a bit. Been a field leader for the New Mutants for a while, hence Tabbycat's crack when we started." She waves at Tabby to show she's fine, a few minor scorch marks on her armor from the smaller stingers, then glances over towards Ellie, "Seems like one of Ms. Grey's touches. She loves putting in those horror movie 'you think it's dead but one last scare before it's really dead' bits. Keeps you on your toes. Besides, the safety protocols would have kicked in, you wouldn't have gotten hurt." She grins, "Embarrassed a bit, maybe, but hey, that's a great learner right? I know we all got tagged with them at one point or another."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Ms. Grey is nuts," Ellie expresses her own opinion of the whole thing as she gets up and dusts herself, before recalling this is all hologram, and stopping with the dusting off. "I don't ever want safety protocols to save me, I'm not a lameo." She does concedes Dani's point that there was learning involved, before turning to make a quick retreat, "if you'll excuse me, I need to catch up on my feed," she groans, and hurries out. Likely more embarassed than she'd care to admit, about needing saving.

Colossus has posed:
Piotr has started walking back toward the group by then, and is just returning by the time the simulation finally comes to an end, the boards displaying all the various statistics. Of course, he bobs his head back at Yana. << I was happy to come. I have not been a teacher all that long myself, and it was a pleasure to see the students all working together. And to pitch in a little. >> That would be a great pun, if it wasn't in Russian! Beyond that exchange, he looks at the others with a smile. "You all did very well. Good teamwork and watching out for each other. Is most important thing."

Of course, Ellie gets a particularly fond grin. "I am thinking, first time I throw Logan, did not go nearly so well. He may have been angry afterward!" Then a glance at the board. "It is having all of statistics for review. This is homework for all of you." He awaits the groans! "Review and think up new tactics for next time. But now, you are having free time. Enjoy!" With that, he too makes his retreat. Teacher stuff to do!