14257/The Batman and the Wonder Woman

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The Batman and the Wonder Woman
Date of Scene: 02 April 2022
Location: Monitor Room, Watchtower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Wonder Woman

Batman has posed:
The Watchtower. Symbol of Justice in the world and home of the Justice League. Well, less of a symbol of justice since much of the world has no idea of it's existence thanks to great pains meant to provide a secure location for the Justice League to meet. Now, every now and again, the Justice League slides shifts to perform monitor duty to send out heroes to where they would be needed most and keeps the Justice League on a regular activity.

It was Batman's turn today.

He had already sent Superman to Lagos to deal with a Godzilla-like creature. He sent Martian Manhunter to maintain a United Nations meeting's peace talks. Nightwing and Batgirl have been stationed in Gotham City with Robin and Red Robin covering Bludhaven. Batman has been hard at work.

He has coffee next to him on a counter while he's at the monitoring station, checking multiple locations via satelite imagery and monitoring police and military radio waves. Batman's eyes are narrowed and he shows no expressions. He even seems to be getting off of a conversation.

"Green Arrow, Mirror Master is in Starling City trying to steal experimental technology to enhance his abilities. Here are his coordinates, cut him off at 82nd and Howard."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince makes her way into the Tower. She's the next one up on Monitor duty, although it's not for a few hours yet. She likes to take her time and get comfortable. Sleep doesn't matter very much to her. She suspects she might not need it at all, but isn't willing to give up her brief trips into the Dreaming.

"Batman," she says. She understands that Bruce is serious about his identity and addresses him as he's dressed, regardless of what she knows. "Hard at work, I see. Anything need my attention?" she asks, moving over to lean forward against the panel, wearing her red, gold and blue costume, her shimmering lasso at her hip.

Batman has posed:
"Wonder Woman." Addressed by the Dark Knight, but Batman doesn't actually look at her. "Your shift isn't for a few hours. Your time would be better spent training." Batman suggests to her, maintaining his surprisingly specific search matrix for dangers. But she questions him about anything requiring her attention.

"Nothing yet. I'll keep you posted, if anything rises that you are best to handle, I'll inform you." He questions, though she leans forward against the panel and Batman -now- turns his steeled gaze to her. A softness there in the core of his eyes.

"It's good to see you, Diana."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince smiles tolerantly. She's used to the militant attitude of Batman and doens take offense at his suggestion. "I was training before you were born, old friend. But the suggestion is noted," she says.

She meets his gaze, 'And how are you holding up? I know, I know, you can handle anything, but I do not forget that you are a mortal man behind that implacable gaze, even if sometimes you do," she says. "And I know you would never ask for help."

Batman has posed:
"You've mentioned it a couple of times." That Batman was human, or seen as 'only a mortal' by many Gods and Goddesses, including herself. But Bruce nods to her. "I'm fine, Wonder Woman." He fights and fights hard on a regular, nightly basis. Monitor duty was practically a vacation day for him. But he looks at her. "I'm more durable than you think." He looks back at the screens.

"The Embassy is doing well? I know politics have been...interesting lately." Batman turns his full body to Diana then. "And what of Themyscira? No gods trying to conquer the island?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I think you're quite durable. But no one is invulnerable. Not you, not me, not Superman. We have to look out for each other. Because we're all too driven to check ourselves if we're overextending ourselves. We'll all of us push through because that's who we are. Part of the alliance of the Justice League isn't only joining forces to fight evil, but to watch one another's backs and provide support in what can be often a lonely path."

"No conquering gods recently. Hopefully we've put the proper fear into them," she grins fiercely. "The politics of Man's World have always been ugly. I, on behalf of my sisters, will continue to try to be a strong voice for peace, compassion and wisdom. But we can only speak - it is up to other sto listen."

Batman has posed:
Batman simply grunts in reaction to her words. Batman was the -least- likely person in the entire Justice League to ask for help. He had a reputation for working alone. Compared to others, they typically didn't even -like- asking Batman for help because...well, it was just one of those things where they were just downright terrified of him. He had a more easy time talking with Diana.

"For your sake and ours, I hope they keep listening. Themyscira has been a proper voice on the world stage and introduced many policies that many have considered impossible or improbable. You and your sisters ahve done well." Batman compliments.

He never compliments.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana knows all those things about Bruce, of course. But she says what she says anyway. Because that's who she is, too, one who advocates even in the face of defiance - or, in Batman's case, stubbornness. And she and Clark were perhaps the only two League members he couldn't intimidate.

"We do our best to make our voices loud and clear. The agents of chaos and evil will always try to get their way - but there will also always be those like us who stand against them," she says.

"How are things in Gotham?" she asks. She isn't offering intervention, just offering the Dark Knight a chance to vent.