12480/Home from the barbecue.
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Home from the barbecue. | |
Date of Scene: | 22 November 2020 |
Location: | Main Foyer - Xavier's School |
Synopsis: | Jimmy and Shannon had a talk and she treated some burns after X-Force had returned from their most recent mission. |
Cast of Characters: | Warpath, Nightingale
- Warpath has posed:
Making sure the post flight routines are done, Jimmy is a few minutes later than everyone else leaving after the X-Force mission. It is becoming to be a common scene, him barely clothed after having his gear burned off of him. He sighs and walks out of the lift on the main floor and mutters,"It might be safer to take up smoking directly rather than wear gear into battle."
The only thing covering his upper body is the harness that holds his knives at his back. It is clear he's been burned a little, but it isn't like it is easy to burn him and even when he is burnt it doesn't take long to heal. This is an inconvenience more than anything.
- Nightingale has posed:
Shannon's coming out of the kitchen with a very large covered mug of what smells like hot cocoa cupped between her hands, inhaling deeply of the aroma. She's in her pink satin two-piece pajamas, with her floofy Old English Sheepdog slippers. Her hair is long and loose, except for the little blue braid dangling by the left side of her face. As she inhales the sweet, dark scent of chocolate, she stops, her nose twitching. There was a more acrid smell, and it had her looking around. "Oh hell... shik'isn! What happened?!"
- Warpath has posed:
A soft snort and Jimmy looks to Shannon and shrugs,"Same thing that always happens. I go on a mission, I come back nearly naked." he replies. He manages to force a smirk and adds,"I went heads up with someone that seems to be half dragon. His breath burns to say the least."
- Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns deeply at that, shaking her head and sighing. She sets her cocoa mug aside on the stairs, reaching for her little carryall leather bag. "Gives a whole new meaning to dragon breath. Look, I know it's probably useless to ask, but I'm glad to heal those burns. Otherwise, would you at least be willing to let me dress the worst of them?"
- Warpath has posed:
"They'll be healed by morning shik'isn." he replies with a shrug as she starts to get into her kit,"You can dress them if you want and you're right it's useless to ask about healing them." He knows it takes a toll and he's no where near that hurt,"You can drink your cocoa and go about what you were doing if you want. I'm heading for a shower and then sleep."
- Nightingale has posed:
Shaking her head, Shannon continues to rifle through her bag for some gloves, wipes, and a little bit of burn ointment. Slipping on the gloves, she sets about cleaning the burns, dabbing away the soot and cleansing the area immediately around them. "If I came home like this, you'd be up in arms," she says, cracking a small smile. "In your case, though, I almost feel sorry for Mr. Dragonbreath."
- Warpath has posed:
"You're still learning. I'm trained for this." he replies softly and takes a seat to let her get to work,"Plus you're the younger sibling so that's my job." he adds. He sighs and adds,"He'll be feeling a lot of pain tomorrow. He took the damage in stride well." If she looks at his face close enough she'll see some claw cuts that are sealing themselves up where he was cut in the face. Cuts heal faster than burns,"His eyes, nose, eardrums, fingers, and manhood will probably all cause him to hate life in the morning."
- Nightingale has posed:
Shannon snickers softly, then bursts out into an outright fit of giggles, taking a little time to clean and dress the cuts as well. "Good. Some things shouldn't reproduce." At least spirits seemed to be somewhat higher today, the young woman being allowed to do what she does. "One of these days though, I'll actually manage to hold my own out there without getting shot out of the sky. Then I won't have to wait for you to get home to actually be able to help you."
- Warpath has posed:
"If he does, they will be stupid." he mutters in regards to the prospect of dragon man reproducing. He smirks a little seeing her in better spirits. When she mentions being out in the field with him he nods,"I'll be glad to see you in the X-Men. I'd rather you never have to be a part of X-Force." His words are solemn to say the least. X-Force is a bit more hard edged than the main teams. They do the bad things nobody wants to do,"This will probably see to it I don't get a shower for at least a few hours. Thank you though. I think I'm going to go crash for a while."
- Nightingale has posed:
Mention of ever being counted among the X-men has Shannon wilting ever so slightly, and she lets out a soft sigh. "One can only hope." With the last of the burns that she can reach cleaned and ointment applied, she smiles somewhat. "Some rest would do you good. Maybe when you've had a chance to sleep, we can work a little bit of training in there somewhere? It's been a while." The gloves are disposed of, her mess cleaned up, and her cocoa mug deposited in Warpath's hands. "You probably need that more than I do. Sounds like you had a rough day."
- Warpath has posed:
He listens to you talk and replies,"You will make the team. You're too stubborn not to." Once she has the ointments in place he stands up,"We can train in the morning before class. Meet me in the Danger Room and we'll do some basics." He takes the mug in hand and looks at the contents skeptically. Looking back at her he finally nods,"All right then. I will see you in the morning."