12398/Catching up with friends.
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Catching up with friends. | |
Date of Scene: | 30 October 2020 |
Location: | Harry's Hideaway (Bar), Salem Centre |
Synopsis: | Sam, James, and Illyana catch up with one another. |
Cast of Characters: | Cannonball, Warpath, Magik
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie put out the word he was going to be hanging out at Harry's tonight with a lot of the students off on a field trip, seemed like a good time to hang out with older friends. He has got a table, that is big enough for a few folks to join him, and has a beer in front of him.
- Warpath has posed:
The chance to get out for a while and spend time not surrounded by students is appealing tonight. Though he sticks out in any crowd, Jimmy comes in wearing basic blue jeans and combat boots and a black sleevless t-shirt. He glances around the area and starts towards where Sam is sitting,"Sam." he offers by way of greeting as he settles.
- Magik has posed:
It's been a while since Illyana has gone out anywhere. She's been away a while and now that she's back, she's kept mostly to herself. Which wasn't the point of coming back at all. So hearing that there was a gettogether with the older students, she decided to join. As she walks into the bar, she sees the familiar faces at the table and immediately heads their direction, smiling a little at the familiar surroundings.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and nods to first Jimmy and then Illyana. "Hey guys good to see you, come sit, get yourself something to eat or drink." He does stand offer James a firm handshake and Illyana a hug in greeting "I figured could use a bit of quite time away from the school and work for a night."
- Warpath has posed:
Jimmy returns the firm handshake and settles after that,"A break from the students is a must sometimes." He nods towards a passing waitress and orders a drink for now, nothing alcohol yet. Basic iced tea. Scandalous isn't he. His attention moves to Illyana and offers her a nod and a hint of a smile. Not the hugging type much, he leaves that to Sam,"It's good to see you again." he offers to her.
- Magik has posed:
Illyana smiles and accepts Sam's hug and gives a polite nod to James in return. "I've been away for quite some time already. And I think you're right", she says with a smirk. She doesn't order anything to drink yet. She's not really sure /what/ she's going to want to drink yet. She takes a seat next to Sam and takes a look around the room. Even relaxing seems strange after the year she's had.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "So, how have you both been doing?" He asks them. "Need to bring you guys out by Alexis and my place sometime, see the place hang out. " He offers with sincerity "And is part of why I chose here instead of the club, don't remember who is working tonight, plus quieter better for catching up out here.
- Warpath has posed:
"Classes are going well. Some of the young students are better at getting into trouble than any of us were. As a former that is saying something." Jimmy comments and can't hide the amusement that actually touches his expression,"The club makes too much noise. I can only take it in doses. Prety much why I decided to come and out to the gathering."
A glance towards Illyana and he comments,"We all seem to have made out walk about and returned." He grimaces a little and admits,"Some of us came back long enough to lick our wounds and wandered again, but there's nothing for it. It's been a long time since last I saw you though."
- Magik has posed:
Illyana suddenly has a mischievous look at Sam's mention of 'his and Alexis's place', not even really knowing why. Maybe it's a sadistic urge to grill Sam about the new-to-Illyana girl in his life. Maybe something else. But probably the first. "That would be excellent. I would love to visit some time", she answers, trying to tamper down some of that overenthusiasm she's feeling.
At James's comment, she nods, her expression getting still a little more sober. "Yes, we are all grownups now. With responsibilities. And those responsibilities are not always a pleasure to deal with. But for now, everything seems to be mostly under control."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Talked to Berto, yesterday he is doing pretty good, back in Brazil handling some of the things for the corporate side of things." He tells them, The rest of the guys I hear from now and again but as ya said mostly doing their own things. " He does notice the dleem in Illy's eyes and a brow raises but he lets it go for now.
- Warpath has posed:
A nod and a low grunt of thanks as the waitress brings his tea. Serious or not he doesn't miss the excitement in Illyana eyes at the promise of Sam and a new lady. He smirks a little and doesn't pursue it either. As the only non New Mutant at the table he doesn't really know the other by much more than name or in passing.
- Magik has posed:
"Mhmmmm... everyone is all grown up now", Illyana repeats to Sam's comments about their former teammate. Does she miss the old days? Not really. In reality, sometimes it feels like she was a whole other person back then. Maybe she was. "Well, I look forward to seeing your... attempt at domestic life." She smiles a little to herself, again not sure really why. Though she suspects it has something to do with how X-Men never seem to nail the 'normal life' thing.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks and says "Hey just because I find a girl who is a mutant, and daughter of one of the larger anti mutant groups around what could go wrong."Seriously other than her dad, most of her family actually like me." He offers with a smile He looks over to Warpath "Yea, figured might be why you were not around out there much or I would have been trying to hire you as a bouncer."
- Warpath has posed:
"Combat rated ear plugs would help, but I don't know how much." he admits,"Nothing personal. I can help if you need, but the more I hurt the more likely I am to just knock someone out and toss them out the door. That's not always the best bouncer material." He takes another drink of his tea and glances towards Illyana,"You getting settled back in well?"
- Magik has posed:
Illyana nods to Sam almost looking serious. "I am sure that your life will be overwhlmingly boring and predictable", she continues as she adds a smirk.
Turning to James, she nods, "I'm taking things slowly. Easing my way back. Only back in small doses. It is safer for everyone that way."
And then, all of a sudden, she has a faraway look and stands up at that. "I'm sorry. I just remembered something I need to attend to. I will try to make it back as soon as I can. This has been nice." It's unclear whether she's referring to coming back to the table or back to this plane. She offers Sam and James each a friendly smile, and at that, she starts off towards the ladies' room. But considering she's a teleporter, that could mean that she's heading just about anywhere.