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Latest revision as of 20:41, 29 October 2017

Apres Paris, La Vie Continue
Date of Scene: 21 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Boom-Boom, Moonstar

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Classes have started at Xavier's school, this is both a blessing and a curse for some of the students. For some it's their senior year, something exciting but bittersweet, for others it's just a another boring grind of classes and books and teachers. A few students may even think the mundane business of classes are a good thing - a connection to normality that a trip to Mojoworld and Limbo do not represent in the least.

    It's lunchtime, and in the cafeteria, the blonde Tabitha Smith goes looking for her friend Dani Moonstar, a tray in her hands. "Hey, chief! I need to talk to you. Got a minute or thirty?"

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins from her table, halfway through lunch, "Sure Tabbycat, just recovering from portal lag. For some reason Brightwind isn't considered a carry-on." She looks pretty refreshed, considering the chaos of the wedding itself... though, rumors are that she had some downtime in Paris away from the other students. She then says, "How's Lexi doing? I haven't really had a chance to talk to her since everything happened."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tab sits down, then. "She's in the infirmary. Jean sent her there until she's better. Lotsa wounds and stuff. I guess she doesn't really heal quickly, jus' her body seals itself up and holds together real well." there's concern in her face, talking about that. "She'll be fine, though." She picks up her fork but doesn't eat any of the meatloaf or mashed potatoes on her plate, not yet. "She's kinda what I need to talk about... well, her and Cyke."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani wrinkles her nose, "What'd Mister Summers do?" She still looks smarting a bit from the fact that Cyclops wouldn't let her take Gambit to his reward for dying in battle. Sure, fighting and partying eternal might not have been the ideal afterlife, but hey, Rogue could surely get visitation rights then, huh? She then looks over at Tabby, waiting a bit for her clarification.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Nothin'." Tab says, looking around and then lowering her voice as she leans in. "He didn't do nothin' at the fight. You were makin' the call. If you hadn't been there nobody would have given any orders and we would've all gotten killed." She shrugs. "So I went and told him so." There's a shrug. "He didn't yell back or anythin'... he was just cold and numb. It was... he might be broken. Grey was there too, she made him cry." and she thoughtfully scoops up a bit of fluffy garlic mashed. "I don't know. Maybe the X-Men aren't so great after all?"

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani looks over at Tabby, and sighs, "Yeah... well, if they aren't gonna lead, someone has to be in charge. I might need to talk to the other Mr. Summers about this. It's a problem." She shakes her head, "No one could anticipate what happened, but we could have been better ready once it did."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "That's kinds what I said. I mean, I understand he was upset at G being stabbed and all, but he was the senior leader there and there were newbs there that had like been in the DR like twice. He shoulda withdrew a little and field general'd us rather than..." and Tab sighs too. "Whatevs. They won't listen to me because I'm not on their stupid big-girl team. Maybe I'm just mad that Lexi got hurt savin' my ass? Dunno."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani hmms, "Probably a bit of both, honestly. This is two for two on being not that impressive." She sighs and shakes her head a bit, looking at Tabitha, "It just seems like maybe we need to be graduating sooner rather than later, you know?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Sometimes I think they don't care that much about us. Like we're not so much people as soldiers or somethin'. Pieces on a board to sacrifice." Tabitha ponders quietly, thoughtfully looking into the middle distance. She shakes her head and comes back to herself. "I dunno. Sucks, though. You know what else sucks?" and she looks levelly at Dani. "That wench Yana Whatshername. The stuck up rich bitch."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani eyes Tabitha, "What happened now?" She tilts her head a bit over at Tabby, "And here I thought you were getting along pretty well..." Either she's being sarcastic or diplomatic. Or possibly both. Hard to say.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Well, first... she needs to take the stick outta her ass." Tabitha says, a flash of anger in her eyes. She's building up a head of steam. "But she needs to stop thinkin' she knows best and that she's in charge. She's a newb too and needs to remember that." She stabs her fork into the meatloaf on her plate. "... and she needs to stop makin' moves on Lexi!" she hisses. "Do you know what she did? Do you know what I heard she did?"

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani... blinks, "Um, I'm pretty sure she doesn't, Tabby. She's... well, she thinks you and Lexi are really adorable together." Normally she wouldn't spill that, but considering how wound up Boomer is, might be better that way. "I think Yana just needs to relax a bit. She reminds me a bit of me, back when I first got here. I'll try to find time to have a word with her."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"She's a liar, Dani. I..." another stab. "... I heard she kissed Lexi. I heard she was all handsy with Lex too, like huggin' her and stuff." she says, her eyes blazing. "I heard she talked Lexi into takin' off her top." she leaves her fork sticking straight up in the meatloaf. "I TOLD people, but they didn't believe me. I _told_ you."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani looks really surprised at that, "Have you actually talked to Lexi about this?" She tilts her head, "That seems... pretty odd, Tabby. Was this after you two started going out?" She sounds a touch surprised, and a little confused by this.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boomer nods. "Yes! It was like yesterday. They went down to the Danger Room or somethin', supposedly to train, I guess. I heard it from a reliable source." She snatches up her carton of milk and tears it open to guzzle it down. "No." she says after a breath. "I haven't talked to Lex about it yet. Doesn't matter, though. I'm not mad at _her_. Not her fault. She jus' got talked into somethin'..."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani looks wryly at Boomer, "/Tabby/... okay, admittedly I'm new at the whole relationship thing, but, before you go exploding at every rumor, you gotta talk to Lexi. Hell, maybe Yana was asking to see her scar or something and it got exaggerated. But I'm pretty sure Yana knows that you and Lexi are a thing, and last I checked, she respected that. So before you engage in a battle to the death... talk to Lexi first?" She sounds a little too grown-up at that, but... well, after Paris, someone has to, right?

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Alright." Tab says, a little calmer now that she's blown her top and released a little steam. "I'll talk to her, but... but I guess I jus' want that witch to remember what's what and who is who 'round here. She may be a big shot in Russia or wherever, but here she's jus' a kid who has to earn a place, to earn trust. But she can't go behind people's backs on stupid stuff, sneak around and try to wriggle her way in. I mean... I might have... if she had just asked me, maybe I woulda... I might have let her... whatever." and she sighs finally. "I think she jus' doesn't like me. Maybe the feeling's mutal? I don't know if it's jus' that we don't mesh or if she is tryin' to get on my bad side on purpose." But then, most sides of Boom-Boom are bad sides.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins, "Hey, sometimes it just takes a while to get used to a person. I mean, hell, think of how much we all clashed when we first got here. It just takes time. You might not ever like each other, but you might learn to respect each other." She gives Tabby a wry look, "And that's my fortune cookie wisdom for today. Anything more you owe me Chinese food in exchange." With that she winks.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha can't help but quirk a grin at that. "Deal." she looks down at her ravaged meal, getting cold and still waiting. It's a forlorn mess now. "You made me hungry for fortune cookies now, or those little almond things on buffets." She collects a forkful of potatoes to put in her mouth. "Maybe we can go into town sometime and I'll treat?" and she grins. "Anyway, thanks. I promise not to blow her up and try to hide the pieces somewhere." she vows. "... even if I really wanna." she mutters under her breath.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani nods, "I bet it's something someone exaggerated just because they thought it would sound salacious, Tabs. Hell, you know how many idiots I've nearly punched just because Rahne and I have that bond and they think..." She makes a face, then sighs, "Anyway, my best advice is ignore the rumor mill. You're only gonna make it worse. Just talk to Lexi, I'll talk to Yana, and we'll make sure everything is cool. Because I know it is." She smiles, "And Chinese tonight sounds great, Tabby. Seems like a nice way to finish off the first day of being back at classes."