10847/Movie House Man Date

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Movie House Man Date
Date of Scene: 24 January 2020
Location: The SoHo Players Theatre, est. 1887
Synopsis: Harry and Remo meet at an old movie house, the movie starts just when things get interesting.
Cast of Characters: Remo Williams, Harry Dresden

Remo Williams has posed:
     His name was Remo and he was looking for a good time.
     Not the usual good time on a Friday night, where he'd spent hours in seedy bars, drinking like a fish, picking up whatever pretty face he could find and spend the next few hours making poor life choices. That was the old Remo, the one who used to eat hamburgers on a daily basis and try to be a good cop
     Now, all he wanted to do was see a good movie in a movie theatre that didn't have surround sound blasting his ears off.

Harry Dresden has posed:
The Blue Beetle being in the shop, Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden had to take risk taking public transportation around the city tonight to get to his destination. Thankfully, the worst that happened was a few lights dimmed and threatened to pop on the subway, and the trains survived their run in with the technological pariah.

Coming out of the subway station a block away, Harry walks quickly down the sidewalk, the duster he wears billowing in the momentum based wind behind him like some kind of cape. He rushes towards the theater, one of the few that still play old reel to reel movies. One of the few that Harry can go into without risking the digital projector, surround sound system, or whatever other multitude of high-tech gadget failing in a spectacular shower of sparks.

Harry pauses at the entrance of the theater, looking up at the marquee to see what movie is playing, not that beggars can be choosers.

Remo Williams has posed:
     There wasn't exactly a mob standing outside, so the chances of getting a seat near the front looked good. However, there was one guy standing around. He wore a brown leather jacket over a turtleneck shirt, jeans and comfortable shoes. Harry might've even mistaken him for a regular guy, but there was something about him that warranted a second look. He was smiling slightly, the smile of a man who didn't smile that often.
     The marquee overhead said, "THE THIRD MAN" with the R in the second word crooked. The man smiled, then turned to look at Harry, and he seemed to be just another guy again. "And here I thought I'd have the theatre to myself," he said in passing.

Harry Dresden has posed:
If anyone looks like the odd man out it is likely the 6'9" gangly looking guy in the long black leather duster (complete with mantle). Harry regards the man for a moment, letting out a little chuckle as he is addressed. "Funny, I thought the same thing. But I am pretty sure there is enough room in there for the two of us. You can have the back-right side, I'll take the front-left. I think it is better for both of us if I am further from the projection booth."

Harry turns to the side to let the man pass to buy his ticket, reaching into the back pocket of his jeans to grab his own wallet to follow after.

Remo Williams has posed:
     "Well, are you planning on getting popcorn?" he asked. "I'll make you a deal, I'll buy the popcorn if you let me sit close enough to smell it. I'm...kind of on a restricted diet, so I can't eat popcorn. But I can still enjoy the scent...if you're okay with that."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry looks down at Remo and arches a brow. "That...has got to be one of the strangest requests I have heard." the wizard says as he reaches up to rub the back of his neck. "But I think I can manage to accommodate that request. Just to be up front, though, I'm in a relationship. I'm flattered, but popcorn is all it is going to be. I just want to be upfront."

Remo Williams has posed:
     The stranger looked at him, then started to laugh. It was a deep, rich laugh, that sounded like a release of pressure of some kind."Don't worry, pal, I'm not interested like that, although I guess I should be flattered." He stuck out a hand. "The name's Remo."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"OH thank god." says Harry as he reaches out to shake Remo's hand. "Karrin would have laughed her ass off. Karrin is my GIRLfriend. I'm Harry. Harry Dresden."

After shaking hands Harry gestures to the doors to the theater, "Shall we? It must be a very strict diet if you can't even have popcorn. Though I suppose movie popcorn is its own thing, with all the salt, butter, and oil they use to make it."

Remo Williams has posed:
     "Don't remind me. Well, show's about to start. Ever seen this movie before?" Remo paid for a ticket using cash, then walked inside, sniffing the air. "Ah...can't beat the smell of a theater. popcorn, the simple lighting..." He walked over to the counter, then turned back to Harry. "Whaddya want for a drink?" he asked goodnaturedly.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Coke." Harry says without missing a beat as he follows Remo inside. Somebody was going to pay for the snacks, Harry wasn't going to look that gift horse in the mouth.

"No, I haven't seen it." Harry explains with a shake of his head, "I don't get out to the movies that much, so this is a rare treat. I just happened to be in the city and needed a way to pass the time until I can get a bus back to Bludhaven. The next one isn't till the morning. Thankfully I knew this place was here. Any good?"

Remo Williams has posed:
     He handed Harry a large Coke and the biggest bucket of popcorn they had. "Yeah. Made during the days when you had to rely on a plot that wasn't dumbed down, and not one explosion. Not exactly your typical movie." He led the way into the darkness, and as expected, they were the only ones in the theater. "Still ten minutes left...and we won't have to wade through twenty minutes of trailers."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry follows Remo down into the theater, setting down the coke at one of the seats.

"No explosions? That sounds heavenly. Though I can't say I didn't enjoy the big explosion of the Death Star in Star Wars." Harry exclaims as he takes his seat and pops a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

Chewing and then swallowing, he offers the popcorn bucket over towards Remo, "Sure you don't want a handful?"

Remo Williams has posed:
     Remo looked at it longingly, then shook his head. "Thanks, but I'll pass." He sits there, then says, "Well, you HAD to have something blow up for STAR WARS. Anything less would've been cheating the audience. Not to sure about the changes Lucas made to it, though..."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"I've never seen the changes" Harry says with a shrug of his shoulder as he pops a few more kernels into his mouth. "I've only seen the originals. I don't have a reliable way to watch DVD's or any of the other formats. I've heard about them though. Greedo shooting first? Please. Han shot first."

Harry takes the bucket back and sets it to the side, "Willpower of iron, man. I like that. Willpower is a good thing to have. People underestimate what will can do for you."

Remo Williams has posed:
     "You have no idea." Remo leaned back, sniffing the air again. "Brings back memories...old things. All it takes is a whiff of something, and you're back there again."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Old things have a kind of power." says the wizard, popping some more of the popcorn into his mouth, washing it down with a sip of Coke right after. "They hold memories, and they are notorious for freely giving them back to people. Some of the time they are good, but sadly they just as freely give bad ones as well."

Harry leans back into his chair, "It the bad ones you have to watch out for. They can be used by some really nasty things. Like Phobophages, those things will use bad memories to make you afraid so they can feed off you. Nasty things."

Remo Williams has posed:
     "Sounds like you're talking about monsters." Remo slid his eyes over to Dresden.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Oh yeah, I'd call them monsters." Harry says with a snort. "Feed off your fears, and have no problems scaring you to death. I'd say that is a textbook definition of a monster."

Harry takes another sip of the Coke, "Do you not believe in monsters, Remo? I can assure you they are real."

Remo Williams has posed:
     Remo gets an odd look on his face, then nods. "Oh, trust me...I believe in monsters. I've met them."

Harry Dresden has posed:
This causes Harry to turn around and look at Remo. "Oh?"

Remo Williams has posed:
     Remo is silent for a bit, then shook his head. "The movie's starting." He settled back in his seat with that small smile of his again.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Opening his mouth to say something else as the lights dim, Harry furrows his brow and closes it again as he moves to face forward to watch the show.

Remo Williams has posed:
     The movie certainly has his share of suspense. Mystieries, conspiracies, double-crosses, a plot about providing diluted medicine as part of a scam. The ferris wheel scene is particularly compelling, as the villain talks about all those dots below, and no one would care if any of those dots stopped moving.