15852/When an Amazon comes to your door...

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When an Amazon comes to your door...
Date of Scene: 30 November 2023
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Cassie came to talk to Harry about the next dream.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Wonder Girl

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry is sitting in the office, drinking a homebrew from across the street. He is going through paperwork, the joy of not being able to have a computer due to tech like that just sparking and smoking around him...literally.

Laying on the floor next to the desk is a moutain of hair known as Mouse, a Tibetian Mastiff that is almost the size of a pony as opposed to a dog. He lifts his head from the floor when he notices someone drawing closer to the door.
Wonder Girl has posed:
So Cassie had another weird nightmare not long ago. Last time it got that freaky someone was broadcasting about weird things in Mexico. This time just to be on the safe side she'd figure eliminate things that had already happened once.

Hence sending a text message to Harry checking if he'd be at his place. Then hurtling at speed to flat down at his door with a much more gentle landing. No sense shattering windows and glassware on a potential.

The blonde dressed pretty casually. No merch, just a pair of black jeans, a gray long sleeved hooded tee tucked in to the tan belted waistband. Her boots in almost matching leather with a few inches of heel.

The knock at the door announcing her presence along with a cheery greeting. "Hey Harry? Mouse? It's Cassie!"
Harry Dresden has posed:
A light shimmers at the door and Harry replies,"Come in Cassie. It's open." She might feel a little bit of static electricity in her hair passing through the door.

Mouse hops up and trots to her. His tongue hanging out lolling and slobbering. No one enters the office without paying the tax. The scratch the big dog and talk to him or he will follow you around and bump into until such time as the tax is paid.

Cassie is strong enough that she can't be knocked over, but it's still enough to be annoying.
Wonder Girl has posed:
It's a good thing she is ridiculously super strong. Other wise Mouse being substantially bigger would easily knock her around. Though she does let it happen a little as she gives big scritches behind the ear and hugs and pats.

He's a good boi, and deserves all the love!

So while she at it, and will likely stay at it she gets herself a little more to the point. "So anyone else having more weird monster dreams. Like messed up deer skull humanoid things that want to feed on flesh and smell like stupid amounts of decay and death?" she asks curiously.

"Figured start asking you or River if he knows anything. Feels like the same MO better check before I start bugging other people I know in the mystic life."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry reaches into a smaller ice box and takes out a home brew for her, popping it open and indicating her to take a seat,"I haven't heard anything yet, but the last time there had to be a first."

He frowns thoughtfully and says,"So a humanoid deer or humanoid wearing a dear skull? Eats people?"

He takes a breath and exhales softly. Standing up he takes his brew in hand and indicates her to follow him down the hall towards the apartment area. He waves a hand and the shimmer of blue closes the door area once more.

After happy lovings from the Amazon, Mouse trots over by the door to watch over the place while the go wherever they go.
Wonder Girl has posed:
It's probably good that Mouse decided he'd had enough. Any longer and the woman might have scooped hip up in her arms like he was still a little puppy.

Following Mouse's human in proper she kind of shrugs. "It was a dream so kind of fuzzy. Could have been wearing a skull. Kinda like a pokemon. Cubone but with antlers." she answers and makes an antler gesture with her hands at her head, thumbs at her temple. "Or something of it's elk." she couldn't help make a joke.

"Sound like anything you know? And if so, how does it handle the slice and dice?" it usually works for most monster types. Themyisciran forged weapons work on most things.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry reaches down and pulls the area rug off the floor in the hallway. Under it is a trap door that he pulls up. Below is a dark sub basement and he starts down the step into said basement.

"Flicum Biccus." he mutters softly and waves his hand. The candles in the basement spring to life without the use of a lighter. He looks up and motions her to follow,"It's all right. The floor is mostly level."
Wonder Girl has posed:
Basements are reveals and Cassy can only chuckle. Mouse getting a 'back soon' wave of her fingers. The benefits of being able to fly means stairs and uneven floors are no problem for small women in high heels.

"You should see what we have to deal with back on Themyscira. Not so much basement as gate to Hades." she points out. "We really need to install some aircon down there. I could maybe dive into a volcano and be fine. Hell dimensions however make me sweat." she jokes.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He smirks and shakes his head,"The air conditioner would probably catch on fire and burn down the building." he tells her. Reaching towards a towel on the desk, Harry tells her,"Be prepared, Bob is...well dirty old man doesn't cover it."

Taking the rag off the desk, there is a skull under it,"Wake up Bob. You're on the clock." Two points of orange light glow to life and a voice that sounds likd a bad butler in a 50's comedy,"Really Harry. Do you have to...."

The voice stop, the lights widen almost to the size of the skull eyes sockets,"...Harry. She's an Amazon. Harry. Amazon." The silence almost gets more awkward than the talking,"Is she for m...."

"Bob." Harry snaps at him,"On the clock."
Wonder Girl has posed:
she's been warned and honestly. She's no stranger to people acting like that around her. So when she reaches the destination just behind harry she comes to a landing with heels clicking lightly against the hard floor.

"Probably an easier time funneling cold air from a frost realm like Jotunheim. Then piping it down." she considers solutions.

How practical that is remains to be seen.

Meeting bob she keeps a smirk. "Amazon by adoption. The Princesses and I share a biological father." being Zeus she's easily used to dirty old men. A disembodied skull is sort of new though.

"So Hi Bob. What do you know about deer skull wearing humanoid abominations..." upon she gives as best a description as dream recollection allows.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Bob quiets for a moment when Harry calls him down. Harry shakes his head and sighs,"Talk to the lady Bob and remember she knows places in the world we've never heard of, can go places I can't, and I'll bet she has a vault I could never find you in."

Bob's eyes widen a little and then settles,"Asopted Amazon is it. Do you have any memories of Zues?" Harry's finger taps the top of the skull and Bob focuses.

"A humanoid wearing a deer skull." Bob mutters,"Harry this one was part of the prior situation?" It is almost a question. Harry nods and Bob is thoughtful,"There aren't many things that match the description. Was it a desert, water, snow...?"
Wonder Girl has posed:
"If you know him. I'll tell Dad you said Hi." Cassie offers to pass that along. There's vaults Bob might not want to be found in. Cassie herself has seen what they call 'The Tiarmory' she even has a few stored there.

"So yeah. It was kinda mountainy and forests. Lots of trees. Which kinda fits the deer theme. Just more decay and rot and hunger instead of frolicking." she goes on to explain.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry looks at Bob, waiting. Cassie might get the impression he already knows, but wants another opinion." Bob, for his part, is quiet for a while and the lights in the sockets dim for a few minutes.

When they brighten up, Bob finally says,"It sounds like the Native American legends of the wendigo. Not the Wendigo that is a giant bigfoot thing. The wendigo are people oriignally, but they resort to cannibalism either by necessity or by choice. They become ate up with an undying hunger. The heart of the beast nearly frozen by the act."
Wonder Girl has posed:
"If I remember the Sasquatch kind are closer to werewolves and way less cool than River. Or at least infectious like them." Cassie doublechecks on that. "Most of the legends start with the cannibal thing." she adds with a hmm.

"So any way we can get these people cured? Or is this a lost cause thing? Rather not have to kill things, but necessity. Need anything special to do the job? Artifacts, rituals? And so on?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"She met the bigfoot Harry? She must have a fairly noble heart then." Bob muses out loud,"Certain has a nice frame around that heart."

Harry can't stop them all and he shakes his head.

"I'm being punished." Harry mutters.

Bob considers for a time and he admits,"Legends and lore say once they have eaten another person, they fall into a unrecoverable state of always being hungry and never being sated. No recovery that I have ever heard about."
Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie tries to not eyeroll knowing she's being ogled and commented on. She's actually had worse. Zeus is her father and those legends get positively weird. especially how a lot of it was true.

"So, unsatiable hunger. Gotta wonder if there's anything like mystical and real Lembas Bread. One bite and you're full for like god knows how long. Or so feel so full you never want to eat again. Curse versus curse." Cassie ponders the idea.

It'd probably take some ingredients not normally found in the baking goods isle of a super market. "Fry it up in bacon grease so it smells tasty. Let the Wendigo have at it. See if it works."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry frowns thoughtfully and considers what she says. A brow raises slowly,"It's not a bad idea really." he admits,"I don't know if it would work, but it's not a bad idea to try."

"Did you get a sense where you were? Aside from in the mountains with a lot a trees? Anything that might give away the location?"
Wonder Girl has posed:
"Well if it's a Wendigo it will probably be the northern ends of the continent. Being mountains we've got either the Rocky or Appalachian ranges. So it narrows it down." The blonde scrunches her features up with as much recollection as she can.

Most of her expertise is still Greek and Roman. Since family.

"Still a big haystack for needles. So no details to work like a proverbial magnet. Pretty much need to start scouring news reports and stuff for anything gruesome. So research. Unless someone else knocks and has the same dreams. And if that's the case, what is the deal with those dreams?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Look into it deeper Bob. I'll come back later." he tells the skull and covers it once more. He points towards the trap door,"Up and to the left, find a couch or chair and we'll talk a little longer."

He goes to start putting out candles and picking up a single book from the shelf. He puts the book next to the skull and then covers them. He sighs and tells her,"He's a perv and likes the smut books."
Wonder Girl has posed:
The blonde nods her head and briefly leaves Harry to put the towel rag over Bob's head eventually. It probably gave the skull a view from the back. But again, Cassie's long used to it. The ascent back to the upper floor is easy enough when you can hover at least.

"He'd love the internet then." she adds on her way up.

Once she's back upstairs the couch is found and while she's at it she's giving Mouse more scritches and pets because that's the law of the land.

And Mouse is clearly a sook that deserves it.