12905/The Wonders of Farming

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The Wonders of Farming
Date of Scene: 27 March 2021
Location: Kent Farm
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superman, Wonder Woman

Superman has posed:
A new dawn.

Currently, Superman had flown all the way over to Smallville, Kansas, doing a fast costume change before he's in his classic farm clothes: a red plad shirt, with blue jeans and working boots. On his hands were thick gloves that lets him at least hide the fact that he has near-invulnerability and to avoid suspicion.

He's currently tinkering about in the shed, lifting a tractor up with one hand, a pondering look to him.

"Alright dad, lets see what you were talking about...hm." No doubt his X-Ray vision is looking for the problem. Most likely a screw or two got loose.

Of course, he sent news to Diana that she's more than welcome to make an appearance.

Wonder Woman has posed:
A new dawn, and a new day. These are both good things.

Similar to Superman, Diana flew from the Embassy in Manhattan to Smallville, Kansas. Slung over her left shoulder is a simple enough knapsack, but it likely holds what she feels she'll need for spending the weekend here. Once she reaches the farm, she gracefully lands in the yard. Then she lifts her right hand to brush her braid to her back.

She wears a pair of jeans, a pair of leather boots, and a blue button up shirt with long sleeves. There's a brown leather jacket that she wears as well. With a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, she starts to head across the yard and towards the shed.

"Maintenance time, is it?" Diana asks, once she's come closer.

Superman has posed:
The sound of Diana's voice brings a steady smile to Clark's lips as he -gently- puts the tractor down to look upon Diana. He approaches with a steady step, his eyes locking onto her own. After he realizes he's staring, he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck. "Uhm, its good to see you, Diana. Thank you for coming, you didn't have to." Though he's aware that Diana honors all of her agreements.

Even the more...romantically inclined ones like dates often imply.

"You look amazing." Clark offers to her gently as he approaches. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to greet you as soon as you made it onto the farm. Dad asked me to take a look at the tractor and see if I could fix it. Apparently he's been having a rough go of it."

Wonder Woman has posed:
As he approaches her, Diana continues to step forward in order to meet him somewhere around half way. Her blue gaze willingly meets his, and there's a smile that teases at the corners of her lips at the small signs of his nervousness. "It is good to see you, too, Clark," she says, a warm note to her voice. Then one of her eyebrows quirks up, and she tilts her head a touch to one side. "You invited me to come and I agreed that I would. How could I not come?" she suggests, smiling at him. She always does her best to keep her word. To everyone that she gives it to.

"I do not look so," she says softly, a slightly shy smile touching her lips. She stops near to him, within arm's reach, and she gives a light shake of her head. "You have nothing to apologize for. It was not far to walk, and the land is beautiful, besides," she says with a smile. She takes a moment to look past him towards the shed and the tractor within it. "A rough go with keeping the tractor running, or is there something else?" she asks softly, a gentle note to her voice. "I can hold it up while you check it out, if you want?" she offers, one of her eyebrows quirking up a touch.

Superman has posed:
Clark meets her halfway indeed, such that there is little space between them, 'cept for what little remains lest they would likely be touching now. He looks her in the eyes then, a warm note to his own voice as he lifts a hand to take off his glasses and hook them onto his shirt. "I know you better than anyone, Diana." he informs of her. Well, that might not be -exactly- true. Diana's been around for a few thousand years, after all.

"If you say so." he chuckles just a little bit, before he smiles. "Not sure. Found a screw loose that I could take out. If you feel like lifting it, I wouldn't say no." he offers to her. Though if she allows, perhaps a single fingertip will make contact with her own.

Warm and inviting.

"thank you, again, Diana."

Wonder Woman has posed:
It's a movement that she watches, that simple act of taking off his glasses. Her gaze lingers for a brief moment at that point where his glasses are hooked, and then she lifts her gaze back to his. "It is a fair possibility that you do," Diana says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. It might not be entirely true, but they've worked for the same cause for a while now. She's been around for a while, though not all of her time has been spent in this part of the world.

"I never let you away with complimenting me, do I?" she asks, giving a soft chuckle. She's too modest, sometimes... most times. She quirks a grin at his words, and then she gives a nod to his suggestion. "It would seem to me that if it had a screw loose then it likely has something else amiss with it as well," she says. Faintly, barely, she lightly taps her fingertip against his own, just a whisper of contact.

"You are welcome, Clark. I am never far," she says softly. Especially considering that they can both fly. "Shall we see about fixing a tractor?" she asks with a warm smile.

Superman has posed:
Clark smiles at her, before he chuckles ever so softly, blue eyes looking deeply into blue eyes. The gentle touch, even if it is just a small tap, of their fingertips makes Clark blush ever so slightly. Though he may try to hide it, he's never been too good at hiding his true feelings. That being said, the touch becomes more daring, his fingertip gliding across her own if she allows as he begins to turn and approach the tractor.

"It's true, you never did let me get away with it. Though it makes sense...well, you get complimented for your looks all the time, and well, I like to think you're worth far more, and inner beauty means far more to me." Clark has always been that traditional, dream of a fellow who adheres to classic values. "But, all the same, with an extra eye, we may as well see what's wrong with it."

He returns her smile, not lacking in warmth, daresay even affection as he goes to lift up the tractor.

Wonder Woman has posed:
It's often a little bit surprising, how easily that colour can be drawn into his features. It can be hard to hide one's feelings from someone who is gifted with empathy, but it is certainly possible. Diana doesn't move her hand away from his or otherwise prevent the touch of his fingertip, though as he turns to start to head towards the tractor, the back of her hand lightly brushes past the back of his.

"Habit, perhaps. Maybe a time will come when I will let you away with it," Diana says, quirking a smile as she watches him. "The contents of the book are more important than what the cover may look like," she comments, a flicker of amusement to her voice. "The inside is the part that is important," she adds, giving a small nod.

She moves to follow after him then, towards the shed. And with him holding up the tractor, she starts to check out the various parts of it that could be causing a problem. "Where did you find the loose screw? You are likely better at this sort of thing than what I am, you know," she comments, quirking a bit of a grin and giving him a glance.

Superman has posed:
A little bit surprising indeed. Clark isn't this open usually with people, so the fact that he's showing Diana the real him must mean that she is important to him in the larger scheme of things. As he walks to the tractor, he feels the back of her hand rubbing against his and his blush grows even fiercer.

He lifts the tractor easily with one hand, allowing Diana to look through it. "Towards me a little bit, underneath the engine." Clark tries to inform her helpfully, even if that would potentially bring her towards him.

"Always." Clark mentions in agreement with Diana in regards to inner beauty.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Shifting the backpack from her left shoulder, Diana steps aside to settle it to the floor of the shed, near to the wall. Then she lifts her left hand, flicking her braid back over her shoulder again as she steps towards the tractor again. She might not say it in the moment, but she appreciates the openness that he shares with her. She lowers to one of her knees near to the engine of the tractor, reaching one of her hands into the machine to feel around a bit to check the tautness of different belts and such.

"Has the problem been with keeping it running or with getting it started to begin with?" she asks, curious. She glances towards him, and there's a bit of colour that creeps to her cheeks at his simple agreement to her words. "Could it have been from an engine mount?" she wonders, curious.

Superman has posed:
Clark smiles just a tad at Diana even as he notices a blush start to rise to Diana's cheeks. What goes around comes around! But Clark shrugs. "Engineering is more Bruce's forte I like to think. But I know my way around farm equipment. Probably keeping it running. I can use my heat vision to give it a jump start, should be enough energy to keep it going for awhile." he shrugs.

Then he notices the backpack. "I'm sorry, after this I can help you settle in."