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Date of Scene: 27 July 2022
Location: East Side, Manhattan Building rooftop.
Synopsis: Remy and Dinah discus Law versus Justice
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Black Canary

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau was not always a hero. He was never really a /villian/ either, aside from one or two dances on the dark side that got too close to the line, but he wasn't always a hero. He used to be a master thief. a criminal. A bad guy. Unfortunately for some, Bad guys are the only good guys you are going to get. So tonight he is not on X-Men duty, but standing on the roof of one of Manhatten's many sky rises, watching another building through binoculars and takeing some notes.

Black Canary has posed:
"You've got that wrong," the female voice says, coming from the direction of the elevator housing. "That's a ParaSec 19B, not an 18A."

The owner of the voice is a pleasant looking blonde sitting cross-legged on said elevator housing with night vision binoculars pointed at Remy's notebook. A strand of hair blows into her face from a passing zephyr which she blows out of her face reflexively.

"Of course I'm kind of missing the point in not asking you instead why you're casing that building, right?"

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks slightly, not flinching when the voice speaks from behind him. "Non, it's still an 18A. Dey jus' changed de 'ousing. De 19B use a propritary brand of screws with a pentagonal 'ead. Very distinct. Dey still using de Diamond 'ead ones 'ere which Parasec stopped using right after dey 18 series." He makes another note and tilts his head. "Don' t'ink Ah've 'ad de pleasure chere. Folks call me Gambit.

Black Canary has posed:
"Gambit, eh?" Dinah says, betraying a bit of her own backround in the process. "I haven't heard of you, which could be taken as good news or as bad depending."

The woman slips off the building and jumps down to the rooftop, showing her full form as she stands and wanders over, as non-threateningly as a costumed woman in the dark witnessing a criminal casing a joint can look.

"I'm called Black Canary," she offers. "I generally fight crime. So tell me 'Gambit', are we fighting or is there a legitimate reason for casing out a corproate site?"

She doesn't ... look dangerous? Except for that self-confidence. It could identify her as a lunatic, or as a champion. Either way, bad news.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau used to date a woman who had a butter won't melt in my mouth Southern accent, and the soft curves of a woman painted on the side of a B52. She could also bench press a Mac truck, break the sound barriar in flight, and those were some of her least dangerious aspects. He is not about to underestimate this woman just because she doesn't look dangerious. He gestures her over casually, seeming calm and confident, and points to the office he was watching, "Dat office dare belong to an orginization called Wolfram an' 'Art. Dey de worst kind of scum. Dey lawyers.

Black Canary has posed:
"I'm not going to argue that lawyers are good," Dinah says, stopping at a respectful (and safe) distance. "But unfortunately what they do is not illegal most times."

She flicks her eyes to "Wolfram an' 'Art". "You'll have to convince me that they're the criminals here, and not you," she says, her voice almost apologetic. "Or I'm going to have to stop you."

Her voice gets a bit of a persuasive tone to it. "Or, of course, you could stop yourself. Just leave without trying to commit a crime in front of a crime-fighting vigilante and I'll forget all about it."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau mms softly, leaning agienst the wall and materializing a deck of cards from somewhere, begining to shuffle them idlely. "May Ah tell yah a lil story chere?" He asks, and then continues without waiting. "Once upon a time a man named Otis Thompkins came 'ome from fighting in world war two. He was a black man, an' certainly back den no one gave two shits 'bout 'im. but 'e took de money de military give 'im an' he spend it on a brownstone in a rat'er run down neighborhood." He riffles the cards through the air casually then pockets them "Fast foreward, de are been gentrified, and dat 'ome he buy in de fifties foh' Eight t'ousand dollahs, now wort'20 million.

Black Canary has posed:
"Good for Otis," Dinah says, looking more than just a little puzzled. "But I'm not certain I see the point of this story."

Dinah's head tilts as she stands, observing Remy, brow furrowed. Her eyes briefly follow the cards, but then discipline puts her eyes back on Remy, curiosity assuaged.

"So since this is not a run-down neighbourhood being gentrified, why are you looking here?"

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau smiles "Fast foreward to a year an' a 'alf ago. Otis married 'is sweetheart in dat 'ouse, raised four kids in dat 'ouse. Held his wife of forty eight years hand in dat 'ouse when de angels call her home. He celebrated birt's an' birt'days. Christmas an' T'anksgiving." His smile vanishes, "Den some /Connasse/ who nevah work a day in 'is life but good wit' computers steal Otis identity. He take out t'ree mortgages on dat brownstone. He literally steal de man's 'ouse while he living in it. An' poo' Otis? He not find out till de bank trying to evict 'im. Otis fight it of course, yah nevah stop bein' a Marine, but he got cancer. Dey trying to stall... wait till de old man die den it all ovah right? Care ta guess what law firm representing dat particular /merde/?

Black Canary has posed:
And now the penny drops. You can see the comprehension in Dinah's eyes as realization dawns.

"What are you going in there for then?" Dinah asks, and the tensing of her shoulders, the hint of preparatory stance, suggests there's a test at work here.

"How does breaking into the lawyers' confidential files help this Otis and his family?"

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods to her and smiles. "Dey sitting on some paperwork dat rightfully Otis entitled to. Ah jus' need ta make sure dat dare 'misfie' is properly refiled and everyt'ing else take care of itself." He says smiling and looking out again at the office building. "Goin' in tomorrow night, 'round eleven." He smirks a bit. "Care ta grab a cup of coffee in de mean time chere?"

Black Canary has posed:
"Ain't it grand, then," Canary says in an affected 'French' accent, "that I lied about my job. I don't fight crime. I fight injustice."

She grins, winking, mischief in her face. "We're called the Justice League, not the Law League."

All hint at readiness for something physical ends. Instead Dinah leans back against a convenient A/C intercooler, making a leg, putting one booted foot against the housing.

"Just God help you, Gambit, if I find out you lied to me. I give you a chance and you cheat me? I got friends in high places. Kinda friends you don't want to upset." She grins, then, with more humour than threat. "And that doesn't even count me."

A quick glance at the lawyers office dismisses them from her mind, it seems.

"Yeah, look me up for coffee, Gambit. When you're done here."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks just a little bit, "Ah'd say Ah nevah lie ta a beautiful woman... but we bot' know dat be a lie, non?" He says standing gathering his survailance gear and nodding with a smirk. "Lookin' foreward ta it chere." He says as he moves to a nearby door that he evidentally used to gain acess to the rooftop... then he gives the Canaray another look and smirks, "An' chere? Call me Remy." and he is gone.