14695/Searching for Trouble

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Searching for Trouble
Date of Scene: 07 February 2023
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Selina and Bruce play their usual games
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Batman

Catwoman has posed:
It's been a couple of weeks since Selina overstayed her welcome at Wayne Manor. While she had initially planned to drop by for a quick visit before heading out again, it seemed..Other factors had come into play. And to be honest, old flames and blood sisters are hard to forget.

Besides this place is full of resources. Like the library, for one..

Which is where she can be found currently, purusing the exhaustive collection of literature, although she seems to be searching for something in particular, and there are already a couple of books in her arms, books about psychology and specifically hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

She's a woman on a mission, apparently.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne comes into the library stretching he approaches Selina from behind wrapping his arms around her waist. "Enjoying the Library love?" He asks kissing at Selina's neck softly. "Have you been sleeping well?" He asks as he presses closer to her back.
Catwoman has posed:
It's always good to be on guard, although Selina has never felt threatenned under Bruce's roof. Still, she takes the time to drop the two books on the nearby table, smiling and leaning back against his chest. "Mm, Bruce, looks like you caught me red handed with your valuable books.." she half teases. They both know she is still a thief, even if she's a mostly 'good thief'. She nods and smiles at the question, "I can get used to living here, although I'm sure your bed is a lot more..Comfortable.." she purrs just a bit at the inuendo there.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smirks and chuckles taking a seat and pulling her into his lap. "Oh no I guess I'm going to have to spank you to teach you a lesson now won't i?" He asks holding her in his lap. "So do it, move in, and we both know how comfortable my bed is." He winks keeping his hands on her waist for a moment.
Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle laughs, tossing her head back as she leans into him a little closer, crossing her legs if only to tease him more with that short skirt of hers. "Awe, am I a baaad kitty? I'm sure I wouldn't mind being 'punished." she winks playfully at him and nods, considering the thought as she has done perhaps many times before. "It would be nice, but you know I don't like relying on anyone but myself. Guess we'll just have to see where the next few days go." she does reach up to softly caress his cheek, then draws her fingers down to slowly trace over his lips, a gentler smile touching her own. "But it has been a long while...I missed you."
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne leans in and kisses Selina lips against hers keeping them there for a moment before breaking the kiss. "Than I guess I'll have to take you back to my room to punish you." Bruce says placing his hand upon her thigh. "You wouldn't be relying on me anymore than what you do currently. Hell if you want to you can pitch in for whatever you like." Bruce gives a playful tug to Selina's hair before nodding. "We shall see, but my kitten I don't see you going anywhere."
Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle sighs softly, missing his touch, the taste of him in her mouth as she melts her lips against his and closes her eyes briefly. Really, it has been a long while since sh'es been here, and maybe they're on better terms than the last few times she was in town.

She grins and shrugs, "Well, you can always try, you know I was always a sly one who never followed orders well." The idea of pitching in, has her tilting her head, curious, "Sooo, I'd be your personal little maid, hmm?" the idea is almost..Tantalizing and she just has to laugh at the thought.
Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne smiles and laughs shaking his head. "Only if you wanted to be my personal little maid." He says his laugh loud in the room. "Hmm I think I would succeed maybe even place a cute little collar with a bell around your neck." He winks as he picks her up to head to his room or at least a more private one. "You're a cat and I think it's time you were tamed." His laugh is one of genuine joy and not like he's making fun of someone.
Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle wraps her arms around his neck for stability, although she's sure he could never drop her even if he wanted to. "Ooh, you really think you can tame this kitty, hm?" she purrs, emerald eyes flashing playfully. "Hmm, a personal maid might have it's...Perks. But you know, a cat does what it wants to do. It would interesting to see you try to tame this kitty."