15551/Diner surprise

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Diner surprise
Date of Scene: 31 August 2023
Location: Mel's Diner - Breakstone
Synopsis: Plans were made!
Cast of Characters: Copycat, Tyran'tar

Copycat has posed:
It's the middle of the afternoon and everything is going super slow at mels.. then again, it's not the most popular spot. Though something is diffrent today, for one the normal fat surely man isn't behind the counter cooking right now is a pretty Blond who seems to be humming a soft melody as she works! Except she looks really close to a celeb..

     She's moving around and putting out what looks like fantastic plates of food and There is one guy on his phone telling his friends to come to the diner .
Tyran'tar has posed:
    The lantern entered the diner, hearing this place as one with great food. He is dressed in a garish hawaiian button up t-shirt and shorts and sandals on his feet. His dreadlocks were pulled back and his orange skin, glowing green eyes and dark red hair definatly made him stick out. And the fact he was a head taller then anyone else also seemed to make the alien stand out as well.

    He moves to a booth and looks over the menu, looking sorta confused.
Copycat has posed:
It doesn't take long because the waitress blinks and moves over " Errr Van.. I think one of those.. you people showed up.. " She is clearly too scared to go close.. as The Cooking girl smiles and looks over .. She blinks and cocks her head " Hmmm, I don't know this one, but " She walks over, grabbing a pad as she pads over, " Heya sugar.. what can I get you , haven't seen a mutant like you around here" She says is a rather sing-song voice.
Tyran'tar has posed:
    He looks up to the woman. "I am not a mutant. I am a tamaranean, an alien. I am also a Green Lantern. I am new to this planet and I am unsure what to order. The only human food I have eaten is pizza." He says sheepishly
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Blinks " Oh your alien okay?" She smiles "That makes more sense .. I dunno what a latern is .. sounds like one of those guys who works with superman and wonder woman " . She thinks " What kind of pizza did you have and did you like it? " She asks, thinking " I could make you a plate of diffrent tastes. You could try and see what kinda of food you like " .
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "The Green Lantern Corps is an intergalactic police force. The green lanterns of earth are on a mission off world and I am subbing for them. It was meatfest. Can I have something called Mustard? I heard it was delicious." He explains
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Blinks and cocks her head " Intresting," She walks and grabs the mustard coming back and handing it to you " here, dab it on your finger and try if you like it.. and you liked the meat fest.. I got just the thing for you.. it's called a smoked meat sandwich on rye " She grins. % The thing is as she walked, you'd notice her body changing slowly, turning blue .. her hair is very white, and she's very diffrent than before. " Sorry about the disguise. I was practicing my powers " .
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I am afraid I do not understand the mutant phenomenon, How are you different from a baseline human?" He asks curiously as he takes the mustard and begins drinking it from the bottle like it was a soft drink. "A member of the royal family expressed an intense love for this. This is really delicious." He says as she walks off.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Laughs as she starts to make some more food .. Well, making that sandwich for him along with lots and lots of mustard and similar tart flavors. She looks over " We are human, but we have extra genetics that gives us powers.. There are humans who have powers via other methods but were the ones who were born with them, like me, I can copy powers and change into diffrent people ": .
Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar slurps up the mustard bottle as he nods to the woman. "Interesting. We dont have mutants on my world, but my people have incredible durability and the ability to fly when we absorb UV Radiation." He explains as he watches the woman. "Do you have a name ma'am? I am Tyran'tar"
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Smiles brightly " I'm called CopyCat," she says "Yeah, I picked up on your power. That's really neat. " She smiles. " Wait, are you like that Firestar girl? " She asks cocking her head " I heard she was an alien too. Saw her on a bill board once " . She walks over with the smoked meat sandwich on rye.
Tyran'tar has posed:
Tyran'tar says, "Starfire, yes I am the same race. Only I cant fire energy blasts and I am no where near as powerful as her. She is a member of the royal family and was experimented on to gain those powers. I was recruited into the green lantern corps, and serve as it's lantern of sector 2828. I am substituting for the human lanterns." He explains as he smiles and looks to the sandwich she has. "So, Copycat, Are you going to try and help people with your abilities?""
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Shrugs a bit " Right now, I'm a teacher at a school, I help kids learn how to cook " She puts the food down " So yeah, I'm gonna try and help.. if you mean more dangerous stuff.. I dunno yet I'm still learning my powers once I have a handle on them maybe " She says softly " I don't wanna be a risk for people " .
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "There is no need for doing dangerous stuff. I have often been said by my parents that I have a deathwish." He says with a chuckle and he nods. He then picks up the sandwich and begins to sniff it before taking a bite, smiling as he takes bigger bites. "This is really good, you cook this yourself?" He asks between bites.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Laughs and nods " Sorta yeah.. the meat was smoked by a canadian friend of mine.. but I spiced the meats to give to him.. I came here to make some new food since I'm friends with the waitress and the current cook had a stroke.. so I'm just helping out " She smiles since your an aliens he figures you won't know some of what she's talking about " She was nice to me when I was a hooker "
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "Hooker...You used to hook things?" He asks confused but still eating and nods to the woman. "Well your friend is lucky to have you. Whats your desire in life? Be a world renowned chef?" He asks curiously as he eats.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Laughs brightly " I'm still figured that out.. before it was just to get enough to eat.. then I met this guy and my life got a little crazy fro a while " she sighss " But then I almost died.. found out I'm a mutant so I've been trying to get a handle on that .. So I don't have a goal other than getting a handle on my powers and helping the kids "
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "A noble goal. hopefully you can do that." He says as he finishes his sandwich as he looks to the woman. "I am fairly new to being a lantern, however I have learned so much as a lantern." He says as he gestures for her to join him.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Smiles since there is nobody else right now it's okay for her to sit down with you .. BEsides her black on red eyes don't seem to bother you so she nods " Sure.. Right if I was to ask you the same question you'd say some big goal.. but the truth is your just trying to learn what is is to be a latern.. it's okay to have big goals but right now I'm working on what I got then I'll see where I can go with it "
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "The Lanterns bring law and order. Atleast I am told so by the guardians of the universe, a race of short blue men who run the lantern corps. Anyway, this ring on my finger is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. The things I can do with it is limited only by my will and imagination." He explains as he raises his hand to show her the green ring on it.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Blinks " Wow that sounds super impressive " She beams a big smile " Sounds like a big responsibility .. so be carful okay " she pats your hand softly " If you ever need somebody to talk to over a good sandwidch look me up " she says brightly
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I am glad to make friends on this world. I will gladly talk to you over a sandwich." He says with a smile of his own as he watches the woman.
Copycat has posed:
Copycat Grins brightly and nods " Sounds like a plan " She beams a bright smile as she thinks " For the most part my abilitys are more support style.. but I'm earth bound, Can't go into space and all that " She chuckles " Even if I wanted too I don't wanna leave the kids "
Tyran'tar has posed:
    "If you ever want to explore the stars, I can take you with me. You need only ask." He says as he nods to the woman. "I am hoping to adjust to this world and not be a villian. This culture is weird."