
From United Heroes MUSH
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Date of Scene: 25 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rainmaker, Voodoo

Rainmaker has posed:
    This time, Sarah offered to buy Priss dinner, and asked you to pick her up around nightfall, then made sure to lean up close to you as she gave you directions the whole way, her arms slid around your waist securely. Eventually, she points out the last turn, then points to a little parking lot that takes up a section of the block. Once you're off, she slides her arm through yours and pulls you along towards a cafe from which acoustic guitar music is leaking out.

    It looks a bit deliberately rustic, split between the main building, which looks to be done up in Southwestern style pueblo for the exterior, with colorful vases resting by the door under a pretty yellow awning. The interior has several tables and booths in raised areas around the sides, because the center is dominated by the stage and the dance floor where couples twirl. The music is live, a trio of young men, with two playing guitars and one acting as percussion by drumming on the box he's sitting on, occasionally slapping a nearby highhat cymbal.

    Outside, there's a rough fence that surrounds an open-air area of smaller tables separated by a profusion of plants that look lovingly cared for, providing a bit of privacy but also a good amount of color from the flowering shrubs and vines that hang over the flower boxes and in some cases are strapped to the top of the fence. In the center, there's a raised stone from which a small waterfall tumbles into a pool below, filled here and there with the shine of coins in the bottom of the water.

Voodoo has posed:
Prscilla is only too happy to meet her girlfriend when asked, and to drive; she rather enjoys the two of them riding the bike together, and exploring parts of the city or places in it she hasn't seen yet is great. She likes holding hands, or linking arms, too, so it's all great for the mulatto stripper who gets to leave her career mostly behind her for this evening. Still, her style of dress is not subtle.

"This place is really beautiful. Think we can stay outside tonight?" she asks, eyeing all of the greenery and life out in the exterior dining zone. She'll miss the entertainment of watching the musicians and the dancers, but the music is still audible, and the setting of the outside is just too sumptuous to ignore. "How'd you find this place?" she queries.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah smiles at you, looking over as she leans against your shoulder a little. "Of course...I might want to steal a dance before we go though..." she says cheerfully. She's dressed for the heat, comfortably skimpy, enough that both women are getting second looks as they walk past. She waves down the maitre di at the front, a cheerful older woman who's carrying a few pounds, who happily will lead you out to a table outside, setting down the menus and taking your drink orders before bustling off again. You've gotten one of the small round tables that have a half-circle of a bench surrounding the outer side, so that you're facing towards the music indoors. Still can hear it fine, though it's a bit more muffled from distance.

    Sarah scoots over on the bench as she sits, making room for you. "I just liked the look of this place, though it apparently has some pretty good food too.' She smiles. "Sort of from my old stomping grounds...so I was feeling a little nostalgic for actual Southwest and Tex-Mex." She holds up a finger. "Most importantly, they have the sign of a true Southwestern restaurant....free soapillas with the meal." she says with a grin.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss chuckles warmly and nestles beside Sarah, happy to keep her close even as they deal with the staff. Priss proves, oddly enough, to have facility with Mexican Spanish, when she hears one of the other staff asking a question in that language. She pauses to turn, head tilted to the side just a bit. Then she responds, confirming that yes, she and Sarah are together and dating. And that they'll probably dance a set later, but they're here for the decor, the music, and the meal first.

Settled together, Priss glances over the menu, and then looks to Sarah. "OK, oh expert. You can order dinner tonight, then." Does Sarah even realize that Priss has very specifically avoided needing to read? She handles things so naturally most wouldn't, but Sarah isn't most people. "I did a stint in the panhandle of Texas for about two months, all across. Then I left. Never had the urge to go back, and never to Arizona or New Mexico."

Rainmaker has posed:
    She's been watching you chat with the staff, smiling a bit as she does, just resting her chin on her hand. "Hmm?" she says when you finish. "Well...it gets a bit boring in the panhandle, honestly, there's not a whole lot there. You don't really hit a big city till Albuquerque, though it's nice enough. I was from a bit farther north than that though, mostly scrublands." She has started to notice that Priss always asks her to order, or asks what's good, or similar ideas. She's getting an inkling of why that might be, though she's not quite sure how to bring it up...the last thing she wants to do is make you feel uncomfortable. Especially not tonight.

    "Sure...the food gets different when you get into New Mexico, everything is green chili. Pretty tasty though. Hatch, a town down there, they do a lot of the green chili for the country in fact." She reaches to gently cover your hand as she tugs the menu from you lightly, her eyes on yours, soft. "Have you had barbacoa before? I mean, the real stuff, not what they pass off in some of the cheap MExican wannabe restaurants around here?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priss just shakes her head, smiling at Sarah, holding hands with her as they chat. "Mmm? No, I don't think I've ever had 'real' barbacoa. But I'm open to anything. You're in charge, and I trust you." She'd better; she has told Sarah pretty much everything about her, after all. "I do like green chilis. But then again, I'm spicy. What can I say?" Yes. She's teasing and making jokes. Because that's just part of her style.

"By the way, I have those papers for you." Priss offers, out of the wild blue yonder with no clue or preamble at all. "Remind me: they're in the compartment under the seat in the bike. I got all three of you covered." She can't cover people she hasn't met and snagged pictures of, though, so the guys are out of luck right now.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Well, it's basically meat steamed in onions and cilantro and usually some variety of chili for a little burn to the bite. Here, we can get some of bowls here.

    She's distracted, however, by your news. Her eyes widen a bit at that. "Really? You've got them already?" She grins and leans over to give you a firm snuggle. Not that she needs excuses, really. "Oh, thank you! Caitlin and Roxy will be thrilled!" She leans in to give you a soft kiss. "Mmmmmmm!" Then breaks it, beaming at you. "You're wonderful, you know that?" she says, reaching up to cup your cheek gently.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla hugs Sarah firmly and offers a tiny smirk. "I'm glad you think I'm so wonderful. Honestly, I just did a favor for someone. A big, painful favor. When they offered to pay me, I took payment in the form of papers for all of you. Fully backstopped IDs." And backed by SHIELD.

It's a long story.

"So, you know the menu. You order. I'm not picky, and what I want most tonight is your company. The rest is just bonus." Priss offers.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah just looks mildly dumbfounded. " Seriously? I mean, I thought you could find just some that will pass muster, but....real IDs?" She snuggles you again, uncharacteristically excited. "You are the best ever! We so owe you big for this!" she purrs happily.

    As you ask about ordering, she hmmms, leaning in against you as she rests her chin on your shoulder. "Well...what kind of meat do you usually like? Chicken, beef, steak, pork?" she asks, looking thoughful.

Voodoo has posed:
Still amused by how pleased Sarah is, Priss just pets her hair and holds her, smiling. "The only thin you owe me, any of you, is doing the best for yourselves that you can. I know it can't have been easy. This is a chance for all of you to make things better. That's what I want for you." It's something she's not sure she'll ever get for herself, but she would love to see others get it she feels deserve it.

"I like pretty much every meat there is, honey. Seafood meats, too. I'm not picky at all. You said barbacoa is beef. So let's get that, and then some chicken with whatever else we get. How's that?" Totally not picky, is Priscilla Kitaen.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Hmm...how about something simple then, we can get some street tacos...one set barbacoa, the other chicken." She says thoughfully. "Maybe with some Spanish rice on the side? This place is authentic New Mex food too...green chili on everything if you like? Fresh stuff, not from cans. The queso is great if nothing else."

    Practically on cue, the server arrives, setting down some fresh chips and salsa, ready to take the order, which she'll do based on that, and ask what drink you both want, before she bustled off again.

    Sarah mmms, then watches you softly. "...Priss...?" she says gently. "I...I don't want to upset you, but...do you have trouble reading?" She adds quickly. "There's nothing wrong if you do, I mean...you don't need to try and...you know..." She trails off a bit, watching you softly.

Voodoo has posed:
Happy, smiling, enjoying her evening, Priss' face falls and she folds in on herself. "Yeah, some. 'Swhy I didn't do so good in school." She doesn't really want to talk about this, but she made a promise when she first met Sarah, and she will live up to that promise come Helspont or High Water: she will never lie to Sarah.

"I told you. I'm not very smart. It's not a big deal." Priss offers, defensively. She'd rather not discuss this, but it's out there now. Priscilla is a dummy. So what?

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah squints at you for a moment, then reaches out to boop you on the nose. "Stop saying that." she says firmly. "Being able to read well or poorly has nothing to do with being smart, and you ARE smart. I've seen you be clever, think on your feet, and you were smart enough to be able to take care of yourself all this time."

    She gives you a squeeze. "Lots of people have problems reading. Dyslexia, or other visual issues, for one. Or just didn't get the chance to learn. If it's the former...there's nothing wrong with it. If it's the latter and it bothers you...I could help you get better?" There's no judgement in her voice, just acceptance of the fact.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss shrugs. "I learned in school. Did the best I could. But I could never get the hang of it." She doesn't know enough to know that the stupid symbols - letters and numbers - don't swim and swan around on the page for other people. She doesn't actually know she has dyslexia, though she has heard the term. She has never heard it applied to her, or her problems. "Believe me, Sarah. I've known really smart people. I'm not one of them. But I'm OK with that. I make do. That's good enough for me."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah wrinkles her nose, then says, a bit patiently. "You ARE smart." Perhaps if she says it enough, she'll believe it. Or maybe it just offends Sarah that people have allowed Priss to believe she isn't. Or even told her she isn't.

    "And I have ALSO known smart people. So...trust me, lover." she says softly, giving you a firm snuggle. "Don't doubt me, don't think I'm saying it just because we're together." she says, gently poking you in the sternum. "I've seen you be smart. I don't believe that you aren't. So there." she says, firmly. "And...I mean it, if you want to talk about it...I will help however you want." She smiles a bit, resting her chin on your shoulder. "...but it's bothering you, and I'm sorry for bringing it up here." she says gently.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla just slides her arms around Sarah and snuggles closer, putting away the discussion of her stupidity; she doesn't like to dwell on that, and would rather just ignore it. She gets that Sarah doesn't agree, but why fight what is? (Yes. Priss is fatalistic about it.)

"All I want right now is some quality time with you, a nice dinner, and nice music." Priss murmurs. She might even go for dancing, later. Not her usual kind of dancing, but that may be a good thing. No need to start a riot or anything.

Rainmaker has posed:
    There's something in Sarah's expression that says she's only letting it drop for the moment, a slightly mulish expression that slips away as she sighs. "Right, sorry..." she says with a smile, leaning up a bit. "Well...I think I found a spot we could move into, if you're still interested in it. It's over in New Urecht, by Little China...a little older, but it's cheap and you get a good amount of space."

Voodoo has posed:
The purple-eyed raven-haired mulatto woman lightly strokes her fingers over Sarah's back as they snuggle against one another and wait for food. "Well, I would definitely like to take a look. If not tonight, then sometime soon." She knows Sarah and the others need to get a better place, and she really wouldn't mind one herself. It's a worthwhile sort of thing to look into, to make time for.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "It's pretty low key, I think....doesn't stand out, doesn't really scream 'we haven't gotten around to bulldozing this yet' to me either." she says with a smile. "Mmm, we might be able to get a suite for all of us, if you'd like, though there are plenty of smaller rooms too." She reaches up to brush her fingers through your hair. "...it's making me happy to think about living in the same building with you, either way. This is probably the closet I'll ever get to dorm life." she says with amusement, then perks up as the server returns with both drinks, and the two plates of tacos that she sets down, with little side plates of Spanish rice. She also sets down a small basket with a pair of fresh, still warm sopapillas with a small squirt bottle of honey. "Enjoy!" the girl says cheerfuly before bustling off.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla does not bring up that with a properly backstopped ID, Sarah could probably go to college like she'd always dreamed. Bringing that up would be mean, unless she has the resources to make college possible. And Priss doesn't quite have that kind of jink lying around.

"I think Caitlin and Roxy would prefer if I got my own place, rather than crowd in with the rest of you." Priss offers Sarah, smiling. No bite there; she's not upset, just stating the truth as she sees it. "You'll be welcome to visit my place whenever you want. But that way we're not inflicting us on them unnecessarily." Go figure, the empath is considerate of others' feelings.

Rainmaker has posed:
     "Mmm, well, I guess they're not huge suites....' she admits, sighing. "I mean, they like you, but you'd have to put up with Roxy smoking...and Caitlin turning bright red whenever you walk by from the shower...." she teases playfully. She snags one of the barbacoa tacos, lifting it up to offer you a bite. "Here, try this one first, if you don't like it you can have all the chicken ones." she says thoughfully.

    The taco smells lovely...not a hard shell so much as a crisp one, the meat having cheese, lettuce, a chunky salsa and a little bit of sour cream and guac on the side.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla leans in close, purple-hued eyes fixed on Sarah's gaze as they come closer, closer ... and then she nibbles at the taco, crunching, chewing, swallowing ... and then wiping up the bit of mess on her own chin with a napkin. "Mmmm. That's tasty. But soft tacos next time, I think. They don't usually dribble as much."

Priss considers the housing situation. "Caitlin blushing at me won't bother me. Roxy's smoking probably would. Easier to solve both if I have my own space, I think." She winks at the Amerindian beauty. "For all of us. We really do need to try to help Caitlin build up more confidence, though. She's not going to be able to hide in that improved physique of hers; she needs to learn to inhabit it with a bit of confidence."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Her eyes meet yours, then she sighs a bit. "I have no idea how to do that. I mean, sort of just bluntly pointing it out, which only makes her turn bright red and want to cover up. Maybe if she had any experience dating or something..." she says, frowning. "I get the feeling she didn't have much of a chance before Project Genesis."

    She shakes her head. "...and to be brutally honest...I'm not the one to help her there." she says ruefully. She takes a bite of the taco, munching as she sets it back on the plate for the moment, then swallows. "I didn't have any dates either."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla frowns momentarily and then shrugs. "Well, I had lots of dates, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the right one to help her, either." It might be that Priss could serve as a helpful advisor, but they need a Y chromosome on this project, right? Priss lays a hand on Sarah's thigh, giving a light squeeze. "I guess the Rez wasn't too friendly to your dating styles. I'm sorry. I was the hot dancing girl from the wrong side of the tracks. I got dates. But I didn't get //prom// dates."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah smiles a bit weakly at that. "...well, when you're hiding out with your mom from about age 10 to nearly 18, you kind of miss out on that sort of thing." she says ruefully, then slides her arms around you to snuggle you. "I would have loved to date you..and not just because you were the hot dancing girl. Besides, I would have been on the same side of the tracks anyway."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla wraps her arms around Sarah and nuzzles her cheek. "As crappy as parts of my life are, or have been, I at least got a relatively normal childhood. Not great, but mostly normal. I'm sorry, honey. Hopefully we can help you build something a bit more stable now."

Rainmaker has posed:
    She mmmms a bit, resting her cheek on your shoulder for a moment. "Likewise...though you're ahead of the game there. Moving around like you had to can't have been good for stability either, I'd guess." She smiles as she straightens up, snagging one of the chicken tacos. "And...you're a pretty wonderful person to find, so...it's hardly been all bad, has it?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priss smiles and hugs Sarah firmly, then sits back at least, smiling at the other woman warmly. "Well, running into you was pretty darned great, too, you know. No, not all bad." And not great for stability, no. "I'll do what I can to help you find some stability, for you and the others. Hopefully, you can do what you can to help me develop the same." Somehow.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The other woman leans over to give you a soft kiss on the cheek. "Of course..." She leans back, looking thoughful. "But that leads us to...what do you want to do? What would make you feel stable? I know you like to dance, is that what you really want to do, or just what you do to pay the bills? Do you have something beyond that you've always wanted?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priss frowns expressively, and shrugs her shoulders. "Honestly? It's just what I've always done, what I'm good at. Other than the fighting stuff, that is." Because at one time in her life, Priss actually thought she'd found her 'reason for being'. But then that went away, and now she's just trying to survive in the aftermath of that loss. "I enjoy dancing. And I don't really have anything else to do. it's kinda ll I'm any good at." Limited. That's Priss, alright. "I really don't have any other skills, or ideas."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah looks thoughfully at you. "I don't know. You'd could teach dance, you know. Or maybe even get into dancing that's not just exotic dancing? I've seen you, you have major skills in general for dance. I could see you as an instructor, especially with your patience." She rests her chin on her hand thoughfully. "Maybe you just haven't had the chance to find other things you like, either?"

Voodoo has posed:
"I liked heroing. Daemonite-hunting." Priscilla offers, honestly. "I loved having a team." In no small part because they were a team, so closely knit. The mulatto woman shrugs her shoulders. "I can be pretty patient, because I can feel another's emotions, even read their thoughts. But I'm not perfect. I can't really imagine myself as a teacher." Not even of dance. "I have no idea what to even try, and I really don't have anything in the way of other skills." And thusly no idea what to consider trying otherwise.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Hmmm..." Sarah murmurs, looking at you, as she thinks, then says slowly. "...you haven't told me everything that happened there, but...if you liked that, why don't you find a team that would appreciate you? I mean...SHIELD would probably love someone who could help them find Daemonites. Or SWORD! They're all about alien stuff, right?

Voodoo has posed:
"SWORD?" Priss asks, softly, feeling more than a mite confused. SHIELD she has heard of, but not the other. Seekrit alien hunters, they are. "I told you everything that really mattered, honey. I promise you that." She shrugs her shoulders. "If there's someone out there hunting aliens, I don't know about them. Apparently the team mostly disintegrated after I left. Even Zealot bailed on them and went independent."

Rainmaker has posed:
    "You haven't heard of them?" Sarah says curiously. What she lacks in formal education, she makes up for in reading voraciously; there aren't many news sites she hasn't skimmed. Even if they lean a bit, well, left, which means SHIELD/SWORD get featured in goverment overreach stories. "Hmm...well...good riddance." she says, completley unapologetically. "If they couldn't respect you as a friend, no matter what your background was, they weren't worth it. And if they're all independent now, then they're not the right team anyway."

    She takes another bite of one of the tacos, chewing as she gathers her thoughts, then swallows. "SWORD is like...space cops?" she says after a moment of thinking. "They're the space arm for SHIELD, in charge of dealing with aliens. I don't think they hunt them down unless they're breaking the law, but like...immigration and such like that, and investigation into landings, that sort of thing? So...someone who could tell them if there was a Daemonite inside someone, that'd probably be a majorly respected gift. Especially since you know how to handle yourself in a fight. I mean...most aliens seem way stronger than your average human. They'd need strength like yours."

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla listens; she can in fact be patient when she has reason to, and she trusts Sarah, so she doesn't even interrupt when the mysteries of what cannot possibly be real are discussed. And then Sarah gets to the point ...

"So ... SHIELD, but for alien threats? Wow. I wonder how we never managed to run afoul of them the whole time we were operating as a team." Hor how Priss herself has managed not to run afoul of them while operating independently the last few years.

"I didn't even know there //was// something like that." Priss admits. "But would they really want anything to do with me? I'm not exactly the SHIELD sort." Rules. Proper attire. Suits and ties. That's not exactly Priscilla's sort of thing. Is it? "I mean ... I'm interested in the possibility. But would they really be interested in me, the way I am?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah purses her lips. "Well...I'm not actually sure if it's strongly connected to SHIELD...I mean, I assume because of the name primarily it was, and because it does something similar, from what little I know." She makes a mental note that she needs to research this, possibly with Caitlin's help!

    "But...what's that supposed to mean, exact?" she adds, arching a brow at you. "The way you are...are you referring to ethnicity, to talent, to experience, or clothing choices?" she says, a twinkle in her eyes. Because the idea of Priss showing up in her school girl outfit to work IS really funny...nonono, stop sexually objectifying your girlfriend! "I mean, I would guess people who have what you HAVE are kinda what they're looking for?"

Voodoo has posed:
The stripper shrugs her shoulders, with predictable results. "Sorry. My impression of SHIELD is that they're very strait-laced, uptight folks. Suits and ties. That whole vibe. I'm not exactly the mold for that kind of thing. I don't even //own// a suit. Ethnicity, lack of education, lack of 'official' training. Not even close to straight. All of it, really." Priss admits, with another shrug. "But I won't say I'm not interested." Because she will not lie to Sarah. There's that rule again.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah does consider those objections that might be had for you; it's obvious in her face that she's turning each over in her mind. "Well let's see. Being straight or queer or whatever ethnicity shouldn't matter. In fact, laws in place about that sort of thing in the government." she points out. "I'd imagine they like you to follow rules once you're part of the group, but I don't think you're incapable of working with other people, and I'd imagine they're willing to give leeway for particularly talented people like yourself." she say a little smile. Well, that's her opinion, certainly.

    You can feel her pause at the last, but it's not so much her not having an answer, but a sort of wary fear mixed with those soft affectionate feelings...fear of bringing up something that she knows bothers you. "...as for training, well."

    She shrugs, then says simply. "I already told you what I feel about your intelligence, and how smart you are. It actually pisses me off that someone apparently told you that you're not." And there is a little heat in her words - she really believes it, and she's...a little frustrated, but more angry mixed with a bit of protectiveness for you. "

    But I will help you with figuring anything out as best I can. If you need to take a class or training or whatever, I will be here, and you can ask anything of me." Her eyes twinkle. "Annnything." she repeats, teasingly, as she realizes how that sounds.

Voodoo has posed:
Priscilla merely shrugs. "Well, I appreciate the confidence. I dunno. But I guess it would be worth at least asking. What's the worst they can do? Say no?" Of course, the worst they could do would be to seize Priscilla without a warrant or trial and throw her in some deep, dark hole to be an alien lab rat. But let's not mention that scenario to Priss just now, OK?

"So, after dinner, do you want to take me by that building you found?" Priss inquires, changing the subject.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah smiles a bit at the change in subject, nodding. "Sure, we could run by there? I could show you the room at least we found, we haven't really moved in yet, but hey, there's some furniture and stuff..." she says amusedly. "There's even a pretty good Italian place a couple blocks away, Pasketti's." She slits her eyes playfully. "I mean, I suppose we could test it out if you reeeeeally want...." She's mostly teasing, from the feel of it, just relaxed enough to joke about it now, instead of shy and nervous as she sometimes gets.

    She hugs your arm gently, then hmms. "I vote we finish these lovely tacos, we get some dancing in, and then we head there?"

Voodoo has posed:
Priss nibbles a bit more at her barbacoa taco and lets her foot reach out, touching Sarah's as they tuck into their meal and put their conversation mostly on pause. She's clearly amused by the other woman's sense of humor, and has put away concerns about SWORD or anything else for now. Her purple-tinted eyes twinkle merrily as she considers the Amerindian beauty. It's probably bad form to inaugurate the apartment before the other residents get a chance to move in. Right?

Rainmaker has posed:
    But they can always blame any stains on the previous occupants that way! Sarah hmmmmms, sliding her foot out of her sandal to let her toes and sole brush back against our feet, grinning to herself a little bit. She never actualy got to play footsie before...it's kind of nice, she finds, her emotions tinged with humor but also with affection and attraction to you, a sort of warm little background to her as she devours the tacos steadily, mixed with simple base enjoyment of good food.

    As she finishes her third, she tugs the sopapilla basket over. "You've had sopapillas before, right?" she asks curiously, picking up the little honey squirt bottle as she starts to make a little grid of honey across the top of ot, folding it slightly so the slow, viscous sweetness can't escape immediately.

Voodoo has posed:
"Not really, no." Priscilla admits, as she watches the other woman preparing hers, and then tries to replicate what Sarah does with one of her own. She rather enjoys the warm emotional 'cloud' that billows around Sarah, filled with pleasure, contentment, attraction and amusement. It's a nice mixture, that. All positive, with no overtones worth being concerned about.

Priss pauses, then leans over and kisses Sarah, licking a hint of the honey off the corner of her lips, and then pulls back grinning impishly. "Neat trick."

Rainmaker has posed:
"Well, the trick is mostly keeping it from dripping once you take a bite.." Which she does, tilting the sopapilla up so the sourdough style bread catches the honey inside the puffed up center. She isn't entirely successful as some dribbles over her fingers and onto her chest with a splat. "GAh...mmph." She looks aorund for a napkin, holding her honey slicked hand out away from her body so she doesn't contribute. "NOT like that, in other words..." she says sheepishly as she tries to dab at the drip with her free hand, setting the sopapilla on her plate for a moment. "This is the way you know it's an authentic Southwest restaurant...they give you free sopapillas instead of bread." she says cheerfully.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss just leans over and takes the hand in her own, drawing it to her lips as she licks insistently away at the honey until it has been cleaned away. Then she winks and leans back, nibbling away on the other taco for a bit as she watches Sarah, eyes twinkling merrily. "I'll keep that in mind." she offers, because she's always quite willing to tease playfully. It's fun! "I'd clean the rest ..." she offers, and winks. She won't, because visibly nuzzling and licking at her girlfriend's chest in public would be a bit far to go.

Rainmaker has posed:
    SArah freezes a bit, getting a faint blush as she stills and lets you do what you want with those fingers, shivering as that little thread of desire for you grows as she watches you with a soft, gentle expression on her face. "....I can always take some honey home with us for later..." she breathes out, then giggles, covering her mough, her eyes merry over her hand. "...you know...I don't care what they'd think if you did, honestly..." she says. And she mostly means it. She'd still be quite embarrassed, but at the same time...very turned on, from the emotions running through her.

    For now, however, she's good, dipping a napkin in the water brought out with the meal and daubing away the worst of it, then well....stuffing the rest into her mouth quickly before she can make more of a mess, chewing and swallowing. She licks her lips, then leans over to gently kiss your lips, her own sweet with the honey, just a gentle, playful brush of her lips.