223/Bug Bites

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Bug Bites
Date of Scene: 30 April 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 185, Sarah Osborn

Lorien (185) has posed:
The rumors were true: There were "deep webs" here.

At the edge of the LexCorp industrial site, past the main building and parking lot, at the back where the dumpsters are located, are a collection of massive spiderwebs, tucked out of the way, almost where you wouldn't see them. Outside of the glance of security systems. Outside of the main walkpaths, where stacks of old metal cladding and beams wait for recycling, where empty metal storage trailers are lined up, waiting for their next fill.

The webs glisten, gossamer and bone-white, but their threads are thick as a human thumb. What's more, they contain large webbed up masses: rat size. Bird size. Slightly large, perhaps a stray dog. The prey is aleady dead, shrivelled skin over bones, so much as it can be seen through the bands. It looks like there's a spider here - one of monstrous size.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Rumors are something Sarah gathers, a lot of times they are wrong, but when they involve things tht sound unnatural, she often checks them out. Oc course, Sarah can not be seen breaking into a Lexcorp facility...so it is on with the goblin gear. Goblin-girl can be seen here...it may raise alarms, but at least Sarah will not be in trouble unless she gets caught. She sneaks into the facility, starting by hacking security and placing a backdoor she can access wuth her cell phone. She does not think she has been detected yet as she finally catches sight of the spider webs. This she definately needs to check out.

Lorien (185) has posed:
Upon closer examination, and with some handling, the inner webs will reveal themselves to be quite sticky. The support strands are thicker, like rope, and have a remarkable tensile strength. It's as if the webs were made of cabled steel rather than the billowy material they appear to be composed of.

As Goblin Girl gets closer, one of the storage containers suddenly creaks, weight shifting. What looks like a human figure up above tries to duck out of sight.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Silk is, pound for pound, one of the strongest material on the planet...far stronger than steel as far as tensile strength goes. The anchor threads appear to be made of multiple strands of this silk woven together. Not something a normal spider would do. Sarah catches a glimps of a humanoid body and pulls out her spring gun. She slots a clip of standard steel darts, hopefully she does not need anything more exotic.

Lorien (185) has posed:
"I'd go home if I were you. This isn't a playground."

The voice is calm, cool, a male tenor. Doesn't sound like Spider-Man, however. Something or someone jumps off the top of one of the storage trailers, and lands on the ground a short distance away from Goblin Girl, a flutter of white cloth catching the wind before dropping to the dirt, the tails of a trench coat.

Four long arachnid limbs, smooth and thin like that of an orb weaver, fold themselves behind him, the knees rising up over his shoulders by at least three feet. His eyes shine beneath his bangs, casting a golden hue on his cheeks. His mouth is neutral. His body poster is alert but not aggressive.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl says, "One does not play games in Bludhaven dressed like this." She key the auric scanner, checking to see if this thing is some kine of demon. It will also spot if it is a cyborg, robot,or a lot of other things of the sort. The eyes of her mask are now glowing yellow (but she has limits on not being able to see things that were never alive).

Lorien (185) has posed:
"You smell young. That's why I saw fit to warn you." That's probably unsettling. It's also full of information.

So much as it's possible to tell, he has no magical aura; he does appear to be equal parts organic and metallic. He's well shielded internally, especially around the skull, from all types of energy, even potentially psionic energy. His body is more dense than flesh, and is cooler than human normal, despite being composed at least partially of human tissue.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"I am young, so are my friends, but we hunt the monsters who haunt this region. Our leader is called the Slayer...I am Goblin-girl and if you are a threat I WILL stop you," replies Sarah confidently. Well OK, she at least is trying to sound confident. She has not had many solo fights yet.

Lorien (185) has posed:
"I am indeed a monster, but I pose no threat to you, Goblin Girl. My name is Lorien ... I too, hunt monsters... but the monster I'm looking for is entirely human," the spider explains.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"The first rule of hunting: Not all monsters are threats. If a monster is ot a threat it is often best to leave it be to help maintain the paranormal ecology," says Sarah. She adds, "I note that you are a cyborg. And yes, many of the worst monsters are human."

Lorien (185) has posed:
"Cyborg is a crude way of putting it. I believe I was described as techno-organic," Lorien explains. He steps closer, spreading his hands to show that he has no weapons, and is not a threat. "And paranormal is... not exactly how I would describe myself either. I'm an unfortunate birth."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
"True...you do not seem to have any trace of ectenic energy. You are not Paranormal in the sense a Vampire would be. Certainly not NATURAL, in that I doubt this is the way you were intended to be by any natural force," Sarah says. "Now tell me about this human monster you are seeking."

Lorien (185) has posed:
"His name is Doctor Weston Fine, and he's responsible for the deaths of dozens, even hundreds, and if his research is continued, it will grow into the millions," Lorien explains. "All I have is his name and the memory of his face. It's not much to go on, I know, but I -will- find him."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah pulls out her cell phone, "Well, we can start with an internet search." Weston Fine is an unusual name, there are not likely to be too many mentioned. He probably has either been published, or at least mentioned, in the fields he studies.

Lorien (185) has posed:
Lorien looks curiously at the device in Sarah's hands. He walks over closer to try to see it. "What is an internet?" he asks.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah explains, "This is a cell phone, a small portable two-way radio device that connects to a tranmission tower with a connection grid. A towe can link together thousands of active calls, and can also link to computers. This type of phone has some computer fubctions, and so can access the computer network functions. The linked computer network is called the Internet."

Lorien (185) has posed:
Lorien is somewhat embarassed by his lack of knowledge. "I see. So there are computers linked together elsewhere than Helion," he murmurs. "I remember seeing these devices in the hands of the researchers. I myself never had contact with them. It was not allowed."

The search for Weston Fine turns up several names; a dentist, a middleschool principle, a heating and cooling technician. None of them seem to be researchers, though there is a link to an old news article from ten years ago that has his name in it.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah checks out the older article, quite possibly Fine is currently underground...older stuff may be the place to start.

Lorien (185) has posed:
The article mentions Helion Genetics Lab being shuttered permanently and the compound sealed due to a 'dangerous radiation leak' that could be contained by the facility's walls. Weston Fine is listed as the owner of the lab, and the sole survivor of the incident.

Lorien now stands behind Sarah so he, too, can look at the screen. Almost like an overgrown kid. So much for all the spoopy monsteriness. "That! That there!" he points at the phone, right over Goblin Girl's shoulder. "That's the lab!" Hopefully he didn't just tap the screen with his finger. He's uh... he's really helpful, isn't he?

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Fortnately Sarah has quick reflexes, she pulld the phone awat from the inquiring touch and comments, "It says the site is closed up. Possibly we should look there. Better bring a Geiger at least though, in case the radiation is not all a bluff... I will need to check the place out, in case there are more troubles there."

Lorien (185) has posed:
"No!" Lorien's reaction is harsh, immediate. Realizing he might have made an error he softens his tone as he repeats it. "No. You will not go to Helion. I will tell you right now that there was never a radiation leak. The reason the compound was sealed... was because of me."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Perhaps you should not go, but I may need to. If we seriously want to find this Dr. Fine, the clues to do so are likely there."

Lorien (185) has posed:
"I searched for years. There's nothing left in there. Nothing but corpses and decay," Lorien explains. "I doubt the machines even work anymore. The power went out months after the building was sealed." He's getting somewhat defensive about this, as his arms go to his sides and his hands curl into fists.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "You could be right, but there are a lot of clues to be found in old broken machines...if you know how to look." Sarah might also find use for the parts...but first things first.

Lorien (185) has posed:
Lorien's extra legs unfold. "No. Strip that thought from your mind. If you trespass into Helion, I /will/ kill you." He takes a step back, beginning to consider that this was a mistake. He's not sure how to do this now, how to search for information and find Dr. Fine without having others prod too much into the compound.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah frowns behind her goblin mask, "Try to be less hostile, I am trying to help you here. Why do you want others kept away from the compound? Is it dangerous?" She can start by researching the holding company though...if she must. Find out more about Fine's life from records...there are a number of other paths to follow.

Lorien (185) has posed:
"... It's where my loved ones are laid to rest," Lorien begrudgingly admits, turning away, taking a step to distance himself from Sarah a little more. "I would not have their bodies disturbed. Their remains are all I have left in this life."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Forensics is the most important part of many investigations. Sometime the only way a crime can be solved is by examination of the dead. I am willing to try to confine myself to investidating the machines if possible, but it may be the only place to find answers."

Lorien (185) has posed:
"... You press me. This conversation is over." Defensiveness has now been maxed out, and Lorien wants no such investigations done. Fearing that she might have the ability to call others in to ransack the mass grave, he leaps upwards - and travelling a full twenty feet into the air, lands atop the storage trailers. He bolts for the city, travelling in a very spider-man fasion, combining web strands and long jumps to attempt to outrun Goblin Girl, should she choose to follow. Unfortunately for Lorien, she has the address of Helion. She can go there even if he doesn't want her to.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
While Goblin-girl manages to keep up with the jumps, she does not have any webbing of her own. Eventually she loses the Cyborg Spider. Well she has a lot of investigation to do. She will leave the site until last...