Abe Sapien

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Abe Sapien (Scenesys ID: 1430)
"Remind me why I do this again."
Full Name: Abraham "Abe" Sapien
Gender: Male
Species: Icthyo Sapien
Theme: Dark Horse (FC)
Occupation: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (B.P.R.D.)
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: The Triskelion (Financial District, Manhattan)
Education: Privately Tutored
Status: Dropped
Other Information
Apparent Age: 236 Actual Age: 236
Date of Birth 15 March 1795 Actor: Doug Jones
Height: 185 cm (6'1") Weight: 82 kg kg (180 lb)
Hair Color: None Eye Color: Yellow
Theme Song: "The Thing That Should Not Be" by Metallica


To the world at large, Abe Sapien, the "fish man," is a myth that does not truly exist, the stuff of tabloid covers or children's campfire horror stories. To those in the know, Abe is an agent of B.P.R.D., an investigator of strange and occult situations outside the area of expertise of most law enforcement agencies.

Current Player Approved: Character Available for Application



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This figure might best be described as a bipedal fish-person. It stands at roughly six feet in height, its skin a mix of green and blue shades with a dark blue pattern running over its head and collar. A pair of yellow eyes stare out over two nasal slits and a thick-lipped mouth. Several fin-like folds of skin decorate the sides of his neck.

The creature wears a brown tactical vest that sports a circular insignia of a stylized hand holding a sword; a large knife is holstered on the vest, while a sidearm and several pouches hang from his belt. A pair of form-fitting diving shorts cover his legs to the knee, and a pair of low-profile shoes are on his feet.


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Langdon Everett Caul, a scholar of the occult living in New England during the 19th century, came to acquire an oblong egg believed to belong to an ancient oceanic deity named Oannes. During a ritual with his colleagues, Caul managed to release the spirit of a creature inside the egg; it entered his body and transformed him, slowly, into a hybrid of human and fish. His colleagues sealed him in a water-filled container and hid him away in an underground laboratory.

In 2005, construction workers discovered the laboratory, and Caul's capsule, when they were renovating an old children's hospital that had been built on the site above it. The capsule--along with a slip of paper that read "Icthyo Sapien / April 14 1865" was given to agents the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, who used the note to name the creature "Abraham Sapien." While Bureau scientists ran a number of tests on him, Abe--who remembered nothing of his previous life--was eventually freed by Hellboy, who saw the experimentation as a kind of torture.

After being freed, Abe took quickly to reading and learning, and he joined the Bureau in partial debt payment to Hellboy and Prof. Bruttenholm (who helped teach Abe of the Bureau's mission and store of knowledge) and in partial desire to involve himself in the world as he could, given his condition. Since that time, Abe has proven himself a capable field agent and investigator, although he has rarely warmed up to the vast majority of BPRD and SHIELD agents the way he has to other "freaks" like himself, including Hellboy and Liz Sherman.


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Abe is, on the whole, a relatively cool and collected individual. Lacking the anger that drives much of his closest colleagues' approaches to life, Abe instead tends to try and use his (comparatively high) patience and calm to speak with witnesses, methodically examine evidence, and solve the puzzles that comprise the majority of his life's work.

Abe's calm demeanor does often make him somewhat off-putting to others, as he only infrequently gets furious or demanding. For many, this is inhuman--and Abe is well-aware of that fact. He knows that, however hard he might try, he will never truly be able to fit in or be perceived as a "normal" person.

Accordingly, Abe attempts to walk a fine line between performing the behaviors he knows others might expect of him (even if he cannot do so with full success) and hewing closely to those few companions he feels strong connections to, among whom he feels he does not have to act so "normal." The tensions between these desires--to blend into the crowd and to be himself, the thing he is--roil under the surface, and Abe finds himself often struggling to control that internal struggle, that it can be kept subordinate to his methodical, collected approach to the world around him and his actions as a BPRD agent.


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Abe is capable of breathing indefinitely underwater as well as, for extended but not indefinite periods, out of it. His sensory organs provide him with the ability to navigate in unlit or cloudy areas, and his body is capable of withstanding greater pressures than humans can. However, Abe is not entirely immune to significant changes in pressure, and he would experience discomfort, pain, and disorientation if forced to traverse depths below roughly a thousand feet.

Psychic Sensitivity:

Abe possesses some minor psychic sensitivity, making him capable of experiencing sensations of strange phenomena. These might be odors, emotional resonances, or even observations of spectral activity. Sometimes, the phenomena are understandable or recognizable; at other times, they may confuse far more than they illuminate. A related consequence of this sensitivity is that Abe can, potentially, become overwhelmed by the sensations he experiences--whether drawn in by them (as part of an instinctive effort to understand them more clearly and fully) or unable to navigate and discern them from the sensations of reality.


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Abe is an expert investigator, having excelled at applying his long-time love of learning and exploration to his work. Thanks to his psychic sensitivity and his difference in physiology from most, Abe is well-attuned to anomalies in the environment and details that might otherwise be overlooked. The nature of his work also allows him to draw connections and develop theories that might seem absurd in a more conventional setting--and, because of his training, Abe is frequently correct in his hypotheses.

Abe is a skilled marksman, having received extensive training and practice with all NATO firearms as part of his work with BPRD. He tends most frequently to use pistols, but he is comfortable using any firearm that a situation may call for.

Occult Knowledge:

Since being recovered by BPRD, Abe has spent years educating himself--not only in regards to mundane subjects but also (and perhaps most especially) to occult and arcane lore. He is a well-read scholar on the strange and weird, with his education augmented further by his collaboration with Prof. Bruttenholm, Hellboy, and other top minds among the BPRD.


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As a field agent for the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, Abe has access to a range of military- and law enforcement-grade resources. This includes support personnel, travel, vehicles, firearms, and a range of specialized equipment; the specific resources he may be able to expect or otherwise rely on differ as appropriate for each particular mission. In addition, Abe lives on-site at BPRD headquarters; his unique appearance and physiology makes it difficult for him to live peacefully among humans, and so the BPRD provide room and board for him. Most importantly, though, are Abe's closest friends and allies--Hellboy, Liz Sherman, and the other most dedicated BPRD agents--who provide him with something that approaches a sense of family and belonging. Just as Abe feels like he can rely confidently on these individuals, so to does he know he must be there for them.


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While any number of apocalyptic, eldritch, or otherwise "weird" cults are currently operating, there are several of which that are either actively pursuing Abe or see him as a key to their end goal (from bringing forth ancient sea gods to heralding new ages of mankind). Whatever the specifics may be, Abe knows that he will never be just another person, or just another agent; he is enmeshed in the often-depraved activities that the BPRD investigates.


While Abe can survive for days without needing to submerge himself in water, he cannot live indefinitely on land. Accordingly, he tends to seek out missions that involve nearby bodies of water--not only in case he needs to investigate them, but also so that he can rely on access to them for survival if need be.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Is Mount Doom in the yellow pages October 8th, 2017 Origami drops off the magical artifact she found for.. disposal.
SHIELD Under Siege October 8th, 2017 Enemy agents infiltrate SHIELD and attempt to abscond with incredibly valuable equipment.
The Hangover October 2nd, 2017 Three SHIELD agents--Melinda May, Skye Johnson, and Abe Sapien (BPRD)--head to an ancient viking settlement on the Canadian coast to investigate the possibility of Hydra activity. The reality is so much stranger.
The Doom That Came to New Utrecht September 30th, 2017 Several heroes respond to the possibility of a monster lurking in the shadows of New Utrecht during the Apokoliptian invasion.
Return to Sender September 29th, 2017 Abe Sapien and Liz Sherman deal with an unexpected delivery of an even more surprising "gift."


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