13317/Brother comes home.

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Brother comes home.
Date of Scene: 18 May 2021
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Thomas brings Harry coffee and asks him to do a job...
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Thomas Raith

Harry Dresden has posed:
The upside when you live alone, there is nobody there to witness the arrival of walk of shame. Oh sure, Mister and Mouse have issues with him not coming home and he will know all about it from them in their way. He opens the door and walks in, the sun peeking over the horizon and he sighs, knowing Mouse will need a walk before sleep. His belt isn't buckled, his shirt is buttoned wrong, and boots are barely tied.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Appoximately a week ago Thomas went rather unusually AWOL, saying that he had some "Family Business" to deal with in Europe. Normal perhaps for Thomas pre-Buffy, but very unusual for him these days. Still what does seem just like him is to simply arrive, unannounced at his brother's door step. "Harry? Are you home? I brought coffee and Danish?

Harry Dresden has posed:
There is a grumble of an answer,"I'm home." Mister sits on the top of the ice box, looking less than impressed with life. His tail is flicking. While he doesn't come running to Harry because, well he sees him, Mouse comes bounding near the entrance, tongue wagging.

Harry reaches up to pet Mister a few times, but that's a small penance to what will have to come to pass to make things right, leaving him alone all night with the dog after all. Harry walks back in from the kitchen and mutters,"You've been busy."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith comes in carring two coffees that probably cost more then every other food item in his brother's house put together. He holds one out the the younger, gruffer man and smiles, "Idle hands are the devil's playground." He says with a bit of a grin, "And I haven't seen you in ages. So i thought before I went back to the club I'd check in. Make sure Mister and Mouse weren't starving you."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Taking the coffee Harry nods,"Thanks." He gingerly takes a sip for the taste and to gauge the temperature,"It's been too long." he agrees. Looking between the two critters he smirks,"They're always eating me out of house and home, but what can you do?" He stifles a yawn and motions Thomas to go into the kitchen area to take a seat at the table,"Buffy doing well?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles just a little bit, "I assume so. I haven't told her that I'm back in town yet. Figured on surprising her during her shift at the Lady. Maybe buy her a drink or something." He says mildly amused, "And Karrin? I haven't heard from her either. It was like you two both stepped off the edge of the world. And normally that would be a sarcastic statement but since you've both done it before..."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"I haven't seen her for a while." he admits,"Apparently she is on assignment or otherwise busy. I've been up to my neck case loads." He laughs softly and gets a danish to pick at a little bit,"Trying to avoid the fall again. You know what they say about the fall not being the part that hurts."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins slightly, "Empty Night Harry, people /pay/ for the fall. Otherwise sane people just jumping out of perfectly working airplanes and such." He says amused sipping his own coffee. He then considers and says, "I want to hire you, Harry. if you've got time."

Harry Dresden has posed:
A smirk around the cup he holds and he drains a little more coffee,"So long as the stop isn't too sudden." Setting the cup down on the table he raises a brow,"I can make the time, what's on your mind?" Tired and dissheveled, but it's not every day Thomas wants to hire him for a job.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith brushes his fingers through his hair, making it change from "Artfully styled" to "artfully disheveled". He seems to try to get his thoughts in a cohesive order. "Two weeks ago, right before my trip, Buffy and I went to a club opening. Club Lux." He sips his coffee and wets his lips, "The club owner, he calls himself Lucifer Morningstar... because of course he does. Anyway I shook his hand and..." he fades off momentarily, still shook by the memory. "My Hunger went ape shit. I had to get out of that place, or I was afraid I would just start grabbing people. It was like fight, flight, and feed all viaing for dominance all at once." He shakes his head "Empty Night from a fucking handshake."

Harry Dresden has posed:
He picks at the danish at first, listening with interest. The mentions of Lucifer however draws his attention fully in the now. He takes another drink of coffe, focusing on the conversation distinctly,"Usually when someone tries to impress they say they are Satan, not Lucifer."

He takes another drink of coffee and thinks it over,"The literal translation of Satan meaning adversary. Lucifer on the other hand provides a name to the mix. Did he introduce himself when you spoke? Literally telling you the name by self introduction or just in passing?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith closes his eyes, visualizing the encounter. and nods slightly, "He shook my hand and said 'I'm Lucifer Morningstar, it's a pleasure to meet you..." Ande then like I said my Hunger went crazy. It was everything i could do to get out of there."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Another drink of his coffee and Harry sighs softly. A raise of his brow and he mentions,"Well, Lucifer would be crazy enough to give him name proper because only a complete fool would try to summon him by it." A soft whistle and he asks,"You want me to go to the club and have a look at him, see what is hiding underneath?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith's eyes dart to his brother rather quickly and he blinks slightly, "Harry, what if..." he can't actually bring himself to finish the sentence but, "I mean even if he's not, he's got to be /something/. Is that even remotely safe?" He can't help but hear his mother's whisper, "Take care of your little brother for me Tommy..."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"What if he's literally the devil? The king of Hell? The gate keeper of the damned?" Harry mutters softly and takes another bite of the danish. He laughs softly despite the seriousness of the situation,"Nothing I do is remotely safe Thomas, it goes in the face of everything else, but using the sight isn't my first choice, just meant to looks around the club, try to get a look at the backroom as it were. Soul gazes and the Sight just don't appeal to me if he really is the Morningstar."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks more then a little relieved at the fact his brother isn't going to put himself in /that/ much danger on his behest. He sighs a bit and pulls out a white billfold made of some sort of leather. "You'll need a retainer." He says simply, pulling out several crisp $100 bills. He looks his brother over and adds, "And some appropriate clothes.." he adds, adding a few more bills to the stack.