1999/Greatest Show In Heaven, Hell, or Earth

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Greatest Show In Heaven, Hell, or Earth
Date of Scene: 15 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Grace Choi, Sublime

Grace Choi has posed:
    So, Rachel had suggested Coney Island, and Grace admitted that, funnily enough? She'd never been. It was one of things that always stares at you in the face, and you take it for granted because all the tourists, or kids go there. So, here was Grace. Quite possibly the tallest person in the park, waiting and standing at the entryway, her arms crossed over her chest as she waits, patiently, for Rachel. The tall, asian redhead appears to be in pretty good spirits, overall.

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel, meanwhile...well, she doesn't have transport. She lives in New York! That's what subways are for. So she rode one, and is walking the rest of the way, dressed in what is, well...an outfit that's getting some looks from passerbys as she perks, making a beeline for you as she spots you. "Hey..." she says cheerfully, a little purse hung over her shoulder. "Been waiting long?"

Grace Choi has posed:
    That -is- the benefit of going out with Grace. It's pretty easy to find her in a crowd. She? Well. She's wearing nearly the same thing, albiet slightly different colors, she wore in the bar. Grace, apparently, has a singular style. For the most part. But, she's unabashedly raking eyes over Rachel. "No," she says honestly, "Only about fifteen minutes. Traffic was light, and I tend to ride fast." She half-grins, "So, what's fun around here?"

Sublime has posed:
    "Oh, you have a bike?" the blonde says with a grin. "Well damn, I should have asked for a ride...." she purrs, then gently takes your hand, tugging you along. "C'mon! I got tickets already." She leads you past the ticket booth, dropping them off. "Hmmm, well, wanna eat, or wanna ride first?" she says playfully. "The rollercoasters are fun, or there's the house of mirrors, or the tunnel of terror..." She eyes your muscular arms. "...which I'm guessing won't really scare you much, but it's just supposed to make cute girls jump into their date's arms anyway." she teases, shifting her arm up to hook with yours gently.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Is that what we're on?" Not that Grace -minds-, but she'd purposefully kept it open, and had made sure to wait a few days for the whole 'heroine' thing to wear off a little bit. "Well, let's head to the house of mirrors, then, first. Tell you, riding in a rollercoast? Won't ever be as fun as riding in a plane with Zinda Blake."

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel grins. "Oh, who's that?" she says thoughfully, starting to guide you towards the house of mirrors. She's apparently been here before...though it's been a while, she's forced to admit. Still...from the way she hugs your arm, it seems to be a bit nostalgic for a while. Before stuff happened. "And why were you in a plane with her?" she says curiously. She leans comfortably into you as you walk together.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Just a ride down to Brazil. Did some bodyguard work," Grace answers, honestly enough. "Nothing big." You know. Except invisible spiders, zombie heroes on puppet strings, murdered leaders of significant government importance. That sort of thing.
    "She's a pilot. From World War II. Has that whole Captain America thing going, you know. Didn't get older. She's not a hero, like Captain America, in that sense. But she was to a lot of men, and women, back in the day. Led the Blackhawks."
    Grace shrugs, letting Rachel wind her arm around her own very tattooed arm. "But, enough about her. So, what's with you? I don't really know anything about you," Grace admits, sounding interested.

Sublime has posed:
    A blonde brow arches curiously at that. "...wow, really? Huh. She sounds pretty cool." she admits. "Ooh, well..." She snuggles into you a bit playfulyl. "A heroine AND a bodyguard....aren't I lucky?" Nope, she hasn't forgotten that little flush Grace got at the compliment, apparently. "Mmm, well...I'm kinda...freelance too, at the moment." she says thoughfully. "I mean...I have some..bodyguard skills or...for other stuff too." She glances up to see how you react to that. She's not entirely sure how Grace might feel about dating a mercenary/thief, after all.

    "Haven't flown with any famous Blackhawk girls, but I've done some jobs around town lately, since I got here. Havent' been in the area long."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Sadly, the same trick rarely works twice on Grace, "No," she corrects, though good humored, "A bouncer, and a bodyguard. You couldn't pay me enough to put on some skintight costume and run around on rooftops waiting for some punks to break into a bank, or whatever it is they do. Life's too short. Doesn't mean I don't like fighting. So, if one comes up? You bet I'll get in one. Especially if people I like are involved. Still. Can't turn down good money."
    If Grace has any hesitations on dating someone who sounds like she might be a mercenary, she's not showing it. "Or ...?" She prods, without much subtlety.

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel psshh. "Stubborn. Don't have to prance around in a tiny little skirt an' a boob window to be a hero to someone." She murmurs goodnaturedly, not seeming to mind you brushing it off a little. She hesistates a bit, then murmurs. "Well, like...you must be pretty tough to have taken out those guys, right? I didn't see any of it, but I've heard rumor?" she says curiously, not sure how much she's heard is true. "I mean, that's you're super strong and tough and....just a general badass."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "I like fighting," Grace says again, with a rueful sort of grin. She adds, reasonably, "Besides. I'm a bouncer, in a meta bar. If I wasn't strong, and capable, they're be fights breaking out all the time. Regulars respect me, some like me, others know I'll kick their asses if they get out of line, so they stay in line. Don't matter to me. Long as nobody is causing trouble."
    She considers what to tell Rachel, "Hurt a couple of them, pretty badly. Skinny guy probably won't be using his arm for a bit. Zapper's going to need a knee replacement. And, Goat Face lost his horns." She pauses, adds, "I warned them. Twice."

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel doesn't look bothered as you list injuries off. If anything, she looks a bit grimly satisfied. "Good. Fuckers." She mmms. "...I'm more of a take jobs as they come kinda girl."

    "I worked for those guy's boss...pulled off shit he couldn't get anyone else to do..." she says, a tone of satisfaction in her voice. "...then the motherfucker doublecrossed me and dropped a building on me, after Mr. Sparky fried me from hiding." She mmms. "...I've got talents that make me really good at getting in places I shouldn't...."

    She pauses as you get to the door of the hall of mirrors, then gets a slightly teasing expression. "...get us alone in here somewhere, and I'll show you..."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Yeah? Maybe you should be more selective in the jobs you take. Get to know people well enough, you can tell the type that's going to backstab you, or treat you right." Then again, it's pretty easy for her, being able, as an abused child, to read those micro-emotions, tell some of the tricks of what people are really feeling, even with pretty decent poker faces.
    "Yeah? Well, then, let's go." She takes Rachel's hand, pushes into the Hall, without another moment's hesitation.

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel lets herself be pulled along with a smile as you enter, the mirrors surrounding you easily enough as you start working through the maze. She grumbles. "...well, I'm...kinda new to this kinda work. So not a lot of people wanna hire me yet." she admits, with a sigh. "So I've been trying to make a name, but it..hasn't worked out yet." Her eyes harden. "Besides, he got his."

    She looks around to make sure you're alone as you get a good ways in, then smiles, eyes twinkling. "...okay this is good. Ready?"

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace can't help but laugh at a few of the mirrors as they wander in, and even making a few faces. Seems the large brawler of a young woman has a fairly good sense of humor. However, as they reach about the halfway point and Rachel makes the offer, she nods.
    "Alright," Grace says, nodding. The tall woman crosses her arms, looking both interested, and amused. "Let's see what you can do. But, try not to bring down the building? Lots of glass. Really sharp. Be spending a hell of a long time picking it all out."

Sublime has posed:
    The blonde grins a bit, her hands sliding behind her back. "Oh, I COULD do that...but I'd rather do this.." she says simply, backing to the mirror behind her.

    Then, well, right through the mirror behind her as she vanishes through it, disappearing!

    A moment later a hand pokes back out, wiggling its fingers at you, before Rachel pokes her head back through, grinning.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Okay. That's fucked up," Grace says, bluntly, moving her hand 'through' Rachel then, "Damn. That is some really trippy shit. And I've seen some really trippy shit." Which is true enough. She seems, however, pretty impressed. She doesn't ask Rachel why she didn't do that in Chaney's, she's guessing the electric-system shock prevented her from reacting properly.
    "So this would be the whole - for hire thing, you do?" It's not hard for Grace's mind to take the leap of 'snatch and grab'.

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel gracefully steps out. "Pretty much. I actually can go the other way too...be really dense. Makes me a bit stronger, lots tougher. Or mix and match, though that's more tricky." she admits, smiling at you.

    She cocks her head. "But yeah...retrieving things, offering a little muscle, that sort of thing. Haven't found someone who wants to hire me more long term yet...see: not much of a rep." She grumbles. "Like, I tried to do those fight club things that were happening in Gotham, and got knocked out first round. Then the police crashed the second one. Soooo..."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace makes a face, apparently the idea not sitting well with her, overall. But, neither is she instantly moving to talk Rachel out of it, either. "Knew a girl, while back, who could make herself really, really dense. She helped me catch a fighter plane that was crashing into the highway." She adds, helpfully, "Superman wasn't around."

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel smiles a bit, sliding her arm around yours again. "Hmm, don't think I could help with catching a plane..." she admits. "I could make you as dense as me...which, for you, would probably do a hell of a lot more for your strength than it does for mine.' she says thoughtfully.

    She gently bumps you with her hip. "And you keep saying you're not a heroine at times."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "I'm not," Grace answers. "It was going to ruin my route to work. If I'd let it crash, construction would've taken months, and it would've added another half hour to my drive." It's hard to tell if she's being serious, or joking.
    She points at one mirror, that makes her even taller, "Damn. Just when you didn't think I could get any bigger," with an amused chuckle. And, as Rachel bumps her hip, she sets a hand on the other woman's back. "For a girl that's telling me she's trying to make herself a heavy in a criminal empire, you seem pretty fascinated with heroes."

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel shrugs a bit. "Don't really have a lot of skills that are exactly, you know...civilian friendly. It's not like I exactly want criminal stuff, I'm just trying to make some cash so I'm a little more...stable." she says thoughfully. "Then I can pick and choose what I want to do, instead of having to take whatever crappy job I can."

    She frowns. "Though I kinda already do that. I don't want to be a knee breaker or hit girl or something. But stealing....eh. Doesn't hurt people, usually it's insured." She smiles. "I'm no hero." she says simply. "And I don't care about other heroes. I just have one girl in particular I think fits in a way I like." she says playfully.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Maybe. But if cash is all you want, go into business for yourself. Grab a few things, hell, just pick a safe and take all the cash in a couple deposit boxes and be done with it, yeah?" Seems logical enough to Grace, but then, she spreaks frankly, and is hardly what one would call a plotter, or manipulator, or thinker of the future. It's pretty clear Grace lives in the moment.
    "C'mon, exit is just up the way here," she points out, ignoring the further allusion to her, being a hero. "Could get you a bouncer job at Chaney's. You -literally- could throw people out," she points out, with a rueful sort of laugh. "Right through the wall. Save on repairs."

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel grins, then hmmms. "I've thought about it..." she admits. "I mean, just doing a bank job or something." She shrugs a little, leaning against you comfortably. "Bouncer might be fun though. If i'm working with you, especially? I don't have any practice with it, I'm more a bar fly than a bouncer." Which explains why she was pretty tipsy the other night, likely. "Wait, does that mean you're doing stuff on the side beside bouncing too?" she says curiously.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Girl has to have her hobbies," answers Grace, conversationally. "Told you. Did some bodyguard work for Zinda Blake. She might hire me again." MIght? Will. Grace is certain enough of that. "It was kind of fun. And fairly profitable. I told you, I like making money, right?" She keeps her hand on the back of the other woman, leading her out the door. Grace ducks, fractionally, "Alright, hotstuff, where to next?"

Sublime has posed:
    "Hmmmm, well, let's see...how about the ferris wheel? Can see the whole park up there, maybe you'll spot something you really wanna try?" She grins. "And I'm kinda enjoying talking with you...which is hard to do on a roller coaster." She hmms. "Well, maybe if she needs someone else to guard her body...." She looks thoughful. "I've considered that, y'know. Met a CEO type who seemed like she might be interested, but...not sure if she really does, or if she just wants someone with abilities at her new school thing."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "High profile type like Lex Luthor might appreciate your skills," Grace agrees. "Being able to make bullets, and fists pass through him, and able to walk him through any danger? Pretty damn invaluable. And you don't have to worry about asshats stabbing you in the back." Of course, Grace doesn't know what an asshat Luthor is, either. His PR team is too damn good.
    "Sure. Ferris Wheel," Grace seems willing enough, "Don't get to see the city from high up, all that often. No wings." She again gives a rueful sort of smile, then asks, curiously, "So, how do you prevent yourself from, you know, just falling through the entire earth?"

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel grins at that. "Most people don't think to ask that." she says cheerfully. "It's like I said, I can...selectively change my density a bit, so I choose what I actually interact with. Can be tricky though, I've fallen into the ground a good way once or twice and had to climb my way out.' She smiles a bit. "Though luckily I don't seem to need to breathe when I do it, nor does anyone else when they're affected by touching me. So it's more annoying than anything else." She hmms. "I have a friend who has similar powers who can actualy walk in air...havent' mastered that one yet. Not quite flying, but kinda neat. She says it's like imagining steps you're walking one."

    She slows as you approach the relatively short line for the wheel; in fact, you're ushered to one of the cars almost immedaitely. THey're nice big cars, with comfy padded benches, easiyl enough to comfortably seat four.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "You should think about the bodyguard thing. Lots of more - justifiable uses of your abilities, to earn you some cash." Grace, clearly, isn't opposed to making money off her own abilities. Or, Rachel doing the same. She is worried about what happened a few days ago happening again, though. But she doesn't press it any further, as their car opens up. Grace piles in first, sits down, rather comfortably. And as she lounges, she takes enough room for two people, easily. And her arms touch either side of the cart, considering she's seated herself in the center of one of the seats.

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel steps in after you, watching you sprawl out. Looks at the other bench. Looks back at you.

    Then simply steps over and slides right onto your lap, wiggling until she's comfy. "Mmm, best seats in this one...." she teases, as she leans back into you. "...think so?" she says, and there's a little uncertainy in her voice. "I mean...I'm not again earning an honest buck, just...I got reasons to not be too obvious at times. And if I worked for Frost, she's....important enough I might be safer with her." She realizes she slipped a second later. "I mean, safer financially, and stuff..."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace, who grew up on the street, isn't stupid. "Someone else after you? More of Zippy's shrunken testicles?" Zapper. Zippy. Whatever. Grace seems to have already forgotten his name. Yet, her tone remains, still, casual, leisurely, conversational. She doesn't seem to mind the closeness, or being used as Rachel's seat. Instead, she curls an arm around the leggy blonde. And, following on those heels, "Whose Frost?"

Sublime has posed:
    Way to go, Rachel. You and your big mouth. "She's Emma Frost, CEO of Frost Industries. Is the headmistress for that Academy of Tomorrow thing in Metropolis? Met her when she was scouting the friend in question." She sighs, then then frowns. "...yeah, but it's nothing to do with that. I had...a really bad experience of my own with a 'special' school out to find teens with powers."

    She reaches tou gently start to trace over your bicep slowly. "...it was...hell. Got put in a metahuman team, the type where they threaten to put a bullet in you if you try to leave. Took me a while to get out."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Oddly, Grace doesn't ask the more common question of 'Why didn't you phase out and run away, bullets couldn't hurt you, right?'. The look she gives Rachel suggests she already knows the answer to that question. "Think I've heard of it." She's not sure, really. The woman shrugs, some, "You have to do what you want, Rachel. I can't tell you where to go. Hell, I've made some piss poor decisions in my life. It's only by fucking up do we really learn."
    She chuckles, wryly, then. "Just do yourself a favor and, make sure whatever it is you decide to do, you enjoy."

Sublime has posed:
    The other woman smiles a bit, then purrs. "Oddly enough, why I find myself here today." She wiggles back against you playfully. "...and hey, people who made mistakes have the best advice for what NOT to do, I find. Look at me...." she says ruefully. "I would not recommend joining mysterious schools that say that you're 'just what they're looking for' and offer free rides."

    She tilts her head back against your shoulder a bit. "is that why you're being a bouncer, when you're super tough and strong? Cuz you like it?"

Grace Choi has posed:
    "I told you. I like fighting. And, I like knocking bullies down a few pegs." Grace shrugs, "Had my own demons. Mostly dealt with them. Maybe I'll tell you about them, later. Just one demon to deal with. If I ever find him, I'll probably kill him. After I rip his intestines out of his chest cavity, and force them down his throat." This is said with a far too casual and measured cadance for it to be a simple, idle threat. Grace tends to follow through with her threats, as Rachel's heard. And, kind of lived through.
    "I'm half-amazon," she tells Rachel. "And no, I don't know Wonder Woman. Different camp."

Sublime has posed:
    The blonde squirms around to face you more, then just shifts and straddles your lap comfortably. "...yeah. I got a few demons like that too." she says, her tone slightly colored by bitter hate. She doesn't look thrown off by the casual way you say it....more, her expression says she understands EXACTLY what you mean, even if she doesn't know what happened.

    She laughs at that, grinning. "You really are? I mean, I'd definitely have said you were an Amazon, first time I saw you. In the best way, I mean." She tilts her head curiously. "I didn't know there was more than one camp, really."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Most people don't," admits Grace. "Not exactly something they advertise. Nobody likes ugly history to get out, right? And, frankly, it's more biological than ideology. Haven't been around any since I was a kid."
    Meanwhile, Grace's hand slides to Rachel's thigh, comfortably. "Didn't get strong until I was about thirteen. Just, figured out stuff on my own since. Settled into Chaney's eventually." There's a lot unsaid, but then, Grace's backstory isn't something she shares on first dates.

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel seems to understand not wanting to bring up the past sometimes....she doesn't push. Well not verbally, though her hands do slide out to cup your sides gently. Her thigh is nicely toned...she's obviously a girl who believes in exercise, and regularly.

    She wrinkles her nose, then smiles. "Hmm, maybe questions that don't deal with the past for a bit. Favorite thing?" she wonders thoughfully, leaning in a bit.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Damn, bitch. Make a girl choose. You ask the hard questions don't you? Tie. Beer. Sex. Fighting," she decides. Then, as a thought hits her, she decides it's probably better to save the fact she has a war hammer given to her by the God of War for the second date.

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel pouts. "Hmmm...dancing. Sex. A challenge, for fighting." she returns, then grins. "Tied. Though good beer is great, just has to be worth the drink. Or really cold. Or I have to really be where I dont' care too much what I'm drinking by that point." she admits.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "That might be a good idea," murmurs Grace, as the ferris wheel finally reaches it's zenith, "Oh. Look," she says, without looking out, instead, looking at Rachel. "Gorgeous. Always liked the views from the skyline of the city." Then, she grins, sharply, and her hand reaches up to Rachel's shoulder, to push the girl into her, lightly, but forcibly, to kiss her.
    "No getting drunk, when I'm around."

Sublime has posed:
    There's a slow creak as the ferris wheel slows...then stops. Giving you a nice view over the park as the car sways back and forth slightly. Rachel smiles softly, glancing out. "Yes...it's pretty up here -" And then lets out a slightly suprised squeak as you pull her in, then mmmms, parting those full, sensuous lips as she kisses back lazily, nibbling softly. "Mmmmmmm...well, I'll have something else entirely to keep my attention, if you're around...' she murmurs, then leans in to kiss and nips gently against your jaw softly. She leans in closer, her full chest pressing to yours as she sighs a bit. "Mmmm..."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace accepts that second kiss, willingly, even after the ferris wheel kicks in again, until the next lurch. And, while she might be boasting a little for amusements sake, there's some truth to the matter when she maintains, "I -am- pretty good at keeping people's attention. Happens, when you're usually the biggest person in the room. You should see me clean up at bars. Chumps, mostly guys, think they can beat me in arm wrestling. Their fault. They see me, they think they gotta cockstrut like fucking roosters. It's hilarious."

Sublime has posed:
    Ahhh, poor boys and their fragile delicate ego." she says cheerfully. "I'd like to see that sometime..." She slits her eyes. "Mm, maybe I'll even goad them on...tell them I'll go home with the winner." She grins impishly, then tilts her head, leaning in for a longer, soft kiss, parting her lips against yours. "Mmmmmm...."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "See." Grace grins, wide, "-Now- you're using your brain. We're -definitely- doing that," she agrees. "Give you half. Just because it'll be too damn fun to not do it." Something a heroine, certainly, would never approve of. "So, seems like we've got a second date planned, already, yeah?"

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel grins a bit at you as she settles back, her butt on your thighs as she tilts her head. "Mmmm...defintely a second date..." she says thoughfuly, her eyes twinkling a bit. "Maybe dinner afterwards with the winnings...or just..straight home." she murmurs playfully.

    Her fingers slide up, gently stroking over your firm midriff.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Maybe," agrees Grace, encouragingly. It's a moment before she realizes that they are, in fact, at the place where they're supposed to get out. The ride is over. Casually, she picks up Rachel, sets her on her feet, and swats her butt, playfully. "Depends on how good of a girl you are, until then," she counters back.

Sublime has posed:
    That draws another little squeak from her, but you can tell she's playing now, especially given how much she sway her hips as she almost sashays out, stepping down to the ground. "Why would I want to be good?" she purrs over her shoulder, stepping back as you step down with her.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Good question," conceeds Grace, "As I rarely am." She laughs, a little. "Come on. Let's go see if they can guess your weight," she points to the barker, "Maybe make yourself twice as dense?" She looks positively amused. "This'll be hilarious, to see his reaction. Then, I can head over to the hammer game."

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel grins. "Ooh, that sound slike fun!" she agreed, hugging your arm again as she heads over to do just that. "How many cupie dolls d'ya think we can get out of it before they figure something's up?" she says thoughfully.

Grace Choi has posed:
    And so it goes. Between Grace's strength, and Rachel's ability to phase and increase density, the girls will a rather substantial amount of stuffed animals, and cupie dolls. And, on their way out, after the good time, Grace is handing out all the ones she's carrying to various kids who are also leaving, but either look sad because they haven't won anything or because they're just too sleepy. All, save one. Which she hands over to Rachel. It's a silly little stuffed white rabbit, with a tuxedo and a top hat, and the letter 'Z' imprinted on the 'belt'. No doubt some very, very cheap, and very obscure Zatanna knock off. "Here. This one's for you. Gotta save the best for last, right?"

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel hasn't seemed to mind giving them away...it's not like they're worth much or she really did much to earn them, after all! But her eyes do light up as she takes the bunny and hugs it comfortably. "Awww...adorable. Thank you." She rises up on her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on your lips, before she slides her arms around you to give you a firm hug.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Call me. Or, I'll call you, yeah? Had a good time tonight." As brazen as Rachel might've heard Grace can be about sex, for whatever reason she seems to be taking things slower than Rachel might've gotten the impression from from a few of Grace's friends, or regulars at Chaney's in general. She kisses the blonde back, gently, and then steps away from her. "Don't be a stranger, yeah?"

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel doesn't seem hugely upset..after all...they'll be a second date. And this is no longer just a gratitude hookup for a one night stand. She's finding she's really enjoying getting to know the brawny bouncer. Her head tilts up, nipping, then steps back, smiling a little softly. "Sure. I'll wait by the phone...." she murmurs playfully, clasping her hands behind her back. "And maybe next time...you can pick me up, so I can see this ride of yours."