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(While at the Bronze, Arthur and Kimberly are treated to the arrival of Cain Marko looking for someone in Sunnydale. Fortunately for them it's a peaceful encounter!)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 21:47, 26 March 2024

Along the Bronze Came A Giant
Date of Scene: 09 March 2024
Location: The Bronze, Sunnydale
Synopsis: While at the Bronze, Arthur and Kimberly are treated to the arrival of Cain Marko looking for someone in Sunnydale. Fortunately for them it's a peaceful encounter!
Cast of Characters: Crimson Wolf, Pink Ranger, Juggernaut

Crimson Wolf has posed:
It's the weekend! Party time for high schoolers, college students, and generally anyone that does the 9-to-5 job scene. A live band had been pulled out to perform and it was just flat out a nice time in the Bronze tonight.

It being a hit spot for college students meant that an online course taker had to check it out. Even if it was far from his usual type of scene to go to, Arthur King was at least enjoying the atmosphere.

The young man was just drifting about the club and people watching. A drink was in hand, he had no problems tonight. Nothing weird, strange, or such happening that he knew of. And he was just set to enjoy himself as much as he could. That and someone had told him to come by this place.

He was dressed super casual. Black t-shirt that fit him perfectly, a snazzy overshirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. Nothing really to stand out other than he came in alone and has been doing the drifting around the club bit for a while.
Pink Ranger has posed:
A weekend, no comps, no monster attacks (yet) and...well, all her friends were busy. No Trini, no Faith free to hang out while she was in town...she'd have to entertain herself! The brunette moves her way forwards, through the door and wrapped in her black skirt trimmed in bright pink over her leggings and her jacket zipped up to protect her against the weather outside.

A nightclub on her own? Well, at least she could probably spend some time on the dancefloor, maybe have a small drink and just...be normal for a moment or two!
Crimson Wolf has posed:
Normal is such a harsh word at times. Especially in this world and well... whatever is happening with Sunnydale.

Arthur happened to spy the brunette, but then realizes it's the wrong color that he is looking for. Giving a small sigh to himself, the young man shakes his head. Then shakes his drink as he realizes that it's empty. "Empty drink, empty answers, I guess."

He turns to head to the bar for undoubtedly another drink.

Sifting through the crowd is the easy part for him it seems. Not much different than other parties he has attended, just less black, white, and whatever color dresses are popular at the moment.
Juggernaut has posed:
A sudden stir makes its way through a portion of the crowd nearest to the entrance. A sort of disturbance usually associated by the sight of an influenver, or athlete or someone of some importance that has decided to 'grace' this area with their presence.

Perhaps 'grace' isn't the best word, however... for as the monstrously huge and hulking physique of Cain Marko makes his way into the area...it's puts in mind more the sight of an elephant wandering boredly into a herd of sheep.

Dark glasses hide his ice cold gaze as they survey the area. He wears dark jeans, brown heavy soled shoes, a sleeveless jacket bearing his colossal arms and a tee-shirt sporting the visage of Godzilla looming over a Tokyo skyline ....but it s his immensity that draws most eyes and bevvy of recordings for various reels, tiktoks and other such things. Seven feet and then some and looking as if he'd consumed the whole of the defensive line of a football team and then started to dine on the largest record breaking strongmen after that. The very sound of his muscles moving seems an audible thing of leather creaking as his sinew bunches and stretches his garments as he slowly prowls through the entrance, stopping for no one but not in any particular hurry either.

Needless to say, intimidation rolls off of him like a sleepy earthquake and though pictures are snapped - something urges folk to not linger to long or attempt to bar his passing. Not exactly...the normal client for a place like this.
Pink Ranger has posed:
Kimberly's own position comes towards the bar, a little tilt of her head to the side as he own gaze comes to Arthur staring at her and she offers a polite smile, but she doesn't recognize him. Of course, there was -some- who might recognize Kimberly from her Olympic performances, but who really kept track of the Gymnastics team that closely?

Instead, she turns to look as the larger figure that was Cain suddenly made his arrival. Truth be told, for a moment the sight of the large shape out the corner of her eyes had her wondering if she was about to run into a monster attack...but no, it was seemingly just a really, really big guy. A mutant or meta maybe? She wouldn't judge. After all, 'all shapes and sizes' included impossibly large!
Crimson Wolf has posed:
Arthur was not one who did. But he did give a polite smile back before he made his way to the bar. That there was some whispers and the like had him turning to look and just... blink a few times.

Mutant or meta, that was just incredible in size. Arthur was definitely looking at that by the time he reaches the bar. And he decides to at least be helpful as he waves the bartender over, then motions at the larger man before sliding a $20 over. A small shrug is given before he orders for himself as well.

Best way to avoid possible trouble? Get a drink for possible trouble maker. Usually works in some ways. Granted, there's no alcohol in the Bronze, but hey. Thought that counts!
Juggernaut has posed:
For his part, the immense man doens' t -seem- like he's out for trouble. Mutant or meta? Well anything's possible these days. From the looks of him he's a step beyond the 'do you lift bro' stage so regardless of the what, why and how..he's a bit of a record breaker in terms of measurements.

He doesn't seem particularly interested or invested in anyone just yet however, but his massive footfalls are taking him closer and closer to the bar. His vast shadow rolls over it like a rolling thunder cloud and he reaches into the depths of his jacket, bunching up boulder girthed biceps as he moves, and then withdraws from his jacket...a smart phone? It looks almost ridiculous considering the size of his hands. It's as big as one can be and yet still seems swamped over by his immense fingers. Despite that, with practiced ease he begins manipulating it..bringing up photos and then turning it towards the bartender as he nears.

"Seen her?" he rumbles, heavy bass voice practically shaking the glasses on the table as he looms overhead. The image is of a red headed young girl. Perhaps slighlty more thyen college age but completely plausible for this crowd and town. Perhaps an instructor or an assistant.

"N..no sir..." stammers the bartender. "..But the night is young. We get all types.. Um sir."

He glances at the giant, noting his own closely cut red hair in addition to his size but then seems to remember Arthur's instructions. "Oh yeah. You got someone buying you a drink. What'll it be?"

"Huh?" Cain frowns, pursing his lips and scrunching up his lightly bearded jaw before following the gestures of the bartender towards Arthur and beyond him to also see Kimberly. His brow furrows as he peers at him, eyes confused but the look hidden by his shades.
Pink Ranger has posed:
A drink in hand (even if it was just a soda), Kimberly turns her gaze towards the exchange and noteably comes to consider the exchange of drinks to try and win over some promise of safety for the evening. Or maybe Cain was Arthur's 'type'? You never know what (or who) someone might like after all!

Hands shifting to raise her drink to her lips, sipping through a straw to protect her modest lipstick it seemed that Kimberly was engaged in a little people watching...because when Cain brought out the smartphone? Well, that had her looking closer. Cain didn't exactly look like a cop after all...
Crimson Wolf has posed:
Arthur gives a small shrug. The young man can't be more than 18.

"Just being friendly." Arthur replies.

"I have been in here a while, may I take a look?" He is curious, and that it's a smart phone that the guy could snap easily... well, now Arthur just wanted to help possibly.

Not to mention he obviously knows that Cain could turn him into paste probably really easily.
Juggernaut has posed:
The behemoth of a man turns slightly more, now facing Arthur and Kimberly more directly. Cain says nothing at first, simply leveling his gaze in full on Arthur. The sensation might be like having an earthquake notice you.

After a pause, he speaks once more and, well, surprise it seems he's affable enough.

"What am I supposed to order at a bar that doens't serve alcohol?"

Sort of.

"But thanks.." he adds at the end of all that, not being a complete and total jerk about it. No harm in folk trying to be nice it would seem. He then turns the phone around, "Her names Theresa Cassidy. I'm just checking on her for a friend... Got a tip she miht be around these parts. Nothing too serious..."
Pink Ranger has posed:
A P.I. maybe? The idea of Cain following somebody seemed almost comical, but Kimberly simply listens as he comments before leaning over to look for herself. The invitation had pretty much been extended after all. "Is she missing?" she asks, speaking up for the first time even as her brow furrows and she almost certainly was trying to consider if she'd seen the face anywhere near the vampires in town.
Crimson Wolf has posed:
Arthur looks over the photo, eyeing it before shaking his head, "I have not seen her before."

He rubs his chin, trying to think on the name but coming up with nothing. "Do you know if she travelled here alone or with friends? If so, you might try the local bus stations."

The brunette that is Kimberly leaning over has him looking over at her, then back at the phone. "I do not have much of an idea on where else to search for her, unfortunately."
Juggernaut has posed:
The giant man hesitates for a moment at the questions...seemingly searching for words. Then he simply says, "No." in answer to Kimberly. "...Probably not.."

Probably not the best answer to an 'is she missing' question but after a pause once more, the huge man speaks again to clarify, "She's got a degree in Art History and some teaching experience. I thought I'd just check some of the local college haunts. Her uncle's checking on her but...They don't exactly have the best relationship.. Family drama. I was just checking in.. I'm sure she's fine. She can take care of herself.."

Being the daughter of Banshee and the niece of Black Tom Cassidy certainly means she can take care of herself though Cain well knows that there are plenty dangers even for a mutant with Siren's capabilities.

"Just keep a look out for me.." he finally adds after puling the phone away and engulfing it into his massive palm.

So...what should I order?"
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Probably not?" Kimberly repeats, but she doesn't push further as the rest of the explaination is given. It sounds reasonable enough, probably, though Kim lets herself lapse back into silence while drinking away at her soda and considering.

"Maybe check her social media or something like that?"
Crimson Wolf has posed:
"Um... mountain dew, pepsi, dr. pepper, coke... take your pick?" Arthur replies.

"But I can definitely keep an eye out for her." Arthur gives a nod, then turns to get his own drink.

A shrug is given towards Cain. "Best we can do is keep an eye out. Who do we say is looking for her, by the way?"
Juggernaut has posed:
"So all the stuff I can get a local 7 Eleven. Right."

Cain gives a vaguelly dismissive wave with his thick sausage sized fingers and grunts lightly, "RIght, right. Alright.. Coke then."

He glances at Kimberly briefly and then Arthur once more before finally tucking his phone away.

"No need to worry yourselves about it. She probably aint here..." he says simply enough.

Now that's not suspicious at all is it...

Though given social media it's likely if she is looking she'd see a photo of him in the area pop up. IF she's even around.

"She aint much for keeping her social media up." he says, finally answering Kimberly. "This was more...of a surprise visit. Don't worry about it..."
Crimson Wolf has posed:
Arthur nods, "Sorry there is nothing harder here, big guy. I'm a bit glad for it, with the crowd there is."

He smiles, "I hope your search goes well, then. Family is important."

A small buzz comes from his pocket, "If you will excuse me, I need to go take this outside preferably." He turns to go, giving a small wave over his shoulder.
Juggernaut has posed:
"Yeah well, thanks."

He's social despite his stern look and massive size.

"I can appreciate a good coke...but probably not gonna hang around here. It's a little...underage for my tastes.."

Cain smirks lightl and lifts his coke drink in slight salute to Arthur once it's brought to him. Then as Arthur excuses himself, the huge man turns and begins to make his way for another exit, even his massive body eventually being swallowed up by the crowd.