15765/Drowning ones's sorrows in steak.

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Drowning ones's sorrows in steak.
Date of Scene: 04 November 2023
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Harry ran into Skye again. This time she didn't let him smoke a phone for her. Good scene.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Quake

Harry Dresden has posed:
Mac's is busy on Friday nights. Many people share tables despite not arriving together. The bar is almost shoulder to shoulder, though there is two spaces there. One bar stool on each side of the tall wizard.

A steak sandwich and his second bottle of homebrew sits infront of him. NObody seems to be scared of him, just wary as usual,"Yes. Yes." he tells Mac,"I had a woman in my bed and didn't sleep with her. I am aware that is great fun for you."
Quake has posed:
Skye arrives just as Harry says that, and laughs. "Why not?"

She holds up her forefinger to acknowledge that she'd like a pint. And then turns around on Harry. "don't worry. No wired or wireless things on me." Well other than her watch - a SmartWatch. It will or will not last through the encounter.. she figures she could get the upgraded one if she needs to.

When her pint comes around, she orders a steak sandwich. "See? I remembered. How are you Harry?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
Looking towards her, Harry shrugs,"Asking myself that same question. Initially I didn't think it was something she would agree to. She might not still, but who knows." he admits and shakes his head. He smirks when she points out she doesn't have any tech on her,"You learn quick." he tells her,"Too bad more people don't." He chuckles softly,"I am well enough. How are you?"
Quake has posed:
"You didn't know if she would? O..kay. Did you physically sleep in the bed? No.. no.. How could you not know if she was interested in you. She slept in your bed. That's usually a prime example of wanting to."

This was Harry though. Strange things happened around him.

"I probably wouldn't. Though not because you aren't available. You and I have an extreme disconnect in our technologies. We couldn't be together without some crazy interventions going on." Skye lifted up her pint and saluted with it before taking a drink.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He takes a drink and laughs,"She left to go to the bathroom. Later, when I went back to go she fell asleep on my bed so there's that too. Celebrating my birthday by sleeping on my couch." he comments softly.

"A relationship for us would probably be ill conceived. Like you say, tech is part of you the same way the magic is a part of me. Maybe not exactly, but pretty close." He laughs softly and takes another bite of his food. Once that is down he tells her,"I have a dog the size of a small horse, that can make me less appealing too."
Quake has posed:
The story of his birthday 'present' causes Skye to laugh. "That's funny in a roundabout way. Sleeping on the couch, while the Sleeping Beauty absconded with your bed."

They must have been prepared, as her order came out in under 10 minutes.

"Hey, I've got two cats who let me stay at my home as long as I scoop their litter and feed them what they say. Sometimes they decide that the food is no longer suitable and turn up their noses at it. The leader - Grant - makes certain that his wants are not being met by peeing on my pillow. So I think we might be equal in the pets department."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Everyone keeps saying the same." he admits with a shake of his head,"She was pretty sleeping like that, but I come with a lot of baggage."

Mac snorts behind the counter and moves to check another order,"I don't know. Last time I tried it was all an illusion. It wasn't real. I start to wonder what is. At least here I know it is real."

"Cats are the king of the castle. My dog could eat my cat in a bite, but my cat, Mister, rules the place and everyone knows it. They are an interesting creature the cat."
Quake has posed:
"No kidding. Grant was on a deserted isle just waiting for someone to come and take him off. Literally. I was looking for my mother. Didn't find her. Found him though."

Taking up her sandwich, she nods. "Ah. One of those. You shouldn't make up the other person's mind though - in theory. How do you know she doesn't come with her own baggage?" Skye shrugs. "Trust me. Even when you do know about the baggage, it doesn't mean things are going to go alright."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"You found the cat where you were looking for your mother?" he asks curiously,"Did you ever find your mother? Was there some sort of switch or the like?" That sounds like potential magic and rare, but not impossible.

"She's a few years younger than me too, but I guess at our age that doesn't matter as much." he muses,"You are right though. Shouldn't decide for anyone. Maybe we will see each other again some time."
Quake has posed:
Skye shrugs. "Hey, I've got shitty track records with men. Take my advice with a pillar of salt." She puts the sandwich down, and picks up her pint.

"Not magic." She could follow the dots. "Metahuman. My mother and father weren't very good people. Though my father was somewhat affected by the concoction he took. We've found him a place, and keep an eye on him periodically."

"Aaaaand, the next question usually is,'what about you, then?' Put your drink down." She nods with her chin.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Salt gets an odd stigma. As mundane things go, it is a powerful magical componenty." he offers,"A pillar of salt no less?"

"Ahh metahuman. I have encountered a few of them. Not a lot. The one most impressive was the Justice League's resident Amazon. Diana of Themascyra, Wonder Woman."

He smirks a little bit and nods,"What about you then." he obliges her and sets his bottle down to listen. He leans on the bar and waits.
Quake has posed:
"Well, my mother isn't so well known. She has a following though. Watch."

On the bar Skye holds her hand up just a little bit. At first nothing seems to be different. Then..with a subtle ringing of the glass, his beer begins to slosh about - always missing the edge of the glass.

Then is suddenly *stops*.

The pint looks to be immobile. Like a picture at the moment before it splashes out of the glass. Only there is no picture.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He watches as she takes time to show her power. He frowns slightly and lets his head turn to one side like a dog hearing a weird sound for the first time. When it stops he frowns and asks,"Something based around techtonics?"
Quake has posed:
"Vibration. Big. Little. Everything in between. Once I started a man's heart, though I wouldn't recommend it. Once, and only once. I can easily stop bullets, and throw a concussive blast. It makes me valuable on a whole other level. At least until the bad guys work their way around it. Still prefer hacking, though."

Skye lets the beer fall down into its glass. "My codename is Quake." She laughs about it.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Vibration." Harry muses softly and takes a drink of his brew,"Starting the heart is very impressive." he admits,"The concussive stuff, sounds like I might want to try to find a way to do what you do with magic. I can only imagine how useful it might be."

He smirks a little,"Quake. That something you chose or did someone give it to you?"
Quake has posed:
Skye clenches her jaw. "I was a prisoner. I didn't have a choice."
Harry Dresden has posed:
There is a moment of hesitation and then he nods,"I can understand that only too well." he assures her,"The only thing more fun than that is being icarcerated by a group of self styled law sorts that don't actually have authority in the world and if caught would probably be facing military reponses."
Quake has posed:
"It was in tandem with HYDRA. This.. man." Skye says it like it pian her to call him a man. "Held me in an underwater lab. I almost escaped but between the underwater thing and the fact that everybody in the station was trying to capture me.. Eventually they tied me up and used a crystal on me. I would say I was glad that it worked because the repercussions were.. well a blow up the entire lab and most of the men who were caught in the blast."

There was a blip in the news years ago that said that the cause of the explosion wasn't clear..

"It took a long time to control my power." She lifts up her coat and you can see that she wears bracers. "They help me so I don't destroy my arms of wrists with my power." She wriggles her fingers. "Most of my power is shunted off with my hands. It took me some time to.. hrm.. appreciate what I can do now."

She finishes up her steak sandwich, and washes it down with some beer.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He listens to her story, quietly. A hint of a frown at the mention of HYDRA. If ever there was a group that deserved a visit from the technolgy killer. He shakes his head and takes a drink of his brew,"Well. Someone tried to use magic to kill me when I was young and failed. I didn't." he tells her softly,"A governing body decided to put me on probation because that sort of thing is prohibited. I think the amount of killing that was caused to one body had a lot to do with it. Mostly I think they were a bunch of arrogant pricks and I am not beholden to them anymore. If they all died, I'd only mourn one or two."
Quake has posed:
"Well, it's not like I haven't found myself on the wrong side of the law, plenty of time. Only once, thought, working for SHIELD. Ironically I was a double agent for HYDRA during the fiasco with the world wide net going done and staying down. I might have had something to do with that. It's a complicated story, but my boss knew of it, and with a bit of arguing he got me out of jail. For a while I was one of the top ten criminals in the world."

"Hint: It wasn't a great time. Funny, when I started working with SHIELD I was a criminal. Given the choice of spending the rest of my life in a four by ten feet cell in maximum security, it wasn't really a choice. I was.. am.. a damn good hacker."

Skye lifts her pint in a salute. "So, I kind of understand."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry raises his pint to her in response to her salute,"It sounds like you took control of a bad situation the best way you could. Sometimes you have the lesser or two evils. As much as I hate to admit that. Sometimes it is hard to say which is which unfortunately." he tells her. After a drink he chuckles and shakes his head,"I will leave the hacking to you. You have seen what my hacking skills amount to. Pretty much the same as my phone use skills."
Quake has posed:
Skye laughs. "I like my job very much. For the beginning.. enh.. I wasn't so sure. And the first while, let me tell you, I was horrible on anything involving marksmanship, and a whole lot of the spy shit. I got better. Though," She lifts her chin, "What you've told me it's it's bigger than not knowing how to log on."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry takes another bite of his sandwich, finishing it off. He considers the words and agrees,"I like my job. Private investigator earns me a living. As a wizard I can make money, but sometimes people duck out on you and it's difficult to pursue legal routes."

"The easiest way to understand is, not much of anything newer than World War II technology can stand up to being in my general area. If I use power at something, there is nothing technological that can survive."
Quake has posed:
"Weird. But then again if you would have told me five years ago that I was going to control vibrations.." Skye makes a shrug-like gesture. "I like you Harry, even if I feel, naked in front of you."

She downed the rest of her pint. Threw a couple of tens on the bar. And nods. "Till next time."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry takes another drink of his brew and tells her lightly,"You never know what tomorrow will bring." He chuckles softly and adds,"I like you too Skye. I will try not to leave you feeling too naked next time." he adds. He waves and then adds,"Until next time."