12232/A Jealous Headspace

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A Jealous Headspace
Date of Scene: 23 September 2020
Location: Harry Dresden's Apartment
Synopsis: Karrin pushes more about the fallen angel in Harry's head. They have an actual, adult discussion. Mouse huffs in annoyance at being woken up for the adults to be serious with each other. It's past his bedtime.
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Harry Dresden

Karrin Murphy has posed:
While there had been some brief talk about the thing in the back of his head. Concern. Reassurances. They really didn't go too deep. Karrin didn't push, though she was shocked, and Harry reassured enough that Karrin tried to put it out of her mind. But it's been well over a week now and Karrin's not all that good at letting go of things. In fact, this is all making sleep a little hard, even with the heavy, warm weight of Mouse between them and Mister on the pillows above. This should be the most cozy bed in the world, and she's been staring at all.

While he might be on the edge of sleep, she's pretty sure she hasn't heard his breath completely even out either. And, if she has, well... If she can't sleep, he can stay up a bit too. Out of seemingly nowhere, in the darkness of his bedroom, she asks flatly, "...So... why can't you get rid of her?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Pardon?" asks Harry sleepily, rolling over onto his side to face darkened silhouette of the cop sharing his bed. "What are we talking about? Did I miss a conversation?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The expression on her face isn't easy to see, the apartment still quite dark, but Karrin turns slightly in his direction and he might see a pinch of sorrow around her eyes as she tries to shift her legs without disturbing Mouse -- that's a challenge -- and roll fully onto her hip to face him. "...The thing in your head. From that coin. Why...can't you get rid of her? I know you said it's fine but, shit, Harry...it... it's not *fine*."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Oh. That." Harry says with a yawn. "A few reasons but the biggest one being that I just don't trust the Church to hold onto her. As long as I hold onto the coin, I know for a fact she isn't getting out into the world and corrupting someone who can't handle her. If it wasn't for the fact that you have had your own shadow in your head I would have laid money down that that coin has already been 'lost' by the Church and back out into circulation."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
From between them, there's a big huff of doggy breath and Mouse's head picks up, shifting to flop down on Harry's stomach instead of Karrin's hip, since he was so rudely woken up. He stares up at the pair, though mainly Harry, as much doggie skepticism as the tired, large canine can muster in his eyes. Karrin smirks, but one of her arms shifts out from under the blanket, fingertips reaching down to scratch into Mouse's scruff in a little bit of apology.

"...Alright. We've seen at leat...two end up back in circulation. You aren't *wrong* there. But then why did we give that... Oh. I talked you into it. Didn't I?" Karrin states, a bit softer, her mind tracing back to the previous fight around the coin that still, on occasion, bothers her.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"That, and I had it on good authority that the coin you had the Nickleheads wanted back more than they care that I have Lash," Harry says with a shrug. "She isn't as much of a team player with the others according to her. Otherwise I would have buried that coin down in the lab under 4 feet of concrete just like hers."

Harry reaches down and ruffles Mouse's head, "Besides, she can occasionally be useful."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"She really is just jealous, you know." A voice comes from behind Harry. Then quiet steps, like someone is actually there, pacing around the end of the bed so she can walk into the line of his gaze even where he watches Murphy there. Lash is gorgeous. Utterly put together for the time of night, in that red robe she often wears, which just covers certain bits but is artfully falling off of one shoulder. She's quite a compare to the drowsy eyed, blonde mussed hair of the cop at his side.

"...She's *here*. In your... Lab. How... How sturdy is that concrete, Harry? Level with me. How worried should I be? Because you've done nothing but tell me how fucking dangerous these things are from the first conversation we had." Blue eyes pierce through the night, the true depths of her worries finally coming to the surface. The reasons she couldn't sleep.

Mouse snuffles a bit into Harry's hand, leaning against the touch. At least he'll get attention if he's going to be awake.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Karrin, it is burred under four feet of reinforced concreate, within a circle, the box it is in warded, not to mention the lab, and the the apartment surrounding it all. It is as safe as I can make it." Harry says with a reassuring voice. "I mean, if you want me to lie to you and tell you it is perfectly safe and there is absolutely no way they can get to it, I can do that, but I can say in all honesty it is likely safer here than it is with the Church. Some rogue priest isn't going to be able to sneak in and remove it out from under our noses. Besides, I've had it here for over a year, ever since that run in with old Nick the last time. He tried tossing the coin to little Harry, and what was I going to do? Just let Michael's kid take it?"

Harry flicks his eyes towards Lash as he says this next part, "At worst she is a minor annoyance that like to play with my head. Ninety five percent of the time I can see her games, and even if I don't I am never going to pick up that damn coin again."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
It's not a loud enough growl to really be heard, but Mouse does let out the deepest, silent chest rumble as he picks his head up, staring in the direction of the fallen Angel that isn't really there. Who knows what he's seeing or feeling, but it's something. Lash blinks, pouting a bit at the dog, "I'm not doing anything. Hush. Goodness." Then she seems to almost disappear, but a moment later she's behind Harry again, her fingertips combing back through his hair. "...It doesn't have to be any time soon. But you know i'll always be there. Waiting. Loyal... for the moment you need me. And you will need me, Harry. I'll be patient. Always in your corner." She whispers against his ear.

Karrin doesn't seem entirely convinced, but she's not pushing it either. She exhales quietly, shifting to turn her head to rest against his arm. "Well... that's... If you promise you're not picking her up, and it's safer here, I... guess I'm just glad I know. What's the plan if they ever come knocking on the door to get her back? Fight until we can't?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Something like that." says Harry. "I don't think they know I haven't taken up the coin, or things might be different. I think as far as they are aware I am one of them, or soon enough will be so that at least buys us time as well. If I ever get word they are after it though, I will do my best to get it to the Church, just so they can't get their hands on it here. Hell, I'll toss it through a random way if I have to."

Harry involuntarily shudders a bit as those mental fingers comb through his hair.

Shaking his head, Harry reaching up to lay his hand on Karrin's head, "It'll be ok."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Blonde head tilts into that touch, a few fingers of tension leaving her frame. "...Yeah. It always is... Somehow. I just... I hate that you didn't tell me." Karrin leans up and over, Mouse firmly pressed between them but he's enjoying the den and cuddling of people he loves. Now she's close enough to press a single, gentle kiss to the side of his mouth.

"We're, somehow... managing to not fuck this up. I don't wanna jinx it, but... We also gotta be honest. Both of us. Partnership, and all that...shit. We're partners. In everything. Okay?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
"There is a reason I haven't been to see Michael in over a year, Karrin. How do you think I feel about facing him. I don't know if he can sense it or not, but I don't want him to find out," Harry says with a sigh. "It isn't something that works its way into casual conversation, Murph. I mean, just coming out and saying I have the shadow of a fallen angel in my head isn't a great conversation starter."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That breaks her more than anything, really, eyes brushed with deeper concern. Karrin knows that Harry doesn't have many friends and to have to purposefully avoid one... She sighs and kisses his cheek again before letting her head sink to the pillow next to him. "I... I'd like to think he'd understand, really. Maybe have a better solution. But... that's between you and him. I'm your partner, not your mom. But there's a lot of people that love you...even when you're making some idiot mistakes, Harry."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"You're probably right, but it isn't a chance I feel comfortable taking just yet," Harry says with a sigh, lowering his head to kiss at the top of hers. "I mean, at least if he would cut me down he would apologize profusely first."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"No one's cutting you down. Well... Not Michael, at least. And we've got nearly a month without anyone trying to kill either of us. Feels like nearly a record. Maybe... maybe we can make it two?" Karrin smiles drowsily, an edge of exhaustion creeping through her voice now. Whatever the worst of the worries she had have now seemingly been calmed enough that her mind realizes what it's supposed to be doing. And the warm, heavy weight of Mouse between them was becoming soporific again.

Not to mention Mister, who's standing up just enough to spin around on the pillows twice before tucking himself into the side of Harry's face.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Here is to hoping," Harry says with a chuckle. "But if they do try, lets at least get a full nights sleep. We will have better odds."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Yeah. Love you. Get... get some sleep. Sorry I'm a pain." Karrin admits, this not the first middle of the night conversation she's woken a partner up with. Just the first one that didn't end in a fight. She lets her eyes sink fully shut again, trying to tuck in against him and Mouse. Which effectively means she's the little spoon, her knees curled up, so Mouse can sleep in the crook beneath her thighs, behind her legs, and next to Harry's hips. He's found a nice spot for himself after all.

Harry Dresden has posed:
The words cause a smile to form on Harry's face, "I love you too, Murph."

The wizard tosses his arm around Karrin and pulls her in close, being the much bigger spoon as he closes his eyes, the smile still on his face as he starts to drift off.