1568/Bruce takes a day off.

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Bruce takes a day off.
Date of Scene: 20 July 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Robin (Wayne), Domino

Batman has posed:
Bruce Wayne has been in meetings for days now as Domino would quickly realize that when at the office he was almost always busy doing something. She would see him at times passing in the halls, or maybe on the camera feed though he would smile at her with a greeting each time he saw her without fail. She would also realize that despite how many people really liked Bruce, there were a few in Gotham that just 'Hated' him as he constantly got threats from all sort of people though most were just irrational, or jealous of his position. Bruce normally would just delete them, and move on not worrying about it since he was used to it by now not taking it seriously at all though of course Domino would get those same mails since they were not marked confidential so was public for her to grab. The security updates she had put in place were already working, and though somethings still needed to be done a lot of it was in workers hands not hers, though she had already riled up some with the inconvience of her 'new procedures'. The mutant thing had not come out yet, or at least no-one had said anything to her yet though there might be a handful that were sitting on it waiting, as Bruce continued to publicly greet, and talk with Domino in their presence seemed to cut down on what others would say compaired to what they wanted to say.

She would get the memo a couple days before that on this day Bruce was not going to be coming into the office as he had some pesonal things to take care of, and was thinking about going to the Zoo, and all seemed fine until Domino realized that one of the long term threat people worked at that park. He had threatened to do some majorly bad things to Bruce if he ever got his hands on him, and Bruce was wondering right into his workplace,

Bruce was not stupid he knew exactly what he was doing though he had a role to play in all this. So that morning he woke up Damian. "We are going out, a couple rules.. One.. No fighting, even if you think they are going to kill me you are to act like a non-ninja. Second rule.. We are going to a Zoo.. This is a normal Father, and son thing.. I am not the League, I will not treat you just as a weapon. Act normal, and we will do this more often." and with that he left to get into one of the sports cars waiting for Damian to go with him. It was just a normal 'outing' though there was only one Audi R8 V10 in the parking lot. Bruce was in his suit, and tie looking well taken care off as he steps out of it looking at Damian. "Remember Behave... I just wish to have an intersting time.. with my son."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     It had been a...difficult couple of days for Damian, after making to choice to stay at the Manor, meeting Dick for real, and all that entailed. As Bruce woke the boy, he riled from his spot on the floor. He quickly gave slight grimaces as he was given clear instructions on how to act. "I know how to keep a low profile." He mentioned, rising up and starting to dress. Damian kept the words from Dick in his head, keeping his center. But at least he was getting to see animals.

  The young Wayne dressed in a green polo, slacks and street shoes. He took his seat in the car and kept to himself a bit on the ride. Bruce's words had hit a little close, if Damian had remembered correctly that was the first time he had heard his father call him son. A strange feeling, but somewhere he felt a bit more happy. "I will, Father." He offers in retort.

Domino has posed:
    Bruce is getting more than he paid for today. He's a sharp businessman; he knows how to make a return on his investments - and Nina, being equally professional, knows when to put in that extra effort that demonstrates she's a "go-getter".
    Today 'Elena Vladescu' is going to the zoo on her day off. Her long black hair is pulled up and behind the top of her head in a stylish wrapped braid, her pale pink jacket and skirt offset by pearls and cream undershirt, a long coat draped over her shoulders loosely.
    She stops a short distance away from Bruce and Damien to open her purse, take out a compact and touch up her lipstick, standing in such a position that she can see the reflection of the both of them in the small mirror in her hand.

Batman has posed:
Bruce leads the way in for Damian, he doesn't tell him to follow or anything just moving forward to the entrance of the place. There is a line which Bruce waits in for a while not seeming to see Domino, as he stands quietly waiting patiently though he could prob skip right past it if he wanted. If he spotted Domino he did not act like it as he walked out of the parking lot, nor when he went to the entrance to wait falling in place in the line with people now moving in behind them.

As they did this though a few young adults have moved up to the car they seem to whistle at it, and rub a finger down the side. When no car-alarm goes off they seem to get a little braver trying the locks, and seeing if they can get in. They don't notice Domino either, but their intentions are clear as they seem to be looking around a bit more now. It seems Bruce had forgotten to put on the Car Alarm again, and they wanted to use that to go joy riding today.

In the line Bruce looks down at Damian not sure what to say so he looks ahead again.. Finally he speaks up.. "I hope you have become adjusted to the Manor.. Alfred has told me you are not using the beds yet." he pauses looking at the line. "I have learned it is wise to do what Alfred suggests.. Or else you might be getting cold soup for a while."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian hadn't seen much of Bruce Wayne before today, other than what tabloids had said, or television. But there was definite understanding that his father had to maintain appearances as Bruce Wayne. If Damian has anything to learn it was how to be a Wayne, not a weapon, not The Demon.

  Looking up at Bruce, Damian shrugs. "I'm used to sleeping on a futon, or the ground. The bed is...soft. And Grayson came by to talk, it was...interesting. "

Domino has posed:
    'Elena' closes her makeup compact, walking past the two and stopping to sit on a public bench where she can view the exhibits, and the father and son in question. She takes out a smartphone and takes pictures of the animals, blending in. La la la, certainly no bodyguard here, pay no attention to that mutant behind the embassy coat.

She brings the phone back to her hands, and checks an app she installed. A camera feed comes up from the motorcycle parked right across from the Wayne's car. She is immediately alerted to the status of the vehicle. She taps the screen.

Immediately the motorcycle bursts into a loud alarm, loud enough to draw attention to anything nearby - such as the youths and the car they're trying to hijack.

Batman has posed:
As Domino pulls out the phone, and turns on the alarm she losses sight of them for the time it takes to look down hit the buttons, and look up it really isn't that long of a time. Though when she looks up Bruce, and the boy with him are no-longer in line. It was just moments, and it looks like they had moved off somewhere else though it wouldn't take long to spot them... As that happened one of the people from park had lead them away from the crowd moving them towards a different entrance. Bruce was smiling, and leading the boy with him as they had quickly explained how they couldn't have someone like Bruce Wayne standing in line with the rest of the people, as they are walking away the name on the back of the Zoo jacket everyone has to wear has 'Hi I am Don, ask me about the Animals!" though the name is changed per person. The name Don sounds familer to her.. It was related to the threats she looked up considerning him, she was just lucky that he had his name on the back to begin with though it looked like Bruce was getting himself into trouble again. The kids around the car had fled, the situation as handled as they didn't want trouble just thought it was an easy grab.

As they are being lead Bruce is talking to Damian in a low voice.. "Be careful of him.. I trust he is doing best for you but his goals are not always our own. The buisness life is complicated, and I want you to choose if that is what you even want. I have a few schools lined up for you to choose when we get back if that is what you prefer to do." Bruce had no idea how to treat a child really he always treated them like adults to make their own choices, and face the harshness of those choices themselves. He looked at the man leading them, and adds.. "Remember what we talked about before we left though.." in a warning, as though he was Bruce, he was also Batman and knew a bad situation as it started. He smiled at Damian, though with a warning look before he spoke up again.. "Hey thanks for the backstage pass here.. I am so glad we ran into you." which gets a... "I am sure.." from the man leading them away from the crowd.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian hadn't had much experience in 'normal' outings but he did know that the two were getting VIP treatment. He responds to his father: "I guess he wanted to meet me, or Alfred called him. " He understood what Bruce meant by 'the business', and it was all Damian had really known, other than killing. "I've pretty much already passed what qualifies as school here." He informs, but quietly nods as the ultimatum was given, he speaks up. "Yeah, thanks mister." That last part had made Damian give the slightest cringe. He followed next to Bruce.

Domino has posed:
    Well -crap-.
    If Bruce were any more absent minded he'd take a long walk off a short pier and stop mid-air to admire the clouds. 'Elena' sees that the two are gone. She'll have to divide focus, but she knows she has a better than eighty percent chance she'll be able to handle both matters at once.
    She taps another couple of buttons on her phone. Not only has the motorcycle's alarm drawn unwanted attention and spooked the young would-be thieves, but Domino's cycle is auto-dialing police and is streaming video of the would-be theft in progress. Ah, the joys of technology in 2025. The boys in blue can handle this. 'Elena' has bigger fish to fry.
    She stands up and puts the phone in her pocket, walking towards the last location she saw the two Waynes. "If I were an oblivious billionaire out with my son, where would I be?" she asks herself quietly. She looks at that secondary entrance, out of the way, obviously for staff and VIPs. Something inside her nudges her that way. "Yep," she agrees with her "instinct."
    She makes her way casually towards the secondary entrance, and as luck would have it, no one's there right now. They're busy setting up for the snatch and grab of the Wayne family. 'Elena' comes to a shut security door with locking mechanism. Taking out her compact, she powders the keys, and four brighten with fingerprints. She doesn't even try to determine what the right keystrokes are. She just presses four numbers at random.
    The door unlocks. What a *lucky* break. 'Elena' slips inside.

Batman has posed:
As the man leads them down the security hall he starts talking to them. Domino entering behind could hear the voice as he wasn't talking low or anything just talking normally as they walk down this abandoned hallway. "I am glad I cought you Mr. Wayne. Though I don't think you remember me." as the man talks Bruce walks quietly behind him lookin at the exits out thinking if he needs to take a detour, and why. The man continues. "You see I used to be the CEO of Wild Pets.. Most of us here have worked from there, though we had to get a new job after it shut down." Bruce frowns at this, and finally speaks up in a serious tone. "Your company was selling endangered animals, those animals even hurt people as they were not ment to be pets." though he was interupted by the man stoping raising his voice as he poked a finger into his chest. "You don't get to say that.. I lost my family.. my home.. all because of you poking your nose where it didn't belong." Maybe the man realized when he poked him in the chest that wow this guy works out, or maybe it was just the height difference, but he turns walking a bit futher before he opens a new door.. Though this time he pulls out what looks to be a tazer. "Go in there.. both of you now!" he states quite planly.

Bruce looks at Damian, and gives him a wink.. "Sure thing.. Boss." he says as he holds his hands up, "Comon Damian lets do as the man says.." he adds before walking in to the next room. They would see a large circlular room with an exit on the other side. There are a few peope in here though they all seem to be on the high-ground looking down at them. They don't speak for now just looking down at the two. With a sigh Bruce continues to talk to Damian.. "Just because you passed doesn't mean it isn't worth it to go.. You can make and meet friends at a school, though the one I had in mind was a bit... different. I just have to talk to the Professor of it to see if I can get you in." seeming not to mind the situation they are in as he is still talking about their conversation earlier. "I hope that if you want to take on the buisness, that this school will teach you a few important things about life so it will be easier."

As he finishes speaking the people around start chanting.. "Kong.. Kong... Kong.." as Bruce sighs.. "Kong is the silverback... this isn't good."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian holds up his hands, looking at this man with A veiled look of fear in his eyes. He could kill this guy right here right now, even with the taser pointed at them. He sullenly moves to the gorilla enclosure with Bruce.

  Once they are in, Damian looks up at the spectators, figuring these to be the other ex-employees of Wild Pets. The fact they sold endangered animals only made him angry inside. He's not sure about the situation about the school though. "Would you want me in the business?" No time like the most awkward of times to put your father on the spot. "A silverback? Great." He was for once very glad to be as small as he was, maybe he'd be confused for a cub or something...doubtful.

Domino has posed:
    'Elena' has heard everything from her position in the back. She sets down her purse, flicking on the phone to record audio, moving both out of sight with one foot.
    "Guys," she says to the gathered group of criminals, "He's got more names to deal with than a phone book. You're blowing your "reason I'm getting revenge" speech on someone who could probably wallpaper a house with his Rolodex. His -old- Rolodex." As she continues to talk, 'Elena' walks towards the Wild Pets Gang (she's calling them that now in her head), hands in the pockets of her jacket.
    "Also, it's kind of stupid to be mad at a guy who fired you for unethical practices. You want a way to *not* be angry? Rebuild a better business. Maybe one that isn't going to get you bought out and fired in the end," she says with a smirk. "Now. Unlock the cage, put down the tazer, and step away from the moneybags. This is your only warning."

Batman has posed:
As the gate opens on the other side of the pair in the cage the man standing next to Domino stutters out.. "It.. it's too late..I can't unlock it he would kill us both" as he says looking at her. Her gun isn't out, but this has nothing to do with her so he lowers it looking into the cage. "Kong is loose.. Bruce will pay for what he has done." Though inside the cage it is a bit different then one would expect as she would hear Bruce say "Don't shoot him." reconizing the voice immeditly from outside the cage.

Inside he whispers to Damian.. "Trust me... Do not back down." as a giant sized silverback comes running into the cage at full speed towards them. Bruce stands there staring at it as it just charges the pair running at full speed. If Damian listens then when it gets close.. close enough that the dirt it throws from stoping hit the pair it stops, and roars at them beating his chest. Bruce looks at it.. "Fascinating..." before he steps forward.. He says in a low voice.. "They also did not have a clue about how they act.. how they got this job is beyond me." as he crouches down, and puts his hands on the ground palms up.

He doesn't look, but clears his throat for Damian to do the same.. before he adds.. "Of course I do, but it isn't what I want.. it is what you want." very quietly now as the ape is standing over him looking down. He seems confused, but hasn't attacked him yet though all the people standing above them are tottally quiet.. just in shock at what is going on. The others are looking at the cage door where she is, and inside where Bruce is not sure what to do.. And that is the moment when they decide it is best to flee. They are all running away from this situation outside of doors at the top, as now sirens can be heard outside. The man standing next to Domino does have his key out so she can take it, but is too afraid to open the door himself. At that time Bruce speaks up again.. "Did you want to join the buisness?" he asks Damian as the ape brushes his palms with his own hands, and then the same to Damian if he followed suit though he keeps his eyes down he does still keep them on the ape's body just incase.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian doesn't move, as instructed, he winces as the dirt from the enclosure hits his face. The boy mimicks Bruce as he bows down to Kong. "I...yes." He admits, taking that emotional plunge to admit he wanted to be more than just the League's weapon. The boy sighed with relief as the gorilla brushed his own hands, not being able to believe that it happened, and two, it was pretty cool.

Domino has posed:
    Nina reaches over and snatches the keys away from the frightened man. "What's next, the unnecessarily slow dipping mechanism? If it weren't for idiots like you I'd be out of work," she scolds him.
    "Mister Wayne, Master Wayne, I'm going to open the service door here on the side. It's big enough for staff to get in to clean the pit, but it'll be hard for Dee Kay in there to get through. If you back up slowly towards the door, I can try to distract Kong. I've also got some animal tranquillizers I can use to try to knock him out ... but you seem like you have the situation well in, ah, 'hand'."
    'Elena' doesn't even try to disguise it any more. Bruce will recognize that voice as well. It's Nina. She speaks just loud enough to be heard, but not enough to distract the ape. Hopefully.

Batman has posed:
As the ape moves around Bruce slowly backs up with Tim back to the door.. "Glad to hear it.." he adds as they shuffle towards the door running out at the last minute as the Ape is becoming more curious on what they are doing. With a slam he closses the door, and wipes off the sweat.. "Wheew. That was a close one... I am glad I did that deal in Africa." he adds leaning against the wall. He looks at Damian, "I think I had enough of the Zoo for one day, how bout we let the police handle this from here." and gives a chuckle as he starts wondering the back halls looking for an exit. "I am glad we had that talk."

As he passes Domino he smiles at her, "You look nice today, though I like you better without all the make-up." and winks as he leads Damian down the hallway.. "Clean this up, and I will see ya at work tomorow.. Good job today Miss Thurman.. I am glad I hired you." as he continues to walk explaining to Damian. "That is my personal security. I thought she was at the office today, but it seems she was busy saving us. Aren't we lucky!" though he doesn't explain who the kid is, or why he is her. Sure it might of been worse if he was someone elses kid, but for now he doesn't address the obvious question.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian follows suit, shuffling towards the door, slowly and gently. Eventually he slips past the gate and looks back at the silverback. "I am too, on both accounts." He adds, before looking to Domino. "Miss Therman, thanks." He offers with a smile. Damian of course, not saying anything else either. But that was his style, similar to his father's in a weird way.

Domino has posed:
    Nina hasn't been formally introduced to Damian, but the kid looks so much like Bruce she just assumes they're related. She doesn't ask though; if Bruce thought she should know about any family members, he would have told her about them. Right?
    "Just doing my job," she replies to Damian with a little smile. Bruce's comment about makeup makes her laugh. "Oh, I agree, but sometimes powder foundation is a life-saver. See you tomorrow." She winks, keeping an eye on the situation until the police arrive.
    Ugh. She's going to have to hang around, file paperwork and submit evidence for you, too? (I'm naming my first ulcer after you,)Oo. Domino thinks as the other two clear out. .oO(No wonder Batman wanted me to take care of this. You're a handful all on your own!)