7467/The First Swim of the Year.

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The First Swim of the Year.
Date of Scene: 11 May 2019
Location: Pool - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Doug, Emma Frost, Kitty, Samuel and Ellie discuss a range of topics around and in the pool. Professor Xavier makes a return
Cast of Characters: Cypher, Emma Frost, Shadowcat, Cannonball, Professor X, Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Cypher has posed:
After having wandered around all day, Doug seems to have finally made himself at home --

If one counts being at home as being in the middle of the school's heated pool on a fine, sunny Spring day, with a pair of sunglasses on, his feet in the water, earbuds in, and a waterproof tablet in one hand, a thumb lazily swiping to turn pages as he reads-- 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' in Mandarin.

His bathing suit of choice is a robin's egg blue speedo with rubber ducks on it. Doug always was a fashion-forward guy...

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Ah, I didn't anticipate anyone else going for a swim today." Emma says to herself as she walks out of the mansion and stands with a towel in one hand and a pair of flip flops on her feet. The blond steps towards one of the lounge chairs and dropps off her folded towel and deposits her shoes and tablet as well as the saree she had over her swim suit down. The teacher steps towards the pool, her carefully tanned foot testing the water before she walks down the steps and gets her black tied swimsuit bottom wet before going all the way and submerging her head for a moment before coming back up and smiling towars Doug. "Enjoying your summer so far?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, and then says, without removing his earbuds, "Well, Miss Frost," He sets his tablet in his lap and pushes himself up onto his elbows a bit, "It's off to a rocky start, but all in all... it's nice to be back. I've been wandering around, looking for things to do, acquainting myself with the little things that have changed since I left -- but Sam's setting me up with a job, so I'll have things to occupy my time. Other than that, I'm just waiting for my things to be shipped here. Ah... hm. How are you?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Looking for something to occupy your time because you feel you have too much time is not a great way to fill your time." Emma says as she lifts her hands to finger her wet hair over behind her head and ears. "It's better to have a plan and execute it." The White Queen comments with a look to Doug but she looks back to where she wants to go and pushes into the water and swims fowards a bit to find the other side of the pool.

Cypher has posed:
    Doug pushes his sunglasses down, and then says, "Well, coming back was -- unexpected. I hadn't planned for it at all. I won't belabor you with the past couple of years of my life, ma'am. Let's just say I envy you your sense of purpose. I'm still searching for mine. But, I have a question for you. ...Why are you here? After everything that happened, why did you join the X-Men?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "That's not important." Emma says, actually looking away from Doug at his question towards her. Like she's shy about answering those questions about her motives. "Searching for your purpose is well and all, but don't let someone else find it for you, be more proactive in finding what you want out of life." Frost says then with her head above water, begins to swim back towards the steps out of the pool, but she floats in the water still before turning to face the deep end again.

Cypher has posed:
    "That's the problem with losing several years. You have to make up ground fast." Doug proceeds to drop his things into a waterproof bag and zip it up tightly, before he slips out of the inner tube and swims, nimbly, to the edge of the pool. He climbs out and stands there, dripping, before he pads around to the diving rock, waits for it to be clear, and then dives in, swimming under the water in a neat line, blowing out a chain of bubbles, before he emerges further away. "Why would you say it's not important?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Still, don't allow others to make your choices and dreams for you. You will never find your happiness that way Doug. I've seen it. I actually look for it in some places to plug employees into. Sometimes I need a drone to fill a role. You, you would never be happy as a drone." Emma says with a sly look towards the boy before he dives into the water. She then lowers her eyes to think over her answer, "Because why isn't what gets things done Doug. Only what happens. Results are what matter. Not the why. Intention is only a very small part of things."

Cypher has posed:
Doug pushes himself up and sits on the edge of the pool. "I have been told, by the few people that know the extent of what I can do, that I should do more with it. But that's my trouble. I'm not an anarchist. I don't thrive on creating chaos, or social upheaval. It'd be nice to create a little more... I don't know, *equity* in the world, but I don't think I'm the sort of person whose ends justify their means. "What I *want*, is for the people I care about to be free to live the lives they deserve to have."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "There are people telling you that you need to do more with your powers?" Emma asks, one blond eyebrow lifting up over her ice blue eyes and she then furrows her brows as she thinks about this. "Your powers are what define you either Doug." Emma then swims to the end of the pool and slowly climbs out, one foot up each step with a hand on the rail and she then follows the edge of the pool and stops next to Doug and stands over the boy, looking down her dripping face and hair and swimsuit, "That's what you want, yes, but like I said, intent is not the same as result. What are you making happen? That's how you will be remembered in the end." Emma says calmly, just trying to make the boy think.

Cypher has posed:
    "That's just it. I don't know, I'm not making anything happen. I take no JOY in manipulating things. I just have a gift that naturally tends toward it." Doug says, momentarily lost in thought. "I just want to understand. Languages, people. I want to know, to witness-- and where I can, to help." He glances up to Emma. "Like you, ma'am. You're difficult to understand. You used to take such obvious delight in being *cruel*-"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I'm not telling you to manipulate, or change anything. I'm just telling you to develop your own goals and dreams, and then start trying to achieve them. Helping people is a noble desire Doug, but how will you help these people you care about? Having someone else find a job for you isn't likely going to be what you /want/ to be doing." Emma says, then lifts her hand to her mouth and shakes her head. "I think there's a bit of skewed perspective but you're right, I wasn't the nicest person in the past. Maybe that's why I'm here now, but again, people wont care about why, they care about what. Results." Emma says again as if her whole conversation has gone full circle.

Cypher has posed:
    Doug kicks his feet in the water, and then looks up. "Well then I guess I have to begin at the beginning." He glances up at Emma. "You want something from me -- or you think I'm capable of doing something. Thank you. I think." He adds, after a moment, "It's refreshing, sometimes, to talk to someone who defaults to expectation, not compassion."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "That's why I'm a teacher, I'm not here to hug you into being a weak useless man that needs mom to pay his cell phone bill." Emma says, "I'm here to realize who you can be or at least who you want to be and give you the tools to become that person." Emma says, moving her hands from her lips to sitting on her flaired hips without a sound. She then turns away from Doug and moves to claim her seat on the lounge chair and closes her eyes as she faces upwards to the sun and begins to allow herself to tan briefly outside.

Cypher has posed:
    Doug sits and thinks about that, and then finally says "Quand tu veux construire un bateau, ne commence pas par rassembler du bois, couper des planches et distribuer du travail, mais reveille au sein des hommes le desir de la mer grande et large." He shrugs his shoulders, gently, and then glances at Emma, contemplatively. "I have another question for you. Was the only reason you recruited me for the Massachussets Academy as bait for a trap for the X-Men?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "You think that little of yourself or of me?" Emma asks, her answer to Doug's question as cryptic as could be. The teacher with one eye open aimed at the nearby student is trying to get him to think a bit more critically. The answers he seeks aren't right in front of his face, but they're not hidden either. Though Emma isn't the type to give away things easily like that.

Cypher has posed:
    "Well I haven't always had the best track-record with self-confidence, *no*." Doug says. "But I will admit, you never have just one reason for doing anything." He rests his chin in his hand, and then slips back into the pool, to lurk under water, occasionally blowing out a cloud of bubbles until he has to come up for air.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty pinged Doug's phone, assuming he has one on him. If he's near it, he'll no doubt know she's tracking his location down with it. So it won't be too surprising when Kitty walks into the air not long after. She's wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top, while Lockheed is hovering over her shoulder, getting some exercise rather than riding shotgun on her shoulder.

At the sight of the pair, Kitty's line presses into a bit of a straight line. Well, at the sight of half of the pair anyway. But it doesn't last long, that grim expression. Because Doug is back!

Kitty hurries her step, moving along the edge of the pool to join them. "Afternoon," she says warmly towards Doug. Kitty glances Emma's way. "Emma," she offers in a greeting which is more subdued than the one that Doug got, but still polite enough. "Am I interrupting?" she asks, her eyes going to Doug for the answer to her question. Lockheed finally lands on her shoulder.

Cypher has posed:
Doug is pulling himself out of the pool -- he's wearing a pair of speedos, robin's egg blue with rubber duckies on them. It's quite fashion-forward of him. Somewhere along the line he shaved and got a haircut. "Kitty!" He says. He retrieves his phone from the waterproof bag it was in.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't check." Then he shakes his head. "No, we were just having a conversation -- you're never interrupting. Did Sam tell you, he's setting me up with a job."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma answers Kitty's questions as silently as Doug is verbally. She stands up and wraps the towel around her chest and waist, tucking it in just next to her arm pit and then she grabs her saree and phone off the chair and turns to Kitty. With a lift of her free hand, the White Queen looks over towards Doug's answer to Kitty's question and she smirks softly before heading back towards the mansion.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde flashes a grin to Doug even as she lets out a happy little laugh at his swim wear. "Oh Doug," Kitty says, shaking her head and pulling out her phone to snap a picture. "That's just priceless. Where on Earth did you get those!?" She asks him.

Kitty moves closer and says, "Oh really? What kind of job? Is this another bouncer gig at his club?" she asks as if she's heard of him hiring people for that before. "If so, I imagine you could defuse problems before they start."

Kitty glances towards Emma and says, "Are you ok after the highway incident, Emma? I didn't notice any injuries, but I had to go back and help talk to the police so was not there when you were checked out," she says to the woman.

Cypher has posed:
"...I bought them." Doug says, before he hooks his thumb into them at the hipbone and gives them a quick snap. "I felt cute when I tried them on."

Then he raises one eyebrow and narrows the other eye. "That's exactly what I said when he offered... and that's exactly why he said I should do it. I think I'm the world's most unlikely bouncer."

He glances between thw two, and falls silent.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I'm fine Kitty, thank you for the concern and the help." Frost says with a glance over her shoulder as she lifts her hand to the door and pulls it open. She doesn't give Doug any parting words, or input, but she does worry and hope he finds his own way. Like she mentioned.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs and taps on her phone. She's not doubt posting that picture to the school's social media page, isn't she? "You do look cute in them," she agrees with a smile. Kitty finishes with the phone and looks back up. "Sam's a smart guy. Your power has a lot of uses. Just people don't stop to think of what all they are. Your power and mine are a lot alike in that. Yours is even more subtle and flexible overall," Kitty says. There are plenty who think Kitty's power is weak. Some of the students have even voiced that opinion. Though voicing it near Jean doesn't normally go well.

Kitty watches Emma depart then, not saying anything else. "Hmmph," Kitty murmurs softly before moving over to where Doug is and finding some deck furniture to sit on. "How's it feel, being back? And how are Harry and Henderson doing?"

Cypher has posed:
"It may be a dumb super-power," Doug admits, "But it's more than most people have. I'll make it work for me." He finds a pair of flip-flops and toes them on. "...Up and down. I don't think they've quite realized their mother's not coming back yet. They're like two year-olds. I think they'll grow faster than humans do, though."

He rubs his chin, and then grabs a towel to start drying his hair off. "Brrrrrrrah~"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde phases her feet out of her sandals, leaving them lying on the cement as she leans back in the chair then. "Not a dumb super-power at all," Kitty says, shaking her head. "I mean, businesses are focusing on trying to do a tiny modicum of what your power can do with all of their big data and processing, right?"

Kitty lets out a sigh as if the topic may turn less pleasant. "Speaking of. So I don't know if you've been through the databases yet. I was contacted by what I think is an Artificial Intelligence, that called itself Norton Agamemnon. First contact was strictly text over the 'net. Second he projected a hologram in a movie theater for me. Gave me intelligence on the Sentinels. But, he also gave me a warning. He said something out on the network is observing people. Exceptional people, high intelligence, people with powers. He only has a glimmering this is going on, and thought I cover my tracks well enough they likely had little on me," Kitty says. "But, it's worrisome. And I think with your power you stand a far better chance than I do of figuring out who it is and what they are up to," she says. "Though of course I'll help with the programming and all. But is that something you'd feel like taking on? Or, if you need more time, I'd get it," Kitty says, expression softening.

Cypher has posed:
Doug turns, with his towel on his head, and says, "If I'm needed, then I'm needed. I can't sit on the sidelines while the rest of you are putting yourselves in harm's way. If you need me to do it, I'll do it."

Then he murmurs, "Have you told anybody else about it? There are other meta hackers out there in the world who probably ought to be warned. I can seek them out too."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's response is a shake of her head. "I have not. Just the school and even here I'm being cautious. I requested no one record Norton's name. Even if it is one he made up just for me, if I were him... or it... I would probably be watching for occurrences of it. If only to check on how judicious I was with the information. But, giving others you trust a heads up would be good. We need to keep the information tight though. Don't want anyone getting word we're on to them before we can zero in on them."

She says, "I have talked with Forge about seeing if the two of us can't get a shared lab together." She had checked to make sure no students who don't know of the X-man base are about. "One half for him, one half devoted more to computers and related equipment for me. Now that you're here, we have an even better argument. I'll talk to Jean about it. We can put together some requirements."

Cypher has posed:
Doug says, "All I really need is a laptop to do some damage. I could hack the pentagon on somebody's borrowed iPad." It's not really a boast. He finds a place to sit, or maybe more of a perch, with his elbows on his knees.

"I'm still kind of casting about. If you guys need help, I'll help." He's quiet, for a time, "But I'm still not sure what *I* am all about." Doug says. "Everyone seems to know who I am but me, you know? I'll figure it out."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Doug warmly and she says, "Of course we know who you are. You're our -friend-," she tells him, emphasizing the part that matters the most. "I can't tell you how happy I am to have you back," she says. She was likely gone in the UK attending Oxford when Doug was killed. And when he came back.

Lockheed flaps his wings a few times to hop over from Kitty to Doug, landing on his shoulder. He head butts Doug a few times in an affectionate way, rather saying he's glad to have Doug back, or just reflecting Kitty's own emotions. They do that with each other sometimes.

Cypher has posed:
Doug absently chucks Lockheed on the chin with a finger. "I love you too, you purple little kobold." He laughs, and then says, "It's just that I *missed* a lot of formative years, Kitty. So I'm still playing catchup. That's all." Then he adds, "Even in such a relatively short span of time, so much changed. My frame of reference is off."

Then he gives a faint little smile. "But I'll never get caught up if I don't try. Just... forgive me, if I seem a little lost, sometimes."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty waves a hand dismissively at his worry. "Doug, remember who you're talking to. I went from Illyana being Piotr's sweet little sister, to having her be my age in the time it took me to pull her through a stepping disk. Don't worry, we know it's going to take you some time to get your bearings with things," she tells him.

"And we're here to support you however you need. Taking some time to yourself was good, I imagine. But you needed to get back her to your friends. To your family," she tells him, reaching over to gives his shoulder a light squeeze before she leans back in her chair again. "Besides. The whole school has suffered with you. I mean, they think /I'm/ a sharp programmer, because they haven't had a real stud to compare me to," Kitty teases.

Cypher has posed:
"You always were better with the hardware than I was." Doug says, his eyebrows going up. "Now you're just trying to butter me up."

He flops over onto the chaise longue, dramatically. "Go on. Keep buttering!"

For reference, he's in a pair of robin's egg blue speedos with rubber duckies on them, and flip-flops, with a towel on his head, posing like a French girl on a chaise longue while talking to Kitty.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a warm laugh. She's in shorts and a tank top, while Doug is wearing those hilarious speedos, having been in the water while Kitty has not. "Just telling the truth, you were always better with the software side," Kitty tells Doug. They always worked quite well together, sharing that hacker mentality. "I've got all sorts of Sentinel data for you to play with too. And we're monitoring the communications in real time, including locations," she tells Doug. "You might think of some things I've missed if you look it over. I've moved on a little bit to dealing with this cyborg Sentinel from the future. Though at this point I think it's best the Avengers shut him down," she says.

Cypher has posed:
Doug thinks about that, and then says, "I'm already thinking about ways we could fool their sensors. They interpret and react to data so... we just have to figure out how to give them false signals." He pushes himself up onto his hands, "...If you've got data, that'll help me do it. You and Sam think a lot alike, tactically."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking up towards the pool area. The young man is wearing a pair of shorts, and a t-shirt. He has a book in hand, and upon see who is out here he will smile, and start to walk over towards the two with a wave and says "Hey it is the tech squad." He says good naturaly.

Shadowcat has posed:
"We brought back a Sentinel head from Gotham. Well, technically Erik did," Kitty says. That she called him Erik instead of Magneto might be a first for Doug. "It's an older model though. We have since got other parts from newer models, but that Mark I head was really what got us going on the signals intelligence," Kitty tells him.

She glances up as Samuel approaches. "Hey Sam," she says warmly, waving to him. Kitty glance back to Doug to say, "Oh, and while I'm thinking about it... so I told some Stark technicians how to identify this cyborg's jamming of their sensor scans of him. And Tony Stark was monitoring, got directly involved. Anyway, long story short, next thing I know I got a job offer from Stark Industries. I'm working there now. Doing some stuff with their satellites. It's not necessarily Sentinel related, but I've had a little latitude so far. Or, they haven't noticed, if not," she says, chuckling. "So anyway, just mentioning it. Both in the, don't get me in trouble hacking them angle... and also they are a potential resources though I can't just exploit them either."

Cypher has posed:
"Wait wait wait... this is a lot of information to take in all at once. You're working for Tony Stark? Does he know about the... you know... phasing through walls?" He wiggles his fingers. "Are you dating Batman too?" He laughs, at that.

Then he pauses. "...Huh. You're working with Magneto again."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Magneto aint all bad." He looks over to Doug "He went ape on us after, well you know." He nods to Doug. "But in his own way he cared about us alot, while at times, he is still on the wrong side of things. He can be talked to most times when your not actively fighting him, and with him being in charge of genosha, being able to talk to him is good. You know we should tell him your alive. He blamed himself alot there."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde responds to Samuel first. "I've got as much reason to not like him as anyone," say the girl that Magneto almost killed when she was thirteen or fourteen. "But... well, I just realized some things. In part after talking to my... ah... adoptive daughter from the future. Well, in any event... Lorna and I are trying to help Erik regain his faith in religion and God. Don't spread that around please. But... I'm hoping, you know, maybe we can help him see a less severe way forward."

Kitty falls silent, fingers going to the Star of David she's wearing on a necklace around her neck. Her eyes go back to Doug and she says, "Ah... the Avengers know about me, yes. I'd already gotten to know Janet... that's Wasp... a little bit. And I decided a few of our team have trusted them with their identities in the past. So I revealed myself to them," Kitty says.

And then after a moment's pause she says, "Um, no, not Batman. I'm dating a son of Bruce Wayne's actually. The... yeah, that one. Though that didn't have anything to do with why I dated him."

Cypher has posed:
Doug opens his mouth to say something, closes it, opens it again, closes it, and then rubs his chin.

"Let no one say you've lost the power to *surprise* me, Kitty," He says, still rubbing his chin.

"I uh... I don't know how comfortable I am talking to Magneto yet. That's a lot. That's... a lot." He looks over to Sam, and then back to Kitty. "I'm doing my best, it's just..." He waves his hand in the air, "A lot."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Kitty as she mentions her "adopted daughter" Oh yea if Ah mess up "Uncle Erik's chances for being in a better place, Ah would not hear the end of it Ah am pretty sure." He does add "Still need to meet this guy and make sure don't ned to drop him off a cliff or something, he says of Kitty's boy friend. Then to Doug he says "When your ready if ya want to go see him Ah will go with ya, Illyana and Ah went out and saved some mutants from the black sleep while it was going on so we are on decent terms there.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks over to Doug and she can't help but give a soft laugh. "Oh, I haven't even started. But, we'll work through a little bit at a time." Too many things that no one knows about yet, after all. Not dating Batman. Just getting trained by him.

Kitty looks over to Samuel and holds up her hands. "Seriously... Jason, that's his name, has been threatened by everyone, should he hurt me. I mean, everyone. Negasonic. Rogue. Even -Jean-. His own family members including his father. It's to the point he's got a book he's keeping track of the count in. And... Illyana's the worst of the bunch. She went DarkChylde when she made her threat, though that was just talking to me, not to Jason," she says.

Kitty looks between them. "He knows about the X-men, actually. He's helping us try to recover the kidnapped students. Scott gave the ok to bring him into the investigation," Kitty says.

Cypher has posed:
"...If people are acting like *you* can't take care of yourself," Doug says to Kitty, before putting a hand over his eyes and peering between his fingers, "What prayer do I have? 'No Doug, we have to go do X-Men things, you're breakable, we'll just lock you in the closet until we get back.'" He sighs, and then says, "Well, if you like him, he must be a good guy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "No one is keeping you out of things Doug, and it is just the whole protecting your sister thing. Paige won't even tell me if she is seeing anyone any more, he admits." He nots aboutt he Darkchilde, he was there after all.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a shrug of her shoulders and smiles over to Doug. "You can take care of yourself. I mean, you shouldn't go trade punches with Juggernaut. Neither should I either. But there are ways both of us can help against him. It would be good to get back to work on your combat training though," she tells him. "If you'd like I can work out with you, as well as set up some training scenarios."

Lockheed stretches from where he's been perched on Doug's shoulder, and then flags up into the air, wings propelling him along with amazing ease as he circles the area a few times before alighting in Kitty's lap where she sits in the chair.

Cypher has posed:
"...Let's not bring your hot sister into it, Sam," Doug says, before he flicks his gaze to Kitty. "I've *been* working out." He makes a bicep to show it. "That weight bench in my cabin wasn't just for trying shirts."

"...You forget, I'm Danger Room programmer supreme. How soon people *forget*--" Then he considers Sam, as if he's getting some sort of idea.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Doug as he comments about his hot sister. "Your my brother, shes my sister don't get any ideas." He jokes a bit at the other young man. Sam will move to sit on one of the lounges nearby and puts his book is set on the table nearby. "I might get you to help me work on some programs for some of the students." He adds.

Professor X has posed:
The creak of an imperfectly greased wheel gives away the Professor as he wheels along the patio. He has a book settled in his lap and looks thoughtfully about, like a person coming back to a place after a long time away. He looks over the students in the nearby grounds doing their various activities and ignores the pokes and whispers when he is noticed. Spying Kitty, Doug and Samuel close to him by the pool, he rolls over with a smile on his face. "Deep in serious discussions about saving the world?" he asks as he approaches.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins at Doug and says, "Well, true. Though if you want, I've been doing a lot of hand-to-hand training so could work out with you. Instead of using a virtual instructor. Though really Logan would be better. Speaking of, I have a sim of the environmental training Logan put me through in Japan, if you ever want to run through it."

Kitty glances to Samuel and chuckles. "Someone else to help with the programming," she says, raising both fists into the air in victory. "And we have all new computers in the computer lab, Doug. Either newly bought, or newly built. Because there was a rather intense fire in there in not too long ago."

Kitty flashes the Professor a huge smile. "Professor!" she says, jumping to her feet and moving over to give him a great big hug if allowed. She has only been back from Oxford since February, and hasn't seen the Professor yet. "Oh it's been too long," she'll say after finally letting go.

Cypher has posed:
"...Too late!" Doug says. He looks up, at Xavier's chair, and where Kitty greets him enthusiastically, he's more subdued. "Sir." He says. Then he gets up, and walks over to the edge of the pool. "Hey Sam," he says, leaning to look into the pool, "...What's that?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over to the Professor and nods he also greets with a "Sir." His is a bit more friendly, but with a respectful tone as well. He will move to the edge of the pool to look to see what Doug wants. Ready to pull Doug into the pool when the other pushes him in.

Cypher has posed:
Yeah well, even if you know the outcome sometimes you still have to see it through to the end. Doug puts his hand between Sam's shoulderblades and gives him a shove. "...That!"

Professor X has posed:
"Careful with an old man," Charles chuckles as he hugs Kitty back. "Much too long," he agrees with her. His eyes sparkle at Kitty when she straightens. "Mr. Ramsey," he greets Doug still with a smile but a slightly more considering look. The expression passes with the breeze and he nods to Samuel.

"Mr. Guthrie you might..." he trails off as Doug pushes him and chuckles.

"How have you been? I hear you have been back since what, February?" Charles asks Kitty.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde beams a smile to Charles. She's changed since he's seen her last. When she went back to England last time, in pursuit of a third degree, she was eighteen and still seemed a high school girl. But she's lost the last of the baby fat from her face, and she looks far more a young woman than she does a girl.

"Yes, I took a little time off to come back and... ah... square things away," Kitty says. <<A memory flashes through her mind... an argument with Piotr. Harsh words said by Kitty before she left for the UK. A year spent incommunicado with the Russian, only to now return to find out where things stood and get closure.>>

"And I ended up getting a job. Didn't finish the Astro-physics degree but I'm learning far more things for now, working at Stark Industries," she says. "So glad to have you back, Professor. It never feels the same without you here."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie saw it coming, and does reach to take Doug with him. He is even nice enough not to engage the blastfield and fly up so not to get pushed in. He will chuckle a bit as he comes up out of the water and says "Glad I made sure to put my book on the table." He will put his hands together to squirt a jet of water over at Doug, he does listen to the Professor and Kitty talk though.

Cypher has posed:
Doug closes one eye, and then splashes Sam, with a flick of his hand. "Yeah but did you take your phone out of your pocket?" He's listening himself, though his own feelings are... reserved. Questions for Xavier he's not ready to ask yet, so he's pushing them to the back of his mind. He may not be ready to ask them for awhile.

Professor X has posed:
Charles smiles at Kitty's comment. He gives her hand an affectionate squeeze and lets it go as he gives her a paternal look over. "You really have grown, haven't you. And making your own way, as always... I'm proud of you, and what you're doing back here," Charles says with just the faintest whiff of extra meaning. "Tell me about Stark Industries, is it as cutting edge as I always hear?"

There is no touch on the minds of the two young men, no sensation of Charles presence. Charles seems content not to prod them while they play.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is standing beside the Professor's chair as they talk, while Samuel and Doug are both in the pool. Kitty smiles and crosses her arms. "It really is. There's also some of what I gather is the normal corporate bureaucracy there. But I hear it's not as bad as at other places," Kitty says. "I've been working on some of their satellite infrastructure. Which has helped, being able to tap into them at crucial moments. I can't really do too much with them for us as a group. But shared concerns like when we're fighting the Sentinels, Mr. Stark didn't give me any guff about having tasked a couple to analyze their transmissions," she says.

Kitty's comment to Doug about having so much more to blow his mind with might be proven true as she tells the Professor, "So, I'm staying at Doctor Strange's Sanctum Santorum while I'm in the city. I've got Rogue's old room there. Jean OK'd me using Rogue's old magic mirror to travel between the school and there. So if you need me back, and I'm there, I can be back in a few moments. Though I'm in Gotham sometimes as well, so would have drive back to the Sanctum first."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Weekend, early May, with the pool minorly heated it is actually starting to get good enough weather to pool it up out here.

Ellie meanders out of the house typing like mad on her phone, following the sound of voices more than anything as she approaches everyone.

Harsh tweet, scathing comment, and really biting attack against an MRA dudebro.

"I do love that mirror." Ellie notes as she flops into a poolside chair and stretches out, not here to swim, wearing her usual spiky punk/goth attire.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms as he thinks about it a moment and reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his phone putting it on the edge of the pool "Hey Ellie, when we picked my phone, we got the waterproof one and the insurance plan right?' He will ask her upon seeing her. Sam did just relatively recently upgrade from a flip phone with Ellie's help.

Cypher has posed:
"I would've fixed it for you anyway." Doug says, before he splashes Sam again, and then looks up. "Oh, hey. New face. I'm Doug. Nice to meet you." He bobs there, in the water, quite pleased at himself and his shenanigans, at leeast for the moment.

Professor X has posed:
Charles' brow creases slightly at the mention of Sentinels. "I'm glad Mr. Stark has been supportive for now." Charles drums the fingers of one hand on the book in his lap then smiles with a raised eyebrow. "The Sanctum Santorum? You do pick interesting places to stay.

Charles looks over to Sam and Doug in the pool. "I will be looking forward to catching up with both of you, as well. When you're drier."

Charles backs up his chair slightly and turns toward Ellie. "Ms. Phimister, good to see you," he greets her with a surpressed grin.

Charles glances back to Kitty but is easily heard by the others. "I think Jean has been keeping my old study for me. My door is always open, and I really would love to sit down when you have some time. I feel like I've missed out on so much of everyone's lives."

Charles nods to Sam, Doug and Ellie then wheels away from the pool toward a group of senior students sitting at a picnic table not far off.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods to the Professor. "Absolutely, I'll stop by," she tells him. "There are all sorts of mission reports on the Sentinels. Though I can give you a current summary." She looks over to Samuel and says, "Sam, if you have any information, by the way, on Trask, definitely put it where we can all get at it. We've been sharing with the Avengers, everything that makes sense, and vice versa."

Kitty grins over to Ellie. "Need to ping you about... ah, well, a surprise that AM and I have for you," Kitty says, using Rogue's initials as she sometimes does to refer to her old roommate.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods to Doug and says "Thats Negasonic Teenage Warhead, or Ellie, to those she has only threatened to blow up 3 times this week. When Ah realized needed someone to handle the internet pressence of the club, Ah figured get the person who seems to know the most about twitter and such, plus had to learn to use it myself.

Cypher has posed:
"Cool." Doug says. "Nice to know my old job is in good hands." He clings to the side of the pool by one arm, and then says, "Once you get me that Sentinel data, Kitty, I'm sure I can come up with some effective masking -- either a spoof or a cloak program that'll throw off their sensors, and let us either sneak by them, jank up their ability to adapt to your powers, or both."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie adds "And did some checking not been able to find a way in to see Trask, but got Doug here helping me see if we can get it figured out.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty pulls out her phone. "It's all down in the War Room," she tells Doug. "There, you've got full access," she tells him after tapping on her phone. "Forge has probably moves most of his stuff out by now, I think. If not, just leave it where it is. For awhile you couldn't walk through the place for all the wires we had running around.

That was an exciting few days. Doug would have loved it. They barely slept as they raced to figure out the hardware and crack the Sentinel's encryption protocols.

Kitty covers her mouth and stifles a yawn. "Oh, I should probably go grab a nap. I didn't get much sleep last night," she says.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to sit on the edg eof the pool after lifting himself out of the pool, and will see if the phone still works, while Kitty fills Doug in. As she mentiosn a nap he says "Late night training with Batman" He jokes, he then thinks he did see the bat plane when they were in Gotham fighting sentinels

Cypher has posed:
Doug murmurs, "...I'm really more of a Superman fan anyway," Before he leans his elbow against the edge of the pool, and says, "So what do you think of those tabloids claiming there's giant turtles in the sewers in New York?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is a lot of typing on her phone and she finally looks up now and looks between everyone remaining.

"Wait..where did the Professor go..." she peers at the mansion and then back to the other three. "Kentucky your phone is fine in the water just don't dive too deep.. also yeah you got insurance...." then she studies Doug. "What was your name?" curious. Her eyes flicking to Kitty now "going so soon?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "This is Doug, he was one of the original New Mutants with me." He explains to the girl. "You need tech work done or somethign translated he is the guy to talk to.""

Cypher has posed:
"Konichiwa." Doug says, waving one hand. "Yeah, I used to follow Sam around, he'd save me from bandits... we went back in time to Scotland that one time. It was pretty cool."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie's eyes flick back down to her phone then back up to Doug and Sam at the pool. "I repeat, our lives are so very... very... strange." then she looks to Doug fully. "Doug. Hm." pauses "Yeah I got nothing yet, I'll let you know."

Which Kitty and Sam know is a nickname.

"Time Bandits.. that is a classic."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ah swear if we were anywhere else and mentioned even half of what we had seen, Ah think they would throw us in the loony bin." He chuckles a bit, and says "I think as bad as it sounds, I prefered the Bill and Ted movies. Time bandits is fun, but Bill and Ted is more fun in a group.

Cypher has posed:
"Best time machine movie is Hot Tub Time Machine." Doug adds, creating a third front in that debate.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie looks between you both. "Okay.. Kentucky you might have something about groups.. maybe..." and then she squints at Doug. "You though are absolutely incorrect..." there is a slow shake of her head and then a sigh "So very wrong..."

There is a pause then she asks "Is he joining us on the new mutants again?"

Cypher has posed:
"I mean I had planned to. Should I not? Do I get kicked downstairs to the X-Babiers? Generation X? New New Mutants?" Doug asks, somewhat nonplussed, but also genuinely curious.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well I think he will be runnig with us as the New Mutants for now, but I am thinking about putting together another team. I want the current students to be working together and learning on us but not depending on us."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie remarks dryly "If you are thinking of moving me to a team other than the x-men Kentucky.. I will blow your ass up." browsing social media still in her pool chair. "Just don't name it that awful thing Scott tried to name that team .... what was that travesty.... X something.."

Cypher has posed:
Doug tilts his head. "...Right. Don't have a dog in this fight." He climbs back out of the pool, stands there, and drips. "Just tag me in when I'm needed, okay?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Your always needed brother, and I am thinking The New Mutants will be the students still, thinking more something to be for those who have graduated, but need more experience before being X-men. I was thinking X-force, would consider X-factor but that sounds like some TV show.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie looks up from her phone "Well.. that isn't half bad Kentucky." which is high praise as Sam knows, it wasn't scoffing at all.

Cypher has posed:
"...I'm not sold on it." Doug says, "Sounds really paramilitary." But he shrugs. "But, what's in a name, huh?" He grabs his towel and dries off, briskly. "...Anyway, let's go have lunch, huh?" He looks to Negasonic. "You wanna come along?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Sounds like a plan and gotta come up with something not used "Could be Cannonball and the Others? " He jokes a bit and says "You have ideas let me know."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"You are so bad Kentucky..." she rolls to her feet not moving her phone to a pocket "That said yeah lunch sounds like an excellent idea.. before I get a sunburn or something..." Ellie has much akin with vampires and daylight. Hss.