16184/If you go out in the woods today you are in for a big surprise

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If you go out in the woods today you are in for a big surprise
Date of Scene: 12 April 2024
Location: Adirondack Mountains
Synopsis: Nick's plans to do some training are interrupted by an unplanned visitor
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Lucifer

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Spanning about 160 miles in width, saying someone went to the Adirondack Mountains, isn't all that specific in terms of location. But, one could guess the various reasons one might choose to do so, particularly if the one who said it lived in the heart of New York City.

There's a general peace about the area, portions not really touched by man. Or at least not enough for it to be noticeable. Birds chirp, squirrels chitter, and bears-

Well we don't go up to the bears to see what they do. Nope.

As for why the dressed Nick is here, it's definitely not for camping. All he brought was a backpack. And he's not too far away from civilization. Just enough of a walk away to where people won't care what he's doing.

As for what he's doing? It appears he is approaching a rather worn pole that has been sunk into the ground but there have been modifications done to it.

It seems to have been there for awhile. Possibly a shared secret amongst a few persons. Or maybe something that's just commonly ignored.

Either way, that pole seems to be the destination as the musician stops, sets his bag down and proceeds to pull out a pair of eskrima sticks.

Hmm. This is not the typical reason for coming to the Mountains. But then again, did he actually announce to anyone he was coming here?
Lucifer has posed:
It is very likely that Nick did not announce to anyone where he was going or what he was doing while there. No one would know if the musician wound up hurt, or lost, or anything like that. The poor man would be on his own for the bears to find him.

That's what bears do you know.

None the less, just because no one was told where Nick was going doesn't mean no one knows where he is. He has watchers, and one of those watchers has been trying to get the man still enough for a while to have a conversation with him.

Michael doesn't make a big show of his appearance. He isn't there, and then he is. A figure that looks almost like Lucifer only the hair is a little longer and he's wearing jeans, a tee shirt and sandals.

Lucifer would never be caught -dead- wearing sandals.

"Penny for your thought, Nick?"
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The practice sticks in hand look quite a bit different than the ones he's been known to carry. The carved ones have on several occasions been used to hold on to a certain spell's power. All the better to send things of a demonic nature packing. But there are no carvings on these sticks. They seem even more weathered. Well used. And judging from the marks on the padding about torso level, there's probably a good explanation hidden in there somewhere.

Back to Michael, the voice is what first registers to the musician. And to a well trained ear- While the pitch and tone may be familiar to Lucifer, the overall cadence of the question seems...different.

The ponytailed man lowers his sticks, turning to look over to the newly acquired observer. The hair confirms the suspicion.

As for the sandals? Oh one never knows. Lucifer could possibly be talked into sandals by Sinister. Or if it got sold to him for some type of themed club event. Beach event anyone?

But in the woods, where you could be stepping into something that's not sandy... Well. That is indeed off.

There's a pause as Nick considers the angel who has appeared. The past interactions have either been too short to judge or been a bit- um... tense. So, that Nick doesn't start off with the utterance of a certain four letter word of the F variety is very well done.

"...Well, I was planning on impact training but-" Nick pauses. "...Hi?"
Lucifer has posed:
Michael watches the man for a moment, eying the sticks in his hands and the one stick that seems to be well embedded into the ground. The reaction he gets from Nick may not be what he really expected, but it's definitely on this side of good. "Hi." He offers, a little smirk on his lips which quickly neutralizes into a thinned lipped expression.

"We haven't been able to talk much these last few times I've come around... and before that... well to put it plainly, I know I was an asshat to you. Just like I've been to Lucifer and Sinister...maybe a few other people." There's a pause as he steps off the rock he appeared standing on. "So I...figured I'd take this chance to come and have an actual talk with you. I feel like you deserve it...maybe answer any questions you have. But firstly...to apologize. I... I really am sorry for being such a prick."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
While Nick may not have greeted Michael with profanities, the sticks in the musician's hands, while lowered, still remain in them. Surely he knows in terms of ability he's likely outclassed but there's still a bit of a sense of security in holding them. Something that can be controlled in a situation that is far from it.

Nick's expression is uncertain, not sure what to make of matters right now. But, where others might yell, he stays quiet, letting Michael say his piece. When he realizes the angel's apologizing to him, brows lift, betraying a bit of surprise.

Nick takes a breath, processing what was said. Nick bites his lip for a moment before nodding.

"I appreciate the apology." Nick starts. "I rarely hear those. And while I can't guarantee the forgetting part. I can at least forgive you for that first interaction."

Nick glances down to the sticks, "I wouldn't mind if we just kind of treated this like a do over."

Nick pauses, "I heard that you're helping out with the project involving the machine now."
Lucifer has posed:
Michael gives a slow nod. "I don't expect anyone to forget anything I've done. It will help keep me in check in the long run, I suppose. I do like the idea of having a do-over, even if the memories will remain." He gives a pause and a softened smile before he nods. "Thank you, Nick." Of course he notes those sticks haven't been set down yet, and perhaps to make himself seem even more vulnerable, he shifts to step backwards and sits on the rock he just stepped down from.

What is it with Heavenly beings and sitting on rocks, eh?

"I am!" This is said with a sort of proud beam. "I happened upon Sinister and Raphael when Sinister was trying to...uhm..." He lifts his hands and sort of mimics putting things on his temples. "Analyze? Decipher? Uhm....Damn it. I forget the word. Like making alignments with brains and his system. Or something. So we could all be on the same page as...his..machine. It was all very sciency..."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Glancing up, Nick watches as Michael backs away to seat himself. The musician remains where he is, watching the angel as he recounts his help with the machine. Nick tilts his head to the description of the word being sought for. "Calibrate?" He suggests. "Synchronize?"

There's a soft chuckle, "I guess having trouble bringing up the word you're thinking about isn't simply a human problem. You know the word, but it's just.... in the back of your mind not getting pulled to the front of it in time..."

Nick pauses.

"I understand you and Lucifer have a bit of a ...rivalry of sorts. It's good to know that you two are willing to work together when an even larger problem shows up."
Lucifer has posed:
"Calibrate! That's the word. Yes. He was trying to calibrate the machine to memorize our brain signatures." Michael exclaims as Nick provides the right word. "Thanks. Again." Then he chuckles a bit. "Yeah. I mean, up there we don't speak english we speak the heavenly tongue...it's often hard to remember what certain words mean down here. Especially if you don't spend as much time here as others do." A slight pop shot at Lucifer? Likely.

"And you're right. Lucifer and I do have our rivalry, and for a very long time I was at very wrong odds with him. I am trying, very hard, to put those behind us. I cannot ever make up for anything I ever did or said... and he may never forgive me fully...but that's okay. We can move past. That's the important bit. But also, I never should have used that rivalry to show animosity towards anyone else. Especially someone who's technically related to us."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head to the stray comment that slips out. When Michael mentions trying, he gives a slight nod. "I imagine it might be difficult. Habits do die hard. But, they can be changed. I'm glad you're trying."

He pauses, looking a bit curious, "Was that why you wanted to talk to me earlier? Before you left so quickly? To apologize?"
Lucifer has posed:
Michael gives a nod of his head. "Yes. Well, it was one of the reasons why I wanted to talk to you. Ever since things have been put together...about us being related and all. I figured you might have some....questions. Perhaps. If you were curious about anything involving your family - I suppose. Though...the more I think about it the more I wonder if you would really have any since the relation is so distant..." He offers this. "But it would never had happened if I hadn't, you know, come to Earth and started a Nephalim line..."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods. "I do have questions." He admits, "But, do you know that feeling where when you're put on the spot they're a bit slow coming out?" He pauses, studying the seated angel "So, you really are a distant grandfather?" It's been suggested, discussed like it was fact. But to hear Michael seemingly confirm it was a different experience altogether.

The musician glances down to his sticks for a few moments before he moves over to his backpack, kneeling down to put them up.
Lucifer has posed:
Michael blinks a moment and then seems to think about it. "Maybe? I don't know. We ask questions and give answers up above. When we're not... doing angel-type things." He offers this much and then tilts his head when Nick asks about him really being his distant grandfather. "I do believe so. Her name was Nerida de Drago. Her family owned a small fleet of ships that were crewed by some of the finest naval members at that time. If I follow the lineage...she's likely your great-great-great-...great? Grandmother. Give or take a great perhaps." He pauses, thinking over all the boring details, but he is known as the Protector of the Vatican.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods slightly. Well, what would the odds be another angel also picked a Drago to uh...

...well you know?

"So odds are good." Nick surmises, "Guess I could try tracing the family tree from my end but there'd probably be some breaks in there..." He shakes his head, closing the bag before he stands up, looking back over to Michael. "It's been a long while. Before now have you ever..checked to see how any of the descendants were doing?"
Lucifer has posed:
There's a look of guilt that crosses over Michael's face and he actually turns to look out over the mountains a bit. "No." It's a simple word, but it carries a lot with it. "Until Lucifer started his shenanigans on taking a vacation and staying on Earth... there wasn't ever really a... a good way to..." Stopping himself, he takes a breath and then looks back towards Nick. "It wasn't supposed to happen. Angels weren't supposed to really get chummy with mortals...let alone fornicate with them..." He lets out a sigh. "As you can tell, a bit of that has changed now, but for a long while....Dad didn't take too kindly to the idea..."
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ah." Nick nods, "...I wasn't sure." He walks over, a bit closer to Michael, still a bit out of arms reach but at least he's not holding on to weapons. "...So, does that make me the first one you get to check on? Do you know what happened to my father?"
Lucifer has posed:
Michael nods and then shakes his head. Two questions with opposite answers and so he clarifies. "I didn't even really keep up with the line like I wanted to. So, yes you are the first I get to check on and watch...at least from this moment of your life onward. And no, I do not know what happened to your father." He pauses, looking over to the man standing near him. "Was it something tragic? Did you at least know him? Was... was he a good man?" Michael! Easy on the questions...
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick frowns. "Oh he's still alive. But-"

He sighs, glancing around for something to sit on. "I don't remember much of him in person. But I've seen photos. I think he might have been good. But, that's piecing it together from what I've found out after some troubles popped up."

Nick brings a hand up, rubbing the back of his head, eyes glancing to the skies in reflection, "I was misled to the type of person he was growing up. "But-"

Nick pauses, taking a deep breath. "As far as the world is concerned, my father was a kingpin and killed by a vigilantie known as the Punisher. But...he was actually working for law enforcement. I don't know where he is. But I know he's alive still."
Lucifer has posed:
Michael listens and then gives a nod of his head. "I'm...sorry to hear that you were misled to the type of person that he was." He offers this much and then seems to consider something. "Have you thought about trying to find him? Does he..." There's a pause here and then he decides to finish the question but with a little more...dignity? "I mean...was he ever in your life? I suppose that's a horrible way to phrase that but...it sounds like you never really got to know him either way." He's really not sure what more he could ask or even say to all that.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's...complicated." Nick answers, "I don't have all the details myself. But, he kind of was...but I didn't know about it til later."

Finding another rock, he shifts over to sit on it. Conveniently enough does put him a little shorter to Michael but it is a great deal better than sitting on the ground.

"I guess, the best way to put it is that his situation kept him from being able to leave where he was. Some...bad people had found their way into another agency and... well, based from what my friend found out, some of the trouble I encountered growing up might have been a means of controlling him. We were going to meet backstage at one of my tour concerts. But that's when the attacks happened and it wasn't safe to."
Lucifer has posed:
There's another moment of silence, but Michael's face reads like he's trying to sort things out in his mind. "It would be...I'm not trying to sound bold or like an asshole - but I could likely find him quite easily..." He offers this. "I mean, he's blood...in a sense...and..." There's a lot of if's, and's and but's that run through the Archangel's mind. "I mean, if you wanted me to...try and arrange something again. Less attacks, more being able to actually see and talk to each other..."

Then, after another thought, he switches the topic a bit. "I got in trouble. For having relations with Nerida. Part of my punishment was not being able to come back except for very specific angelic duties, and I could never see her again. The worst of it, however, was that even if I did see her... in passing somehow... she wouldn't know me. Nothing but a faint memory, a good memory, but...never recognition in her eyes." Yet Lucifer gets sent to Hell and commands demons and was able to visit time and time again to do all his work and bask in his personal glory. Perhaps there IS a deep seeded reason why Michael despised Lucifer so.
Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's eyes widen to the suggestion. "...Oh I'm such an idiot."

Nick drifts to a bit silence as he considers the implications. After all the times Lucifer'ss been transporting him around. Why didn't he think to ask?

Because he's such an idiot.

"...Are you sure? I mean- uh-"

Nick ends up experiencing a bout of silence. SHOCKING we know but, in that silence, there's plenty of time for Michael to offer more information about his punishment.

Maybe the silence this time around wasn't a bad thing as Nick considers Michael's words.

Nick eventually sighs. "I think...this might be where the phrase 'the grass is greener on the other side.' applies." He observes, "From your vantage point. You could not see your family on earth. But you see Lucifer moving about on earth. But from Lucifer's perspective, he can't see his family in heaven. But he knows you can."

He hmms. "You know, there's kind of a similar thing going on with social media. People are willing to display the good things going on with their lives but most often do not mention the bad. So when others see what's on display and compare it to their lives as a whole. They get depressed. Because they didn't see the full picture."