1443/Following the bread crumbs

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Following the bread crumbs
Date of Scene: 13 July 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Domino

Batman has posed:
It is night in Gotham, and surprisingly even in this area the crime this night has been low. Batman has been running from point A to point B for a while since he had returned from Metropolis as sure he had Robins looking over the city, but they did not put the city under the scrutiny as Batman did. One living in Gotham who was looking at the crime would know when he got back, as theives, robbers, and all kinds of other villians have been dropping off the map in short order, though not one to take credit for it the reason would be 'unknown'. Finally with some free-time now Batman decided to look up an old lead he had before he got busy, and track down the person who left the fire on the roof.

It wasn't hard to find someone like Domino in Gotham as she was a trained professional, and that came with a certain amount of predictable actions. Sure if she wanted to hide from him directly it wouldbe a lot harder, but not hiding leaving signs like she was it was a lot easier. So he had been ghosting her tonight watching from the shadows as he had picked up her leads earlier. He watched the bar she had just gone into waiting to hear gunfire, or something that would draw him in, or to wait until she left again. He was a patient man, and with Gotham as it is tonight he had time to sit, and wait watching the bar quietly from up above hidden well behind gargoyles and shadows. He still listened for crimes to come in, but to quote the last GCPD officer he heard from.. "Dang Bats, must be back... Looks like all the criminals are scared to go out!"

Domino has posed:
(Music: https://youtu.be/wqkJyClG_S0 )

    You could almost say that she left love notes. A handful of repeat offenders - throughly unredeemable criminals with a track record of abusing the most vulnerable - were found dead. Sniper fire. Hand-tooled ammunition with no possibility of tracing. No finger prints. Not even on the blank-one domino tiles left near their bodies.

    It's only fifteen minutes and she's out of the bar - this wasn't a stop off for a shot of tequila. She comes out fully sober, fully garbed in "work clothes". The woman is unmistakable; not that many people in the city have skin that pale.

    She pauses long enough to check the two holsters at either thigh, flicking off safeties, checking the chambers, before slipping them back into place. She's perfectly visible from this angle on the ground.

Batman has posed:
From behind her drops a large shadow, though she would be able to see him he wants her to see him as his cape streaches out on his landing, so when he stands from the uncrouching it seems he just gets larger and larger. Lookin down at her he frowns.. He stands quietly just glaring as he always does, and though this might still be off putting Dom might be realizing this is how he is. He didn't like people dieing in his city even if they were unredeemable criminals, and he knew from the components of the hand-tooled ammo, and the matching caliber not to mention shooting position that it was her. Was this enough to prove it... well no, any lawyer would never take the case, but he knew it was her as it matched no-one else better then her work. Still he had not come here tonight to engage her in fighting as other then what he knew it would do no good her just being released in short order after a hard fight she wouldn't even consider it a reason to change like a lot of the others that he stopped in Gotham so it would be a waste of time for both of them. Of course she would prob know this as well, as she had left it for him to find out one would hope that he did would not surprise her in the slightest.

Batman continues his glare... "We have enough criminals in Gotham... It does not need more murderers.. Kill someone in my city again, and I will make sure you are punished for it." is how he starts his tone gruff as it seems it is not a bluff to him. He had League of Assassins, some lady with crossbolts, a son it seems that likes to hurt people, and now a paid assassin to think about, as Gotham had seemed to get a bit busier.

He does continue, "If your looking for work that doesn't involve that.. I know a place that is hiring a bodyguard for good money. You helped so I am giving you this chance.. Stop, or Leave.." this is his catching up, and you might be able to see he is ready to go if you started something, but he doesn't look like he is going to attack her rather falling back on the half-covered shadow that scares those in the night as he would not stop his chase if he were forced into it. The dedication he had for this he would chase her to the ends of the earth if he had to, though only to put her away for a long time. He speaks no-more then that watching her carefully, watching her movements for any signs of aggression.

Domino has posed:
    Junior was fun. Senior seems to be all business. She expected as much.

    "Good to see you too," she replies, checking a dumb phone for messages, before flipping it closed and sliding it into a side pocket, turning partially to look directly up at him, unflinching, pale blue eyes locked to his, a faint smile on her lips.

    "I appreciate the sentiment and the warning. I genuinely do - but I may be called to do things that are outside of even your hands. Are you going to come after me if I'm handling government contracts? Cases handed down by people even higher up the food chain?" She turns to face him now, folding her arms in front of her chest, giving no obvious tells of fear or discomfort, even given his size and imposing presence.

    Her eyes glance over him once, down and back up, before returning to meet his gaze.

    "I've already had some philosophical discussions with your errand boy - he's got his head on straight. I'm not opposed to challenging your long-held beliefs either." She smiles a little more. "But like it or not, I'm moving into the neighborhood. Sorry if mutants bring the property values down, but times are tough all over."

    "I'd rather work with you than against you, Bat. You tell me who and what is off limits, and I'll respect your boundaries, but I can't guarantee that there won't be more bodies in the future. Predicting *that* isn't part of my genetic package."

Batman has posed:
Batman just glares as she checks her phone, he doesn't seem more or less upset by it he listens quietly to her speak his posture, and demeanor do not change as he listens to her speak. "You could be very usefull to this city, or whichever one you wish to stay at, but people don't murder here in Gotham or I will stop them... Goverment contract or not." he had ran into the goverment before, and they did not like Batman at all. After sneaking into a five star generals room while he slept to wake him up telling him to stay out of Gotham they tended to do that. They had asked the League to help them reign him in, but Superman had told them already that they could not just keep their affairs out of Gotham and it should be alright.

Though there is no reaction, the impossing figure did not back down, and he was getting used to it not being enough to spook people, expecting it not to be efficent towards her he still did, and continued to do, it as it could not be shut off once the cowl was placed on. Though as you look at him he looks the same as he did before, Batsuit that hid most of his physical characteristics, belt that had all kind of toys villians would love to get their hands on, and the cowl that hid most of his face though the frown, and glare was still evident. He thought about which Bat she was talking about for errand boy, but as she described him as head on straight he nodded. "I have no problem with mutants, that would be Senator Creed.. One that is starting trouble trying to get a reaction out of mutants so you can point, and say how evil they are."

He falls silent again watching her, for a reaction to that name, as he was also digging for information as he spoke.. Each statement had a duel meaning of seeing what she knew, or who she knew, and each question gave a response though most might be too small for normal people to notice he watched carefully for those to see how she reacted. Finally he continued, "It is not a philosophy it is simple.. Criminals do crimes, and go to jail for those crimes.. If we murder like they do we are no better then them. That 'errand boy' should of known this as well though I may need to remind him." Maybe Domino just got Nightwing in a bit of trouble, as Batman did not bend the rules like he did, it was black, and white.. well much like Domino herself. "You want to work with me, that is fine.. But if you are going after someone here... You don't kill them. If you take them out of Gotham, well... I have less influence there, but here.. in my city I will stop you." he actually faces to the side for a moment getting what maybe a crime though it is handled so he can still stay, before he turns back to look at her. "The mutant population is growing at a rate that is normal in sub-groups.. If you want to know about mutants I would suggest finding the X-men they are more tied to the numbers then I."

Domino has posed:
The mention of Creed steals the smile from her face, but there's no bristling at his name. He's another thorn in the flesh. One of many in Domino's life.

She knows she's being profiled, but Batman isn't the only one to engage in psychological warfare. She's been around long enough, in the business long enough, to know when to bluff, when to double-down, and when to fold. Tilting her head to the side and shifting her weight to one leg, the material on her body staying remarkably silent as it moves with her, she speaks. "I know enough about mutants to know I'm better off avoiding the generous offers to come be a part of some kumbaya camp promising to make the world a better place. The people running those institutions are either delusional or looking for bodies grease the wheels of their private plans."

Unfolding her arms, she reaches down to unholster her right sidearm, a nine-mil, and flicks the safety back on. She opens a hip pouch and takes out a rag to wipe it down idly. It's almost as if she's forgotten they're out in public. Or that she's right next to Batman. The need to make sure things are in pristine order, at least, concerning her weapons, seems to be an unspoken and immediate need.

"What's more important to you? The spirit or the letter of the law? Or is it just the killing?"

Batman has posed:
Batman watches her silently, and notes the reaction to the name, it didn't seem made up or forced so he gives a small nod glad to see she is not working for him. He kinda doubted it, but it is always better to check these things especially as the dealings between Creed and himself have been heating up. As she speaks about the X-men he notes to himself as well her relation to them as well, while he didn't disagree with the assessment it means she would not be useful towards his plans concerning them. Which was fine he had a few leads to chase down, but it was Batman everything had multiple reasons the X-men was just another one of those things. "I understand your views of them, though I will admit they are more informed on this topic then either of us." is all he says in a response. He didn't want to give away he was looking for them, or why so he just repeated to dismiss the topic, and move on to another

He watched her with the gun he didn't flare up, or draw Batarangs looking like he was open to attack, though Domino would know better. Win or lose Batman wouldn't go down that easy it would be a fight and that she would know, even if she shot him right here right now he would still fight her. Though she just puts the safty on, making sure things are clean he falls silent watching her compulsion noting it for later. He was a bit of a clean freak himself so knew that could be a way to get to people by challenging that compulsion though for now at least he wasn't going to push it.

Finally after a long pause considering the answer he looks at her for the first time his tone changes to that of less anger more a patient explination.. "I don't expect you to like it, or even understand it, but if you ever understand why I am out here then you will not need me to answer that question. Until that point lets just go with all of the above." though his tone may change his appearance does not, as his tone goes back to normal once again his explination over. "I understand you are paid to do so, and must eat, but if someone sends you to Gotham with that goal they are just trying to trap you... To get stopped by me."

Domino has posed:
"It's the killing," she decides aloud, regardless of what Batman may have said or hinted at. "And I'm guessing that, from how determined you are about this, it's personal." She puts away the clean gun and takes out the other, putting it on safety, putting herself at one more step closer to disarmed.

"It's all right. It's personal for me, too." She checks to make sure the chamber's empty. No bullets. "I just had to see you, hear it for myself, read you for myself. There are a lot of people who think picking a code name and covering themselves in ammo belts and lycra is some kind of magic cure-all to fill all the voids in their life. You don't strike me as that kind of person. You've honed whatever drove you into a cowl instead of a bottle into something benefits others."

"Just make sure that laying down every minute of your life day in and day out like this isn't going to come back and bite you in the [censored]. I am what they made me. I don't get to choose between bullets in a Central American jungle and normalcy. You do."

Satisfied that leftie's as good as righty, she holsters the other weapon. A soft laugh escapes her, short, almost under her breath. Half of a smile pulls at the left side of her mouth. "Yeah, here I am giving life lectures to Batman. I'm sure it's appreciated, too," she quips. "But what I'm getting at is that I intend to be here - not just for the city, but for you and your bird-themed "Luigi". I get what you're saying now. I *see* you. I also know that we're going to be at odds sometimes because the right and wrong we hold as truth are pieces of two different puzzles."

"When I took that bounty on your head months ago it was because I thought you were just another hard[censored] martial artist vigilante in a city known for having an overly healthy population of brightly-colored sociopaths. That opinion changed when I saw you, fought you, face to face."

The cleansing rag is tucked away. "I've got your back when you need it. Even if you won't say it. Even if you don't want it. You've earned it, in my book. I know that probably means absolutely nothing to you - I'm still doing it anyways."

Batman has posed:
Batman doesn't correct her, he said his piece how she took it was up to her. She wasn't a Robin so he didn't have to show her the differnces, and stress the importance of different things so he just let it go. He doesn't seem to notice that she is disarmed, well of course he did, but he had no intention of atthehacking her so he really didn't make any outside notice of it for now. He listens also to her comments about how it is personal for her, and how there are people out there covering the void in their life with crime fighting, and frowned. He did it because a simple reason he never wanted a boy to have to go through what he did as a child, he did it for the people of Gotham putting himself at Risk, and fatique just to make sure he is the Hero they need, and deserve. Sure he was not the easiest to get along with, but that was because he was always buisness, not having time for himself.. Not like he would even know what to do with it if he had it at this point.

He finally speaks up after a long pause, "I have a choice, and yet I do not.. Gotham needs a Batman, and Batman a Gotham." is all he says falling back into silence again as he thinks about how to answer what else was said. He starts with a assured voice.. "You are welcome to stay, I do not have any problem with people in Gotham that is the point, but if you cross that line.. Just know I will detain you like anyone else. I appreciate your offer, but no-one gets a pass in Gotham not Nightwing, and not you. Keep that in mind." as he speaks a grappling hook falls to his hand covered by his hand facint the other way kinda of palming it waiting for her to finish.

As you tuck the cleaning rag away, and talk about having his back you look up, and he is already gone.. He must of moved away silently enough not to get noticed so he must be close as there wasn't time to get too far. As you had guessed from the alley there is a sound of the grappling hook, as Batman is already swinging away. Batman did what he always does and left before the person was finished. The last line at least she knew was talking to shadows as he dissapeared though on the ground infront of her was a black card with a yellow bat on it. Below the bat was a number in white.. It was a Gotham number, but if tracked would just lead to Ace Chemicals as a dead end.. She had his number now if she wished to call though he didn't tell her to call him, or not to just left the card there as he disapeared into the night.