14961/A Serpent and a With walk into a chocolate shop!

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A Serpent and a With walk into a chocolate shop!
Date of Scene: 19 April 2023
Location: Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe, Riverdale
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jughead Jones, Sabrina Spellman

Jughead Jones has posed:
The evening had worn on and a young man sits at a booth a peanut butter chocolate shake in front of him with two bacon double cheeseburgers and a massive order of fries a laptop in front of him that he was happily tapping away at it. This wasn't the strange thing no, the man wore a crown shaped beanie and a leather jacket with a large double headed serpent in the shape of an S top rocker read SouthSide Bottom Serpents.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Been a while since Sabrina was back in Riverdale, she would come down during her high school days and hang out with people here.. she got into some fun times with them, too but she fell off the map around her 18th birthday.

     she's back now it seems Red sweater a beige top and some black high hip jeans to hug her frame.. she doesn't look that diffrent from when she was a teen to be honest. But here she is, walking into the shop, she beams a smile at pop.. " The usual Pops.. Double order, please ".

     the old man blinks at the girl and sighs, going to grab a jar of super spicy peppers from a shelf.
Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead Jones glances up hearing that voice it had been a while hadn't but Jughead still looked the same though he was now the head of the Serpents smiling she was a year older than him and he'd remembered hanging out with her. Was she always that gorgeous? He adjusts the jacket flannel shirt under it with a white tank top. "Yo Sabrina, what brings you back this way...it's been god....what like four years?"
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Turns and blinks, she frowns and crouches a little as she squints as if looking him up and down " Jughead? is that you? Oh my god, it is you "" She runs over and laughs of course, she wraps her arms around you in a Big hug " It's been forever! .. Woah "s he steps back and grabs an arm " somebody hit the gym.. your still skinny but not as bad I see " she smirks.
Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead Jones chuckles hugging her back and blushing a bit. "And look at you looking more beautiful than ever. Man these few years have been good to you haven't they?" He gives a playful wink. "Please sit join me, tell me what you've been up to."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Blinks and lifts an eyebrow " Are you the same Jughead? I seem to remember Hey Archie, don't talk to her. Girls are the worst thing walking this earth.. and I quote ". She does slide her hips into the booth with a smile as she sit down " Yeah, I went traveling after high school to figure myself out.. that failed so here I am looking for college and university "
Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead Jones chuckles and takes a bite of his burger and drinks some of the shake down. "Dude come on you're talking when we were what like 10 or 11? High-school well I thought you were hott, just knew Arch had the more likely chance of getting with you so yea. Hmmm Yea I'm thinking of college myself but I can't abandon the Serpents either you know?"
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Grins as she gets her order of Hell on wheels burgers and some fries and her own chocolate shake with rasberry swirl. and take sa swig as he grins " the who? " She asks cocking her head as she looks at him " Wait wait .. your saying your whole anti girl schtik in highshchool was girls are horrible.. it was all a cover? " She gives him the I don't belive him face.
Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead Jones gestures to his Jacket. "The Serpents, The Southside Serpents the Gang my dad was a part of the one I joined in Highschool." He says and looks her in the eyes. "It was hoping you'd see through it and maybe think I was I don't know cute and charming. But I've dated a couple of ladies since, though you're still the one that got away." He laughs taking a long sip than a bite than a sip and blushing goes back to tapping away at that laptop.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Blinks " Wow juggy " She blushes " That was smooth "s he gives him a thumbs up and laughs " I got away hmmm I like that " His phone will beep.. as she continues to eat her super spicy that bruns your nose just smelling it from your seat food.
Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead Jones laughs and takes a whiff. "Smells good, Pops signature Hell fire burger?" He asks looking you in the eyes. "I wasn't trying to be smooth just honest Brina." He says with a shrug as he pulls out his phone. "So what college you thinking of?" He asks looking at his phone to see what's up.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
It's her phone number.. how it got there you have no idea but she seems to have sent you her number and you scored. She grins " Less cute but thanks " she says brightly " I dunno I'm trying to find a teacher more than a college.. I got stuff to work out and stuff. " She sighs " So you run a gang.. you legal or illegal kind? "