15190/Gym talk

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Gym talk
Date of Scene: 08 June 2023
Location: Fogwell's Gym, Clinton
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: She-Hulk, Elektra

She-Hulk has posed:
Jen is here, She could go to other gyms, but this one is run by a friend of hers, and that counts for alot. Also, she tends to draw a lot of attention but he's been a gym rat here for a while, and nobody bothers her!

     Even when she's doing what she's doing now, Wearing some tiny purple shorts and a black crop sweater top, she's in her she-hulk form and is lifting weights that most humans can't even try to attempt. But for her, it's all about the low weight high reps right now!
Elektra has posed:
Elektra is not here to practice, but she is here lurking, taking in the sights and sounds as she slinks in the back, dressed in black jeans and a red tank top. Her dark gaze sweeps the area as if searching for someone, before focusing her attention on the Jade lawyer in the boxing ring. She smirks a bit, stepping towards her. "Getting ready for a fight?" she quips casually.
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Looks over and lifts an eyebrow whens he last saw elektra she was in her normal jen .. right now she's shehulk so she just lowers the weight and lets it fall the last few inches allowing the super loud thud to echo... she didn't drop it because she didn't wanna damage matt's gym . She looks over " I like to stay in shape " She says as she crosses her arms "You here to work out? "
Elektra has posed:
Elektra chuckles and nods, "So I see.." she eyes Jennifer and snorts, shaking her head, "Not particularly, still trying to get a lead on my latest client's son..Got a lead that he might have frequented this place in the past..Don't suppose you've seen this guy?" she pulls out a faded photograph of a young man, about 17 years old with messy auburn hair and a bit of facial hair but not enough to make more than a 5 o' clock shadow. "He's been missing for about a week now..Or maybe he's just staying low."
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Walks slowly over towards Elektra and looms a bit as she slowly leans down to check the picture .. " Hmmmm " She says " I haven't seen the kid , but since you've come here that means you've figured out if this is outside grab or something more " .

     She rubs her chin a moment " Have you checked out his friends? He might be with a girl or Look into his family's dealings. This might be revenge " .
Elektra has posed:
Elektra sighs, "Really, I'm not a detective, but if I'm trying to be 'good..'" she nods, "I did a little legwork, he's a troubled kid, had a falling out with his girlfriend, got involved in drugs. "

She shrugs "Had some friends who were involved in criminal activity. That guy I bugged the other day? he's one of them. I traced him to here before the bug was presumably discovered and discarded. Sooo..I guess he has an interest in this place too. But I guess it's hard to keep track of a lot of people, unless there's away to get ahold of a class roster or something...?"

She peers hopefully at Jennifer. "Do you teach classes here?"
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Blinks and cocks her head " You don't know this is Matt's gym.. Ask him," she says brightly " But I don't teach i get stared at alot .. but I think I know the kids you're talking about, " She hmms " if your trying to be good I could help you if you want.. I think I know where they might be hanging.. we could shake the tree and see what falls out " .
Elektra has posed:
Elektra rolls her eyes, "Trying to be a good girl sure is hard work.." she smirks and nods, "H, I know it's his place, just thought you might be helping him out.."

She arches a brow, tilting her head. "Oh..? You know where I can find em? Where?"
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Shrugs as she walks over to grab some stuff mostly her bag as she throws it over her shoulder " I might know " She says as she looks over her shoulder " I busted up some drug goons not to long ago , Some of the kids started comming here for the free boxing lessosn " She says simply " I know where they hang "
Elektra has posed:
Elektra peers intently at her, "Soo, you gonna give me more info than that? Or do I have to 'prove' myself.." she rolls her eyes, looking just a little impatient. "Or are you just enjoying taunting me..." much like SHE taunted Jennifer back on the rooftop the other day..
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Blinks " Are you getting paranoid or something I'm going with you, I'm going to show you where the kids hang out " She frowns " I'm not trying to get you Elektra, You wanna be good okay I'll bite.. I'm going with you to see myself but , Some kids life might be in danger lets go " She says as she motions for the door.
Elektra has posed:
Elektra chuckles, nodding. "Mmm, that's good. Why, it's almost too easy..Not that I'm complaining mind you. Figured you would demand I prove myself or something."

She nods, "Lead the way, I'm curious to see where this path takes us.." she seems more amused than concerned, perhaps even a bit eager for some blood to be shed soon..
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Smirks and nods as she walks outside throwing her bag into her car. " You wanna drive there or go the faster way? " She asks rather matter of fact " Given the hour right now roads are gonna be choked with cars so it might take a while "
Elektra has posed:
Elektra arches a wary brow at that. "Please don't tell me you're gonna offer to carry me or something.." she peers at the roads though and nods. "Right into rush hour..But are we really in a hurry?"
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Looks over " Kinda those kids don't hang out there all night normally once it gets dark they scatter into various places so yeah were kinda on a timer.. and yes I would carry you .. I know you might think your fast but your not my kind of fast "
Elektra has posed:
Elektra frowns, shaking her head. "No way. Nobody carries me. We'll take the car, I know some back roads short cuts. Come on!" and she's already headed for the car.
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Grins and yes she wants a little revenge so she grabs the back of Elektra's jecket " This is faster " She says this as she flex's her legs and launches upwards with a show of power only a hulk can pull off! Launching upwards and towards where the kids like the hang out dragging poor elektra!
Elektra has posed:
Elektra is not usually caught off-guard so easily..But Shulk is not just anyone..Her eyes widen in surprise as she's lifted off her feet, snarling in annoyance.

"Hey! Whatthe...?!" but it's too late as they're now bounding through the air. She groans, hoping Shulk doesn't drop her as the landscape flies by.

"Damn..You're gonna regret this.." she hisses.
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Laughs as she shifts Elektra up to her shoulders instead of carrying her like a sack.. at least she's being nice and Elektra's just has to hold onto her back .. but she is moving really fast leaping across the city and taking minutues to cross when it normally evne with no traffic would take almost 1 hr
Elektra has posed:
Elektra scowls, "Don't ever try this again! I am more than capable of carrying myself.." she continues to mutter in annoyance, even though she knows she could never keep up with Shulkie going this fast. "Please tell me we're there soon.."
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Laughs as they land with a massive impact into sand " Where here " she points to the River " The kids come down here to mess about near the warf " she says simply she point " that side is where all the docks are.. but nobody bothers on this side.. so the kids come here to hang out " she points " That big old warehouse is where they hang out till it gets dark .
Elektra has posed:
Elektra is more than relieved to climb off of Jen's back, wiping the dust off her pants. "Yeah I'll take the car next time.." she peers around, noting the burnt out fire pit, the discarded beer cans and other signs of party goers, "Heh, looks like this place is frequented by someone..And you knew all this and did nothing?" she frowns, inspecting a cigarette butt.

"But of course they're just kids, bumming around..Seemingly harmless.." dark eyes narrow as she kicks at a syringe. "Or are they?" she frowns, "Clearly drug users, I guess Chris Wright's parents will be upset if he's among them. But I suspect this is bigger than drugs.."

She peers towards the warehouse, "Shall we then? Perhaps a more subtle approach is in order. We can't exactly go busting through the front door, not that we can't take em but we'll spook em..We gotta figure out what they're up to.."
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Nods her head " I leave the sneaking to you " She says as she motions and decides to follow along she is trying to be stealthy but she's a hulk stealth is not her strong suit!
Elektra has posed:
Elektra sighs, circling the warehouse, looking for potential entry points that won't gain a lot of notice. "Ot would help if you were in your human form, but I suppose you can make a quicker get away in that form.."

She nods to an open window in the upper wall. "We can climb in through there, from the sounds it seems everyone is downstairs, there are a few windows open for ventilation only. It looks big enough for me to crawl through.."

She eyes Shulk. "Yeaaah, if you can human down it'd help greatly.."
She-Hulk has posed:
Jennifer Walters Looks over and shake sher head " Nope I'm not risking getting shot for an easy jump into a window " She grins but she does move over and jumps right up to grab the edge of a open window and pull herself up to peek inside and see what's going on
Elektra has posed:
Elektra rolls her eyes, binging a finger to her Luisa's she pulls out a retractable grappling rope, spinning and tossing it at the edge of the window before stealthily climbing over the ledge.

The other side is a small 6 foot drop to the ground but thankfully the hall is empty. Chatter can be heard coming from the large open room downstairs and there is a n open light coming from the end of the hallway, perhaps leading to a balcony.

Elektra motions that they should go that way for a better look.