15165/Late night snack raid
Revision as of 14:39, 10 June 2023 by Liu (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/05/31 |Location=Main Foyer - Xavier's School |Synopsis=Insomnica Angelica catches up with Sam and Jimmy for a while over beer and burgers. |Cast of Characters=1014, 1258, 1385 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1014|Firestar (1014)}} has posed:'''<br> Coming down the steps, Angelica is wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey and a pair of black shorts under that. Her hair is pretty tussled and scattered. Though she usually wears the pr...")
Late night snack raid | |
Date of Scene: | 31 May 2023 |
Location: | Main Foyer - Xavier's School |
Synopsis: | Insomnica Angelica catches up with Sam and Jimmy for a while over beer and burgers. |
Cast of Characters: | Firestar, Cannonball, Warpath
- Firestar has posed:
Coming down the steps, Angelica is wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey and a pair of black shorts under that. Her hair is pretty tussled and scattered. Though she usually wears the protection suit under her clothes, she seems to be on a mission and on a coure for a grab and go. She yawns and steps off the stairs and starts towards the kitchen.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie had worked tonight and so that explains the sound of the young man landing outside the front door. He did not take the truck to work today traveling under his own power. He opens the door walking in, he has a backpack over one shoulder, and a large Big Belly Burger bag in hand that seems to have a decent amount of food. As he steps in and sees Angelica stepping off the stairs "All ok?" He asks.
- Firestar has posed:
She glances towards the door and the sound of Sam's voice. Pushing her hair back a little, trying to catch it in a ponytail. The hair band vaught between her teeth so she comments around it,"Farne. Jus' 'ungry." she mutters before taking the tie out of her mouth to tie her hair,"How are you?"
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well seems Ah have good timing then." He lifts the burger bag "Ah stopped on my way home, and Ah have learned it always pays to get enough for two or three folks, never know who is going to be here. Just got off work about an hour ago.
- Firestar has posed:
Pausing, she considers and then shrugs,"Certainly sounds better than left over mac and cheese from two nights ago." she admits and turns back his direction,"Working man get anything accomplised tonight? Meet some new cutie that got all twittery about meeting the owner?" Sure she is teasing because why wouldn't she?
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head a bit and says "Na, Berto was not there." He jokes since he is the manager not the owner, and Sam is no the type to fib about being the owner. "It was a decent night, we had open mic night for local bands, a couple seem to have some potential
- Firestar has posed:
"Open mike night, terrifying and yet so many people keep throwing themselves into that mess." she muses,"I'd rather clean the bathroom with my toothbrush." A feigned shudder and she smirks a little.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit, and says "Where ya want to eat?" He motions towards choice between kitchen, dining room, or the rec room. "Well it is not quite as bad as Karaoke we don't do that but on special occasions, since more people want to dance and such than sing.
- Firestar has posed:
Angelica indicates a table there in the room and starts that way,"I'm tired and lazy." she comments lightly. Moving around one table, she settles into a seat and waits for Sam to sit before she bombards him with more trouble.
- Warpath has posed:
James emerges from one of the upper hallways atop the stairs overlooking the entryway. He heard familiar voices as he was drawing near. When reaching the upper landing, he pauses to look down at those assembled. He smiles and pulls his hair back into a pony and traps it with a leather binding. His attire is simple, hiking boots, jeans, and a black t-shirt. Though simple is a misnomer. As his 7'2" ginormous frame requires excess textiles to cover it. He starts anew as he begins walking down the stairs, not to present as a lurking lurker.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and starts to unload the bag inside is 6 burgers and sets of fries, as well as some nuggets and other fast food stuff. There does not seem to be any drinks, but then Sam is sitting the backpack down and pulls out a cold 6 pack of beer. Seems Sam's after work is a time he figures he can relax. "So what woke ya up?" He looks up as he hears someone on the stairs, and waves a hand to James "Hey man, join us?" He offers.
- Firestar has posed:
Settling in her seat a little, she smirks a bit and replies,"Sleep is for the weak right?" Clearly teasing him,"I can feel my hips getting wider just looking at all that." she adds with a mutter.
Looking up and seeing James she smiles warmly and stands up again,"Jimmy." she calls to him and motions him over to them.
- Warpath has posed:
"Angel, Sam." James says in greeting as he reaches the base of the stairs, turns the corner and walks over to the pair. He takes in the food scents and smiles at the commentary. He closes on the two of them and he asks, "Sam, did you bring enough burgers for the entire class?"
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Well enough for the three of us at least, Ah always get a bit extra never know who is going to be up when you get in and not like it will set in the fridge long if put it on the free for all shelves." He chuckles softly "Feel free to grab some." He does get a burger, fries and some nuggets for himself.
- Firestar has posed:
Taking two burgers, she hands one to Jimmy and keeps one for herself,"Hey. How are you tonight?" She reaches for a beer as well and starts to fight with the lid,"Sam is making sure I have enough food to go into a coma and sleep tonight."
- Warpath has posed:
Seizing the opportunity for prepared food, James will say, "Thanks." to Sam while grabbing the offered burger with a smile. He's got a big appetite. He'll probably still be hungry for more. But this is a good start. He notices Angelica fiddling with the lid and will reach over to simply take the neck of the bottle (not taking it from her) and thumb the lid off capturing it with rising fingers. "Sleep comas are the best comas." comments James. Then he adds while withdrawing his hand and the captured lid, "I'm good. Rested, thinking I should do some reading regarding the social studies class I teach, but really not wanting to. How about you?"
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to the others and says "Well working and then food coma can work even more." He offers and says "And if you ever need anything else to do, you know always a place for ya at the club."
- Firestar has posed:
A soft smile for Jimmy and she nudges him gently,"Thanks." she tells him for opening the bottle for her. She takes a drink and hmms thoughtfully,"Never really developed a taste for it, but it isn't bad." she muses about the drink. Getting her seat back, she pats the seat next to her indicates Jimmy take a seat too.
- Warpath has posed:
After taking a few bites and hearing the commentary and offer(s). He moves as instructed to take a seat next to Angelica. He responds to Sam, "Thanks for the offer. I'm already stretched too thin as it is. You know how it is at this place. When you offer a little bit, they take a lot. I initially came for part time work. Now I teach two classes and help with danger room training and assessments. Plus whatever team Scott tells me to join, I'm there."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Oh trust me, training the New Mutants, and teaching flight classes I know what ya mean, but the club helps out a lot not only for me, but helps the community in Bushwick, lets me show folks they can still have a normal life there.
- Firestar has posed:
Angelica leans against Jimmy just a little, not laying on him or anything, just resting against his shoulder a little,"He certainly has an interesting approach to the training." she admits,"That was definately a fun time flying the training that night. The last one with Ms. Grey....not as much."
- Warpath has posed:
"I'll have to read about that one." James mutters to Angelica with a grin. Yet he is intrigued by Sam's approach at separation of church and state. Rather, the division of normal and abnormal. Offering 'normalcy' and; letting Sam find a means of decompression and a more normalish distraction away from the school. James has that when he goes on walkabout in the bush. But in Sam's case, he has more of a regimented take on the escapism. There's a slight nod from James of acceptance to Sam regarding the details.
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Well, Ah remember when Kurt taught me that trick Ah was showing them. Yea learned it from a non flyer." He admits. He opens his beer and takes a sip while eatting. "So what you been up to lately Jimmy?"
- Firestar has posed:
"Just don't ask me for a while ok?" she murmurs softly and starts in on her burger. Something about it is following her around just now, but she doesn't seem too interested in sharing,"I trust you both it just...yeah." Taking another drink, she makes a face, but laughs at herself softly. Sam mentioning flight training and she perks up a little,"Let me know if you want help with that. Flight training I mean, I don't have the constitution for a job at the club."
- Warpath has posed:
Another bite was taken, chewed, and swallowed before he responds to Sam's query, "Mostly just trying to keep up. But.. you know.." he pauses as if he has an epiphany, "The two of you together in a flight training simulation is actually a pretty good idea. I know you've gotten better with turning over the years, Sam, yet lacking still. And you're probably resistant to Angel's blasts. Meanwhile, Angel could out maneuver your attacks... I honestly think we should schedule something."
- Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well, Ah may have made a bit more progress than you think but it would be good to have someone for duo flying or maybe even some flying combat if we teach them that.
- Firestar has posed:
For a moment, Angelica is quiet. She listens to her friends talk and eats the burger almost ladylike, but not quite. The mention of flying against each other and working together both get a slow smirk,"Combat flight school can be entertaining for sure. I have a few ideas to keep them on their toes. Too many hours watching Top Gun and Iron Eagle."
- Warpath has posed:
"That's exactly where I'm going with it. A friendly game of tag. Speaking of going... I'm gonna head down there and work on a few concepts. Oh, and Angel. I won't ask. We don't have to talk about anything." He will stand and begin to move away. "Thanks for the burger, Sam."
- Firestar has posed:
The party starts to find its close as the group all make their way to their next destination. Angelica takes her beer as she finishes off her burger and heads for the stairs,"Night Jimmy. Night Sam. Good night John Boy."